In August 2024, the My Hero Academy the manga is over. In ten years and 430 chapters, many events occur, from major deaths to exciting fights against villains. Now that the manga has concluded and the story is set in stone, fans have started to make suggestions about aspects of the series that they would change to improve it, if possible.
Kohei Horikoshi's storytelling and character designs are phenomenal, but it's only natural for fans to develop their own creative ideas that they'd love to see in the official story. A Reddit thread, posted by u/Glittering_Spare3816 asked this question to fans, getting hundreds of responses. My Hero Academy is one of the best shonen stories ever told, but these changes would certainly be interesting to see happen.
Deku becoming a quirkless hero
If Deku had remained quirkless, he could have paved the way for other quirkless individuals to become heroes.
Deku was born without a Quirk, which made him fear he would never become a hero like All Might. Deku didn't have to stress for long, because All Might passed his One For All Quirk to Deku from the start. However, seeing Deku as a hero without Quirk could have been uniqueadding an incredible twist to the story.
If Deku had gotten into UA, he would have proved that even those without Quirks can still become heroes. Perhaps he could have relied on physical combat skills, support items, or other clever tactics to become a strong hero despite his lack of superpower. Watching Deku use One For All is really satisfying, but seeing the young hero stand out without individuality could have been equally fascinating.
All Might's death earlier in the story to give Deku additional motivation
Everyone could die during All for One's first fight would have pushed Deku to fight harder to avenge him
All Might, society's symbol of peace, was reaching the end of his prime, even as he My Hero Academy it started. After years of protecting society from evil enemies, his One For All Quirk was gradually dying, leaving him weakened. He didn't officially die in the story until chapter 406although there were a few scares where it looked like he wouldn't survive.
If All Might had passed away during one of those pivotal scenes, like his first fight against All For One, This tragedy would have increased the risks of the fight between good and evil. Without All Might, Deku would have suffered without his guidance. On the other hand, though, losing his mentor may have also offered him extra impetus to fight harder to take down the villain who cut All Might's life short.
Additional romantic relationships portrayed in the series
There is only one canonical relationship, leaving some romantic possibilities unexplored
Compared to some other shonen series, My Hero Academy It has a significant lack of romance. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, as the story still works well without depicting these types of relationships and focusing on platonic, familial, and mentoring relationships. There are some hints of romance, such as Ochaco's crush on Deku, but only one relationship has become canon.
The only confirmed romantic relationship in My Hero Academy is Gentle Criminal and La Brava. Since the UA students are in high school, it would have been lovely to see them dating and developing crushes, as these elements are often part of the high school experience. More romantic relationships between Pro Heroes could have also been explored, giving viewers more insight into these characters' lives outside of their hero duties.
Deku's father being revealed
The true identity of Deku's father will forever remain one of the series' most compelling mysteries
One of the greatest mysteries My Hero Academy was, and still is, the true identity of Deku's father. Hisashi works abroad, explaining why he doesn't live with Inko and Deku during the story. Kohei Horikoshi, the mangaka, stated that he would show Deku's father, Hisashi Midoriya, in a future chapter of the manga, but unfortunately the character was never introduced.
Now that the My Hero Academy the manga is over, it seems that Deku's father's appearance and personality will forever remain an unanswered question. It could have been interesting to witness Deku interacting with his father and Inko and Hisashi's relationship. Hisashi would have been extremely proud of everything Deku accomplished while he was gone, and it's a shame viewers never got to meet him.
More interaction between Tomura Shigaraki and Deku
Deku and Tomura Shigaraki needed more interactions to develop the dynamics between their characters
In a Reddit thread, the user u/Visible-Rub7937 suggested that including more interaction between Tomura Shigaraki and Deku would have improved the arcs of these characters. Deku was desperate to save Shigaraki from his fate as a villain, and the pair spoke a few times, such as when Shigaraki cornered Deku at the mall. However, their exchanges outside the battlefield are few and far between.
u/Visible-Rub7937 wished to see more arguments between the hero and villain, as well as more moments of Deku learning about Shigaraki's difficult origins as a child. Until later seasons, Deku and Shigaraki were mostly strangers who knew each other but didn't really talk to each other. If these characters had understood each other better sooner, their hero-villain relationship and Deku's sympathy for Tomura would have developed even further.
More screen time for pro heroes
Many Pro Heroes Deserve More Detailed Backstories and Bigger Story Appearances
There are a plethora of fascinating pro heroes in My Hero Academy with surprising powers. Not every Pro Hero received adequate screen time however. Pros like Endeavor and Hawks received a lot of attention, but still many of these heroes weren't included often enough.
Heroes like Midnight and Mt Lady deserved more appearances, as well as detailed backstories. By focusing closely on just a few Pro Heroes, My Hero Academy unfortunately, it fails to make use of the variety of other talented characters who protect society. There are numerous fights with many of the pros present, but as far as origin stories and character development go, many of the pro heroes' character arcs feel incomplete.
Ochaco and Deku's relationship officially becomes Canon
Deku and Ochaco were never together in the story, despite the romantic moments between them
u/MATTHEW_LEAFEON made a suggestion for a possible My Hero Academy change that most fans have been thinking about. Deku and Ochaco's relationship never became canon, although it was heavily hinted at. Both Deku and Ochaco had visible crushes on each otherblushing and flirting heavily in each other's presence.
Ochaco was inspired by Deku's journey, using his example to encourage her to become a better hero. Deku also admired Ochaco's positivity, resilience, and commitment to supporting her parents. Unfortunately, though, their romantic moments never amounted to an official relationship.
The series that occurs over a period of more than one year
Publicizing the Events My Hero Academy It would be more realistic
Surprisingly, the events of My Hero Academy happened in a very short space of time. The story's most crucial events, like the battles against All For One and Shigaraki, are all packed into a period of one or two years. Reddit user, u/_ShadowSJG_suggested that spacing out the story's events could be a positive adjustment for the series.
As the entire story spans one to two years of high school, the story excludes UA students' senior year of high school. By including the crucial senior year, there would be greater opportunities for character development and the exciting events of senior year of high school, such as school dances and choosing a career. A more spaced-out pace would also make the story less rushed and offer more time for moments of life between battles.
Toga Himiko being redeemed and surviving
Toga could have turned good and fought alongside heroes like Ochaco
Toga Himiko's death was one of the most tragic in My Hero Academy. Her character's arc was heartbreaking, as she felt cast out by society and ran to the League of Villains in search of acceptance. Her unusual Transform Quirk that uses blood has horrified people, leaving her friendless besides the villains who took her in.
Ochaco developed an unlikely bond with Toga, showing her grace and care despite the evil path she chose. Toga died to save Ochaco's lifea testament to his love for Ochaco and willingness to change. This scene showed that Toga can be a good person and if she had survived, she would have become one of the best heroes.
More UA student arcs at school
Since the main characters are students, more casual and light-hearted school arcs would have fit well into the story.
My Hero Academia Battles and fight scenes are fun and intense. However, More arches within the UA High would have added some much-needed lightness for the story. These characters are high school students, so it's a shame that there aren't more typical high school moments, such as school dances, classroom moments and casual moments of socializing with friends, for example.
Although My Hero Academy occurs during a war between good and evil, the story could benefit from more slice-of-life scenes. The popularity of arcs like the UA School Festival have proven that the franchise can portray casual occurrences well and that fans love these scenes just as much as the more violent, action-packed ones. Since the main characters are students, it would certainly make sense for more arcs to take place at the school where they spend most of their time.
Source: u/Glittering_Spare3816 on Reddit