In 1981, Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell endeared themselves to generations of movie fans with their supernatural horror film, Supernatural. Evil DeadAnd The franchise has continued to terrify and excite fans in a variety of mediums, including several iconic comic book adventures. Ash's war with the Deadites has since been taken to epic proportions, with his story reaching its best potential in the comics.
Set in a remote cabin in the woods, the movie focuses on Ash Williams as he is forced to hack his way through his friends and loved ones when a dark force possesses them.
The Army of Darkness franchise has thrived in comics, proving to be one of the biggest success stories of adapting movies to sequential art, alongside the likes of Predator And Terminator. From long-awaited crossover stories to direct continuations of the films, Raimi's signature creations continue to deliver excellent stories. For horror buffs and comic fans, there are some Ash Williams comics that demand a look.
Marvel Zombies Vs. The Army of Darkness
Five Issue Miniseries - Written by John Layman; Art by Fabiano Neves; Released in 2007
When it comes to Marvel and DC, few worlds are as perfect a match for the saga of Ash Williams as that of Wonder zombies. in Wonder Zombies vs Army of DarknessWilliams is transported to the world of undead superheroes just as the outbreak begins—and his own actions only make things worse. Along with a small team of survivors, the hero seeks the help of Doctor Doom himself in setting things right again.
Wonder Zombies vs Army of Darkness Stands out as one of Ash's most intriguing crossovers, Delivering non-stop fan service as the S-Mart employee slashes his way through Marvel heroes and villains. The story is as much a Marvel one as it is a continuation of those Evil Dead franchise, teaming Ash with the likes of Dazzler and Doom standing against hordes of the undead.
Army of Darkness: Ash Saves Obama #1
One-Shot - written by Elliot R. Serrano; Art by Lucio Parillo; Released in 2009
Ash saves Obama Set the stage for his story when Ash Williams and Barack Obama attend a comic book convention on the same day. When the new president buys a piece of the Necronomicon and takes it back to the White House, it's down to Ash to go on the road and make it to DC to save Obama from the Deadites. As the powers of darkness descend on the commander-in-chief, Williams hacks his way through an undead political elite.
Ash saves Obama Takes Williams' reluctant heroism to the next levelSeeing him meet to save the head of state and democracy. Loaded with satire and humorous commentary, the mini-series showed readers that the deadly plague could threaten the very freedoms of the United States.
Army of Darkness: Ash in Space
Five issues arc - written by Cullen Bunn; Art by Larry Watts; Released in 2014-2015
In keeping with classic B-movie horror tradition, it was only a matter of time before these Army of Darkness Franchise went to the stars. In "Ash in Space," readers are shown Williams fighting for his life on the International Space Station, which the Deadites are eager to control. With the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, a space-suited Ash uses his trusted chainsaw to rid space of the undead.
"Ash in Space" brings the horror of deadites to the most extreme yet, with the space station serving as a key point of the plot. Took more films like Jason X, The miniseries reminds readers of how much fun and terror can be had in the vacuum of space, while showing how versatile a hero Ash can be..
Army of Darkness: Furious Road
Six Issue Miniseries - Written by Nancy A. Collins; Art by Kevber Bell; Released in 2016
The Army of Darkness Franchise has never had any problems with parodying pop culture and their take on it Mad Max is a witness to this. The story follows Ash as he and a group of survivors head out into the ruins of the old world to use the Necronomicon Ex Mortis to try to rid the world of its deadite infestation.
Angry way Makes for a fantastic post-apocalyptic action story, delivering readers "Old Man Ash" as he teams up with a band of survivors - including Frankenstein's monster and a werewolf. The mini-series blends parody and horror into one of Ash's greatest adventures to date, showing his acceptance of his fate as the chosen one.
Army of Darkness / Bubba Ho-Tep
Four Issue Miniseries - Written by Scott Duvall; Art by Vincenzo Federici; Released in 2019
After Ash Williams, few characters in Bruce Campbell's career are as iconic as Sebastian Haff, a retiree who claims to be the real Elvis Presley, insisting that he trades places with an impersonator. In the crossover between the two characters, Ash travels back in time to the 1970s in pursuit of the mummy, Bubba Ho-Tep. While there, he teams up with a younger Presley, and the two set out on an adventure to prevent their undead enemy from acquiring the Necronomicon Ho-Tep.
Army of Darkness / Bubba Ho-Tep is, as a series, an act of pure fan service to the readersUnites two icons of B-movie cinema in a quest to defeat the forces of evil. Culminating in a last stand at Graceland, the miniseries is a must-have for Bruce Campbell and horror fans alike.
Darkman vs. Army of Darkness
Four Issue Miniseries - Written by Kurt Busiek & Roger Stern; Art by Nick Bradshaw; Released in 2007
Darkman vs. Army of Darkness Pick up the story of Peyton Westlake, the burned-out scientist-turned-vigilante. When his search for a cure to his condition leads him to the Necronomicon, the antihero's attempts to interfere in the world of magic go horribly wrong - turning Julie into the Queen of Darkness. With a fresh horde of the undead on the loose, Westlake and Ash join forces - although the former refuses to allow his new ally to kill his beloved Julie, undead or not.
Darkman vs. Army of Darkness Unites two classic Sam Raimi stories in the best way possibleSend the duo on a mission to save the world. The story explores the different personalities of its protagonists and how they clash, while simultaneously raising the stakes for Ash to their highest yet.
Army of Darkness Vs. The re-animator
Four Issue Miniseries - Written by James Kuhoric; Art by Sanford Green & Nick Bradshaw; Released in 2005
Army of Darkness vs. The Re-Animator Follow Ash as he wakes up locked in Arkham Asylum, where he finds himself surrounded by the terrifying creations of Herbert West. With deadites and zombies alike, the one-armed hero makes his way to a mirror dimension where things only get worse - and the threat of full-blown Lovecraftian terror looms over the normal world.
Army of Darkness vs. The Re-Animator was one of the first Evil Dead Stories Dynamite released, and it immediately showed that Ash Williams was in safe hands with the publisher. Still cited as one of the company's best stories of the 2000s, The story is Ash vs. HP Lovecraft's world, and few stories have topped it since.
Vampirella/Army of Darkness
Four Issue Miniseries - Written by Mark Rahner; Art by Jethro Morales; Released in 2015
Vampirella/Army of Darkness Ash goes back to the medieval setting of the third movie, where he encounters Vampirella herself. After the scantily-clad vampire tries to eat Ash - and is revealed to be under monstrous influence - the pair team up to take on a plague of demons unleashed by evil monks.
Vampirella/Army of Darkness Stands out among the chainsaw-wielding hero's best partnershipsSomething that helped form the foundation of the Die! Namite Crossover story. With both Ash and Vampirella in a more primitive setting, the arrival of demons is much more terrifying - and the unpredictable nature of the vampire creates great tension between the heroes.
Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash
Six Issue Miniseries - Written by James Kuhoric; Art by Jason Craig; Released in 2007-2008
Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash Takes place five years after the events of Freddy vs. JasonThe final slash followed as he was manipulated by his former enemy into using the Necronomicon to bring him back. As the hockey mask-wearing villain murders several local teens, Ash's time at the Crystal Lake S-Mart leads him to suspect local Deadite activity. His investigation leads him into a stand-off with Voorhees, just as Freddy begins to regain his strength.
Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash actually marks the culmination of a series of Easter eggs that previously hinted at the co-existence of its characters In one universe. Here, readers get to see Ash Williams take on two of the biggest horror icons of all time, delivering a crossover fans have long wanted to see play out.
Army of Darkness Forever
Ongoing series - written by Tony Fleecs; Art by Various
When the Army of Darkness The movie was released, it has two different endings: the version where Ash makes it back to S-Mart, which served as the US And the version where Ash sleeps over, wakes up in the apocalypse. in Army of Darkness ForeverIt is revealed that the two endings coexist, with the real Ash being trapped in a high-tech dystopian wasteland as Bad Ash impersonates him in 1993.
Army of Darkness Forever Does a great job of making sense of the different endings of the movieWhen he finally explained the apocalyptic future in which he arrived, Ash arrived. Placing Evil Ash front and center, the series makes a great sequel to Raimi's classic, and is a brilliant place for new readers to start.
The third film in Sam Raimi's Evil Dead trilogy, Army of Darkness, is a horror comedy film that sees Bruce Campbell return to the role of Ash Williams. Sacked out of his timeline and thrown to 1300 AD, Ash is found and thrown into a pit after being believed to be a spy against King Arthur. After appearing and killing a supernatural deadite creature, Ash is released and told to return home; He must find the Necronomicon and dance with the dead again.