The Mailpost zero Update to Fallout 76 Made some tweaks to the game and added some features. Among these was the ability to share and feature player-created comps. Construction and Assembly Mobile Platforms, known simply as CAMPs in the game, are portable user-created home bases. Their primary function is to serve as a place to build, repair and recover.
The ability to decorate CAMPs has made them popular among more creative players. Use the "Best Builds" feature added in Mailpost zeroPlayers can now share their favorite designs and "like" other designs from the quick travel menu on the map. And there is plenty to "like," because Fallout 76 Players have come up with many awesome designs for their comps.
Junk Stop & Shop Camp
junk mail
This is awesome Fallout 76 Build by Redditor argent moire It's all about the details. Although it uses a prefab building, Argentmoire Enhance it with personality with their unique decor style. The CAMP feels like an antique shop, filled to the brim with shelves upon shelves of goodies and trinkets.
Everything from the deck kitchen to the "Sheepsquatch ate my brother!" Poster on the wall behind the main shop area displays a wonderful kind of kitsch that makes this a unique and delightfully junky build.
Rustic Rotunda
Globe in the sky
This incredible CAMP build is made by Moonlight Cowboy And shared on their YouTube channel. The clean and modern CAMP resembles a large globe, propped up in the sky by a foundation That's reminiscent of the Seattle Space Needle. Inside is a gorgeous, rounded ceiling decorated with a geometric design and windows for some atmospheric lighting.
The rustic rotunda took 19 hours to complete. Even more impressive, it was built at level 37, without using a Fallout 76 Jetpack. Moonlight Cowboy includes a tutorial for other players to copy on their own, along with this advice for aspiring CAMP designers: "Anyone can do this build, it just takes time and a lot of patience."
Sud asad and carry coffee
A bullet lab and a cozy home
The CAMP was built in 2019, but it is still an impressive one. Final render On YouTube managed to create an impressively spacious living space-hack-science laboratory in an inhospitable place: a huge cliff west of the Cranberry Bog. Final render builds their base directly on top of an acid deposit, In a tiny cave at the bottom of the cliff. At the top of the cliff is a lead deposit, which makes it the ideal place for crafting bullets.
The base ends up as a cozy living room with a kitchen, however It is also incredibly functional, With tons of storage space and crafting items. This video includes a complete walkthrough on how to recreate the build, so anyone can follow along.
Caravan camp on a dinosaur
Built on the back of a brontosaurus
Sometimes it's not the design that makes the build awesome, but the location. This CAMP, created by YouTuber Mr. ChurchUses the best place for its structure: On top of a brontosaurus. The big dinosaur can be crafted in the workshop, and, it turns out, makes a great base for building a caravan-style camp.
The CAMP is themed around wilderness travel, with a nearby covered area for resting when not inside the brontosaurus treehouse. The dino-house is also fully functional Since the Bronto is standing on top of a canal. The sparse decor is also carefully chosen to make the space feel more like a wandering prehistoric desert oasis.
The Kissing Booth Trap
Where you get more than you paid for
Casemate is known in the Fallout 76 Community as a master of TRAP CAMPS, which are exactly what they sound like. In this CAMP, shared on YouTube by the creator, is a great example of how Kazamati uses their CAMP design to turn seemingly innocent locations into deadly traps.
The building has a cute lawn walkway up to an inconspicuous kissing booth (for only "5 caps"). As soon as the unseen visitor goes up to the booth window, the floor collapses beneath them. The guest lands in the actual CAMP building, a walled-in cabin with flames and electric zaps quickly disposing of them.
Beach camp build
A lakeside beach vacation
Dart Xion On YouTube made this awesome Fallout 76 CAMP builds with the items from the Season 16 rewards. The CAMP is built right on Summersville Lake and is intended to look like a beach resort For the tired domination resident playing Fallout 76. The base uses the Earth Lubber pirate ship prefab, and includes everything needed for a functioning player base.
The CAMP is built on its base with beachy elements like tables with umbrellas over them, decrepit beach fencing, a tiki bar, nautical decor inside and out, and, of course, lawn flamingos.
Japanese pagoda and dojo
Beautiful homepage to Japanese style
Fallout 76 Takes place in a fictionalized version of West Virginia, called simply by its broad regional name, Appalachia. But LoganRTX On YouTube it turns into a slice right out of Japan with this CAMP build. The CAMP stands in the perfect atmospheric location, surrounded by tall trees and facing onto a lake, as well as Perfectly recreating the architecture of a Japanese pagoda.
The design leans heavily on elements of Japanese decor and design, such as exposed wood, paper walls and an outdoor bath. Inside the building are the living quarters, a complete training dojo and Even a courtyard with a gate. It is clear that a lot of care has gone into the creation of this beautiful build.
Leaving Mining Town
A spacious and atmospheric building
Another oldie but a goodie, Uranium heat Share this incredible Fallout 76 CAMP builds on their YouTube channel. Designed and built by Drago, it seems that mine has seen better days. The CAMP is huge and consists of decrepit old shacks with boarded-up windows and weathered metal fencing.
The settlement is built up into the side of a cliff, Give it the illusion of towering ominously over the player. The CAMP has an eerie, liminal air to it, which makes any passerby wonder what happened here to cause it to be abandoned in the first place.
Sound Stage Shelter Star
It's all about the perspective
At first glance, this Fallout 76 CAMP by Redditor Jesus Freak Seems completely nonsense. It's clearly not built to be useful. The base consists of A large amount of furniture floats around in the air In a haphazard way. There is no rhyme or reason to the way they are arranged.
That is, until the player steps in the exact right spot, and everything aligns in the intended way. When viewed from a specific angle, The random bits of furniture come together to create a living portrait of Marilyn Monroe. The incredible artwork took the creator a month or two of work, and is a testament to how creative the game's community can really get - one of the main reasons Fallout 76 Has survived in 2024.
Mobile Suit Gundam
Dispersing Minerovski particles
This incredible build was made by Bad Notions and shared on YouTube by Uranium heat. in it, Two massive Gundam Mechs face each otherwith Beckley at their feet. This build is not functional, instead being the most awesome and accurate depiction of a Gundam.
The CAMP uses building parts to make the Gundams hold weapons, with lit-up thrusters in the back of one, and a Tesla coil lodged in its chest for power. It may not be the most useful in terms of gameplay, but it is certainly one of the most awesome player CAMP creations in Fallout 76.
Sources: argentmoire / reddit, Moonlight Cowboy/YouTube, Final render/YouTube, Mr. Church/YouTube, Kazamati/YouTube, Darth Xion / YouTube, LoganRTX/YouTube, YoshFreak/RedditUranium Fever / YouTube (1, 2)