Warning: The following article contains spoilers for the Wheel of Time book seriesAmazon The Wheel of Time continues to build anticipation now that more details about the upcoming third season have been released. New casting announcements, a trailer, and a preview of the upcoming first episode indicate that The Wheel of Time may be showing an upward trend in quality, especially considering The Wheel of Time explosive opening of season 3.
With the book series long concluded, we know there are still ten more books with plot and characters to be featured in the Amazon series. THE Wheel of Time The season three trailer gave us tantalizing glimpses of some of them, but there are even more in the margins of the first two seasons. Between implications of dialogue, foreshadowing and use of the books as an outline, here are some of the main ones Wheel of Time characters we know will appear – if not in season 3, then soon.
Gawyn Trakand
Prince of Andor
Elayne's older brother, Gawyn is an idealistic and kind young manraised with the knowledge that ruling Andor will never be his concern. Andoran royal succession is matrilineal, so princes like Gawyn are groomed for a position known as First Prince of the Sword so they can serve as their Queen's right-hand man. Its existence was confirmed in The Wheel of Time season 2, episode 5, when her name was found in Sheriam's logbook. It wasn't true, of course, but it was claimed that the three girls were taken to Camelyn for Gawyn's naming ceremony.
Thanks to a press release from Amazon we know that Gawyn will appear in season 3 played by Luke Fetherston (Great mood). It remains to be seen whether the show will maintain Gawyn's romance with Egwene and eventually become her Guardian.
Morgase Trakand
Queen of Andor
Queen of Andor by the Grace of LightMorgase is the mother of Elayne, Gawyn and Galad. Unfortunately, her control over Andor has been compromised; Her Aes Sedai advisor, Elaida, influenced her to make unpopular decisions with much of the nobility, as well as drawing the attention of the Children of Light. Her new advisor, the charismatic Lord Gaebril, appears to have even more influence over her, to the point that she began to act strangely cruel.
Like Gawyn, she was also mentioned, with Sheriam's records falsely indicating that Queen Morgase's soldiers served as escorts for the girls.
Like Gawyn, she was also mentioned, with Sheriam's records falsely indicating that Queen Morgase's soldiers served as escorts for the girls. Amazon's press release confirms previous rumors that Morgase will appear in Season 3, with critically acclaimed actress Olivia Williams (The crown) in the function. While the Season 3 trailer also implies that Elayne will at least try on her mother's crown at some point, it's likely that the Queen of Andor will remain on the Lion Throne, at least for now.
General of the Forsaken
One of the 13 Abandoned in The Wheel of Time books and its most martially inclined member, Sammael was originally a general of the Light forces in Age of Legends until his insecurities led him to become a traitor. Cold, ruthless, and humorless, Sammael has little patience for nonsense. Once freed from his prison, he quickly consolidated what power he could, posing as a member of the Illian Council of Nine and using his loyal Dark Friends to amass a collection of angreal and sa'angreal to ensure his strength in Power Unique was absolute.
While there are no confirmed details yet regarding Sammael's casting, dialogue between Ishamael and Lews Therin Telamon in Season 2, Episode 8 specifically references the Forsaken general by name. This tactical genius probably already has a fair amount of Illian under his control, and season three could be the time he chooses to reveal himself – or he can continue to bide his timewaiting until he can attack Rand for maximum effect.
Mazrim Taim
False Dragon and Founder of the Dark Tower
This False Dragon nearly destroyed most of his homeland of Saldea before visions of Rand's victory at Falme knocked him off his horse, which led to his capture by the Aes Sedai, although he eventually escaped. Rand's amnesty for male channelers brought him out of the cold, and after swearing loyalty to Rand, he was named head of the training center for Rand's loyal male channelers, the Asha'man. However, Taim's loyalty to Rand was just a matter of convenienceand his ambition and desire for power would lead him to find darker masters to pledge himself to.
Mazrim Taim has not yet been confirmed on any cast list, but Dialogue between multiple Aes Sedai in Season 2 indicates their off-screen presence. Episode 1 references it, but not by name, when Sheriam, Liandrin, and Joiya discuss the powerful new False Dragon in Saldea, and episode 2's discussion between Alanna and Ihvon outright names it, meaning it's just a It's only a matter of time before Taim appears out of the shadows.
Cadsuane Melaidhrin
Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
The oldest living Aes Sedai, as well as one of the strongest, Cadsuane had already been a full Sister for over a century and a half when Rand al'Thor was revealed as the Dragon Reborn. His achievements at the White Tower are considered as notable as they are controversialas she once hijacked the Amyrlin Throne because she thought the woman needed to be hardened. Eventually, she reveals herself to Rand and appoints herself as one of his advisors.
While little is known about Cadsuane in the show's continuity, his appearance is likely inevitable. Elayne and Alanna confirm their existence in dialogue in season 2 (episodes 2 and 4, respectively), specifically referencing her legendary status among the Aes Sedai, especially how quickly she was elevated from novice to accepted.
Bashere Failure
Horn Hunter
Faile Bashere is an impulsive young noblewoman from Saldea, initially searching for the Horn of Valere in The Wheel of Timebut After meeting Perrin, she decided to follow himhow the aura of the young ta'veren's destiny drew her. A proud woman desperate to prove her worth, she is a deadly fighter in her own right, and her connection with Perrin eventually deepened into powerful love and affection.
Whether Perrin's traumatic loss of his wife will change the dynamics shown in the books is something that will only be revealed when the third season premieres.
Rumors circulated about Faile's presence in season 3 for some time before the trailer release confirmed this with a photo of actress Isabella Bucceri kissing Perrin passionately. The Wheel of TimeShowrunner Rafe Judkins also said that Faile was one of his favorite characters and was excited about how the show would portray her. Whether Perrin's traumatic loss of his wife will change the dynamics shown in the books is something that will only be revealed when the third season premieres.
Jaichim Carridin
Inquisitor and Darkfriend
A dark and patient member of the Children of Light Questioners, Jaichim Carridin was a man torn between two masters, as he was also a dark friend in the service of Isamael. In the books, he first appeared in the infamous "Social Darkfriend" scene using the alias Bors, where Ishamael ordered him to keep an eye on the Two Rivers boys and lead the Whitecloaks to the Plain of Almoth to sow chaos.
While the Amazon show's equivalent scene in the Season 2 premiere didn't identify Carridin by either name, it clearly showed that one of the Darkfriends gathered to meet Ishamael in Tel'aran'rhiod was a Whitecloakas the revealing white sleeves, along with matching gloves, could be seen beneath the robes of the figure on the other side of the table, opposite Ishamael. It's unlikely that Carridin will be removed from the narrative only to be replaced by another Whitecloak, so season three will likely reveal some of his machinations.
Leader of Shaido Aiel
Couladin was the brother of Muradin, who aspired to lead the Shaido clan of the Aiel; he accompanied his brother to meet with the Aiel Sages in Chaendaer so that Muradin could gain permission to enter Rhuidean and be tested. There they encountered Rand al'Thor, with whom Couladin immediately began to quarrel. When Muradin did not return from Rhuidean, Couladin accused Rand of killing him and left to lead the Shaido Aiel without knowing it, playing into the hands of the Renegades who were trying to manipulate the Aiel into turning on the Dragon Reborn.
Couladin has no confirmed cast, but the Season 3 trailer contains numerous shots of various Aiel gathered in Chaendaer and elsewhere in the Wastes. An Aielman is clearly positioned on several planes as being in conflict with Rand, meaning Couladin is likely to cause trouble in Season 3 once Rand arrives to meet the Sages.
Mr Gaebril
Andoran Chief Advisor
The mysterious Lord Gaebril fell into Queen Morgase's good graces after Elaida a'Roihan left the Andoran court to return to the White Tower. Gaebril became Morgase's most trusted advisor, as well as her lover, after he helped calm the unrest caused by the riots opposing Morgase, and the influence he had over her began to pressure her to treat her subjects with increasing cruelty. Of course, Gaebril was just a pseudonymand the charismatic noble was actually the Forsaken Rahvin in disguise, manipulating Morgase with the One Power.
Rahvin, as a member of Forsaken, was not mentioned or confirmed in The Wheel of Time until now. However, Amazon's Dec. 18 casting announcement specifically mentions Lord Gaebrilcalling him Morgase's lover and advisor and vowing to serve her. In the role will be Portuguese actor Nuno Lopes (White Lines).
Elaida from Avriny a'Roihan
Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah
This stern and belligerent Sister of the Red spent years in Queen Morgase's hands, providing advice to the throne of Andor that often proved unpopular. When Morgase discovered that her daughter Elayne had abandoned her studies at the White Tower and ended up in Falme, she dismissed Elaida, who returned to the Tower frustrated, blaming Siuan Sanche for what she saw as the Tower losing influence.
Rumors about Elaida's presence in Season 3 began circulating in mid-2023, but were not confirmed until the December 11, 2024 announcement that the controversial Aes Sedai would be played by Iranian-born, award-winning actress Shohreh Aghdashloo. Aghdashloo's casting in the role has been theorized as early as September 2023, and many fans have noticed the similarities between Elaida and Aghdashloo's character from the Amazon film. The Expansionthe captivating, foul-mouthed politician from Earth, Chrisjen Avasarala.
Brandon Sanderson and Robert Jordan's sprawling fantasy series comes to life in The Wheel of Time, a fantasy TV series created for Amazon Prime Video. The series follows a woman named Moiraine, a member of the female group Aes Sedai who can wield great power. After an attack on a local village, Moiraine goes there to find a villager who may be the reincarnation of an all-powerful dragon who will save or destroy the world.