10 Funniest Garfield Comics That Just Turned 30 (Including Jim Davis' Best No-Dialogue Comic)

10 Funniest Garfield Comics That Just Turned 30 (Including Jim Davis' Best No-Dialogue Comic)

Garfield is easy One of the most recognizable pop-culture icons in historyAnd the reason is very clear: he is absolutely hilarious. While there is no shortage of Garfield Media in the form of live-action films, animated features and television series, the iconic orange cat got its start in the Garfield Comic strip series created by Jim Davis in 1978 - and the strip is still going strong today.

Davis made people laugh with his Garfield Strips for nearly half a century, which is a mountain of comics to read through. How can one really appreciate Garfield When there are so many strips they will likely never read? Well, the best way is to take it one month at a time, and right now is the perfect time to take a look back at an entire month. Garfield Strips that just turned 30 - including Davis' best comic without dialogue. And of them all, these are the ones 10 funniest Garfield Comics published in September 1994!


Jim Davis' funniest no-dialogue comic pits Garfield against one dangerous frog

Garfield - September 1, 1994

Garfield getting tripped by a frog.

Garfield has a tendency to mess with characters he shouldn't, especially if he thinks little of them (which includes almost everyone), and in this case, one particularly dangerous frog proves how stupid Garfield is for doing so. when Garfield passes a sign warning passersby to "Beware of Frogs"Garfield is confused, and doesn't pay any attention to the frog sitting right next to the sign. Then, the frog trips Garfield, and the arrogant cat lands right on his face.

Whatever was going through Garfield's mind, the end result was the same: one hilarious comic strip that didn't need any dialogue to be funny.

Perhaps Garfield thought the sign was a typo, thinking it was supposed to be "Beware of Dog", and that the frog sitting next to it was just a strange coincidence. Whatever was going through Garfield's mind, the end result was the same: one hilarious comic strip that didn't need any dialogue to be funny.


Garfield encounters an incredibly vicious dog (but not in the way you'd expect)

Garfield - September 2, 1994

A dog calls Garfield too fat to eat.

Apparently not learning his lesson with the frog, Garfield approaches a chained up dog that looks like it might eat him. Garfield asks the dog point blank, "Don't you try to get me?"And the dog answers,"I reduce the fat in my diet". Garfield, slightly offended, says, "You are vicious".


It's not that the dog can't get Garfield, but that Garfield is simply too fat for the dog to consider him appetizing. By telling Garfield that, the dog was more vicious than if he had just tried to kill Garfield right then and there, just not in the way readers would expect.


Garfield solidifies his place as the biggest geek of the comic strip medium

Garfield - September 3, 1994

Garfield insults a dog for no reason.

Garfield has always been a huge jerk, mostly due to the fact that he is either insulting or pranking Jon and Odie on an almost daily basis. However, the comic strip proves that those he lives with are not the only ones in danger of facing Garfield's wrath. when Garfield walks up to another chained up dog, he just calls him ugly. When the dog growls and snarls, obviously offended, Garfield justifies his statement by saying, "As if it's my fault".

There is no rhyme or reason to Garfield's actions in this comic. He simply saw a dog that he knew could not attack him, insulted him, and then made a nice comment again when the dog reacted. in other words, Garfield was just a huge jerkPerhaps even the biggest draw in the history of the comic strip medium.


Jon proves it's easy to be on Garfield's bad side (and even easier to be on his good)

Garfield - September 5, 1994

Garfield is about to attack Jon before Jon offers Garfield candy.

When Jon is simply sitting in his own home, minding his own business, Garfield bares his sharp teeth and brandishes his even sharper claws, Ready to attack him for seemingly no reason. But then, without even turning around, Jon says, "I have candy". At this point, Garfield sheds his claws, and that toothy snarl turns into a giant grin, as he's more than willing to give Jon affection for the promise of candy (even though he was about to cause pain).

The beginning of this comic proves that it is easy to be on Garfield's bad side, because Jon achieved this just by existing. However, at the end of the comic, it is clear that it is still easier to get on his good side, like All one has to do is promise to feed him and Garfield will become their best friend.

Garfield - September 6, 1994

Garfield sat in his chair, surfing the channels on the television.

When Garfield sits on his chair and flips through the channels on the television, he comes across a number of programs that he clearly has no interest in, the first is a doctor's report, which is about to tell Garfield what he should not do. (whatever it is) before Garfield quickly turns the channel. The second is the report on a study that finds... something that Garfield is not interested in, because he runs the channel.

Garfield, like most people, only wants to consume the media that agrees with him, and chooses to ignore anything that goes against his lifestyle

Then, Garfield finally lands on a program he's interested in: "A welcome to bacon". Garfield, like most people, only wants to consume the media that agrees with himAnd chooses to ignore everything that goes against his lifestyle - even if the information could have proven beneficial.


The implication of this Garfield joke is shockingly sinister

Garfield - September 7, 1994

Garfield carrying a shovel in front of Jon, implying that he killed Odie.

Garfield has never liked Odie, and he makes his feelings clear by constantly bullying the puppy any chance he gets. However, this time, it seems that Garfield took things too far. Garfield walks up to Jon in an uncharacteristically cheerful mood with a shovel in his hand, saying, "Bet you can't find Audi!". When Jon asks where Odie is, Garfield replies, "Oh, oh, oh... no clue!".

The comic feels like a cursed image. Garfield seemingly kills Odie, buries him, and then gleefully flaunts that foul deed in Jon's faceSo happy with what he did that he can hardly contain himself. Garfield's even playing a funny puzzle game with Jon about where Odie is, making the whole thing that much more sinister. Obviously, Garfield didn't kill Odie, but the implication of this joke is completely skin-crawling.


Garfield has never experienced ice cream melting (it never lasted that long)

Garfield - September 19, 1994

Garfield eat ice cream faster than it can melt.

Jon and Garfield enjoy a couple of ice cream cones together, and Jon tells Garfield to eat the ice cream quickly before it melts. Before Jon can even finish his sentence, Garfield shoves the entire cone down his throat, eating the sweet treat in one bite. Garfield then ponders what Jon has just told him, asking, "Ice cream melts?".

Garfield's question reveals that he has never seen ice cream melt before. Why? Because it never lasted that long. Whenever Garfield had ice cream in front of him, he would eat it faster than it could ever meltAnd this is something he has done all his life. So, naturally, he would have been shocked at the idea that ice cream could melt, as he had never seen that happen with his own eyes.


John Crowley shows Garfield his own fate (if he doesn't stop being a glutton)

Garfield - September 22, 1994

Jon pops a balloon behind Garfield, scarring him.

While Garfield is eating from his food bowl, Jon sneaks up behind him with an inflated balloon and pops it. The noise is so loud and sudden that Garfield spits out the food that was in his mouth (something he is generally reluctant to do). Jon then says to Garfield, "The sound of an exploding catAnd Garfield replies,My worst fear!".


It means Jon told Garfield that if he kept eating like he had been his whole life, he would eventually pop. - and it seems that Garfield has also considered this possibility. There is a reason that this fate is Garfield's 'worst fear', because it means that one day, the food he loves so much could turn against him, resulting in his ultimate death. And if he doesn't stop being a glutton, Garfield and Jon will both be right.


Garfield is very happy to see Jon's day ruined

Garfield - September 26, 1994

Garfield laughs at Jon for inhaling a butterfly.

When Garfield and Jon are standing on their front porch together one beautiful morning, Jon takes in the new day with a giant breath. unfortunately, He also inhales a monarch butterfly, which sends Jon into a coughing fit that forces him back inside.All while Garfield silently feigns his pain.

Jon is one of the most unhappy comic strip characters in history, meaning it takes a lot to make him happy, and not very much to throw him into a spiraling pit of depression. In other words, Jon's day is completely ruined after the events of the comic, which is a real shame, especially given how optimistic he was in the beginning - and Garfield just laughed at him.


Garfield decides to put a smile on Jon's face (literally)

Garfield - September 29, 1994

Garfield draws a smile on Jon's face.

It seems that Garfield was just acting like a full-blown psychopath in September 1994, as the comic strip was seemingly pulled right from the playbook of DC's Joker in its quirky playfulness with sinister undertones. Garfield decides he's going to put a smile on Jon's face, so he literally puts a smile on Jon's face.Invoking his anger. While this is nothing more than another harmless prank, the sight of Jon running after Garfield with what looks like two mailers - one frowning, the other smiling - is chilling. And the fact that Garfield puts that other mouth there makes the whole scene feel even more hellish.

Garfield's tone is known to devolve into a strange kind of darkness from time to time, and this comic strip is no exception.

Garfield's tone is known to sometimes take on a strange kind of darkness, and the comic strip is no exception, especially since it was in the same month as the 'Dead Oddy' joke. And the fact that it's strangely creepy just makes the strip even more hilarious, because it's certainly not deliberate, but true all the same. Which is why this is one of the 10 funniest Garfield Comic strips that are just 30!