10 Biggest Dragon Ball Daima Episode #1 Moments & Reveals Explained

10 Biggest Dragon Ball Daima Episode #1 Moments & Reveals Explained

The universes and characters of Akira Toriyama get a glorious new debut in the fall of 2024 with Dragon Ball DimaA new series that is Answering many fan questions in his first episodes. However, the series is a compelling case of an intense lore dump for lifelong fans and an opportunity for newcomers to get acquainted with a brand new vision of the series. But the impressive reveals and biggest moments of Dragon Ball Dima Episode #1 helps shape the direction for the series moving forward, introducing new factors to the franchise formula, and providing interesting answers to long-standing questions.

Viewers' experience of watching Dragon Ball Dima Is completely nostalgic despite being a new story. In the process, it dives into underappreciated elements of the recent sagas of Dragon Ball p. This is especially appropriate, granted DAIMAs close position to the Buu Saga in the Dragon Ball time line, Introducing exciting aspects of the demon realm And bring it front and center for viewers. While these contribute to some of the biggest reveals in Dragon Ball Dima Episode #1, some developments are more subtle but similarly significant.


Dragon Ball DAIMA confirms his place on the franchise timeline

A Telltale Birthday Celebration

Dragon Ball Daima Timeline Episode 1

in Dragon Ball Dima Episode #1, confusion about his placement on the timeline is quickly resolved near the latter portion when the Z Warriors celebrate Trunks' ninth birthday. The series is set after the end of the Buu Saga and years before the Peaceful World SagaMeaning there's breathing room for the show to have an exciting adventure before the events of Dragon Ball Super. But Dragon Ball Dima's Timeline placement, while exciting, is one of the more surface-level reveals of the anime, with fans glimpsing a gorgeously revitalized world.


The Demon Realm has a special set of Dragon Balls

Namekians keep busy

Tamagami watch a Demon Kingdom Dragon Ball in Daima

The worlds and people of Toriyama Dragon Ball The franchises are diverse, but the Dragon Balls are ubiquitous even in Always. The Dragon Balls of the Demon Realm, at least in episode #1 of DAIMAare guarded by three powerful warriors and they are massive objects instead of Earth's smaller seven variants. Still, their size and known quantity are not the only differences. The nature of wish abilities and energy associated with the Demon Realm Dragon Balls indicates wish magic concepts that give a fresh perspective to longtime fans of the series.


Dragon Ball DAIMA Tees White and Black Wheels

A dark world of possibilities

Dragon Ball revitalized by Neva in Daima

The new king of the Demon Realm, Gomah, laments the possibility of using Earth's Dragon Balls because they likely rely on what is referred to as white magic for results that benefit others instead of harming them. in comparison, The Demon Realm's Dragon Balls confirm the existence of "black" willsWhat Degesu and Gomah hinted at in their discussion of using them to remove Earth's defenders as threats altogether. Unable to collect the Demon Realm's Dragon Balls due to their powerful warriors, Gomah settles for Earth's Dragon Balls, despite it being a compromise that doesn't completely destroy Goku and his friends.


Dragon Ball DAIMA introduces the Tamagamis

Defenders of the Dragon Balls of the Demon Realm

Tamagamis guard the Dragon Balls in Daima

Gomah originally proposed the Dragon Balls, without intending to use those from the Demon Realm Because they are guarded by "the three strong tamagamis." With each character being an imposing armored figure, sporting a sword, a trident, and a hammer, their presence deters Gomah from even attempting to grasp the one-star Dragon Ball that appeared in Episode #1.

But one noteworthy moment indicates that the Tamagamis serve a different master in the Demon Realm, with one of the coolest moments of Dragon Ball Dima revealing the presence of Namekians.


Neva the Namek is the Dragon Ball expert of the Demon Realm

A comedian who has grown old with the crowd

Gomah and Neva in Dragon Ball Daima Episode 1

Gomah introduces Neva, whose presence in the demon realm is storied; He is the creator and the first expert on their Dragon BallsWith his creation, the Tamagamis show him mutual respect.

While Snail, Neva is brought to Kami's lookout on Universe 7's Earth, where he meets Dende, a fellow Namek, where he recalls how long it has been since he saw a fellow member of his species while reviving the Dragon Balls. . However, as Neva was brought to Earth, other well-known characters and Dragon Ball Questions are addressed in DAIMA Episode #1, including one glaring away.


Gohan isn't there at least for the beginning of Daima

Being a good son to Chi-kai

Gohan in the center pretends as Goku and Piccolo look at him confused in a collage type picture
Custom image by Rohit Jaiswar

While Gohan returned to his greatest heights in the Buu Saga, Dragon Ball Dima Appears to be where he fully focuses on his studies, with Goku confirms that he has grown up far in episode #1. This is likely a way to connect the series to Dragon Ball Super On the timeline, where Gohan arguably lets his strength fall to the wayside the most in the series.


It is unlikely that Gohan will be a fighter in DAIMAIf anything, fans shouldn't expect a glorious new transformation to add to Gohan's greatest fighting forms in Dragon Ball.


Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode #1 explains why Goku is young again

Emperor Pilaf had no hand in this instance

Goku reacts with horror to being shrunk to a child in episode 1 of Dragon Ball Daima.

Dragon Ball Dima Episode #1 confirms that Goku's young form returns due to the new Demon King Gomah's wish, Use Shenron to turn Goku, along with everyone who fought Buu and their friends, into children. Gomah compromised to use a harmless wish on Earth's Dragon Balls so that it would be granted, and he would render his opponents powerless, according to White Wish guidelines. It was a burning fan question with a similar answer to what happened to set the events of Dragon Ball GT in motion while potentially leveling the playing field in a way Dragon Ball p Couldn't.


Majin Buu retcons Vegito's separation in Dragon Ball Z

A classic Toriyama retcon like Krillin's nose

Majin Buu talked about eating Vegito in Dragon Ball Daima

in Dragon Ball p Episode #273, after Buu consumes Vegito, he lowers his barrier and mysteriously splits back into Vegeta and Goku. But the bigger inconsistency was about how Kibito and Supreme Kai Shin were separated. in Dragon Ball DimaThis is explained by Majin Buu and Kibito as the result of "A mysterious gas produced by Majin Buu's body" that can undo Potara fusions. Given Toriyama's recons to explain the strange anatomy of his most iconic characters, resulting in hilarious and memorable Dragon Ball Quoted, this is not unusual and helps explain why the fusion broke.


Dabura's death paves the way for a new king

The Demon Realm is entering a new era

Dragon Ball Daima Goku and Dabura from DBZ

given the title of Dragon Ball Dima Basically being a reference to the Demon King, Dabura's death at the hands of Buu makes Gomah the de facto ruler of the Demon Realm in episode #1. With fans aware of Dabura's subsequent reform in the afterlife, it is unlikely that he will return to challenge Gomah's rule, with only the Z Warriors posing a clear threat due to their strength. But Gomah has other companions on his ascension journey to rule the Demon Realm, some more trustworthy than others.


Gomah's allies may challenge his role as the villain of Dragon Ball DAIMA

Degesu and Dr. Arinsu are compelling new editions

Dragon Ball Daima Dr Arinsu

When Gomah tries to enter Universe 7, he is alerted that someone else has gone there after Dabura and Babidi for possibly nefarious purposes. This is revealed to be Dr. Arinsu, Degesu's sister, who are both siblings of Shin, Supreme Ki of Universe 7, with unclear ambitions of their own. With Gomah's plan to use the Dragon Balls, Degesu agrees to be planned first. wish to weaken Goku and his friends and a second to grant the evil third eye for Gomah's proper ascension to supremacy. Degesu mysteriously asks to claim the third wish in Dragon Ball Dima.

Dragon Ball DAIMA is the fifth overall series in the action-adventure anime franchise. It features most of the classic cast members as de-aged versions of themselves, including Goku, Vegeta and Bulma. The series was announced at NYCC 2023, with creator Akira Toriyama returning to lead DAIMA's run.




Akira Toriyama