Warning: massive spoilers for Invincible Ahead
Known for its off-the-wall levels of violence and mayhem, Invincible is a fan-favorite series with more than its share of killers populating its pages. In a story that's as focused on gratuitous violence as it is complex character work, nearly every major character in the series has taken a life or two.
But not all killers are created equal, and the ten deadliest killers in the Invincible Universe All earned their spots on the list with some astronomical kill counts on the page.
Rudolph "Rudy" Conners / Robot
Mechanical friend turned enemy
The hero-turned-villain known as Robot may have started out as a fan-favorite member of the Teen Squad, but Rudy's dark descent into villainy is one of the most well-played and bloodiest beats throughout the entire series. Taking it upon himself to protect Earth due to his unparalleled intelligence, Robot turns on his fellow heroes and racks up the lowest body count on the list with 23 on-page kills, including series mainstays like Black Samson and Cecil Steadman thanks to the utility of his drones all over the world.
But considering his time as the de facto dictator of the Flaxan Empire, Rex's total number of victims is undoubtedly much higher than anyone realizes, and the heartbreaking betrayal of his friends everything they stood for in one swift strike more than cement. His place among the high. -Profile killers of the Invincible Universe.
Space Racer
Cosmic biker badass
He may be one of the more mysterious entries on the list, but even among the Coalition of Planets, the Space Racer was a name that lived in infamy long before he joined their war against the Wildrumites. Based on DC Comics' own cosmic bounty hunter, LoboThe racer wields an alien gun that fires indestructible, unstoppable blasts of energy that can only be fired by him.
Never far from his iconic hover bike, Space Racer is one of the more formidable and surprisingly durable members of the Coalition of Planets' anti-Viltrumite strike force - a position that earns Space Racer a total of 479 on-page kills. Dangerous enough that he even gave Omni-Man a run for his money in one-on-one combat, the racer even survived against Grand Regent Thragg and came back for more.
Allen the Stranger
Very, very strong
A favorite hero of the Invincible UniverseThe Unopan strongman called Allen the Alien worked his way up from a Champion Evaluation Officer to the leader of the Coalition of Planets - and he took out his fair share of opponents along the way. With a whopping on-page kill count of 510, Allen's adaptive physiology pushed his strength to levels exceeding even that of the average Wiltrumite, making him an invaluable piece of the Coalition's overall campaign against Thragg's empire and one of their heaviest hitters along The likes of Invincible and Omni-Man.
Able to heal from any near-death experience and come back even stronger than before, Allen the Alien is almost invulnerable. Unfortunately for his enemies, the same cannot be said for anyone unlucky enough to get in his way as he fights for the Coalition.
Mark Grayson / Invincible
The greatest hero in the universe
The titular hero of the series, Mark Grayson's hands don't stay clean for long as he evolves from a teenage fast-food fry cook into an intergalactic warrior pulled into life-or-death stakes against the likes of Angstrom Levi, Dinosaur, or Throg. and the Wiltrumites. Initially strongly opposed to taking any life, Invincible repeatedly finds himself in no-win situations That leaves him with little choice, ultimately leaving him with a stacked kill count of 534 kills on the page.
Considering the utter disaster that was his alliance with Dinosaur, an argument could be made that Mark's kill count could be considerably higher, but he already has enough blood on his hands - and enough guilt on his mind - to earn his place on the List. Mark Grayson may be invincible, but it's undeniable that his enemies are anything but.
Wiltrum's faithful soldier
One of the deadliest Viltrumites in the whole Invincible series, the warrior known as Kregg is initially one of Thragg's strongest supporters and the top general of what is left of the Wiltrumite Empire. Certainly the second in command of the remaining Viltrumites, the general shares their immeasurable strength, speed and arms, even after surviving the disabling and deadly plague virus that cost him his eye.
And at a thousand years old, Kregg has an on-page kill count of 476. Considering his longevity and his original loyalties to the more bloodthirsty aspects of Wiltrumite culture, it's safe to say that his kills before the events of the series are Likely Well into the hundreds or potentially thousands. But even if you disregard his unknown victims, there is no doubt that he is one of the bloodiest killers in the cosmos.
Nolan Grayson/Omni-Man
The heir of Argal
While Nolan Grayson was once considered Earth's greatest hero, Omni-Man quickly proved himself to be one of the most brutal warriors fans have ever seen in comics. With an incredible twist that saw his Wiltrumite loyalties override his paternal duties, Nolan's shocking slaying of the Guardians of the Globe immediately raised the stakes for the rest of the world. Invincible Series.
Weighing in 551 on-page kills both for the Wiltrumite Empire and against it, Nolan's initial and cataclysmic battle against Mark also resulted in thousands of unseen deaths, along with his unseen rampage against the Flaxen Empire - and how many he may have killed before He even came to earth in the first place. Omni-Man finally died a heroBut not for sending hundreds if not thousands of victims.
David Anders / Dinosaur
Evolutionary throwback
An unhinged genius with unconscionable plans to "save" humanity and the Earth through mass disasters and depopulation, Dinosaur's motives may be pure in theory, but his methods are unbelievably vile. Using his wild scientific schemes, Dinosaur wiped out the city of Las Vegas, and killed over half a million people by bombing Los Angeles and Greenland to flood the world during the "Death of Everyone" story arc.
The dark, reptilian side of David Anders is directly responsible for over 800,000 kills throughout the Invincible series, instantly catapulting him to his status as one of comics' most calculating killers. Finally realizing the flaws in his logic once confronted by Grayson, He is executed by Invincible himself on request - leaving behind a legacy of mass murder that made him one of Mark's deadliest enemies and one of the world's most ruthless killers.
Great Thedus
The Plague of Wiltrum
The first Wiltronite defector, Great Thedus is one of the more noble entries on this list, but like the vast majority of his fellow Wiltrumites, his hands couldn't be any bloodier. Disgusted by the monsters his species has become, Thedus kills their Emperor Argal with his own two hands and even unleashes The devastating plague virus that killed 99.9% of Wiltrumites in existence.
Weighting the population of his people down to around 50, the exact kill count of the coalition of planet's founder and leader is unknown, but presumably in the hundreds of thousands. Even for supposedly altruistic reasons, genocide is still genocide, and Thedus lived the rest of his days in shame. But it was ultimately through Great Thedus' violently tragic actions that the Wiltrumite Empire, and the entire Invincible Universe Along with him, eventually changed for the better.
Angstrom Levi
Multiversal megalomaniac
An iconic villain of the series and one of Mark Grayson's worst and most unhinged enemies, the deranged mad scientist known as Angstrom Levi also has one of the comic series' highest kill counts. Obsessed with getting revenge on Mark Grayson for ruining his life while denying his fair share of blame, it was Angstrom Levy who kicked out The earth-shattering invincible war.
Unleashing 16 corrupted variants of Mark Grayson across the world, Levi's personal vendetta resulted in the deaths of 3,000,001 people around the world, including fan-favorite Guardian of the Globe and Teen Team alum Rex Splode. Angstrom's actions are some of the most devastating of all of these Invincible series, and the damage done by his personal war against the series titular hero took years to repair with some wounds never fully healing.
Grand Regent Thragg
Invincible's Ultimate Enemy
Although he may only have 25 kills on the page, there is no doubt that Grand Regent Thragg is the deadliest killer in the Invincible Universe. Thragg was able to maintain the appearance of their dominance by leading the conquest of thousands of planets, which was left of the Wiltrumite Empire after the devastating plague virus. With literally billions of beings either killed or enslaved Under his command.
A bloodthirsty supremacist with little to no regard for any form of non-Viltrumite life, Thragg is even willing to use his own children as weapons in battle, and it was he who killed both Great Thedus and even Omni-Man. While he ultimately meets his end at the hands of Mark Grayson, Thragg was anything but a pushover and inarguably the greatest killer Invincible ever faced.