As one of Star Wars' Most popular and beloved eras, the Clone Wars have been incredibly developed in animation, novels, comics, and more, but there are always more stories to tell. Since pieces of this galactic conflict were shown in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sithaudiences are eager to get a look at as many battles from the Clone Wars as possible. The animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars is considered one of the Star Wars best TV shows, but then Ahsoka brought this war back to live action, people are wanting more.
Of course, there's no point simply remaking what already exists in the animated series into live-action, especially when there are many untold stories. To simply recreate moments of The Clone Wars on a larger scale than what Ahsoka achieved would somewhat invalidate the medium of animation, which is certainly not the desired purpose of telling more Clone Wars stories in live action. Here is a list of 10 different untold stories and battles from the Clone Wars that could be put into live action, fueling this desire for live action stories and avoiding remakes of existing content.
Captain Rex and R2-D2's "Top Gun" adventure on the moons of Ryloth
This duo would be an iconic duo
Captain Rex and R2-D2's adventure on the moons of Ryloth is one of the lost stories of The Clone Wars this would have made it into the animated show if it hadn't been cancelled. Described as a Superior weapon type of story, this journey would have seen Rex piloting a fighter with R2 as his astromechresult of R2 insulting another astromech during an argument between clone infantrymen and clone pilots. Unfortunately, however, Rex and R2 would be shot down on Ryloth's moons, leaving them stranded until they could discover a way back on their own.
Selling as Superior weapon has had its own renaissance recently with 2022 Top Gun: Maverickhaving a Star Wars an adventure based on this franchise would be an absolute delight, especially with such beloved characters as Rex and R2. The pair already have an established dynamic, thanks to Rex's many adventures alongside Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, and it can certainly be chaotic at times. Bringing this particular story to live-action would allow R2 to return, while also allowing Rex to star in a live-action story for the first time.
Yoda and the Bad Lot on Kashyyyk
It was even referenced in the Star Wars Canon
Another one of the undone The Clone Wars Stories are set on Kashyyyk, the Wookiees' home world, and follow Yoda and Clone Force 99. This Jedi general would have been paired with the experimental clone unit to help the Wookiees fight an important battle, something Chewbacca would also have played a big role in. paper. paper in. The purpose of this story was to explain why Yoda is said to have good relations with the Wookiees in Revenge of the Sithand even though it wasn't done, The bad lot sees Clone Force 99 reference this mission upon returning to Kashyyyk.
There is already growing interest in the Bad Batch's live-action appearances, given how beloved they have become thanks to Star Wars: The Bad Batchand perhaps no dynamic was more fascinating than Yoda and these rambunctious clones. Of course, it would also be exciting to see Chewbacca, especially if Joonas Suotamo reprises the role one more time. Viewers have been asking for more of Kashyyyk in live action since he was first seen in Revenge of the Sithand there is no better time than the present.
The Battle of Sarrish and a Difficult Loss for the Republic
The battle where Gregor went missing in action
There are not many crucial battles of The Clone Wars that have yet to be seen in animation, but the Battle of Sarrish is certainly one of them. Not much is known about this battle other than that it ended up being a devastating loss for the Galactic Republic - one that was severe enough to be considered one of the Republic's worst defeats during the entire galactic conflict. It was in this battle that Clone Commander Gregor led his men just before his ship was shot down, and he barely survived after being trapped on Abafar.
It's not often that the Republic's losses are explored in stories like The Clone Warswhich would make this a fascinating focus. Given how important it was to the larger conflict, it's certainly worth seeing. Shining a light on Gregor and his clones would also give viewers a chance to see live-action Clone Commandos, who have long been a beloved type of clone trooper. It would undoubtedly be a darker exploration of the Clone Wars, but for many viewers, this is something they already want.
The First Battle of Felucia (Before the Withdrawal of the Republic)
How did this important loss come about?
The Battle of Sarrish, however, was not the Republic's only great loss. The First Battle of FelĂșcia saw the Republic forced to retreat, a scene that was glimpsed in The Clone Warsas this led to Ahsoka Tano being assigned to the Jedi Archives at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. However, this is only a small fraction of the fight and it would take several interesting factors to cause the Republic to retreat. As this is the first battle to take place on Felucia, it is important to understand what exactly happened there and what lessons were learned.
This is especially true in the context of Revenge of the Sith. Jedi General Aayla Secura was killed on Felucia during Order 66, and at that point, her presence on the planet would have been the Republic's third excursion to that world. Felucia was clearly fundamental to his entire industry, as Obi-Wan Kenobi notes that the withdrawal from the First Battle of Felucia led to the loss of control in that sectorand this means that Felucia in general played a key role in the Clone Wars. This influence could very well have begun during this conflict.
The mission to Cato Neimoidia
As portrayed in the Brotherhood novel
The quest for Cato Neimoidia has been iconic ever since it was casually dropped in the dialogue between Anakin and Obi-Wan in Revenge of the Sithand although this story has already been told in Mike Chen's novel Fraternityit would still be exciting to see in live action. Taking place shortly after Anakin received the title of Jedi Knight, This mission covers a perfect amount of political tension and thrilling action. Even better is Anakin once again coming to his master's rescue, only for things to quickly turn out very differently than planned.
As this has long been an iconic reference from the prequel trilogy, it would be incredible to witness it in live action, even if just in bits and pieces. This is especially true due to Asajj Ventress' involvement in the matter. As a fan-favorite antagonist from the Clone Wars era, Ventress certainly deserves a live-action debutand this would be a perfect opportunity for her to do so. It would also give Anakin and Obi-Wan yet another fight to lead together, even though many of their other Clone Wars conflicts also saw them on the front lines.
The devastating battle of Hypori
When Republic forces were crushed by Grievous
There are a few reasons why the devastating Battle of Hypori stands out so much, but the most notable is the fact that this battle led to the devastation of the Republic forces on this world and thus a major demoralization of two separate clone battalions. The Battle of Hypori occurred shortly after Christophsis, a very notable conflict of the Clone Wars, and saw both the 442nd and 212th crushed by General Grievous's forces. Many clone troopers and several Jedi were killed in the conflictall of this occurred around the time Obi-Wan assumed leadership of the 212th.
This would be an important event to explore, as it led to Obi-Wan gaining the trust of his men while trying to regain his morale after the devastating loss of the Republic. There is also more Star Wars meaning; this battle was first mentioned in Star Wars canon in Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel by James Luceno, where the carcass of a ship that crashed into the planet during the battle still remained as a reminder of what had happened. This rich history would certainly be even more rewarding if the battle came to life, despite its devastation.
How Anakin Skywalker got his iconic scar
Where did it come from (in Canon)?
The story of how Anakin got the iconic scar on his eye has been sought after since it was first seen in Revenge of the Sith. Node Star Wars Legends continuity, it was Ventress who gave Anakin this scar, although Legends is no longer considered canon. Star Wars Warner Bros. hasn't yet told that story in the new canon sequel, which means there's a rich opportunity to show that event on screen in a live-action retelling of the story.
If Star Wars decides to keep the same, or similar, story for Anakin's scar, then this would be another opportunity to bring Ventress into live action. Star Wars could even take inspiration from Anakin and Ventress' iconic duel in Star Wars: Clone Wars 2003 microserieswhich was also categorized as Legends in 2014. Either way, this is clearly a story that deserves to be told, or at least retold, and audiences would no doubt be thrilled to see this moment come to life, especially with the scar being such a part iconic of Anakin's look.
...and how notable clones got their scars
Cody, Wrecker, Howzer and more
Anakin, however, isn't the only notable Clone Wars figure with a missing scar story. Commander Cody arguably has an even more iconic scar than Anakin's, and yet a story of how it happened has never been provided. Wrecker of Clone Force 99 also has a scar running along the side of his head, which, like Commander Wolffe, has caused his eye to turn white, and Captain Howzer has a long scar on his cheek and jaw. These are just a few of the many clones who have obtained these scars without corresponding stories.
Given how beloved the clones are, with the praise for The Clone Wars and The bad lot serving as proof of this, these live-action stories with the clones would certainly be worth exploring. This is especially true if these stories intertwine with other significant moments from the Clone Wars.or involve other important characters from this time. These scars may have originated as simple character designs, but if anyone can create stories out of them, it's Star Wars.
Boba Fett and Cad Bane's first confrontation
Giving Boba his iconic dented helmet
One of the most devastating results of the lost stories of The Clone Wars after its cancellation there was a partnership between Cad Bane and Boba Fett, two of the Star Wars the greatest bounty hunters in the galaxy. This storyline would have eventually led to a final confrontation between the legendary bounty hunter Duros and Jango Fett's son, which would have left Cad Bane dead and Boba with his iconic helmet dented. Although elements of this story changed in canon, with Cad Bane surviving, There is still evidence that this confrontation occurred.
For one thing, Boba's helmet, of course, is still dented, and Cad Bane has a metal plate in his head where he fired the lethal shot in this unfinished film. The Clone Wars bow. Boba and Cad Bane also reference their history in The Book of Boba Fettwhen they have another confrontation in Mos Espa. Because of this added context, it would be even more exciting to see the first live-action showdown, with Boba nearly killing Cad Bane and getting that iconic dent in his helmet. It could even improve the damaged legacy of The Book of Boba Fett.
The crystal crisis in Utapau
Anakin and Obi-Wan's discussion about Ahsoka leaving the Jedi Order
One of the last undone stories of The Clone Wars It became known as the Crystal Crisis arc, which would have occurred on Utapau and followed by Obi-Wan and Anakin. With Grievous and the Separatists searching for a massive kyber crystal, it was up to Obi-Wan and Anakin to keep the crystal safe, a story that would last four episodes in total. Although this whole story would certainly be worth seeing, especially with the creativity of Anakin avoiding Grievous due to the exchange of information Revenge of the Siththere's one specific moment that certainly deserves to be highlighted in live action.
In one such episode, Obi-Wan and Anakin discuss Ahsoka's departure from the Jedi Order, a conversation mostly comprised of Anakin ruminating angrily about how things turned out, while Obi-Wan insists it was Ahsoka's own decision. Anakin, however, attacks Obi-Wan, asking how his former master would feel if Anakin failed him in this way. Obi-Wan insists that such a failure by Anakin will never happenand viewers are left with the burden of knowing that this catastrophic failure will happen soon. That Star Wars moment is highly significant and really should be seen.