It is safe to say that the DCEU Leave many fans in the course of its existence, with many hopes for the series never panning out, but the new DCU has already set in motion a plot that will make some of the long-awaited wishes come true. Starting with 2013s Man of Steel And ending unceremoniously with Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom In 2023, the DCEU has a troubled production cycle, to say the least. suffice to say, Many fan wishes for the series now seem to be planned for the burgeoning DCU led by James Gunn.
The reality is that the DCEU has struggled to ever pay off much of its setup, with many iconic characters without solo movies. The focus of the franchise is constantly shiftingPivoting from negative reception to negative reception. Although there were some great DCEU movies, they were far overshadowed by the listlessness of the overall story, which never addressed many burning audience desires. Fortunately, the newest take on a live-action movie DC universe is promising many projects that will seemingly realize the unfulfilled fantasies that its predecessor never could.
A solo Batman movie
Ben Affleck has always been part of a larger ensemble
For all the things the DCEU got wrong, Ben Affleck's Batman is widely considered to be one of the series' triumphs. Considered one of the better actors to play Batman in live-action, the DCEU has often rallied behind the idea of a solo film that revolves exclusively around him. Yet somehow, the Dark Knight is always forced to be a team player in the DCEU's films, more like the Nick Fury to the Justice League's Avengers than his own self-realized hero.
luckily, The DCU already has plans to start strong with a headline Batman feature, Batman: The Brave and the Bold. The story will allegedly see an already experienced Batman meeting and training his estranged son with Talia al Ghul, Damian Wayne. By taking the time to introduce important characters in their own films before even considering casting them together, the DCU has already avoided one of the DCEU's biggest pitfalls.
A deathstroke movie
It's not just the heroes who are worthy of solo projects
One of the biggest pieces of wasted potential in the DCEU is Joe Manganiello's Deathstroke. After fantasizing about the character for years, the DCEU finally made the hypothetical casting a reality with a cameo appearance at the tail end of Justice LeagueWith a more extended presence in the Zack Snyder cut. Unfortunately, dreams of an entire feature film revolving around the grim mercenary assassin never came to be, with the cinematic universe meeting its end before the idea could be developed.
The presence of a solely supervillain-oriented movie proves that the DCU understands that not all of the most intriguing characters of the comics are on the right side of the law.
horrible, The DCU has promised a full movie starring Deathstroke in a major role. In an as-yet-unnamed feature, Deathstroke will apparently star alongside fellow masked Batman villain Bane, the drug-abusing super-strong brute who has appeared in live-action twice before. The presence of an exclusively supervillain-oriented movie proves that the DCU understands that not all of the most intriguing characters of the comics are on the right side of the law.
A Green Lantern Project with Hal Jordan and John Stewart
Will shine the green light of Willpower on Villainy once more
If there's one core member of the classic Justice League line-up that's been woefully neglected in live-action films, it's Green Lantern. Since the absolute Ryan Reynolds adaptation was a commercial and critical bomb, studios seemed to have avoided the construction-wielding space guardian like the plague, refusing to give him a dedicated slot in a crossover movie, let alone his own leading feature. Beyond a brief cameo of an alien lantern in Zack Snyder's Justice League, The DCEU sidestepped the Green Lantern mythos altogetherMuch to the chagrin of fans.
Fortunately, the DCU seems to be aware that the idea behind Green Lantern is worth another chance. Not only will Guy Gardner's Green Lantern make an appearance in Superman: Legacy, But both Hal Jordan and John Stewart will make their live-action DCU debuts In the upcoming HBO series Lantern. Hopefully, the DCU can gain enough success in these arenas to eventually lead to a Green Lantern solo film in the future.
Superman as a message of hope
Gunn seems to have a sunny tone in mind for Superman's Story
One thing that was clear about the DCEU from its inception was just how dark it was, even with a famously optimistic character like Superman. While Snyder may have intended for his version of the Man of Steel to inspire just as much hope as the classic comic or Christopher Reeve incarnations, the result was An evil, vengeful Jesus allegory who lived in a muted gray world. As great as Henry Cavill was as Superman, he never got the chance to act in a manner suitable for the classic disposition of the character.
As great as Henry Cavill was as Superman, he never got the chance to act in a manner suitable for the classic disposition of the character.
Fans have long clamored for a Superman who returned to the character's roots as a hopeful hero who felt more like a corn-fed farm boy raised on Earth than an alien savior looking down on humanity. James Gunn seems to understand this, with every spoken word and promotional image of Superman: Legacy Promising a hero who doesn't shy away from an unashamedly positive message. Gunn's loving embrace of corny comic book staples like Krypto the Superdog is also good proof of insurance on that sentiment.
Supergirl's Own Movie
One of the DCEU's best characters has never been capitalized on
Wonder Woman isn't the only valuable DC heroine the movies should be focusing on, with Kara Zor-El's Supergirl being just as important. Despite being one of the best parts of the place The DCEU never found the time to squeeze in a dedicated Supergirl film before closing its doors. The character hasn't been the focus of a theatrical release since the 1984 film that rode Christopher Reeve's coattails. Superman Quadrilogy, to poor results.
on the contrary, The DCU has already cast their Supergirl with Milly Alcock of House of the Dragon Celebrity stepping into the iconic red cape. While she will first appear along with her cousin in Superman: Legacy, Alcock has been confirmed for the solo film Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow In a major role, adapting the comic with the same name. Being so early in the DCU's movie slate, Supergirl will be a crucial part of the franchise's core roster, rather than an alternate dimension oddity like in the DCEU.
A live action robin
The Boy Wonder is more than just teased for the DCU
Another one of the DCEU's most missed opportunities is the presence of Batman's sidekick, Robin. Not counting Joseph Gordon-Levitt's The Policeman The Dark Knight Rises, Robin hasn't been seen in live-action since the critically acclaimed Batman and Robin. This made it all the more exciting when Robin's suit briefly appeared Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Only for the character to exist only in the past of the canonical past of the franchise.
After hopes of ever seeing a Robin appear alive in the DCEU were dashed, James Gunn seemed to have noticed the growing fan sentiment To see Batman share the screen with his iconic sidekick again. Incredibly, the first solo Batman movie, Batman: The Brave and the BoldWill feature Robin quite hard. Specifically, the Damian Wayne incarnation of Robin, one of the most recent comic identities to wear the mask of the Boy Wonder.
A Robin Solo movie
Robin won't just appear in the DCU - he'll be a headliner
Many names in the comics have worn the mantle of Robin beforeIncluding Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson and Jason Todd. The latter is most famous for being killed by the Joker and resurrected as Red Hood after being killed by the Joker, something that could be implied by the DCEU's empty Robin suit. It would therefore serve to reason that the DCEU has a Dick Grayson somewhere out there operating as Nightwing, his successor identity after breaking away from Batman. Despite fan demand, a Nightwing or Robin solo movie is not in the cards for the franchise.
As if Robin appearing in the DCU wasn't exciting enough, It seems like a different incarnation of him will also get a solo movie. The upcoming animated film Dynamic duo Will pair Dick Grayson, the original Robin, with Jason Todd for an exciting team-up adventure. While who will wear which hero identity remains to be seen, the fact that the DCU is immediately paying off the patience of Robin fans is a great sign of its longevity.
Canon animated features
The DC Universe has always thrived in animation
DC Comics have always been better at animated adaptations compared to live action. From The Morning to DCAMU to all the one-off cartoons in between, something about the bombastic nature of the series' heroes has always leaned toward the medium. That makes it all the more disappointing The DCEU never experimented with canon animated supplementsWhether they are feature films or TV series.
James Gunn seems to better understand the value of animation in DC storytelling. Except these Dynamic duo The movie is fully animated, the DCU is also set to release the series creature commandos, Which seeks to lovingly portray the monstrous workforce in a way that live-action cannot easily achieve. Even better, Gunn has confirmed that not only will the stories be canon for the overarching story, but each of the voice actors will also reprise their roles should their characters ever break containment to the live action movies.
A deeper look into Amazon society
Wonder Woman's home country allows for some compelling drama
Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman was one of the best aspects of the DCEU, with the signature guitar riff that marked her entrances always promising a good time to come. Part of its success was due to the intrigue of the Amazon society, which gave the DCEU a proper opportunity for world-building. While some of the DCEU films have given brief glimpses into life on Themyscira, fans are always left wanting more.
The DCU will capitalize on the intrigue of the isolated nation before even setting its sights on Wonder Woman herself. One of the many upcoming projects of the DCU, paradise lost Will be a prequel set in Themyscira before the advent of Wonder Woman. Stealing still game of thrones, The show will give a chance to see what fantasy storytelling could look like as the DCU's lens.
A Teen Titans movie
The DCEU missed out on an iconic DC team
Beyond the Justice League itself, it's safe to say that the Teen Titans are the DC Universe's most popular superhero team, thanks in no small part to their self-titled 2003 animated series. The presence of Cyborg and famed villain Deathstroke made Many DCEU fans are hoping for a Teen Titans feature filmEven going as far as making a flag Wiki page for a hypothetical Teen Titans movie. Unfortunately, Cyborg remained a staple of the Justice League, and the crime-fighting youth team never made it to DCEU canon.
Beyond the Justice League itself, it's safe to say that the Teen Titans are the DC Universe's most popular superhero team, thanks in no small part to their self-titled 2003 animated series.
on the other hand, A dedicated Teen Titans movie is in the works in the DCUListed on the studio's upcoming slate of films. Although details have still been scarce on the film since James Gunn confirmed that it is not yet in production as of May 2024, the mere thought of the first live-action Teen Titans movie is exciting enough on its own. Apparently holding talent, the DCU has set up Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow Writer Ana Nogueira with the story.
Upcoming DC Movie Releases