The DC Universe is filled with speedsters, beginning (but certainly not ending) with the famous Flash family, empowered by their mystical connection to the Speed Force. The mysterious source of the Flashes' power shows that there is more than just fleet feet to being a top speedster, meaning the fastest figures in the world is an honor that is constantly changing.
Being a speedster is a whole genre of superhero learning to itself, owed primarily to the Flash and his breaking open of the multiverse. However, there are some fast superheroes outside of the Flash family, and when you take everyone into account on a level playing field, these are The fastest DC comic characters right now In the modern sequel. The group includes Scarlet Speedsters and others, and a few world records as well.
Avery Ho is one of the newest Flashes
Obtaining her powers from the Speed Force storm of Central City, Avery Ho is China's resident Flash and a current member of the Flash family. One of the only speedsters to survive both Godspeed's serial killing onslaught and Reverse-Flash's carnage, she took on the Flash role and joined the Justice League Incarnate. The very fact that Barry Allen, an Acker Flash, appointing Avery Ho as his replacement on the team shows that he trusts her just as much as some of the more experienced speedsters.
Unlike other superhero families with one patriarchal superhero and a dozen psychics, the Flash family is filled with heroes who all share the same title. Barry Allen runs with his once-man Wally West, side by side, without comparison, and Avery Ho now runs with them. Characters like Ho break open the Speed Force in more ways than one, representing not only female speedsters, but Asian superheroes.
Jay Garrick paved the way for every speedster
An icon of the Flashes, Jay Garrick has been there since the beginning of DC Comics. As the original bottle with a World War 1 design, Jay Garrick paved the way for every speedster after him. Although he can't always keep up with some of the younger whippersnappers, the speed veteran has shown that He still has what it takes to win a race now and again.
Two worlds collided when Barry Allen's Flash crossed the barrier into another world, with Jay Garrick for the first time in Flash of Two Worlds (1961) By Gardner Fox and Carmine Infantino!
It's not a Flash family without Jay Garrick, and when the list is called, Jay is never missing from the list. Serving as a mentor to every Flash after him, he is also a founding member of the Justice Society of America and a hero in his own latest title with his speedster daughter. Aging much more slowly than other humans because of his connection to the Speed Force, maybe the speedster could finally be retired soon. Again, it is. He tried more than a few times to retreat, however The world always needs Jay Garrick.
Max Mercury is the Speed Force mentor of the Flash family
Still along with the Flash family's wise mentors, Max Mercury is the Flash family's resident Speed Force guru. After bouncing through time in his attempt at mastery of the Speed Force, he brought his knowledge to bear on Wally West's Flash with his introduction of the Speed Force to DC's continuity.
Preferring to mentor and meditate instead of action, Max Mercury is the soul of the Flash family. Most often seen as a grandfather figure to Bart Allen's impulse, he was the guiding voice and presence for many a speedster trapped in the nebulous Speed Force. Like Gay Garrick, when trouble comes to call, Max will always be called. Practically ageless and timeless (and mysterious too), Max's true speed is unknown, like any esoteric master. His fantastic speed is instead shown by the feats of those he has trained.
Shazam's speed is in its name
Another mercurial speedster, Shazam's name is a testament to the powers of six gods that make up the acronym that gifts him with supernatural power. The "M" of Shazam stands for Mercury, the fleet-footed messenger god of the Roman pantheon. When Shazam needs to borrow some speed necessary to win a battle, He uses one of his six powers and assumes godlike speed.
While fans are most often fed up over the speed of Flash vs. Superman, Shazam comes out as the underrated opposition. Lately, during absolute power, Shazam is able to fly from France to Washington in a heartbeat, making DC's speedsters look slow. Shazam does not use the Speed Force, but in a god-like force, thanks to the power of Mercury. Combined with his wisdom and strength, among other powers, Shazam is one of the most powerful forces in DC Comics - the Fastest is just one of his modifiers.
Bart Allen has done every iteration of Flash
Constantly aging and de-aging, Bart Allen, the grandson of the famous Barry Allen, has a tumultuous run as Flash. He transformed from Impulse to Kid Flash to the fourth speedster to hold the mantle of Flash and all the way back down the pipeline to be one of the youngest (and most brash, as the name implies) Scarlet Speedsters: Impulse.
As one of DC's future Flashes, Bart Allen showed how fast he was right from the start when he ran back in time to meet his grandfather and help him protect Central City. While time travel is a difficult ordeal for any Flash (usually with major consequences), Bart Allen makes it look effortless.. Since his arrival, he has become a long-standing member of the Flash family, and as long as he stays in the past, he can delay his future just a little longer, being the impulsive hero that he is.
Irey West promises to outpace even her father
Less experienced than Impulse, Irey West is the twin sister of Jai West and the daughter of Wally West. With her natural connection to the Speed Force causing more than enough problems for her mother when she was in the womb, Irey was not only a Scarlet Speedster in her own right, but was prophesied to reach god-level speed.
in The bottle #4By Si Spurrier, Wally West meets a being outside of time named The Rest, and he informs the Flash exactly what his daughter's future would entail - and how fantastic it would be. Wally even got a chance to meet his future daughter, and she far exceeded his expectations. Comic fans have yet to see Irey West's top speed, but it's been hinted at more than enough. In the future, she just might become the fastest Flash, surpassing even her father.
Lightray showcases godlike speed
A forgotten member of DC Comics, Lightray is a member of the New Gods of New Genesis. Lightray is the messenger and speedster of the gods of the Fourth World, filling the role of the Roman pantheon's Mercury, and his speed renders the boom tube, a teleportation device, practically useless. Known to cross space-time at a pace well past the speed of light, He can span the universe in an instant.
Along with the news of DC's all-in initiative, the New Gods are getting their own series, with Lightray appearing alongside the entire pantheon of New Genesis. With multiple character revamps happening all over DC, speedster fans can expect to find Lightray's powers tested to the limits and the barrier of his speed broken in new battles against their old enemy - Darkseid.
Superman is much faster than a speeding bullet
Superman vs. Flash: A Race as Old as Time. There were almost a dozen matches between the Man of Steel and the Scarlet Speedsters, both winning a few and nearly half of them ending in a tie. Superman is not only one of the strongest heroes in DC, but he is one of the fastest. There is not much that the man of tomorrow cannot do.
Like Shazam, he does not have the speed force to use, but unlike Shazam, he does not borrow the power of a god. His speed is all his own, and he showed himself to be one of the fastest when he hit the bottle in Superman: Up in the Sky #4, by Tom King and Andy Kubert - also with a hair. What fueled him to win was knowing that Lex Luthor's multi-million dollar charity donation was on the line. It's not just that he's fast, but that his heart drives his speed.
Barry Allen changed the game for Scarlet Speedsters
Quite possibly the most quintessential Scarlet Speedster, Barry Allen led the Flash family for more than thirty years until he passed the torch and sacrificed his life to save the world in Crisis on Infinite Earths. Even before his resurrection, he revealed his peak speed in Vi He was riding the black racer all the time, a god-like version of death on skis, the whole time he was "dead".
He was also the first hero to travel in the multiverse and time travel. Although his exploits were not always for good, as in flash point, As he resets DC's timeline, Barry Allen's optimistic nature and willingness to learn from his mistakes makes him one of the best Flashes out there. With the iconic suit passed down to mentees and to grandsons, Barry Allen is the heart of the Flash family and a symbol of the swiftness of hope for the DC Universe.
Wally West can't stop breaking world records
There is no one faster than Wally West. The third bottle not only followed in the footsteps of his hero Barry Allen, but he surpassed him in every way - and he also never catastrophically changed the timeline. He was the first Flash to truly master the Speed Force, even manipulating the Speed Force to make him a suit made entirely of pure energy.
He also came out of the dead, as in The bottle By Mark Waid, when it was in the form of the Black Flash. Wally West ran so fast that he traveled through time to the end of existence, beyond any life in the universe where death was rendered meaningless and ceased to exist. This is the fastest feat ever recorded by any speedster in the DC universe. With Wally West at the helm, and with his Flash family and Flash friends running alongside him, there's nothing stopping them from winning the race and saving the day.