NCIS Season 22 is in full swing, and the premiere contains compelling reveals that will set up the entire season. While NCIS Season 21 delivered a shortened set of episodes due to writer's strikes, it packed a punch and set up many cliffhangers that NCIS Season 22 needed to address. The series officially returned on Monday, October 14. It began to answer what was next for Parker (Gary Cole), Knight (Katrina Law), McGee (Sean Murray), and the rest of the Major Case Response Team (MCRT) in NCIS Season 22.
in the NCIS Season 21 ending, the team faced some personal challenges that would shape the next chapter of NCIS. Jessica Knight accepted a promotion to Chief React Training Officer, and Alden Parker had a near-death experience on a Navy ship. The moments caused flux for the entire MCRT, and NCIS Season 22 will provide a more robust season to follow what happened to the returning cast of NCIS Season 22.
NCIS Season 22 picks up 6 months later
Six months have passed since NCIS Season 21
The opening scene of NCIS Season 22 revealed how long it's been since season 21 ended: six months. The timeline pretty accurately reflects how long it's been since the NCIS Season 21 endingWhich came out in May 2024. In fact, it's just short of six months since NCIS Season 21 found.
Since the same amount of time has passed in the shared NCIS Universe as outside the show, viewers can relate to the timelines of the characters. Also, flashing six months into the future, versus picking up where the MCRT picked up, strategically allowed time for new storylines to brew. As such, it has been six months since Jessica Knight was promoted and moved to California's Camp Pendleton.
After the season 21 finale Knight holds a priest hostage
Knight has a dark streak in California
NCIS The shocking opener of season 22 revealed a hostage situation and that Jessica Knight was the perpetrator. It was a confusing opening for Jessica Knight, who was used to being on the other side of hostage negotiations. After the season 21 finale teased Katrina LA's exit from the series, Jessica Knight's NCIS Fate was an open book, but a knight's criminal streak wasn't on anyone's bingo cards.
What is even more strange is that Knight's hostage was a priest. When the episode opened, Knight tied a gag around the priest's mouth and revealed himself to be the criminal. What's even more compelling is that, for whatever reason, Gary Cole's Alden Parker was also in California at Camp Pendleton. Parker seemed to be on the other end of the hold-up, with Knight shutting him out of the room.
Alden Parker finds the bullpen empty
Alden Parker was without Knight, Torres and McGee
Another shocking revelation in the US NCIS Season 22 opener is that Parker was in the bullpen alone. It was an isolated moment for Parker, who stood in the bullpen without his teammates and answered their phones while receiving messages. One couldn't help but wonder how Parker planned to hold the gate alone, especially since McGee passed him when he did. appeared.
Knight, McGee and Torres make urgent efforts to keep them from NCIS headquarters.
The NCIS Season 22 opener revealed that Knight, McGee and Torres have urgent efforts to keep them from NCIS headquarters. Knight was at California's Camp Pendleton in her new position, and Parker did not hire anyone else to fill her place. Nick is also missing from the bullpen on a deep undercover mission. McGee, too, has been coming and going without much contact since interviewing for the NCIS Deputy Director position.
Nick Torres is in trouble as an undercover
Deep went deep undercover again
Nick ran into trouble on his deep undercover mission in the NCIS Season 22 premiere. When he called the office, Nick told Parker he was in trouble. Parker immediately interrupted everyone in the room to answer Nick's call. Torres asked Parker if he could take care of his dog, "Roscoe," Which was their code for danger.
It's horrifying to learn that Nick is in danger, especially since the office is short-staffed. Parker needed to investigate, but he didn't have McGee or Knight to help him. The case has a striking connection to Jessica Knight in California's Camp Pendleton.
Parker seeks Knight's help in finding Torres
Parker and Knight team up despite the distance
Another drive to California, Parker sought Knight's help in finding Torres. Parker entered Knight, leading a training exercise as Chief React Training Officer. It was a special moment for the agents, and Parker could see his former team member in her new surroundings. Parker and Knight then investigated together, and Parker commented on Knight's new car, which she bought in California.
It was great to see Nate and Parker together again while working together to find Nick. While Jess is no longer technically on Parker's team, she remains connected to NCIS, so it was uncomplicated for her to jump on an adjacent case. Knight's instincts and investigative skills while helping Parker are reminiscent of Gibbs. The special agent was willing to bend the rules to protect her colleagues and see justice done.
Victoria struggles with Palmer and Knight's break-up
Jimmy's daughter misses her buddy
The NCIS Season 22 premiere revealed that Jimmy's daughter Victoria is struggling with Nate and Palmer's NCIS Break-up. When Vance offered Nate the promotion to Chief React Training Officer at the NCIS season 21 finale, Jimmy (Brian Dietzen) was unreceptive to adapting to Nate's new careerAnd the couple seemed to part ways. The NCIS Season 22 debut confirmed that Knight and Palmer have separated.
Jimmy revealed that He's been counting the days since he and Jess broke up at the beginning of the episode. Knight admitted to Parker in California that Jimmy's daughter had been counting the days, too, and texted her a daily tally of the time she was gone. It was an unfortunate revelation since Jess proposed that they could continue their romance long-distance, but the father refused.
NCIS has a mole (again!)
NCIS has a serious problem
One of the biggest reveals of NCIS Season 22 saw the agency up against a mole, and as such, the series could repeat a riveting mole storyline from Gibbs' best NCIS Team. If later NCIS Season 22 episodes confirm this, it would be the second time that NCIS has a mole between them. in NCIS Seasons 5 and 6, the agency deals with another informant who is leaking information, having to take out their special agent Michelle Lee (Liza Lapira).
The only way [Torres'] Cover could have been blown if information had leaked.
The agency suspected a mole in NCIS after Agent Torres' deep cover was blown. Torres claimed that his undercover work in the operation was flawless And that the only way his cover could be blown was if information was leaked. Since a small group knew about Nick's mission, the team narrowed down their potential suspect list to one: the newly minted NCIS Deputy Director. The team needs to investigate further to confirm their suspicions.
Knight's hostage situation is a setup
Katrina Love's character is working with Parker
One of the most shocking reveals in the NCIS Season 22 opener was that Knight's hostage situation was a setup. Knight worked in tandem with Parker on the operation, holding a priest hostage because they believed he was "El Padre," the head of the Nexus cartel. Knight keeps El Padre, but she also requests a lawyer who has a previous connection to one of her React trainees.
When time was running out for Nate, she convinced the lawyer to stay, despite REACT threatening to break down the doors and arrest her. When Parker and the other officers knocked on the door, Knight answered, but they arrested her lawyer instead. It turned out that the hostage situation was genuine, however Knight called the lawyer to hold her until they had evidence to hold her. The lawyer worked with the cartel, feeding NCIS intel from one of her clients, Jess's trainee, to El Padre.
Nate didn't want her new life
After Nate's heroic efforts to stop El Padre and save Torres, she anticipates that she may lose her job since she broke some rules. instead, Knight faces another opportunity for promotion To the Office of Strategic Support. Parker was there with Nate when she got the news; He could hear her decision first hand.
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Knight tells Parker that even though the career advancement was great, and she thought it was what she wanted, she was wrong. Knight decides to return to her post on Parker's teamAnd the episode ended with Jimmy dusting off her desk in preparation for her return. While there is no confirmation that Nate and Jimmy will get back together, her return to the bullpen makes it more likely that the romance will continue.
McGee will remain on the field in season 22
Despite gruesome interviews, McGee was unable to secure a new job in the NCIS Season 22 premiere. While McGee is interviewing for the Deputy Director position, NCIS Director Leon Vance (Rocky Carroll) personally delivers the news to McGee that he was unsuccessful in securing the position. Instead, NCIS awarded the NCIS Deputy Director position to the suspected mole.
This revelation sets the team up for an exciting case that will continue throughout season 22. It's exciting that, especially since there are no major character exits, the team will be able to investigate a series villain together. NCIS It doesn't always have a villain that connects the individual episodes of a season, but when it does, it makes for some of the best seasons of NCIS.