10 essential tips for Pokémon TCG Pocket beginners

10 essential tips for Pokémon TCG Pocket beginners

The new mobile application, Pokémon TCG Pocketis the latest addition to Pokémon Trading Card Game world and a great way for new players to introduce themselves to the game. Unlike the physical Pokémon Trading Card Gameor even the official TCG live application, Pokémon TCG Pocket is a card collector with a simplified take on the traditional battle setup.

ONE Pokémon TCG Pocket deck requires fewer cards than traditional Pokémon TCGand also lacks prize cards, energy cards and stadium cards. These changes help create a friendlier space for new players, but battle isn't the only feature of this game. To fully dominate Pokémon TCG Pocketyou'll want to ensure you understand all of its features.


Check-in every day, twice a day

Even if you don't have time to play, enjoy the rewards

Pokémon TCG Pocket generously allows players open up to two free Booster Packs daily, three if you have the Premium Passsimply waiting for the timer to recharge. Each opened Booster Pack has a waiting time of 12 hours, after which you can open a new pack, completely free. Once these cooldowns are refilled, they will remain that way until you spend them and will not continue to accumulate.

This means that whether you check in or not, you will not be able to increase your Booster Pack slots beyond thisSo if you want to make the most of these freebies, you'll need to open them as close to the final recovery time as possible. This will allow you to open the maximum number of free Booster Packs, increasing your card collection without wasting Pack Hourglasses.


Complete all training content

Learn the new rules and earn some rewards

Even if you have Pokémon TCG experience, the rules of Pokémon TCG Pocket are different. There are no prize cards, no stadium cards, and you don't select your energy cards. Technically, this means you have a smaller deck and must adjust your playstyle to the simplified set of rules for Pokémon TCG Pocketversion of the game.

In addition to just learning, for those who may find training tedious, It's worth completing the training to get the reward items you'll earn. Pokémon TCG Pocket It's a game where you'll want to take advantage of every way you can to earn items and points, so if for no other reason, you should do the training just for that.


Complete Solo Battles

Before going online, you must finish the solo battle challenges

Speaking of rewards, another great way to earn lots of loot is through Solo Battles, a separate category on the battle screen where players will face off against AI using themed decks. These battles come in five different difficulty modes, ranging from Beginner to Expert.. Although you are free to face any difficulty depending on the skill, I recommend going through them all and starting with Beginner.

Solo Battles can also help you create a custom game Pokémon deck, as you will have the opportunity to test rented decks, get a feel for certain cards, and even test your custom deck in a match before going online.

Although the beginner battles can be tedious once again, it is worth it for the rewards you will earn for winning the match. Additionally, each battle features challenges where you can earn extra rewards if you complete them during the battle. Rewards for Solo Battles typically include Shop Tickets which you can exchange for hourglasses, certain cards and other items.


Practice building custom decks

Rental decks are great, but should only be used as a guide

When playing Solo Battles, you will have the opportunity to practice with Rental Decks, which are pre-made decks designed for a certain type or Pokémon. While they are valuable learning tools, they shouldn't be something you rely on. When playing Solo Battles, you are not only using Rental Decks, but also fighting against them.

This means that almost every player in the game has practiced using and fighting these decks, making them aware of what the strategy is and how to counter it. For this reason, you must use them as a way to figure out which Pokémon you identify with and what strategies you're comfortable with and then use them as a guide to build a custom deck that's most likely to confuse people in online matches.


Be careful with multitype decks

While useful, multitype decks require difficult strategies to use correctly

When it comes to custom deck building, you might be thinking that building a multi-type deck is a great idea. After all, this would solve two different types of weaknesses and give you more versatility, but when it comes to Pokémon TCG PocketIt is not as easy to implement as in traditional gaming. In Pokémon TCGPlayers are free to choose the proportion of energy they use in their deck, but in this game, energy appears once per turn and will appear based on the Pokémon types in your deck.

If you want to have a multi-type Pokémon deck but isn't ready to deal with double energy yet, use Normal-type Pokémon as your other type. They all use colorless energy, which means they will not affect the energy generated and therefore combine well with any other type.

This means that if you have at least one Fire Pokémon in your Water deck, you will receive a random generation of Water and Fire Energy, even if it is just one Fire card among several Water cards. For this reason, decks of various types can be complicated. You can only see what will appear on your next turn, and although this creates an infinite supply of energy, If you spawn one type for several turns and desperately need the other, there's nothing you can do. So for beginners, I recommend sticking with monotype decks.


Beware of EX cards

EX Pokémon are powerful but risky

EX Pokémon are the most powerful in the game, as shown in Spragels Pocketfrom the YouTube video above, making them incredibly tempting to use as they deal massive amounts of damage while also being incredibly resilient. Unfortunately, this power has a consequence, as EX cards cost the player 2 points upon death instead of 1. This means that if you're not careful, it can be an easy way for your opponent to finish you off. The best way to deal with EX cards is to use them sparingly and, if they are used against you, kill them quickly.

Don't fill your deck with EX cards; Instead, choose one or two and build your Pokémon deck around these cards. So when it comes to your opponent, try to eliminate him before he can power up. Some EX cards are Basic Pokémon, meaning they enter the playfield sooner, but you have the advantage here because typically requires three to four powers to turn ongiving you time to plan. As for those in Stage 1 or 2, try to remove the pre-evolution if you have the opportunity before they evolve.


Create binders and showcases

A great way to earn passive rewards

Something that many players will likely overlook early on is the option to build binders and display cases. They unlock relatively quickly, around level six, and are a way for you to show off the cards you've collected, as shown in Austin John plays'YouTube video. They are fully personalized and can have any theme you want, so there is no right or wrong way to build them.

Those who are here to battle and not collect may not think much about this feature, but It costs absolutely nothing to do and if shared publicly you can earn rewards. Once you've created your custom binder or case, you can mark it as public, which will share it with players around the world who will have the option to like it. If they like it, you'll receive a notification in your gift box with a store ticket, making it a great and easy way to earn passive rewards.


Use Wonder Picks efficiently

Wonder Picks are a great way to get rare or missing cards

Another free feature that players should know about and make the most of is Wonder Picks. A Wonder Pick is a collection of cards drawn by other players from which you now have the chance to draw a single card. When you open the Wonder Pick screen, you will see different groups of five cards and after selecting one, they will be shuffled and you will have a chance to pull one at random and add it to your collection.

This is a great way to increase the chances of a card you've been eyeing or even add to your collection if you see a batch full of brand new cards that you don't have. That said, Wonder Pick's wait times are significantly longer and each Wonder Pick has its own cost, with the best ones costing moreSo you'll want to savor them and use them for a chance to win rare cards. It's not a guaranteed thing, but knowing the card you want is there is better than blindly pulling from a Booster Pack.


Complete missions

Quests are the best way to earn rewards

In Pokémon TCG PocketThere are several categories of missions, from Daily Missions to Advanced Missions and Premium Missions. Each guide offers different rewards, including store tickets, hourglasses, and event items. These items are essential for purchasing items from the in-game store and reducing waiting times, so you can open more Pokémon TCG Pocket Booster packs.

Most missions are relatively easy, such as Daily Missions, which aim to simply log in once a day. Meanwhile, some of the missions offer substantial rewards, such as the Advanced Missions, where I managed to win more than 100 Hourglasses Pack completing all missions in that category. Most of them can be completed accidentally while playing, but if you're desperate for some items, this is a great way to earn them.


Don't spend your items or points right away

Although tempting, some things may be worth keeping

I admit firsthand that as soon as I have an Hourglass I want to spend it to open a Booster Pack, but that's exactly the opposite of what you should do. You'll acquire so many of them at first that it seems tempting to just spend a few to build up your collection, and maybe some, you should, but some things are worth keeping. Wonder Stamina, for example, is valuable and, as shown in OpeningIn the YouTube video above, you'll want to keep it for a better chance at something rare.

When using Pack Hourglasses, time them as close to the full hour as possible. Whether you have 8 hours and 59 minutes left or 8 hours and 1 minute, they will cost the same number of hourglasses. This means that if you use it when the minute mark is closer to 59 than 01, you will get the most out of the cost. If it's closer to 01, wait until it drops to the next hour.

As for the points you earn when collecting a card, don't spend them freely as they take a while to accumulate and are used to purchase a single card. Most cheap cards are the most common to get in a Booster Pack, so if you don't have one, you probably will soon. These points are best used if they are saved and spent on an EX card for a deck or a complete art card for your collection, both of which are rare to obtain and worth it. Pokémon TCG Pocket points.

Sources: YouTube/spragels Pocket, YouTube/Austin John plays, YouTube/Brokening