10 Darkest Things Carol Did on The Walking Dead

10 Darkest Things Carol Did on The Walking Dead

From mercy killing Lizzie to traumatizing Sam, Carol has done some truly dark things in Undead. Carol had one of the most shocking and transformative character arcs in Undead. When she was introduced in Undead Season 1, Carol was shy and timid. She was trying to raise her daughter while suffering horrific abuse at the hands of her husband. In these early episodes, Carol needed other characters like Lori and Shane to defend her. But over the course of the series, Carol became a relentless badass who could defend herself and everyone else without hesitation.

For the most part, this transformation has been empowering and inspiring. It was great to see Carol transform into a strong, resilient heroine who could protect herself and the people she cares about. But this growth has also brought some disturbing side effects. As Carol became desensitized to the act of killing and crossed more and more boundaries in her quest to defend the group, she did some truly horrible things. Since her daughter Sophia died in Undead Season 2, Carol is on a very dark path.


Carol let Negan go

Carol and Negan walk through the woods on The Walking Dead

When Rick blew up the bridge and was presumed dead, he left his fellow survivors with only one wish. After defeating Negan and bringing the Saviors to their knees, Rick decided to spare Negan's life. Instead, he wanted Negan to be left to rot in a prison cell in Alexandria, forced to watch the Alexandrians thrive and thrive long after his tyranny ended. But Carol was so selfish that she couldn't even allow Rick to have it.

As the conflict with the Whisperers intensified, Carol's desperation to end Alpha's life clouded her judgment. She made a deal with Negan to free him from his cell in exchange for him gaining the Whisperers' trust, buying time, and ultimately killing Alpha. The deal ended up working out, but after what Negan did, it was pretty questionable to let him go.


Carol manipulated Ash by lying about Sophia

Carol talks to Ash in The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon The Book of Carol

Carol finally returned to the screen in the second season of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixondubbed Carol's bookin which she flew to France to find Daryl. But when she was trying to convince pilot Ash Patel to take her to France, she couldn't tell him she was just looking for an old friend, because that wouldn't seem urgent enough for Ash to risk his life. Instead, Carol lied to him - none other than her late daughter Sophia.

Carol told Ash that Sophia was taken by her father to visit her aunt in France just before the zombie apocalypse started, so she wanted to fly to France to meet her. This convinced Ash to take the risk, as he was moved by the prospect of reuniting mother and daughter after the end of the world. But it was all a lie; Carol callously manipulated this man.


Carol let Mary get eaten

Carol holds Mary at gunpoint on The Walking Dead

After the destruction of the prison in Undead In Season 4, Rick and his group separately followed signs to a supposed safe haven called Terminus. But when they got there, they discovered that the refuge wasn't so safe after all. Terminus was inhabited by cannibals, who lured vulnerable people, trapped them in train cars, and eventually ate them. Fortunately for Rick and the gang, Carol discovered the ruse before they got there so she could help them escape.

Saving her friends from captivity at Terminus was one of the most heroic things Carol has ever done. But one of the darkest things she ever did was included in that heroic act. During the commotion, Terminus was invaded by a horde of walkers and Carol allowed Mary, one of the cannibals, to be eaten alive.


Carol crossed Alpha's border and instigated the whisper war

Carol and Daryl walk through the woods on The Walking Dead

After defeating the Saviors, the survivors found themselves under the tyrannical rule of another sadistic group when the Whisperers appeared. The Saviors always announced their arrival with lots of bombastic and bloody language, so it was easy to see them coming, but the Whisperers disguised themselves among the walkers, so they were harder to spot. Daryl and Carol agreed that the conflict with the Whisperers needed to be nipped in the bud.

Alpha gave them a simple instruction: do not cross the border into Whisperer territory. Blinded by her quest for revenge, Carol ignored this rule and crossed the border anyway. As soon as Alpha spotted Carol on her side of the border, the Whisper War began. That war killed a lot of people, all because Carol couldn't follow a rule.


Carol burned some saviors alive

Carol holding a lit match in The Walking Dead

After the Saviors' defeat, not all of Negan's former henchmen wanted to fall into line. They were given the option to join the community and contribute or leave the community and strike out on their own. Some of those who left on their own left the area and started a new life, but some of them remained and continued to cause problems for the peacekeepers. One of these former saviors was Jed, who terrorized Carol and Henry and stole their valuables.

Long-time Undead viewers knew Jed was making a huge mistake by messing with Carol, and he finally learned that for himself. Carol approached Jed and his group in the middle of the night and burned them alive. Jed begged for his life in his final moments, but Carol – as always – ignored his pleas and lit the fire.


Carol saw a walker eat Paula's face

Paula is eaten on The Walking Dead

In one of UndeadBottle Episodes - Season 6, Episode 13, “The Same Boat” - Carol and Maggie were held hostage by a merciless killer named Paula, played by Alicia Witt. After a small victory against the Saviors, Carol and Maggie were captured and held captive by Paula and her group. Spending a few hours with Paula forced Carol to consider her dark choices as she recognized elements of herself in this horrific killer.

When Carol overpowered her captors, she reconsidered her approach to dangerous situations and didn't want to just kill Paula like she normally would. But Paula left her no choice, so Carol reluctantly impaled her on a stake. But that's not the most disturbing part; the most disturbing part is that Carol stuck around to watch a rogue walker chew off Paula's face.


Carol threatened Sam

Carol threatens Sam on The Walking Dead

When Rick and the gang arrived at Alexandria, Deanna had everyone hand over their weapons to be locked in the armory. But after months on the road, surrounded by humanity's worst monsters, Rick was too paranoid to let that happen. So he, Michonne, and Carol sneaked into the armory and stole some pistols, in case the Alexandrians turned on them.

There was just one problem: Sam, the boy who liked Carol's cookies, saw them. Carol decided to keep Sam quiet by threatening him with a horrible death. She said if he reported it, the monsters outside the walls would catch him and eat him. This traumatized Sam and led to the death of his entire family when he froze in the middle of the horde.


Carol led Daryl, Jerry and others to a cave full of walkers

Carol and Daryl trapped in a cave on The Walking Dead

This was yet another disastrous consequence of Carol's tireless quest to get revenge on Alpha. Carol was so desperate to kill Alpha that she led Daryl, Jerry, and several other friends into one of the Whisperers' traps. They ended up trapped in a dark cave full of ravenous walkers. A few inches of rock were all that separated the survivors from a horde of undead.

They managed to figure out a way out of the cave, but Jerry was almost eaten on the way out and Connie and Magna were trapped there. If Carol hadn't been so reckless, none of this would have happened. If she could have kept a cool head and bided her time in her selfish quest for revenge, then they would have avoided that fateful cave altogether.


Carol killed sick survivors during The Walking Dead's prison arc

Tyreese finds Karen and David's bodies on The Walking Dead

The first episodes of Undead Season 4 ominously suggested that the zombie virus wasn't the only biological threat in this world. Rick and his group fortified the prison, invited several new survivors to help, and seemed to have brought back some semblance of old-world normalcy to their lives. And then a mysterious new disease began spreading throughout the prison, killing everyone it touched.

As Hershel was the only doctor on site, Rick's group had difficulty trying to contain the disease and fight it. That's when Carol decided to take matters into her own hands and murdered two sick people - Karen and David - much to Tyreese's chagrin. This act was considered so dark that Rick banished Carol from prison for it.


Carol killed Lizzie

Carol shoots Lizzie with tears in her eyes on The Walking Dead

Easily the darkest thing Carol has ever done Undead was killing Lizzie. When everyone split up after the prison collapse, Carol and Tyreese drew straws. Daryl and Beth only had to look out for each other, and Rick and Michonne could count on Carl to help them, but Carol and Tyreese had to look after 12-year-old Lizzie, 10-year-old Mika, and the baby. Judith.

And if caring for three kids in a zombie apocalypse wasn't stressful enough, Lizzie started going crazy and making friends with the walkers. When Lizzie killed Mika and tried to do the same to Judith, Carol knew something needed to be done, so she took her to the desert and shot her. This isn't just the darkest thing Carol has ever done; could be the darkest thing that has ever happened in Undead.


Based on one of the most popular and successful comic books of all time, AMC's The Walking Dead captures the ongoing human drama in the wake of a zombie apocalypse. The series, developed for television by Frank Darabont, follows a group of survivors, led by police officer Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln), who travel in search of a safe home. However, instead of zombies, it is the living ones who remain who actually become the undead. The Walking Dead lasted eleven seasons and spawned several spin-off shows, such as Fear the Walking Dead and The Walking Dead: World Beyond.




Frank Darabont, Angela Kang, Scott M. Gimple, Glen Mazzara