10 Funniest Garfield Comics About Hate Monday (That We Didn't Understand Until Now)

10 Funniest Garfield Comics About Hate Monday (That We Didn't Understand Until Now)


  • Garfield's hatred of Mondays goes beyond a simple dislike - it is a cosmic battle against the day itself.

  • Garfield's bad luck on Monday breaks the laws of nature, showing the extent of the day's wrath against him.

  • Even when Garfield tries to be more optimistic towards Mondays, the day still shows his hatred towards him with literal monsters.

"I hate Monday"Is perhaps the most iconic and well-recognized quote from Jim Davis' Garfield Comic strip. The quote has been slapped on coffee mugs, water bottles and t-shirts because it's a sentiment that almost everyone can relate to. However, when reading the comic itself, it seems that the quote may be slightly out of context. To be sure, Garfield hates Monday, but one thing people don't know is that he has more of a reason to hate Monday than most, because Monday hates him back.

Most people hate Mondays because it means they have to go to work or school after a nice weekend break. However, Garfield hates Mondays because it is a day when bad things tend to happen to him. Truly, Garfield has the worst luck on Monday, to the point where he puts himself in danger just by getting out of bed in the morning - and sometimes even sleeping in will not save him. Everyone knows that Garfield hates Mondays, but they certainly didn't realize it until they read this 10 Hilarious Comics About Garfield Hates Mondays.



Garfield's first "I hate Mondays" gag was a historic (& hilarious) moment for the series


Garfield getting wrapped in the window blinds.

The terrible relationship that Garfield has with Mondays has to start somewhere, and in this case, it started with Garfield wrapped in window blinds. After playing with the blind cord while sitting in the window (as most cats do), Garfield accidentally catches a toe in the loop, is pulled up into the blinds, and gets trapped in them.

It is this moment of bad luck that inspired Garfield to utter the iconic words, "I hate Monday"For the first time. It seems that Garfield has somehow incurred the wrath of some sort of 'Monday God,' because he hasn't had an easy start to a standard work week since. And it's not just Garfield suffering the consequences. .of his own actions, there are cosmic forces at work in​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​a.


Garfield doesn't need a calendar to know it's Monday


Garfield getting hit in the face with a box.

Since they first get wrapped up in the window blinds, Garfield and Monday are on bad terms, and Garfield continues to suffer for it. In fact, it gets so bad that Garfield doesn't even have to look at a calendar to know it's Monday, he just has to wait for something random bad to happen to him to know exactly what day of the week it is. In this case, Garfield steps on a box, and it pops him in the face - an immediate indication that it is, indeed, Monday.

Monday and misfortune became so intertwined in Garfield's lifeThat one apparently cannot exist without the other. A Monday cannot happen without Garfield suffering bad luck, and if he runs into some bad luck, it must surely be Monday - which is definitely a far-fetched more than a relatable 'Monday experience'.


Garfield confirms the violent extent of Monday's hatred for Garfield (you read that right)


Garfield getting crushed by a piano falling from the sky.

This comic is one of the first times readers see that Garfield isn't crazy, 'Monday' is really out to get him. In the previous strips, it could be argued that Garfield is only suffering the consequences of his own actions, and only blames Monday. However, in this strip (and many subsequent ones), Garfield is literally doing nothing, but Monday still finds a way to make him suffer.

Standing in an open field, bracing himself for the bad luck that Monday brings, Garfield makes every effort to avoid anything that could go wrong. then, A piano falls out of the sky right on top of GarfieldWhich confirms the tremendous extent of Monday's hatred for Garfield, and proves that Garfield does have the right to hate Monday more than most (something fans wouldn't understand from the iconic quote alone).


Garfield's bad luck on Mondays breaks the laws of nature


Garfield found sharks in his water bowl.

Not only does Monday seemingly conjure a falling piano to crush Garfield, but the obviously angry day of the week also seems perfectly capable of breaking the laws of nature just to mess with the orange cat. In the comic, Garfield goes to his water bowl for a drink, only to find it is shark infested. This doesn't even make sense, and is completely against the conditions that sharks need to live in, even if they are small enough to fit in the bowl.

More than anything, it's impossible for a shark to find its way into Garfield's water bowl alone, let alone two, and even if they did, they would surely die soon after for any number of reasons. in other words, Monday literally had to break the laws of nature just to ensure Garfield suffered - In a really weird way, in which.


Even Jon can see how Mondays are unnaturally bad for Garfield


Garfield getting hit in the face with a pie.

One Monday, when Garfield is lying in his bed, and cursing the day of the week, Jan approaches his lazy cat and tells Garfield that he doesn't understand why he hates Mondays so much. In Jon's opinion, Garfield should have no reason to hate Monday. He doesn't have a job, he doesn't go to school, and he doesn't have the responsibilities that come with the start of a new week. And then, Jon sees with his own eyes how Monday is really out to get Garfield.

from somewhere Flying right past Jon, comes a pie that strikes Garfield square in the face. This happens right after Jon asks Garfield about him hating Monday, and after witnessing this impossible phenomenon for himself, Jon - like everyone reading the comic - finally understands: Monday really hates Garfield in an almost supernatural sense.


Not even staying in bed could save Garfield from Monday's wrath


A storm cloud forms over Garfield's bed.

It seems Monday is so hellbent on making Garfield suffer that no amount of preparation can save him. Standing in a field isn't safe, talking to Jon isn't safe, and even trying to get a drink of water isn't safe. So, in this comic, Garfield decides he's just going to spend his entire Monday in bed. Unfortunately, as many would assume, this is also not certain.

like Garfield lies in bed, a storm cloud forming over him. Rain and lightning pour over him, soaking his bed and leaving him in danger of fatal electrocution. Although it was firmly established that Monday had no problem bending the laws of nature to mess with Garfield, this was admittedly a bit much. Sure, the sharks and pies are dramatic, but that removes Garfield's one safe spot, which is being particularly gross.


Even when Garfield tries to like Monday, Monday doesn't reciprocate


Garfield caught in the rain.

While Garfield has kept a firm stance on Mondays since he first rolled up the window blinds, he eventually decides that hating a day of the week isn't worth the energy anymore. Garfield wants to be happy, and that means being more optimistic, and more loving to everything and everyone - including Monday. However, as shown in the comic, Monday does not reciprocate.

Even when it rains on Garfield on Monday as he tries to turn his life around and be a less cynical cat, Garfield still holds onto his goal for the week. Rather than saying "I hate Monday"After getting caught in the rain, Garfield says,"Now I only like Mondays"Also proclaim how much he loves Monday right before leaving the house. Even when Garfield offers Monday love, it replies with hate.


Monday hates Garfield so much, it conjures literal monsters to torment him


Garfield get harassed by giant green monsters.

It seems that pies, pianos and sharks are not enough for Monday to ensure that Garfield has the worst day possible, because the comic strips show that this (apparently quite evil) day of the week also has no problem conjuring literal monsters to torment Garfield. When Garfield wakes up on Monday morning, he finds himself surrounded by giant, green monsters. Garfield quickly hides back under his covers, commenting to himself, "Monday lose their subtlety".

Although this comic (like many others) can be taken metaphorically, it is much more interesting if you look at it literally. "Monday lose their subtlety" becomes a much more terrifying comment if you look at it as Garfield talking about a person (or deity) as opposed to a day of the week, especially since 'Monday' is clearly out to get Garfield, and isn't afraid to conjure monsters to do it.


Mondays are quite literally the stuff of Garfield's nightmares


Garfield has a nightmare about Mondays.

Even when Garfield sleeps, on a day that doesn't even have to be Monday, he's still tormenting Monday. The comic strip gives readers a glimpse into Garfield's subconscious mind, including his all-time worst nightmares. Among them are scenarios including dealing with Audi's slobber, getting visits from normals, owning a can opener that doesn't work, and - worst of all - experience "The Monday that would not die!".

It is interesting that Garfield's nightmare did not say "The Monday that wouldn't end", but instead, "The Monday that wouldn't die", implying that 'Monday' is really alive, using his otherworldly powers to torment Garfield - this would explain all the impossible strokes of bad luck. However, even without reading into the dream itself, the fact that he even had A nightmare about Mondays in all proves that Garfield is never sure of the cursed day of the week.


Garfield makes readers understand why he hates Mondays


Garfield leaned against a table before it collapsed on him.

Although most of the comic strips with Garfield experiencing impossibly terrible Mondays mean that the day of the week itself is out to get him, this comic strip shows Garfield himself breaking the fourth wall to tell the reader exactly what's going on here. Garfield just explains that he hates Monday for one reason: Monday hates him. He says this after experiencing another bout of bad luck, thus proving his point in real time while telling anyone who will listen the truth about the horrors he experienced.

There is nothing to read here. Garfield tells everyone that Monday is out to get himAnd there is literally nothing he can do but endure and return his hatred with hatred of his own. Indeed, after looking into this a little further, it is clear that "I hate Monday"Is not just a reliable Garfield Quote, it's a battle cry, one that most people don't understand - until now.