From the beginning, the DC Comics Universe has relied not only on his trinity of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, but countless other heroes, team-ups, crossovers and events. But among the massive team-based books and solo adventures, there lies the real hidden gem: a two-way partnership or dynamic duo, allowing for anything from romance, to political differences, to stories that changed the medium.
DC's heroic partnerships cover a lot of ground, some are more volatile, while others are simply healthy. The company continues to experiment with team-ups, as seen in comic book series like The Brave and the Bold, a title dedicated to unusual and enjoyable partnerships. From best friends who fight crime together, to husband and wife teams against the forces of evil, These are the best, brightest, and most iconic team-ups in DC history.
Constantine & Swamp Thing, DC's two biggest losers
First sharing a story in the pages of swamp thing #37, John Constantine and Alec Holland's iteration of the Swamp Thing formed an imperfect but effective team from the jump. Both characters share a streak of self-pity and solitude that, ultimately, made them a great pairing, even if it wasn't always a friendly one.
The relationship between Swamp Thing and Constantine is arguably the most contentious friendship in DC, but their partnership has saved the world of magic more than once. Quite often, the dark mage is the only one who can convince the avatar of the green to help humanity, and their shared stories delve into the heart of horror and the occult.
Hawkman & Atom, the league's biggest and smallest
Of all the partnerships in comics, Hawkman and Atom make one of the strangest ones. On the surface, the pair's powers are not particularly complimentary, with one often depicted as an aggressive warrior to the other's scientific adventurer. Beneath the surface, however, their alter egos, Ray Palmer and Carter Hall, are both intelligent adventurers with scientific minds, and their shared stories often have their strength.
Hawkman and Atom first formed their partnership during the Silver Age, facing off against threats like Gentleman Ghost and Shadow Deep. The heroic partnership are at their best when delving into cosmic adventure or mythological fantasy, with their combined minds and powers making them a key team for DC's sci-fi side. For a good look at how well they work together, Robert Venditti and Bryan Hitch's series is a great place to start.
Green Lantern and the Flash, a multi-generational legacy
Green Lantern and Flash are among DC's oldest mantles, so it only makes sense that there would be a shared history between them. These two heroes also led the way for the Silver Age, with Barry Allen and Hal Jordan's creation signaling a move towards younger, science fiction-themed heroes that branded the DCU. Both co-founders of the JLA, their story runs deeper than most, and stories like Mark Waid, Tom Peyer and Barry Kitson's The brave and the bold Miniseries.
The Green Lantern and Flash mantles share an impressive overlap, with each character historically passing the torch within just a few years of one another, allowing for fresh friendships between them. Forming one of the closest friendships in comics, the combination of heavy light constructions with super speed has made for a particularly formidable partnership.
Batman and Robin, the dynamic duo
First working together in the pages of Detective Comics #38, Batman and Robin have been the standard bearers of the superhero/sidekick dynamic for decades. Bringing down threats like Joker, Riddler, Penguin and Poison Ivy, the pair made for one of the most iconic aspects of Golden Age comics. Robin not only worked as a great scout, spy and investigator alongside the Caped Crusader, he also allowed young readers to imagine themselves going along for the adventure.
Although Batman's relationship with his wards is typically imperfect and flawed, his original surrogate father dynamic with Dick Grayson remains one of his most wholesome traits. In recent years, Bruce has worked alongside his son, Damian Wayne, as the new mainstay Robin, although their relationship has been much more adversarial.
Hawk & Dove, the package deal
Best known for representing the political divide in the United States, Hawk and Dove form a dynamic team of heroes who, despite their differences, work together to fight criminals and super villains. The typical story focusing on the couple will explore how their different philosophical approaches to heroism clash, while also helping them learn the value of each other's opinion. Where Dove is a more restrained, diplomatic hero, Hawk is more aggressive, taking a might-make-rights position.
Hawk and Dove have managed to maintain a great relationship since their debut, due to the fact that they have slowly learned the value of different opinions. The heroes make a great analogy of real world debate, and the best writers have shown that both positions can have merit depending on the situation. Ultimately, they are a metaphor for unity despite difference.
Black Canary & Green Arrow, forever
Black Canary and Green Arrow first became a couple during Dennis O'Neill and Neal Adams Green Lantern Run, something DC built on in later Green Arrow stories. Both characters share a street-level rebellious history, often being on the outs with other superheroes due to being voices of opposition to some of the A-listers. They are often seen working together on Justice League, but their best stories see them patrolling the streets together.
Black Canary and Green Arrow make for one of DC's most treasured couples, while also forming a great street-level team of vigilantes. Romantically, they are more successful and healthy than Batman and Catwoman could ever be, and as a heroic partnership, they bring shared values and skills to the table.
Green Lantern and Green Arrow, hard traveling heroes
Green Lantern and Green Arrow became one of DC's greatest duos when Dennis O'Neill and Neal Adams paired them up for their "Hard-Traveling Heroes" era. The stories followed the friends as they tackled social injustice and neglect, taking on everything from bigotry to drug addiction. The typical story would see them meet a social ill, and debate the best way forward, with Hal often focusing on personal responsibility and following the law as Ollie was more compassionate. In the end, they would always come together to do the right thing.
Green Lantern and Green Arrow form the same dynamic of the world's finest in pairing a cosmic superhero with a street-level vigilante, even though their personalities are inverted. Where Batman is the stoic, by-the-book foil to Superman's hopeful hero, Green Lantern's status as a space-based lawman clashes with Green Arrow's progressivism. Although this is a source of tension in many of their stories, it also prevents each hero from a blind spot, with one often helping the other overcome their prejudices.
Booster Gold and Blue Beetle (aka Blue and Gold)
Despite having completely different histories, Buster Gold and Blue Beetle have become a fan-favorite friendship since their time on the Justice League team during the 1980s. Where one is a fame-seeking hero of the future seeking his fortune, the other is among the world's greatest inventors. Together, they form the "Blue & Gold" team, bonded by a shared love of capitalism, technology and adventure.
Buster Gold and Ted Kord form a goofy, healthy friendship and partnership, with their tech-based roots making them an excellent team. Together, the pair have a penchant for causing some of their worst problems, but they always come through in the end, with Cord bringing the hero into his entrepreneurial best friend.
Mister Miracle and Big Barda, DC's Strongest Marriage (Literally)
Jack Kirby's New Gods introduced readers to a race of powerful cosmic beings who, through their connection to the Source, developed abilities beyond any other species. Among these beings are Mister Miracle and Great Barda, two characters with a shared hatred for the cruelty of Apokolips, which both heroes experienced up close and personal.
Big Barda and Mister Miracle form a partnership on three key fronts: professionally, in their escapology act, romantically through marriage and in their duty as superheroes. In Barda, Scott Free has his biggest fan and champion, just as she has a brave husband who built a healthy life in suburbia, far from the horrors of Apokolips.
Batman and Superman, the world's finest
In the world of superhero comics, there are few partnerships as enduring, relevant and effective as the world's finest: Batman and Superman. While many readers may think of the Trinity as the premier DC partnership, the truth is that the Caped Crusader and Man of Steel enjoyed their best adventures as a duo. This is in large part due to how far back their bond goes, dating all the way to the 1950s.
Batman and Superman shared adventures through time, space and the dimensions of existence, facing off against demons, imps, gods and monsters. When it comes to finding the best, most effective and unbeatable team in comics, it's hard to find anything more iconic than the world's finest.