The first official teaser trailer for thunderbolts* Clocks in at a staggering three and a half minutes, which means There are many big reveals and details to unpack. thunderbolts* was initially announced by Marvel in 2022 at San Diego Comic Con, and since then, speculation about the film's place in the MCU and its casting has been ongoing. Despite the obvious connection to another super team in the comics, and some characters in common, thunderbolts* Has steadily proven ahead of release that the movie will be moving in a different direction.
Although the asterisk after the title is added to declare that the movie is setting its own pace, the trailer does even more to support this idea with incredible moments that build anticipation and excitement for what is to come. Although the teaser trailer dropped more than eight months before the film's release, it certainly did its job in building excitement. From answering questions that have plagued the MCU for more than half a decade, to introducing brand new figures, there's a lot to discover in the thunderbolts* Trailer.
Thunderbolts * Confirms who bought Avengers Tower
It is clear that the tower will play a role in the movie
While the tower Stark initially had his own name plastered on it became the official headquarters for the Avengers early on, it was only briefly used in that capacity. Until then Avengers: Age of Ultron Freed, Stark and the rest of the heroes moved to a new base in a less public area. then, in Spider-Man: HomecomingIt has been confirmed that Stark has made the decision to sell the tower To mysterious new buyers.
Since then, the new owners of the tower have remained mysteriously obscure, but considering the size and prime location of the building, it is certain to appear again in the MCU. While the building is sometimes referred to, and even seen briefly with renovations in Spider-Man: Far From HomeThe owner continued to hide. However, these thunderbolts* Trailer reveals that Valentina Allegra de Fontaine has now set up shop in the tower. It remains to be seen if there are other benefactors who helped her acquire the building, but it is clear that the tower will play a role in Thunderbolts*.
A mystery man named Bob appears
In the comics, Bob is the alter ego of Warden
The trailer includes several moments where the core cast can interact with each other, but very few where they meet new characters. Despite this fact, there is one moment when Elena, Ghost, Taskmaster and John Walker all appear locked in a fight, before A man in ill-fitting clothes comes out and introduces himself as Bob. For fans unfamiliar with the comics, the character is likely to mean very little, but this moment marks the first time Robert "Bob" Reynolds has been officially seen in the MCU.
Sentry is among the most powerful heroes in Marvel Comics, with some abilities in common with DC's Superman.
Lewis Pullman is the actor tackling the role, and although the first meeting may make Bob look like someone fairly unassuming, he has a significant secret. In the comics, Bob is the alter ego of the superhero, Sentry. Sentry is among the most powerful heroes in Marvel Comics, with some abilities in common with DC's Superman. However, he also has a considerable downside to his powers, known as the Void. The Void is another entity that acts as a counter force to Sentry, and wields the same powers to enact vast destruction and devastation.
The mystery logo on the badge
Similar to the one used by Sentry in the comics
The idea that Lewis Pullman's Bob will be sentry in thunderbolts* is further backed up later in the trailer. at one time, A large symbol is engraved on what looks like a belt buckle. The sign may be a bit generic, with two half circles on either side and a line through the middle, but the logo is a clear indicator that Sentry will appear in thunderbolts*. If the same symbol is turned on its side, it resembles an S.
This is backed up by the fact that each half circle tapers off towards the end to create a flowing end that makes it look even longer than the capitalized letter. The logo is also similar to the logo used by Sentry in the comicsAlthough it used to be much larger and disinterested in its description. However, with this small number only hinting at what's to come, it's possible that the film will include a more comically accurate logo for the powered-up hero.
Bucky fights the Thunderbolts
The team manages to find a way to work together
thunderbolts* Unveil a team of Marvel anti-heroes who have a dark past. Everyone in the team is convicted of crimes, or done things that they are not proud of, or for superior officers, or to simply survive. however, It appears that the team manages to find a way to work together And support each other despite their history. This can be seen when most of the team approaches Valentina in the former Avengers Tower.
But when you bring together a group of hot anti-heroes, it's no surprise that things don't always go smoothly. With that in mind, There is a scene in the trailer where Bucky can be seen pursuing the others in his team. At that moment, Bucky sees fire in the car, and launches a deadly weapon that flips their car. This will likely be part of the argument and growth that happens in the movie, but it could also indicate that someone has found a way to restore Bucky's programming that made him the Winter Soldier in the first place.
John Walker has a baby
Walker had to make a new life for himself
When John Walker was last seen, he had a promising role as the new Captain AmericaOfficially endorsed by the US government. However, his life fell to pieces in the process of fighting Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes, and trying to contain the threat of the Flag Smashers. Walker became somewhat unstable after being injected with the super soldier serum, and this led to his aggression and anger increasing in a way that backfired greatly.
After losing his position, and the respect of the people he worked for and with, Walker had to make a new life for himself. As seen in the US thunderbolts* Trailer, it looks like he did just that. Walker was first seen reading negative messages about his fall online at home, while sitting next to a crying child. Walker is clearly stuck in the past, despite his new responsibilities and a life beyond the Shield.
Be careful who you assemble
The text that appears on-screen
One moment during the trailer draws unmissable similarities between thunderbolts* And Avengers Movies, and this is when the text is displayed on the screen. At the end of the trailer, the words "Careful", "Who You" and "Assemble" appear on the screen in large yellow letters. It's a clear callback to The Avengers, but it could also point to something bigger. Since the title for thunderbolts* was put back into contention with Marvel Studios announcing the minor edition of An Asterisk, there was speculation as to why the change was made.
Typically, an asterisk will indicate that it is a footnote, or more detail in a section separate from the primary text. for thunderbolts*, This may indicate that the team is not actually the Thunderbolts, but something else entirely. Thanks to the use of this text, it can indicate that the team could be a new or alternative version ofleg-free. Whether this is the Dark Avengers, the New Avengers or some other distinction is unclear, but the use of the word assemble and the asterisk certainly point to some larger reveal.
Loki's scepter on display
The weapon ended up in some sort of private collection
Although Loki had some spectacular adventures in his own spin-off series as he explored the multiverse, the original Loki of the sacred timeline has been dead for years. for his hearty death, Loki was the biggest threat to the Avengers When he fought the team during The Avengers. However, Earth's mightiest heroes are able to gain the upper hand and repel Loki's efforts for world domination.
After the battle of New York, where the aliens fell on the city and caused huge damage, special teams were set up to clear up the alien equipment and restore the city. somehow, Loki's scepter, the weapon he used in order to brainwash people, ended up in some sort of private collection. Although the scepter no longer has the Mind Stone in it, since Vision was made with this particular Infinity Stone, it is likely still a powerful tool for anyone who wields it.
Honoring the heroes of the Battle of New York
Posters hanging on a wall
The Battle of New York is one of the biggest defining moments in the MCU. It was a moment that saw the Avengers go from a group of mismatched heroes to a superhero team. However, since that time, many of the original heroes have died or disappeared. While new heroes step forward, the absence of Earth's Mightiest Heroes is likely to be felt by everyone.
One scene in the trailer reveals a party where The posters hanging on the wall read "Honour the Heroes" and "The Battle of New York." This is the same event where Loki's scepter is shown, but it also speaks to the larger landscape in the MCU after Avengers: Endgame. The heroes fought and killed Thanos, but despite bringing everyone back to life, five years passed, and this led to many issues. However, the rich are very pleased with how the Avengers have fared, and this event proves just that.
Updated outfits for Ghost and Taskmaster
Their specific costumes make them stand out
Ghost was last seen in 2018s Ant-Man and the Wasp. In a similar vein, it's been years since Taskmaster was last seen in the MCU, with her first and only appearance before thunderbolts* Because the 2021 film, Black Widow. Both characters have notable roles in their films, and Like many other figures in superhero films, they had specific costumes that made them stand out. For Ghost, she wears a mostly white suit with bright red lights on the mask. Now, she has a more muted costume in dark colors, with a white mask and subtle white lights.
Taskmaster wears a blue and orange outfit with a mask that includes a large black visor Black Widow. Now, her costume is much more muted in terms of colors, but the mask is also styled in a way that makes it more reminiscent of the comic book version of the character, with a white color and a shape that resembles a skull . These updated suits are perfect for heroes as they become part of a larger teamwhile also keeping key details to connect them to their origins.
Yelena and Alexey reconnect
The dynamic between them is interesting
finally, The film opens with a reunion between Yelena and her estranged adoptive father, Alexi. in Black WidowThe family's history as Russian spies and the fake family on Yelene was revealed. Considering her young age, Yelena was unaware that these people were never really her family, and the truth was devastating. But even more was the fact that she stayed in the red room at the time, where she was trained to become an elite assassin.
The dynamic between the pair is interesting, and clearly one that will be explored in greater depth thunderbolts*.
It would make sense for Yelena to never want to reconnect with her fake parents, but the opening moments of the trailer see her and Alexi meet for the first time in years. Alexi has clearly fallen on hard times, with "past" letters posted to his fridge, but he tries hard to put on a brave face for Yelena and not reveal his struggles. The dynamic between the pair is interesting, and clearly one that will be explored in greater depth thunderbolts*.