10 Hardest Achievements in Red Dead Redemption 2

10 Hardest Achievements in Red Dead Redemption 2


  • Red Dead Redemption 2 offers an expansive world with countless quests and collectibles for players.

  • Achieving trophies like "Artificial Intelligence" and "Collector's Item" require patience and effort.

  • Completing quests like "Pay Respects" and "Best in the West" require thorough exploration and skill.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a phenomenal game for its story, the expansiveness of its world, and the sheer quantity of content there is for players to explore. There are Enough quests and collectibles in the game to keep players busy for hundreds of hours. That's without even getting into the online mode, which provides even more adventure.

Like many games, Red Dead Redemption 2 has a series of achievements, or "trophies," that players can unlock by accomplishing certain things in the game. And while Some of the trophies are quite simple, others involve hours of work and patience to acquire. Trophy hunters looking to fully complete their playthrough of Red Dead Redemption 2 Will have their hands full with the ten achievements.



Artificial Intelligence explores the dangers of unethical science

A living robot on the loose

The breakthrough "artificial intelligence" Can only be unlocked after players complete the quest line with a certain side characterA scientist named Marko Dragic. This man was inspired by the real-world inventor Nikola Tesla, as well as the fictional Dr. Frankenstein in Mary Shelley's novel, and this inspiration can be seen in the tasks he requires of the player. He can first be found in St. .Dennis, try out a small submarine device that the player can help with.

The man was inspired by real-world inventor Nikola Tesla, as well as the fictional Dr. Frankenstein in Mary Shelley's novel.

Then, a quest marker points players to his laboratory in the hills, where he works to bring a robotic being to life. The player can help with the experiment, although it ultimately failsAnd this is supposed to be the end of the quest. However, returning a few days later will reveal that the robot is gone and Dragic is dead. To see this achievement players the achievement, although it eludes many people, because the final step of finding Dragic's body has no search marker or indication that it is necessary.


Collector's item deals with the tedium of getting a complete set

Keep a sharp eye for things

There are four branches of collectibles that can qualify for this achievement when purchased in their entirety. These are Cigarette cards, dinosaur bones, stone carvings and "exotic items." Each and every one of these collectible sets will require players to venture around the map, keeping an eye out for small and easy-to-miss items to collect and catalog.

Completing the stone carving set is considered the easiest since there are only ten of them in the game, and each can be found by just exploring. The dinosaur bones are harder, with thirty in all, and The cigarette cards are a nightmare, with 144 total that appear at random and require a lot of luck to find. These exotic items are part of a larger quest involving an NPC named Algernon Wasp, who can't even be met until after the start of Chapter 4, and they require a lot of work to collect regardless.


luckily, Players only need to complete one set of these items to get the trophy. However, each of them is required to be completed in order to get another trophy on the way. These may not take much skill to find, but they are certainly a test of the player's patience.


Paying Respects puts a tragic twist on a classic quest

In a total of nine graves to visit

Many quests and achievements in RDR2 Require the player to seek out and interact with certain things in the world, however No achievement is as bittersweet to complete as "paying respects". This achievement requires players to find and confirm the graves of all gang members who died before and during the game's story, including Arthur Morgan, the original protagonist.


There are nine total sites to visit, and it It's worth noting that many aren't available until later in the game (such as Arthur's, for example). It is also worth noting that some gang members, such as Molly, have no graves and do not count towards this quest. Finally, characters like Jenny and Davey who die before the start of the game itself can be easy to forget, but visiting their serious sites is also necessary.


Bountiful is not as rewarding as its name implies

Survive bounty hunters and the law

The bounty this achievement refers to isn't one the player can find to support the band; Rather, it is a price put on their own head. Specifically, a bounty of at least 250 dollars players build up in each of the game's states simultaneously. Not only that, but The player must survive for three in-game days with this bounty in order to unlock the achievement.

The difficulty in acquiring this trophy proves that crime, in fact, does not pay.

Crime and bounties are core parts of RDR2 For any self-respecting gangster, however Achieving such a price in so many places all at once will almost certainly require conscious effort. Not only that, but surviving with bounty hunters and the law after the player is no easy feat. The difficulty in acquiring this trophy proves that crime, in fact, does not pay.


Zoology requires no small amount of patience, skill and observation

Be prepared to put in a lot of real time hours

The "zoologist" trophy and the next one listed go hand in hand, with both regarding the animals found throughout the game. This achievement requires players to search and catalog each of the game's animals in their journal. This takes quite some time and a degree of luck, with animal spawns being partly RNG-based.

For nature lovers, the "zoologist" trophy can be a little relaxing, at least.

The task will require traveling across the map, real-time hours to scan forests and plains for critters, and a quick hand to write their description in the player's notebook. This, and the following achievement, are the most time-consuming ones so far. However, for nature lovers, the "zoologist" trophy can be a little relaxing, at least.


Skin Deep asks players to go a little deeper into their animal studies

Kill and skin every kind of animal

The same cannot be said for "skin deep." Of the two achievements related to finding each animal, "Zoologist" is easier for the reason that it only requires players to find and document their prey. "Skin Deep" also requires that they kill and skin each kind of animal at least onceMeaning players will also be skilled hunters.

Fortunately, the quality of the pets do not matter for this achievement. Also, luckily, The beasts of Guarma and the legendary beasts do not count towards achieving this achievement. For these reasons, the challenge never becomes impossible in a playthrough. Still, it takes some time and a good aim for players to acquire.


The art has the perfect in-game reward for committed players

A three phase achievements with a lot of rules

On the same trajectory as "Skin Deep," this achievement requires players to hunt and kill certain prey animals. especially, Small ones that are requested on posters, and the felt on the animals need to be perfect for them to count. Getting perfect shots on small animals is already difficult, but they are not guaranteed to be perfect every time, even with a perfect shot, and many of the required animals are fairly rare.

But this is not the end. The next part of getting the trophy happens after finishing the game as Arthur and went to meet with a woman named Ms. Hobbs as John. She will give players a squirrel statue, one dressed as John and holding a revolver. Players can choose to put this on their coat in Beecher's Hope. However, this is not the end of the achievement.

After putting the statue down, Players must leave their homes for a few days and then return to find the squirrel missing. It will return somewhere in the home. This will happen five times, until the statue will appear on the top of Mount Shan, where it can be removed one last time for the trophy. There are no quest markers for any of this, and since the achievement is secret, there is no guidance as to what players should do. But that weird little squirrel statue makes it all worth it, in the end.


Best in the West requires most of the other achievements

And some more

The "Best in the West" achievement requires players to achieve 100% completion in a save file in their game, which requires a lot of work. Thankfully, the description is a bit misleading, and Players do not need to do everything in the game to get this trophy. Just almost everything. There is a large checklist of stuff that must be completed for players to get this trophy, from quests to collectibles to even certain player stats.

In terms of quests, players must complete each story quest, at least ten alien missions, Experience at least 25 random encounters and one gang ambush, and clear every rival gang hideout. The requirements for collectibles are a little strange; Players must find all the graves of gang members, at least one full set of cigarette cards, every legendary fish and animal, find every dinosaur bone. Stone carving, dreamcatcher and exotic items, complete one treasure hunt and find only one point of interest.


That's not all. Players must too Document at least 50 animal species and ten fish species, 10 equipment items and find 20 plants, get 48 weapons and meet every rival gang. Then, they must maximize all their stats and their horse's relationship and complete every in-game challenge in the player menu. There are also about a dozen other things to do, from bathing to watching a game, that are scattered throughout the game. In terms of the amount of hard work one must put in, the achievement wins by a long shot.


Smile and bear it is ridiculous in its difficulty

Find, survive and kill all eighteen bears

While 2% of players achieved 100% completion in the game, only 1% unlocked "Green and Bear It." Why? Because The trophy poses an almost impossible challenge, not only because of its difficulty but because of the luck required just to get the challenge into motion.. This achievement requires players to encounter eighteen bears, not only surviving each encounter but killing the bear each time. That, and the encounters must be completed consecutively, meaning that one death requires players to start over.

Bears are some of, if not the most, deadly animals in the game, and taking one down while staying alive is no easy feat. To do this an arbitrary eighteen times in a row is very difficult. Not only that, but bears don't show up that often; Most players probably won't see more than ten in a playthrough. Seeking them out and winning repeatedly is an exercise in frustration that no one would envy.


Gold Rush demands near-perfection from players throughout the story

Completing mission no damage is the minimal requirement

"Best in the West" takes time, and "green and bear it" takes luck, but no achievement requires more skill than "gold rush." This trophy requires players to get gold medals in 70 story missions. If that sounds like a lot, that's because it is. Gold medals are awarded to players who complete quests with near perfection, take little to no damage and hardly if ever miss their shots, all while meeting a series of requirements unique to each quest.


These challenges are designed to be frustrating and push players to the limit, especially since players can't wait until they have endgame stats to replay them. Replaying missions sets player stats and equipment back a bit, meaning there's no easy way to complete the achievement; Players simply have to be perfect in the game. There's a reason for that Less than 1% of players have ever earned this trophy Red Dead Redemption 2.

Source: Brother Fowler/YouTube , GCROCK/YouTube , MRMICHAELMUS / YouTube