Batman - Part II could add a new level of freshness to Robert Pattinson's Batman arsenal, with some exciting possibilities for Bat gadgets in the new setting. Matt Reeves' latest take on a live-action version of Gotham City and The Dark Knight defending it instantly became a smash hit, thanks in large part to the dramatic action scenes and clever sequences of detective work. The next Batman - Part II promises to expand the story and universe of the newest Batman film series, perhaps giving Pattinson's Batman some awesome new toys to play with.
Compared to other live-action Batmans, Robert Pattinson's Batman gadgets are rather tame, too grounded in reality to fit Matt Reeves' more realistic take on a DC mythos. While some of the technology is quite far-fetched, like contact lens camera lenses, most of it takes precedence in real life as an actual tool that exists. Maybe Reeves is willing to go a little further Batman - Part II expanding Batman's arsenal.
Frozen Bombs
A versatile cryogenic tool
In many incarnations, Batman's genius levels of intellect and adaptation allow him to build new devices after learning from his enemies' technology. In many cases, after encounters with Mr. Freeze, Batman commonly develops freeze bombs, small hand grenades that release an icy charge of ice instead of a powerful explosion. These devices have a wide variety of uses, from trapping enemies in place to creating slippery surfaces that cause villains to lose their balance.
Admittedly, Matt Reeves' low-tech universe Batman might seem like an odd fit for Freeze Bombs, with Mr. Freeze certainly not being a Batman villain expected to appear in continuity anytime soon. However, the gadget does have some real-world precedence, with liquid nitrogen being a very real chemical cocktail that can instantly freeze organic material. It wouldn't be the biggest exaggeration in the world to give Pattison's Caped Crusader the first live-action interpretation of these iconic and versatile bombshells.
The Bat's Eye
Help Batman with surveillance and reconnaissance
One thing that sets Robert Pattinson's Batman apart from other live-action versions is the amount of time the film takes pains to show the World's Greatest Detective doing some actual detective work. From espionage to surreptitious surveillance, this Batman certainly uses devices that help him get a closer look at dangerous situations. Enter Bat-Eye, a perfect tool for long-range reconnaissance that Matt Reeves' Batman has already demonstrated a clear preference for.
Originating from DC's Silver Age, Bat-Eye is typically depicted as a floating, basketball-sized orb that detaches from a door of the Batmobile, allowing Batman (and Robin) a bird's-eye view of many dangerous situations. that they face. they often meet. This tool would be invaluable in Batman - Part II Gotham City, which is now a more dangerous place than ever. To keep things more realistic, Bat-Eye could easily be reworked into a sort of aerial surveillance drone that commonly exists in the real world.
Propeller Boots
The Batman – Part II presents an interesting use case for these devices
Although poorly lit alleys and subway stations are Batman's main natural habitat, any good hero worth his salt needs to be able to traverse a wide variety of different settings and environments. This is where gadgets like the propeller boots come in handy for Batman, saving him in watery locations at various points in the comics. True to their name, propeller boots are a special pair of shoes that give Batman a small rotor built into each sole, allowing him to quickly traverse underwater areas with ease.
Batman - Part II offers a great opportunity for the Helix Boots to finally appear in live action due to how Batman it ended. With the Riddler destroying Gotham's seawall with his bombs, leaving entire neighborhoods of Gotham City underwater, Batman's chances of diving in seem greater than ever. Although strange and complicated, propeller boots were invented in real lifegiving Batman - Part II some precedence for the inclusion of the device.
The Batboat
The maritime equivalent of the Batmobile
Propeller boots aren't Batman's only historically proven way of getting around in water. Just as the Batmobile exists for street chases and the Batwing exists for Batman's aerial needs, there have been many instances of an entire Batboat for use on the water. Not normally appearing in comics, the Batboat is a product of Batman media, such as Adam West's original series in the 1960s, Batman Returns, and Batman: The Animated Series.
On these appearances, the Batboat has all sorts of cool features that separate it from your average seagoing vessel. With hydrofoils, torpedoes, grappling hooks, and even submersible capabilities, there are plenty of intriguing options for Batman to use while piloting the Batboat. Once again, a flooded Gotham is the perfect opportunity for Batman to deploy a form of transportation that deals with the post-disaster city's clogged canals.
Magnetic weapon deactivators
A practical way for Batman to steal firearms from criminals
Famously, Batman isn't a big fan of guns in most incarnations, despite what Ben Affleck's violent Batman in the DCEU might lead one to believe. Robert Pattinson's take on the character could learn something from Ben Affleck's, however, when it comes to handling firearms. In the infamous fight at the warehouse Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Affleck's Batman uses a kind of magnetic bomb that attaches to an enemy henchman's gun, exploding violently to prevent the use of his firearms.
Although Robert Pattinson's Batsuit is bulletproof, enough ammunition was shown to make him stop, as proven by the climactic final fight scene in Batman against the cult of the Riddler. Perhaps Batman could learn from this experience with some sort of similar device that preemptively takes care of his biggest threat, allowing him to excel in hand-to-hand combat unchallenged. The devices could easily be explained as powerful magnets with a charge strong enough to deform metal firearms beyond the point of repair.
Sleeping gas
Batman Sometimes Dabbles With Chemical Weapons
The smoke bomb is an iconic part of Batman's arsenal as a stealthy warrior of the night, so it's no surprise that the comics expand on the different types of gases the Dark Knight is willing to employ. One such variation on a classic tool is filled with sleeping gas instead of simple smoke, allowing Batman to simultaneously protect himself and eliminate bad guys with little resistance. A custom chemical cocktail, Batman's sleeping gas features a powerful anesthetic capable of gently and harmlessly calming a grown man in a matter of moments.
Batman demonstrated a variety of delivery systems for this gas, from simple grenades to pressurized nozzles that come out of the tips of his gauntlets. Either way, the sleeping gas may not be the most exciting action sequence, making it a very low-risk option for Batman. But considering how many criminals Robert Pattinson's Batman puts to sleep with just his fists, it's worth giving him a break with a gadget that gets straight to the point.
The EMP rifle
Could help Batman get more out of his enemies
Batman wasn't the first series of Batman films to take things to a more grounded and realistic tone, with Christopher Nolan The Dark Knight trilogy not being much more fantastic. One of the coolest gadgets that Christian Bale's Batman uses in this series is his EMP rifle. The Dark Knight Rises fame. This device looks like a futuristic firearm, but it is actually a directed blast of electromagnetic energy, causing all working electronics within the scope of its range to instantly lock down with a pull of the trigger.
It's easy to imagine some valuable uses for this item in Robert Pattinson's Batman toolkit. Like anyone else in real life, your criminal enemies rely heavily on technology, especially when it comes to seeing Batman coming before he can get close enough to attack. A gadget like this could help Batman close the gap and darken the room before causing pain The Batman - Part II.
Bat-Net Drones
A high-tech containment device that easily catches bad guys
Batman's famous "no killing" rule often forces him to get creative when it comes to finding a non-lethal way to subdue his opponents. Much of their weaponry is designed to injure, disable, or restrain rather than outright kill, a prime example being the Bat-Net drones. These sophisticated devices are a fire-and-forget network delivery system that allows Batman to easily serve dangerous criminals on a silver platter.
Taking the form of small robotic bats, these drones can be programmed to follow a particular target or hover in place and attack the first person they see. Upon detonation, the devices unfurl into massive webs that can easily subdue all but the most cunning of Batman's villains. While they may seem too far-fetched for Matt Reeves' universe, Bat-Net drones could easily be transformed into realistic hovering flying drones with a remote trigger, firing an onboard net launcher.
The Heated Batarang
A fiery version of Batman's classic weapon
Batman presented an interesting take on Batman's most iconic gadget, with a single massive, chunky Batarang that is lifted straight from the chest of Robert Pattinson's Batsuit. The upcoming film could feature one of the many variations of the Batarangs seen in the comics with the heated Batarang, a red-hot version of the classic throwing weapon that burns as easily as it cuts. This wouldn't be too hard to justify in-universe, with Batman simply needing to ignite the metal of the typical Batarang with some sort of external heating device.
Interestingly, Clayface is a supposed villain for Batman - Part II, which could make the heated Batarang a particularly prescient choice for an appearance in the upcoming film. In the comics, the heated Batarang is particularly useful against Clayface's amorphous body; the intensely high temperatures cause the clay that makes up his body to bake and crumble as if it were in a giant oven. The idea of a warm, glowing Batarang in Robert Pattinson's hands is a stunning image.
The line launcher
One of Batman's most stylish ways to traverse Gotham City
Not all of Batman's coolest gadget ideas come from comics, movies, or TV shows, with video games providing some of the most creative ways for the Caped Crusader to get around. In Rocksteady's beloved Batman Arkham series, a recurring upgrade that allows Batman to quickly traverse great distances is the line launcher. This small, compact device fires a grappling hook in a straight line in two directions, allowing Batman to utilize a makeshift zipline that quickly transports him across chasms, rooftops, or buildings.
It would be amazing to finally see this genius device rendered in a live-action Batman movie. The delivery system is no more far-fetched than the fighting weapons Batman uses in Batman, simply iterating on the same theme to create an exciting zip line. Considering Robert Pattinson's penchant for extreme sports gear like the wingsuit, a zipline launcher seems like a perfect addition to his tool belt for Batman - Part II.
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