Throughout the history of the MCUThe DCUAnd further, there were many planned comic book movie spin-offs that could have been truly excellent. Even before the movies of the MCU established a shared comic book universe, there were superhero movies that teased spin-offs to create a wider world. Much like in the comics, where stories have long been interconnected in broad narrative arcs, movies and television shows have also sought to establish branching stories following multiple characters in the same continuity.
Although there have been many successful spin-offs in the comic book genre, there have also been several planned movies and TV shows that have been canceled before coming to fruition. In many cases, the canceled comic book movies and series had the potential to be truly incredible, although they ultimately never came to fruition. Here are 10 comic book movie spin-offs that could have been incredible if they weren't canceled.
Topher Grace's gift could be better solo
Spider-Man: Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Sam Raimi's trilogy came early in Spider-Man's movie timeline, but the third and final entry introduced several characters into the director's movie universe. One such character was the villain Venom, whose origins were explored when an alien symbiote attached itself to Eddie Brock, Peter Parker's former colleague who had a grudge against his fellow photographer. At one time, a spin-off was planned following Topher Grace's Venom.
After the underwhelming response to Spider-Man 3s iteration of Venom, the planned spin-off was scrapped. however, It would have the potential to fix one of Spider-Man 3s biggest missteps - not exploring Venom enough - by giving him more screen time. Further delving into Brock as a character and his relationship with the Venom symbiote worked for the character's later solo movie, and it's quite possible that it could have worked equally well if Topher Grace's spin-off had gone ahead.
The Nightstalkers have great cast potential
Spin-off from: Blade: Trinity (2004)
Although Blade: Trinity Often cited as an example of a poor superhero movie, this is generally credited mostly to behind-the-scenes issues. The third Blade The movie stands out for the way it introduces a new team of vampire hunters, known as the Nightstalkers. By the end of the film, the only surviving members of the team are Hannibal King and Abigail Whistler, played by Ryan Reynolds and Jessica Biel, respectively.
A planned spin-off following The Nightstalkers was initially considered, which, considering the lasting star power of the two actors, still seems an interesting prospect. Their characters turned out to be two of the more interesting characters in Blade: TrinityEspecially Reynolds lawyers Hannibal King. The prospect of a vampire-hunting spinoff featuring the Nightstalkers has real potentialThanks almost entirely to the talents of his prospective stars.
- Director
David's guy
- Release date
December 8, 2004
Chris O'Donnell's Nightwing may have redeemed Schumacher's hero
Spin-off from: Batman and Robin (1997)
Although they are often completely dismissed, there are positive aspects of Joel Schumacher's Batman movies. At one time, a spin-off was planned that would have seen Chris O'Donnell reprise his role as Dick Grayson, assuming the mantle of Nightwing and moving out from under Batman's shadow. Although the critical response to Batman Forever And Batman and Robin was underwhelming, the planned spin-off showed promise.
O'Donnell's Robin suffered from the same vacuity as every other aspect of Schumacher's Batman movies, but depending on how the Nightwing spin-off was handled, it could have been very different. generally, Nightwing stories have a darker edge than Grayson's tenure as Robin employedMeaning that it may have offered some redemption to O'Donnell's iteration of the character. While it will always remain an unknown, there is a chance that the Nightwing spin-off could be big.
- Director
Joel Schumacher
- Release date
June 20, 1997
Will Smith's Deadshot was an interesting DCEU figure
Spin-off from: Suicide Squad (2016)
Many of the movies of the DCEU failed to impress, but in 2016 Suicide Squad No different even more than most. However, for all its shortcomings, the movie has its positive points: in particular, the performance of Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn and Will Smith as Deadshot are praised. Robbie had a chance to reprise her role, but Smith didn't, despite originally planning for his character to get a solo spin-off.
Smith's own star power and acting talent would have lent legitimacy to his Deadshot spin-off, but its potential runs much deeper. Suicide SquadThe introduction of this character established a depth of pathos and personal tragedy that made him especially interestingHow his wickedness came with a softer side. Although the spin-off was canceled before it was set to air, Smith's second turn in the role could have been great.
- Director
David Ayer
- Release date
August 5, 2016
Tim Burton's Catwoman may have explored an iconic character
Spin-off from: Batman Returns (1992)
Introduced in 1992s Batman ReturnsMichelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman established a new and quirky spin on the character. Part villain, part anti-hero, Pfeiffer's Catwoman served as one of the most fascinating elements of Batman Returnsleading to plans for a spin-off for her character. Ultimately, the film wasn't made, with Catwoman's solo movie eventually becoming the ill-fated 2004 Halle Berry project.
Pfeiffer's Catwoman movie has incredible potential, on the condition that Tim Burton returns to helm it. Batman Returns' version of the character was as unique and weird as every other aspect of Burton's Gotham, and his vision for Catwoman is undoubtedly an interesting one. The hypersexualized feline energy of Pfeiffer's Catwoman was oddly perfect And could have contributed to a truly excellent standalone spin-off. It would certainly have been better than Halle Berry's version.
- Release date
June 19, 1992
Hellboy: Silverlance would have expanded del Toro's universe
Spin-off from: Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008)
Guillermo del Toro proved in 2004 that he was the perfect choice to direct the live-action adaptation of Mike Mignola's Hellboy, and his collaboration with Ron Perlman to bring the character to life was met with widespread acclaim. the sequel, Hellboy II: The Golden ArmyExpanded on the first film's world, offering a greater insight into its characters and their lives as paranormal investigators. A planned spin-off following Hellboy's amphibian empath partner Abe Sapien was once in the works but ultimately cancelled.
Abe is one of Hellboy's best supporting characters, not least because he's incredibly interesting. Del Toro's ability to bring stories to life with exceptional practical effects would have made his planned spin-off, Hellboy: SilverlanceSomething incredible to see. Although ultimately not made, the spin-off would have added greater depth to the Hellboy film franchise and the character of Abe Sapien.
- Director
Guillermo del Toro
- Release date
July 11, 2008
The Evil Six would have given Andrew Garfield a huge Spider-Man moment
Spin-off from: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
Although Marc Webb's Amazing Spider-Man Movies were somewhat underappreciated upon release, they have since undergone a more favorable reappraisal. The second film, The Amazing Spider-Man 2Introduced a handful of Spider-Man villains, ending with a major tease for a Sister Six spin-off. The film apparently would have included the Green Goblin and Rhino, and it was believed that Mysterio, Doctor Octopus, Vulture and Kraven the Hunter would have rounded out the team.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2's odd reception saw the planned spin-off scrapped, but it could have been an incredible cinematic moment. As the Sinister Six is one of the most iconic villain teams in Marvel Comics, Seeing them come to life on the big screen to battle Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man was an enticing prospect. Unfortunately, the film was not to be, and plans for a potential villain team-up were instead transferred to Sony's Spider-Man Universe.
- Director
Mark Webb
- Release date
May 2, 2014
Justice League could have capitalized on the success of Smallville
Spin-off from: Smallville (2001)
during his life, Smallville Introduced several Justice League members, with the team assembling on multiple occasions to support Clark Kent in his early days as a hero. There was once a planned spin-off set to follow the team, shifting the focus away from Clark Kent and more onto their team dynamic. The project never made it to fruition, but it could potentially have been excellent if it came to pass.
The versions of the heroes introduced in Smallville were very much products of the show and as such, fit the same family-friendly vibe. This would likely allow the Justice League spin-off to have mass appeal, combined with this fact It may have springboarded off Smallvilles own success. It's hard to see any way in which the spin-off wouldn't have been a hit, although unfortunately it wasn't to be.
Smallville is a superhero television series based on the Superman comic book series created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster. The TV release was developed by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar. The premise revolves around a young Clark Kent when he arrives on Earth and tries to live his life while simultaneously keeping his friends, family and those around him safe thanks to his superpowers.
X-Men Origins: Magneto was the perfect story for Fox's franchise
Spin-off from: Fox's X-Men franchise
After the underwhelming reception to 2006's X-Men: The Last StandTwo Solo spin-offs have been announced at Fox's X-Men Movie Franchise: X-Men Origins: Wolverine And X-Men Origins: Magneto. The first was released in 2009, and the response from critics saw the planned Magneto spin-off scrapped. Many of the plans for the film were reportedly used for the prequel X-Men: First ClassBut it's easy to imagine what might have been.
Magneto stood as one of the best characters in Fox's franchise, and by far the most deserving of an original story. The villain's tragic beginnings and slow spiral into villainy mark him as one of Marvel's most complex figures.And if it was executed with the appropriate level of care, X-Men Origins: Magneto could have communicated that complexity. Although it never came to fruition, it's not hard to imagine the narrative potential of Magneto's spin-off.
Arkham Asylum would have explored the most interesting aspect of Matt Reeves' Gotham
Spin-off from: The Batman (2022)
After the 2022 release The BatmanTwo spin-off series were announced. Arkham Asylum Was set to investigate the eponymous institution, which would have reportedly taken more of a horror aspect, exploring the hospital in the manner of a haunted house. Although Matt Reeves' ideas for the series were intriguing, the spin-off was eventually scrapped before it ever made it to production.
The planned series could have expanded on one of the best aspects of The Batman: its dark and gritty depiction of Gotham's society. A series exploring the dark history of Arkham and its place in Reeves' Batman universe was a truly fascinating prospect, and it had the potential to introduce a whole new side of the director's Gotham City. As it was canceled or made, Arkham Asylum Stands out as the most interesting spin-off of these MCUThe DCUOr further not to make it to the screen.
- Release date
March 4, 2022