10 closest friends in Dragon Ball

10 closest friends in Dragon Ball

Dragon ball is a staple of modern anime. It's a gripping shōnen series full of heart-wrenching sacrifices, insane universe-wide fights, and some of the world's closest friends. The story takes place throughout Goku's life, so fans have had more than enough time with the main character as he tries to understand his past and his adventures with his new friends. One of Goku's greatest strengths is to turn former enemies into allies and, eventually, friends.

While Goku has a handful of people he's always been friends with, like Bulma and Krillin, friendships with other characters like Vegeta and Piccolo took much longer. Goku isn't the only character to have great friendships, as his son Goten and Vegeta's son Trunks continue their parents' friendship in style. In Dragon Ball Super, The gods and their attendants are finally revealed, showing a new, divine kind of friendship.


Goku and Bulma

childhood friends

Goku and Bulma return to the beginning of the original Dragon Ball. They have been friends longer than Goku has known most of the other characters in the series. Bulma is something of a teacher to Goku in the early parts of dragon ball, since the young Saiyan was just as ignorant as he is now. She was the first person to teach him about the Dragon Balls, she is the first woman he met and she even taught him how to bathe.

Without Bulma, Goku wouldn't have much of the knowledge and experience he currently has. But their friendship isn't one-sided, as Goku is also by his friend's side. He is kind enough to remember her birthday, always willing to defend herand is a big fan of her relationship with Vegeta. Although she had a small crush on him for a long time, their relationship was almost always platonic, allowing them to remain good friends without anything being awkward.


Tien and Chiaotzu

Master Shen's former students

Tien and Chiaotzu were first introduced to the series Dragon ball as Goku's enemies, but the two have always been friends. Tien and Chaiotzu are inseparable. If one is seen somewhere, the other cannot be far behind. Tien and Chiaotzu's friendship is best seen during the Saiyan Saga, during his fight with Nappa. Nappa is much stronger than all of the Z Fighters combined, prompting Chiaotzu to use a self-destruct technique to eliminate him.

Like most sacrifices in dragon ball, it's completely meaningless and Nappa doesn't take the slightest damage. Tien's reaction is brutal, as his best friend died in front of him, showing how deep their relationship is. Chiaotzu is eventually brought back to life and the two live their fun lives once again.


Future Trunks and Future Gohan

The only survivors in the future

Future Gohan was more of a mentor to Future Trunks, but as all the other Z Fighters were already dead in this timeline, they were also close friends. They really only had each other and Trunks' mother, Bulma. Their timeline was incredibly dark, but Gohan did what he could to train Trunks and protect him from the androids. Gohan even sacrificed himself to give Trunks a chance to fight 17 and 18 in one of the only Dragon ball sacrifices that meant something.

Because of Gohan's sacrifice, Trunks is able to inform Goku of the past about his upcoming heart virus, saving his life in the process. Goku is able to survive the heart virus and fight for the Z Fighters once again. Future Gohan and Future Trunks' friendship is a high point in a dark timeline. When Future Trunks meets Gohan from the normal timeline, he is very happy to see his Master and friend live such a peaceful life.


Beerus and Whis

A God of Destruction and His Attendant

Beerus and Whis have a really fun friendship in Dragon Ball Super. Beerus is Universe 7's God of Destruction and Whis is his assistant. Whis is generally trying to be a father to Beerus, as the God of Destruction usually does what he wants, when he wants. Although this can sometimes irritate Whis, Beerus has some good ideas, like when he gets the two ice cream sundaes on their home planet.

As two of the strongest characters in dragon ball, it's equally fun and dangerous to see the two fight, as their fights can have devastating effects. Whis is actually stronger than Beerus as an angel, but that doesn't mean the God of Destruction is capable of wreaking havoc whenever he feels like it. Still, whenever the two are on the same side, It's always a fun watch.


Broly, Cheelai and Lemo

Broly's first humanoid friends

Dragon Ball Super brought Broly back in an incredible way. Broly has always been an amazing character. As the Legendary Super Saiyan in Dragon Ball Z, Broly was one of the strongest villains in Dragon ball history. He was huge, with muscles bigger than mountains and eyes scarier than a horror movie. While the original Broly was an incredible monster, the new Broly is a soft-spoken, kind-hearted young Saiyan. Lucky to find great friends in Cheelai and Lemo.

Broly hasn't been treated well for most of his life, making his friendships with former Frieza Force members all the more rewarding. They don't care that Broly is ridiculously strong, they just want him to be okay. They move with him back to Vampa, where Broly was raised, and thanks to Goku and Bulma, the trio get a nice house to live in too.


Goku and Piccolo

Driving Friends

Goku and Piccolo didn't start out as friends in Dragon ball. Piccolo, or one of the many versions of Namek, was one of the original's greatest antagonists. Dragon ball series. He finally befriends the Saiyan during the Saiyan Saga of Dragon Ball Z when the pair encounter a common enemy in Raditz. Goku sacrifices himself to defeat Raditz, leaving Piccolo with Gohan. Goku's first death leads directly to his friendship with Piccolowhen Piccolo begins training and becoming friends with Gohan.

Gohan is able to see the best in Piccolo, allowing others to do the same. Although Gohan is more of Piccolo's student than a friend, Goku considers the Namekian an equal. Even Chi-Chi sees them as friends, as she forces them to get their driver's licenses together if they want her to cook for them again.


Goten and Trunks

Unfused Gotenks

Goten and Trunks are much friendlier to each other than their parents were. They are two fun boys who don't take anything seriously, even when their lives are at risk. They are such good friends that they can even fuse, creating the powerful Gotenks in the process. Goten and Trunks have grown up in relatively peaceful times since the Buu Saga, increasing their laid-back attitudes.

Goten and Trunks are fun whenever they are together. They are two very indifferent people and, together, they become even less serious. Even though they aren't too concerned about what happens around them, they are quite strong in their own right, as they are both technically the youngest people to become Super Saiyan. Even his fused form, Gotenks, can go Super Saiyan 3 in an early and equally impressive transformation.


Goku and Vegeta

Goku's biggest rival

Goku and Vegeta were mortal enemies during the Saiyan Saga, but we have only become closer as friends since time has passed. Goku even had Krillin spare Vegeta's life when he came to Earth when most other characters wouldn't. It was a wise decision looking back, as Vegeta is easily the second strongest person in all of Universe 7, aside from the godlike Beerus and Whis. Goku has some closer friends than Vegeta, but no one else can stand by his side as his equal.

When Goku became Super Saiyan, Vegeta found a way to become Super Saiyan as well. When Goku became a Super Saiyan God, Vegeta was right behind him. Neither Goku nor Vegeta would be as strong as they are now without the other, and together, they can create some of the strongest fusions of all Dragon Ball.


Good Boo and Mr. Satan

An unlikely friendship

Mr. Satan and Buu's friendship is the most unlikely and most fun ever Dragon Ball. Somehow, they are two peas in a pod when they are together. Their personalities match so well that it's as if they were made for each other. Buu's childlike innocence and Mr. Satan's general delusion and naivety match each other perfectly. They're the kind of friends who go buy ice cream or throw ice cream at each other, but either way, ice cream is probably involved.

Buu was one of the series' biggest villains at one point, and his redemption arc into a force for good is a satisfying turning point in Dragon Ball. Although Mr. Satan was never a villain, he was a liar who took credit for other people's achievements, making his friendship with Buu another highlight of the series and its own character arc.


Goku and Krillin

Goku's oldest and best friends

On the surface, it's easy to think that Vegeta is Goku's best friend. They are equal in power, are the last remaining pure-blood Saiyans besides Broly, and are great motivators for each other. But that's what makes a good rival, not a best friend. Krillin has been Goku's best friend since the beginning. The two Turtle School members have been friends since Goku knew what a friend was. Krillin is the perfect Yin to Goku's Yang as well.

Goku is hot-headed, emotional and passionate. Krillin, on the other hand, is much more reserved and calm. He is able to help Goku make rational decisions in the heat of battle. He's also an incredible motivator for his Saiyan friend, as his second death in the series was the catalyst. Goku needed to finally become Super Saiyan and defeat Frieza in battle.