Star Wars Games have always been filled with fun cosmetics, from the colorful ponchos in Star Wars: Fallen Order To the variety of skirt-filled outfits in Star Wars Outlaws. However, it has to be Kai's assortment of outfits in Outlaws Which takes the cake, not just for their abundance ofcallbacks to characters and moments from the films, but also because of how modern they are. Kay absolutely pulls off every look, giving players a hard time finding the perfect look to stick with for the entire duration of Star Wars Outlaws.
There is a lot of history behind some of Kay's outfits, with some of them based on characters from Star Wars TV shows and movies that also appear in Star Wars Outlaws. Fortunately, even those without a legacy still impress with great overall design and stylish accessories. While players can stick to a particular outfit thanks to the bonus it offers, For those who are looking for the galaxy in style, there are many colorful outfits for Kay to choose from.
Fool Shaddaa thief outfit
The perfect outfit for a smart scoundrel
The Nar Shaddaa Thief outfit in Star Wars Outlaws Is simple, but incredibly modern, giving Kay a more agile and lightweight appearance, perfect for a scandal that seeks to go unnoticed. The outfit includes a light brown sleeveless jacket over a black shirt, a simple brown utility belt and gray pants. Although it doesn't look like it can hold all of Kay's incredible gadgets Star Wars Outlaws, The simple yet sleek Nar Shaddaa Thief outfit is the perfect choice for those who prefer something not too flashy.
Nar Shaddaa is the moon of Nal Hutta, the homeworld of the Hutt species, including one Jabba the Hutt. Most notably, Nar Shaddaa is almost exclusively populated by criminals, bounty hunters, crime lords, and more, giving it the apt nickname Smuggler's Moon. It feels fitting, then, that No one should wear this fool's shameless thief's clothes, in honor of all the news that came before her..
Vandor survivalist
A cozy coat to survive the harsh cold of Vandor
The Vandor survivalist outfit in Star Wars Outlaws Give Kay everything she needs to get by on the ice-cold planet of Vandor. It comes with a thick gray winter coat lined with white fur, gray pants and a similar gray utility belt to store Kay's blaster. The Vandor Survivalist outfit is perfect for when players are exploring Kijimi and dealing with the notorious Ashiga clan.
Vandor is actually one of the planets that features during the Han Solo spin-off film, Solo: A Star Wars Story. During an exciting heist sequence, Han, Tobias Beckett (played by Woody Harrelson), and their crew attempt to hijack a train, only for it to go awry. In the sequence, Han wears a much more stylish winter outfit than the Vandor survivalist from Star Wars Outlaws, but unfortunately it's not in the game.
Imperial disguise
The perfect outfit for the Empire enthusiast
One of the possible rewards players can get from the syndicates in Star Wars Outlaws is the imperial disguise outfit. This comes with a sleek white Imperial Officer jacket, a utility belt with a white buckle, and black Imperial Officer trousers. It all comes together to make Kay convincingly look like an Imperial officerTransforming from the root into a member of the empire, naturally in looks.
While wearing an Imperial uniform goes against everything Kay believes in, it's hard not to acknowledge how stylish it is. The Imperial uniform is top sci-fi military wearBoasting a sleek minimalist design that makes the admittedly incredibly terrifying Empire look pretty cool. Although it is not appropriate for every situation, the imperial disguise outfit in Star Wars Outlaws is very cool.
Scandrel Outfit
The Ultimate Scoundrel Look
The scoundrel outfit in Star Wars Outlaws is understated yet stylish, offering players looking for the perfect look for Kay an exceptional choice. It comes with a gray sleeveless jacket with a belt and radish strapped across the torso, a black undershirt, a brown utility belt with a gold buckle, brown fingerless gloves, and gray and black pants. Just as its name suggests, The scoundrel outfit makes Kay look like a no-nonsense kind of badass.
It's also possible that the Scoundrel outfit is a nod to Han Solo's first outfit At the beginning of the Solo: A Star Wars Story Film. In the opening, Han is wearing a white jacket with black sleeves, which looks very similar to the jacket worn by Kay in the Scoundrel outfit. Either way, this is a cool look for Kay, and a must-wear for all players.
Crimson rule outfit
A sleek black outfit suits the crimson don
The crimson rain outfit is by far one of the most unique designs of all Star Wars Outlaws. Instead of Kay's typical skirt and pants look, the crimson rain outfit gives her a black and gold topA black belt with a black and gold buckle, black pants and high black boots. It's fair to say that the crimson rain outfit feels like something Kay would wear to her enemies' funerals after she dispatched them with her blaster.
The Crimson Rain outfit plays on the opulence of the Crimson Dawn crime syndicate With its gold accents and overall fancy design. It looks like something Drayden Voss or Qi'ra would wear, albeit now on the shoulders of one of Star Wars' biggest scandals. Players are looking to smarten up a bit Star Wars Outlaws Should wear the crimson rule outfit.
Boonta Brawler Outfit
A colorful costume that looks straight out of space age
The Boonta Brawler outfit in Star Wars Outlaws is by far the most colorfulSporting a distinctive design that sets it apart from the rest. The Boonta Brawler outfit gives Kay a brown leather jacket with pink pain splattered on the sleeves, a metal chestplate covered in yellow, pink and purple paint, a brown utility belt and brown pants with the same pink paint splattered on them and yellow knee guards. . This is definitely one way to stand out from the crowd, and a great choice for players sick of Kay's usual jacket.
Boonta is a Hutt-controlled planet famous for its podraces, so it's no surprise that the Boonta Brawler outfit is a bit flashy. It's also unique for more than just its vivid color scheme, Like any other outfit in Star Wars Outlaws Has armor. Players looking to inject a little color into Kay's wardrobe should definitely get the Boonta Brawler outfit.
Kay's Outfit
The normal look is iconic for a reason
Kay's iconic blue jacket and olive green pants in Star Wars Outlaws Is a great look for a reason, and it's clear what Ubisoft went with this design. Kay's outfit gives her a puffy blue jacket with a white top underneath, a brown utility belt, and olive green pants with plenty of pockets. It's a great look, One that almost rivals Han for being the coolest scandal outfit in the galaxy.
Players don't have to stick with Kay's original outfit if they don't want to, with plenty more to choose from. however, It's definitely one of the coolest in Star Wars OutlawsAnd it's not hard to understand why some players might just opt to wear it for the entire game. After all, it's Kay's outfit, and it makes sense for her to cling tightly to her favorite skirt throughout.
Bandit Outfit
An upgrade to Kay's iconic jacket
The only thing cooler than a blue jacket is a red oneAnd luckily the Outlaw outfit in Star Wars Outlaws Accommodate for this. This changes Kay's iconic blue jacket to red, with black shoulder pads instead of blue, gives her a red top, changes her belt to a black one, and switches her pants to a pair of gray and black socks. It's a suitably awesome update, and perfect for those who wanted more contrast in their outfit.
The red and black design of the Outlaw outfit is definitely a bit cooler than the overall blue design of Kay's original jacketAnd the red undershirt is a nice touch. Fortunately, players who prefer the blue can stick with the original design. However, for those who wanted a little twist on Kay's skirt in Star Wars OutlawsThe Outlaw outfit is the perfect choice.
Sabaak Shark Outfit
A modern homepage to Lando Calrissian
The Sabaak Shark outfit in Star Wars Outlaws is an almost one-to-one replica of the famous heartthrob Lando Calrissian's outfitAlthough with a small tweak. The Sabaak Shark outfit gives Kay a blue shirt with a wide collar and blue cape, a large black belt followed by a black utility belt, and blue pants. This is just about as stylish as you can get, and is sure to make Kay the talk of the table every time she sits down to play.
Of course, this takes Lando's yellow and blue outfit and makes it all blue, which is more in tune with Kay's overall color preference. With players can find Lando in Star Wars OutlawsThey could even find him wearing an almost identical outfit. Regardless, Players should definitely take the Sabaak Shark outfit for a spin around town at least once.
Kessel Runner Outfit
The Han Solo views
By far the coolest outfit in all Star Wars Outlaws is the Kessel Runner outfit. This is literally Han Solo's outfit with a few alterationsTurning Kay Wess into the smartest and lovable villain in all the galaxy. The Kessel Runner outfit gives Kay a black sleeveless jacket, white undershirt, brown utility belt with a silver buckle and blue pants.
The Kessel Runner outfit is perfect for those who want to pay homage to their favorite Star Wars character, or those who just feel it suits Kay's overall look the best. It doesn't come with any special effects or bonuses, but it doesn't need to. The Kessel Runner outfit is cool in its own right, and is a perfect example of how Star Wars Outlaws Gets fanservice right.
- Franchise
Star Wars
- Released
August 30, 2024
- developer(s)
Massive entertainment