Garfield is a beloved comic strip that continues to stand the test of time Not just because of the widespread fame and recognizability of the titular orange cat, but because of all the characters that make up the Garfield Franchise. While Garfield is the obvious standout, the likes of Jon and Odie are also great reasons to read the comic strip, especially Odie, who may have been hiding a secret all along.
Odie was introduced as Lyman's dog when he briefly moved in with Jon, but after Lyman's mysterious disappearance (don't look in Jon's basement), Odie became Jon's dog - much to Garfield's dismay. Since then, Garfield has consistently bullied Odie, and the seemingly dark-witted dog fell for all of Garfield's cruel pranks. However, in A crop of comics published in September 1984It's one that indicates that Odi isn't 'status-savvy' at all, but is secretly smart - and that's far from the only noteworthy pass in the bunch. Of them all, these are the 10 funniest Garfield Comics that just turned 40!
Garfield is not the non-judgmental confidant Jon was hoping for
Garfield - September 12, 1984
Jon sat in his chair with Garfield curled up behind his head, and he's saying to himself how grateful he is that he has pets to trust in, as they never pass judgment. Jon then admits that he got a speeding ticket, and when Garfield overhears this, he smacks Jon in the back of the head.Call him stupid. Clearly, Garfield isn't the non-judgmental confidante Jon was hoping for a pet - but perhaps he's something better.
In other words, Garfield was being a true friend by calling Jon stupid for speeding.
Garfield wasn't just going to let Jon think it was okay that he was speeding, because it was a dangerous thing to do that (worst case) could have cost him his life. In other words, Garfield was being a true friend by calling Jon stupid for speeding. So, while he may not be non-judgmental, Garfield is still a great companion for Jon.
Garfield suffers the literal consequences of an age-old adage
Garfield - September 14, 1984
Garfield decided that he would open his own box of cat food rather than wait for Jon to do so, muttering the age-old adage, "There is more than one way to skin a cat"As he does so. But then, the electric cane opener goes haywire, and Garfield gets caught in the spinning blades' grip. Garfield literally gets 'skinned' (rather than shaved)Before he said to himself, "Like prophecy".
When Garfield said "There is more than one way to skin a cat", he talked about how there is more than one way to get food. Usually he waits for Jon, but another way is to just get it himself. Unfortunately, Garfield suffers the very literal consequences of that age-old adage In the most hilarious way possible.
Garfield adds another reason to why he needs to lose weight
Garfield - September 17, 1984
While Jon sits in his chair, Garfield approaches him with the intention of curling up on his lap. When Garfield jumps onto the chair, he does not make it past the arm rest. The fat orange cat clung to the chair, but his weight proved too much for the arm rest to take, and she leaned back, prompting Jon to tell Garfield he needed to go on a diet.
Not only was Garfield too out of shape to completely jump up onto the chairBut his weight literally broke the arm rest when he tried to climb it. Jon has threatened to put Garfield on a diet many times throughout the comic strip, and now, another reason has been added to the list with this utterly pathetic and inadvertently destructive display.
Jon pries too far into Garfield's personal life, and suffers the consequences
Garfield - September 23, 1984
One morning, Jon decides to wake up Garfield, which is a dangerous job in and of itself. Then, Jon pushes his luck even further by asking Garfield about all of his belongings that he keeps in his cat bed. So, Garfield shows him. one by one, Garfield explains all the little treasures he's collected over the yearsUntil he finally comes to the end, a "Bean-filled whack-bunk", which he just demonstrates the use of Jon himself by hooking him in the back of the head.
Garfield was no longer in the best mood after Jon woke him For seemingly no reason, so when Jon began to look into Garfield's personal life, the orange cat happily showed him what a huge mistake he had just made.
Garfield finally finds a Monday he likes
Garfield - September 24, 1984
When Garfield wakes up and notices that it's Monday, readers may have assumed that the comic was going to be another 'Garfield loses gag'. However, Garfield points out that it is raining, that he has his favorite food to himself, and a song he loves is playing on the radio. in other words, Garfield is having a very pleasant day, despite the fact that it is Monday.
Garfield famously hates Mondays (and Mondays don't like him either), so it's a rare occasion, indeed, when Garfield actually finds a Monday he likes—and the comic strips deliver just that.
Garfield won't stand for Jon's lies when it comes to his food
Garfield - September 29, 1984
It is a known fact that Garfield's favorite food is lasagnaBut throughout his comic strip, Garfield is constantly eating regular cat food. It's hard to imagine that anyone who loves a dish like lasagna (and much more 'human food' than that) could stomach regular cat food on a daily basis. Well, it turns out, Garfield can't, and he tries to make his point to Jon by forcing him to eat the cat food and see how much he likes it.
Jon Humor Garfield, pretending to like the cat food just to stop the orange cat from refusing to eat it entirely. However, Garfield can see right through Jon's lies, and tells him as much with the accusatory proclamation, "You lie!", which is honestly a really cute panel, even if it's not enough to get Garfield out of eating cat food every day.
Garfield suffers a fate that is irony at its best
Garfield - September 26, 1984
It's no secret that Garfield loves to eat, and even though cat food isn't his favorite, he'll still take down a bowl like it's nothing. However, never in a hundred years had Garfield thought that food could ever do the same to him. However, this comic strip proves that he was wrong. When Garfield went to town on a bowl of cat food, he finds himself sitting in the food he's eating, and he slowly begins to sink into it.
Garfield notes that he has just been caught in "Fast food", a play on 'quicksand'And that this means the end for him. Garfield presumably meets his end by getting eaten by his food, which is simply irony at its best, given Garfield's gluttonous nature throughout his comic strip history.
Jon can never have a moment of peace (not even in the bath)
Garfield - September 16, 1984
when Jon tries to have a moment to himself by taking a bath, he quickly learns that it's not possible. First, Garfield enters the bathroom, saying that his rubber chicken, Stretch, needs a bath too. Then, Odie joins them with a giant cannonball splash. After that, a package arrives for Jon that he needs to sign for, and the delivery man asks for Jon's signature through the bathroom window.
Then, the paperboy throws a rolled-up newspaper right at Jon's head, causing Jon to freak out, getting the attention of his older neighbors (who were a little too excited about it). Jon lives in a house with two poor pets, and in a neighborhood that is seemingly always buzzing, meaning that Just a moment of peace is not possible - Not even for a bath.
Garfield tries to comfort Jon with another potentially upsetting thought
Garfield - September 1, 1984
When Garfield and Jon stay at Jon's family farm, and are hanging out from everyone on the wooden fence outside the house, Jon admits some anxiety that his family brought to the forefront of his mind. Jon says his grandfather is bald, his dad is bald, and his older brother is bald. Therefore, Jon himself is worried that he will eventually become bald. however, Garfield decides to ease his anxiety in a way that only Garfield can tell him, "You are probably accepted".
Finding out that one is adopted as an adult can be extremely upsetting, especially if they have been kept in the dark about their entire lives. However, in Garfield's opinion, Jon experiences that potentially upsetting idea is preferable to the anxiety he was feeling about Lise, which is kind of nice, but also mean at the same time (classic Garfield).
Garfield & Jon slowly realize that Odie is secretly smart
Garfield - September 2, 1984
As mentioned earlier, Audi has always been heavily vetted Garfield Canon. He falls for all of Garfield's tricks, he throws himself mindlessly into situations, and he just generally seems like he doesn't have much going on there. But, when Odie, Garfield and Jon go on a camping trip togetherOdi proves everyone wrong about who they really were.
When Odie, Garfield and Jon go on a camping trip together, Odie proves everyone wrong about who they really were.
When they finally get to the campsite, Jon and Garfield get out of the car to get some fresh air, and Odie 'accidentally' locks the door. Odie gets trapped in the car, but after some time (and a thunderstorm) passes, Garfield and Jon slowly begin to realize that Odie may have done what he did on purpose. Odi was in the car with all the supplies, and was the only one with food and shelterWhile Jon and Garfield are stuck hungry and wet outside the car.
Odie didn't have to share any food during the camping trip, and he had the opportunity to pull an absolutely legendary prank on Jon and Garfield. And the best part? No one even thought that Odie was capable until he proved that he was secretly smart. That's why this is one of the 10 best Garfield Comics that just turned 40!