Throughout their respective publication histories, Marvel Comics and DC Comics maintained a healthy rivalry as the two biggest giants in the comic book industry. But Casa das Ideias collaborated with its Distinta Competition on more than one occasion to excite their mutual fans.
Unfortunately for readers, crossovers between these two titans' iconic characters have been few and far between for nearly twenty years. And with both publishers gearing up for the new year, they're prepared to deliver more than a few team-ups that fans desperately need.
Jeff and Crypto
Land Shark meets Superdog
There are few contemporary Marvel characters as universally loved by both audiences and their fellow heroes as Jeff the Land Shark. Arguably the most lovable comic book creation of the 21st century, Jeff has an irresistible charm that immediately wins over anyone who crosses his path - and that could potentially include DC Comics' most famous animal companionKrypto the Superdog.
Krypto isn't always the friendliest beast on the block, but Steel Fang knows a true hero like Jeff when he sees one. And with both super pets' stars on the rise – thanks to Jeff's appearances in Marvel Rivals and Marvel Snap as well as Krypto's upcoming role in Superman (2025) – now is the perfect time to unite everyone's favorite four-legged friends against the likes of King Shark or even Kraven the Hunter.
The Fantastic Four and the Flash Family
Marvel's first family and DC's fastest
While they may not seem like the most obvious crossover, the Fantastic Four and the Flash Family have some common traits that would make either team an instant classic. Encased in their respective superheroic sci-fi shells, the real crux of both groups is ultimately family. The Fantastic Four have always been a family since its beginning, and this family has grown over the years to maintain its status as one of Marvel's most heroic families.
Meanwhile, the Flash Family is built on a legacy, having grown organically over the decades to span generations in a never-ending race for justice across the multiverse. With these shared themes and both groups' penchant for interdimensional travel, it's only a matter of time before Marvel's First Family meets the World's Fastest Family.
Captain America and Superman
Publisher Templates
As the two central leaders of their respective superheroic communities, a team between Captain America and Superman are a perfect match. Readers have already gotten a glimpse of the duo's potential dynamic in the pages of JLA/Avengers by Kurt Busiek and George Perez. In this fan-favorite crossover, these two living legends don't exactly get off on the right foot, but they learn to respect each other as genuine heroes and potential teammates - a development that's dying to be explored further.
After all, few can truly relate to the toll that each hero's respective mythology takes on their shoulders, and while there is no shortage of diabolical enemies for the duo to face off against, the real attraction would come from Steve Rogers and Clark Kent simply comparing notes on how difficult it is to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.
Spider-Man and Blue Beetle
Buglike Bros in formation
As two of their respective publishers' young heroes, a crossover between Miles Morales' Spider-Man and Jaime Reyes' Blue Beetle makes perfect sense. Aside from their overlapping bug-themed identities, these new icons have a lot in common and could greatly benefit from a crossover with another hero who knows exactly how he feels.
Thanks to his time with the Teen Titans and the ChampionsNeither Blue Beetle nor Spider-Man are strangers to teaming up with other legacy heroes, but not everyone understands the weight of power and responsibility like these two do. Having both obtained their powers accidentally, they had to step up and continue the legacy of their predecessors – surpassing them in many ways – while taking on the roles against all odds. And considering their respective powers, the dynamic of any team-up between Spider-Man and Blue Beetle would be a visual delight.
Scarlet Witch and Zatanna
The most powerful sorceresses in the world
As some The most popular magic users in Marvel and DC ComicsWith equally rabid fanbases, Scarlet Witch and Zatanna are a perfect match in Heaven, Limbo, and anywhere else their mystical misadventures might take them. But with nearly limitless magical potential at their fingertips, plus a history of questionable decisions and complicated parental relationships, Wanda and Zatanna have a lot more in common than either of them realize.
Fans have seen the two cross paths before in Busiek and Perez JLA/Avengersbut neither of them played a true starring role, and a more focused team could do wonders for the duo. After all, any crossover between Scarlet Witch and Zatanna would truly be two of comics' greatest witches teaming up to maximize their joint slaying - or "ylas tnioj riht," as Ms.
Iron Man and Batman
Playboy geniuses, billionaires, philanthropists
While Marvel's previous crossovers with Batman have placed him alongside more streetwise characters like Spider-Man, Daredevil, and the Punisher, Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark are in the perfect place to see how the other “most famous comic book billionaire” lives. With Batman having just recovered a portion of his fortune and now placing greater emphasis on the importance of coordinating with the Bat-Family and Iron Man more isolated than ever following the hostile takeover of his own considerable assets, Tony Stark needs someone's help who was there, and that someone is Batman.
Even though the crossover was between alternate depictions of the Dark Knight and the Armored Avenger in their more traditional status quos, the potential for the story is rich, especially considering their different perspectives on how to best use their incredible resources and equally stubborn tendencies. self-destructive feelings that both men share.
Captain Marvel and the Green Lantern Corps
Star-Crossed Warriors
A gifted pilot gifted with energy-based abilities from beyond the stars who becomes one of the world's greatest heroes - this description perfectly fits both Captain Marvel and Green Lantern Hal Jordan. And considering everything they have in common, Carol Danvers and Hal Jordan would either hate each other or become best friends, and fans deserve to see that.
But Captain Marvel's crossover with other intergalactic peace officers shouldn't be limited to just Hal. In the end, there's a whole Green Lantern Corps full of equally strong-willed star warriors who could give Earth's Mightiest Hero a run for his money. And with all the fear she's had to overcome in her life, it wouldn't be a shock if the Guardians of the Universe decided that Captain Marvel has what it takes to join the Corps.
Eternals and New Gods
Kirby's coolest creations
Two of Jack Kirby's greatest creations that haven't always had the same sticking power as some of the King's more prolific properties, both the Eternals and the New Gods postulate exactly what could happen if gods walked the Earth. Anyone who delves into the early texts of both mythologies can see more than a few recurring themes, giving fans the opportunity to explore these themes. uniting the Eternals and their Fourth World counterparts in a contemporary context it is too good to resist.
In addition to seeing the likes of Mister Miracle, Big Barda and Orion fighting alongside Ikaris, Sersi and the rest of Olympia's heroes, there is also the irresistible collision between two of comics' greatest villains: Darkseid and Thanos. And such a mythical crossover would certainly be lasting.
X-Men and Wonder Woman
Public enemies one and two
Spending their lives defending a world that hates and fears them, the X-Men know better than most other heroes what it's like to try to save the day while the powers that be conspire against them. And with Wonder Woman's current status quo as an enemy of the state in her ongoing series, the Princess of Paradise Island now has a taste of what it's like to be one of Marvel's Happy Mutants - which means they'd have a lot to talk about.
Diana's new big bad, the Sovereign, doesn't exactly seem like the particularly pro-mutant kind of person, and with mutants now at a disadvantage after the fall of Krakoa, they would need all the powerful allies they can get. Plus, there isn't a fan out there who wouldn't love to see Wonder Woman fighting alongside StormPhoenix and the countless other fan-favorite X-Women who dominate the franchise.
The final and absolute universes
New worlds, new opportunities
Marvel and DC have had their share of company-wide crossovers before, but with 2024 seeing the birth of two new publishing lines and new continuities, the potential for crossover between Marvel's Ultimate and DC's Absolute universes is infinite. The story of a callow family man, Peter Parker, working with a raw and unrefined Bruce Wayne against the forces of corruption in their respective cities practically writes itself. While the Absolute Universe's anti-capitalist Superman feels he could work alongside Marvel's new Ulitmates.
Reinvigorating classic characters with dynamic and engaging new twists for a new era, Marvel and DC creators have captured readers' enthusiasm and imagination with exactly what the future holds for these slightly unhinged iterations of their favorite heroes. And with high fan engagement in both universes, there's no way this crossover could be anything other than Marvel and DC Comics' latest partnership.