10 Calvinball Comics That Make Us Really Want To Play

10 Calvinball Comics That Make Us Really Want To Play


  • Calvinball is a game with ever-changing rules, making it a unique and fun experience for players of all ages.

  • Calvinball thrives on imagination and creativity, with players constantly creating rules to outsmart their opponents.

  • Calvin and Hobbes Comics showcase the chaotic and entertaining nature of Calvinball, proving that it is more enjoyable than traditional sports.

Calvin and Hobbes is a comic strip series that celebrates the wonderful nature of a child's imagination. Indeed, it follows a six-year-old boy and his imaginary friend/stuffed animal tiger, so it makes sense that the franchise would really lean into imaginative play in the majority of its many story arcs. However, there is one game that stands above the rest in the game Calvin and Hobbes universe, one that relies only on the player's imagination: CalvinbalL.

Calvinball is a game with only one rule: It cannot be played the same way twice. Otherwise, the rules of Calvinball are constantly changing as the game is played. It is basically an exercise in make-up rules to push the opponent before they try to do the same, and every make-up rule must be taken seriously unless it can be countered by another make-up rule in a way that both players can vote on . in other words, Calvinball sounds like a ton of fun, and the 10 Calvin and Hobbes Comics will make readers want to play!

Original Calvin and Hobbes Books of all stripes


Release date


The basic Calvin and Hobbes

September 1988

18 November 1985 (first pass) to 17 August 1986 and 18 August 1986 to 23 May 1987

The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes: A Calvin and Hobbes Treasury

October 1990

24 May 1987 to 21 February 1988 and 22 February 1988 to 4 December 1988

The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes: A Calvin and Hobbes Treasury

October 1992

5 December 1988 to 10 September 1989 and 11 September 1989 to 15 July 1990

Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons

April 1992

June 11, 1990 to April 10, 1991

The days are just packed

October 1993

11 April 1991 to 1 November 1992 except 5 May 1991 to 1 February 1992 due to repeats

Homicide Psycho Jungle Cat

October 1994

November 2, 1992 to August 29, 1993

There is treasure everywhere

March 1996

30 August 1993 to 8 April 1995 excluding 3 April to 31 December 1994 due to repeats (some strips from March and April 1995 are also found in It is a magical world)

It is a magical world

October 1996

March 20, 1995 to December 31, 1995 (last strip) (some strips from March and April are also found in There is treasure everywhere)



Calvin and Hobbes prove that Calvinball is better than any organized sport

Calvin and Hobbes - May 5, 1990

Hobbes suggesting to Calvin that they play Calvinball.

Calvin often tried to participate in organized sports, but each time, he completely lost interest almost immediately. However, one thing he never lost interest in playing was Calvinball, which is highlighted in this comic strip. One Saturday morning, Calvin dreaded the thought of spending the day playing an organized sport, so When Hobbes suggests they play Calvinball instead, Calvin literally jumps at the chance, because - in his opinion - Calvinball is better than any other sport out there..

The comic also shows how absurd Calvinball really is. As they are starting to playCalvin makes an in-game rule change, complete with a ridiculous penalty. And this strip is just one of the first quick looks at the game itself, with other comics delving deeper into what's in store for someone if they actually decide to play.


Calvin and Hobbes establish the one and only rule of Calvinball

Calvin and Hobbes - May 27, 1990

Calvin and Hobbes playing Calvinball.

As mentioned before, Calvinball is a game where the rules are constantly changing (indeed, this is how the game is played), and this applies to every rule only: you cannot play the game the same way twice. This is the comic strip where the rule is established, and though that alone makes it stand out from the rest Calvin and Hobbes Comics with CalvinballIt's not the only thing that makes this particular pass noteworthy.

This comic strip is perhaps the best look readers get at Calvinball in actionLike it's a great, full-color comic that shows the two titular best friends playing the game from start to finish. If the comic strip doesn't want to make someone play Calvinball, nothing will.


Hobbes creates a Calvinball punishment that is Calvin's worst nightmare

Calvin and Hobbes - March 31, 1991

Hobbs forced Calvin to have Susie dump water on him during Calvinball.

Since the goal of Calvinball is to come up with rules on-the-fly that will stump the opponent, there is literally no limit to what the game can involve. In this case, Hobbs isn't afraid to think outside the box when it comes to making up Calvinball penalties. When Calvin touches a penalty-base designated "Pernicious Poem Place", which means he has to come up with a poem that he would be effectively injured by - and Hobbes gets to choose exactly how Calvin will serve his punishment.

Calvin is forced to read a poem to his longtime rival (and presumed crush), Susie Derkins, who basically asks her to pour a bucket of ice-cold water on Calvin's head—and Susie does so with a smile. This is a perfect picture of How limitless Calvinball really is, and how fun it would be to play with friends.



Calvin proves that other people's confusion is one of the best parts of Calvinball

Calvin and Hobbes - September 7, 1995

Calvin tells his babysitter that he wants to play Calvinball.

It is completely comprised, with no ties to any established sport on earth

The comic strip is the beginning of a multi-strip story arc in which Calvin has a babysitter named Rosalyn, who promises to play any game Calvin wants to play as soon as he finishes his homework—and, of course, Calvin chooses . Calvinball. After Rosaline makes the deal with Calvin, and he says that Calvinball is the game he wants to play, Rosaline has only one, fairly dignified response, "What is Calvinball?"

Calvinball is not only a confusing game to play for someone who has never experienced it, but it is also something that many people have never even heard of. It is completely comprised, with no ties to any established sport on earth. so, Suggesting Calvinball as a game to play with someone will more than likely leave them confused, which is arguably one of the best parts of Calvinball.


Calvin reveals that Calvinball has another permanent (& funny) rule

Calvin and Hobbes - September 9, 1995

Calvin makes his babysitters a mask so they can play Calvinball.

When Calvin finishes his homework in possibly record time, it's time for Rosalyn to hold up her end of the bargain. Calvin explains that before they can start playing, they first need to make Rosalin a mask. Naturally, Roslin asks what the mask is for, and Calvin tells her that when you play Calvinball, you have to wear a mask. When Rosalyn asks why, Calvin simply yet firmly responds, "Sorry, no one is allowed to question the masks".

This is an interesting development in the Calvinball rulebook, which was shockingly bare except for the above rule, since the 'Mske' rule also applies to every game of Calvinball without exception. It's true that Calvin and Hobbes always wear masks while they play, but it's not until this strip that readers learn that Wearing a mask is mandatory - making this already funny game even more interesting.



As fun as it sounds, Calvin and Hobbes proves that Calvinball isn't for everyone

Calvin and Hobbes - September 11, 1995

Calvin's babysitter regrets playing Calvinball with him.

As Calvin is playing Calvinball with Rosaline, he starts singing (which, oddly enough, is a major aspect of Calvinball for some reason). When Calvin tells Rosalyn that she can contribute to the song with Hobbes—whom Rosalyn sees as just a stuffed animal—the babysitter puts her hand to her face and says to herself,This was a mistake".

Even In the middle of playing Calvinball, with Calvin giving her specific guidelines on how to play, Rosalyn still can't get into it.. Granted, it's absurd, and one would have to be completely committed to Calvinball before going into it if one wanted to have a good time. However, this pass also confirms that Calvinball is not for everyone. At least, not immediately.


Calvinball is perfect even for those who don't want to play

Calvin and Hobbes - September 12, 1995

Calvin's babysitter levels up in Calvinball by saying it makes no sense.

While Rosalyn is clearly not enjoying her Calvinball experience, Calvin quickly shows her that - even for those who don't want to play - there is room for everyone in this epic imaginative game. As Calvin is running with the ball, he makes it a rule that everyone else must move and talk in slow motion. Rosaline then begins to speak at a normal pace, but is quickly cut off by Calvin, who says that she needs to speak slowly. So, the babysitter does, and she tells him that this game doesn't make sense. And by saying that, Rosalyn inadvertently 'levels up' in the game.

Calvin says that Rosalyn pushed herself into the "perimeter of wisdom" by saying that the Calvinball made no sense, which somehow gave her the advantage.. In other words, even for those who don't want to play (like Rosalyn), Calvinball is still a game for everyone.



Calvin and Hobbes Saga "Calvinball Babysitter" shows how anyone can win Calvinball

Calvin and Hobbes - September 15, 1995

Calvin's babysitter actually beats him at Calvinball.

After the confusion about the masks, the feeling of regret for playing at all, and inadvertently leveling up by saying the game made no sense, Rosalyn finally understood how to play Calvinball. More than that, she figured out how to win. While using Hobbes as a shield, Rosalyn touches Calvin with a flag that she decided was known as the "Babysitter Flag". Rosaline made the rule that anyone who touched the "babysitter flag" had to obey the babysitter, and in this case the babysitter tells Calvin that it's past his bedtime.

again, Calvinball is simply a game where anyone can make any rule in order to best their opponent, and when Rosalyn finally understood that, she came up with a way to win.. And if Rosalyn can do it—and even have fun doing it—then anyone can play Calvinball.


Even when Calvin and Hobbes try to play other sports, it always ends up being Calvinball

Calvin and Hobbes - September 24, 1995

Calvin and Hobbes turn a game of football into Calvinball.

One day, Calvin and Hobbes feel like playing a more conventional sport, and they decide on football. Calvin is the center lineman and Hobbes is the quarterback, but when it comes time for Calvin to snap the ball, he refuses. Calvin creates a scenario where he's secretly playing for the other team. This leads the two of them to go back and forth, revealing they are each double-agents for opposing teams, and every touchdown one makes is actually a point for the other.

In the end, Calvin and Hobbes find themselves just making up different rules for the game when they're trying to play it, which means that This game of football eventually becomes Calvinball. Even Calvin himself says that practically all of their games become Calvinball in the end, and at this point, it's easy to see why.



Calvin and Hobbes confirms why readers should really want to play Calvinball

Calvin and Hobbes - August 26, 1990

Calvin and Hobbes playing Calvinball.

During the game, Hobbes makes a series of rolls in sequence that not only give him advantage after advantage over Calvin, but They also allow him to hilariously mess with his best friend. Hobbs freezes Calvin, and says he can only move again after he gets pegged with the ball. Hobbes then creates a safety zone for himself, which freezes Calvin again, thus continuing the cycle. Hobbes excels at Calvinball, and with enough practice, anyone can reach his level.

While every example so far has given readers enough reasons to want to play Calvinball for themselves, this one Calvin and Hobbes Comic strip solidifies it, as it shows how Someone who truly understands how to play Calvinball can mess with their friends endlessly During the game, which should make readers want to play it even more.