While there are a lot of random weapons available in the wasteland of Fallout 4There is also a wide collection of unique weapons, which are specially named guns and melee weapons, where only one of their kind exists in the entire game. These unique weapons can be some of the best in the game.
If you want the greatest weapons possible, you may not be able to find them all in the base game. Some of the best unique weapons in Fallout 4 come from the Nuka World and Far Harbor DLCs. You'll have to fork out some more cash, but take it from someone who's played Far Harbor; The DLCs are worth every extra penny.
big boy
Mini Nuke Launcher
Would you like to free the wasteland next? Look no further than big boyYour personal mini nuke launcher. Big Boy is a variant of the common Fat Man heavy weapon. However, Big Boy is able to Fire an additional nuke with each shotFurther spread chaos and death from the heavens.
If you want to add this huge weapon to your arsenal and replace your regular old Fat Mans, you'll need to Go to Diamond CityThat symbol of civilization in ruin. When you get there, visit Arturo Rodriguez, the owner of Commonwealth Arms. While there, you can buy Big Boy, but be warned, it is one of the most expensive weapons in the game. A price of around 14,000 caps With no perks.
Final judgment
Maxson's prize weapon
Final judgment is a special variety of the Gatling laser With an increased rate of fire and reload. If you make sure to add the charging barrels mod to this weapon, you will have one of the most powerful weapons around. If you ignore the DLCs, Final Judgment would be in the running for the greatest weapon in Fallout 4 with its deadly energy damage.
Damage |
14 |
Ammo |
Fusion core |
Magazine size |
500 |
Fire rate |
340 |
Kate |
203 |
Accuracy |
48 |
If you want this powerful laser weapon, CamelWorks on YouTube Shows what you will need to do to get it. You will not be able to join the brotherhood of steel in Fallout 4 And yet demand final judgment, viz You will have to face off against Elder MaxsonIts original owner, to acquire it. You can fight him whether you side with the Minutemen, the Railroad or the Institute. If you want the gun, you will have to kill him.
Hub's alien blaster
Nuka-world sci-fi
Aliens have played a part in this Fallout Know for some time now, so it is not surprising that you can end up with an alien blaster in Fallout 4. Hub's alien blaster Is the best alien blaster around, although it can be a drain on resources unless you have the fusion cell mod. Otherwise, you have to use alien blaster rounds, which are harder to find than fusion cells.
Damage |
50 |
Ammo |
Alien blaster round |
Magazine size |
42 |
Fire rate |
100 |
Kate |
149 |
Accuracy |
76 |
Hub's Alien Blaster is a reward for The Nuka-World Quest "Treasures to the Stars"Given by Dara Hubbell. If you have the Nuka-World DLC, this is a pretty simple weapon to get. Its special effects Increases the damage of critical shots And refills your critical meter faster. As long as you get science! Level 4 and get the Fusion Cell mod, Hub's Alien Blaster should serve as a fun and powerful energy weapon.
Righteous authority
Brotherhood of Steel reward
Righteous authority Exists on the opposite spectrum of Final Judgment. If you want this weapon, you'll have to befriend Paladin Danse Fallout 4 And Complete the Brotherhood of Steel quest "Call to Arms". You can get both weapons in one game by completing "Call to Arms" before moving on to another faction and destroying the Brotherhood. This could be the game if you're a fan of energy weapons, considering both are exceptional.
Damage |
26 |
Ammo |
Fusion cell |
Magazine size |
27 |
Fire rate |
50 |
Kate |
203 |
Accuracy |
76 |
Right Authority has the same special effect as Hub's Alien Blaster. with both guns, Critical shots do more damage And your critical meter feels faster. However, the rightful permission is much easier to obtain. It doesn't involve purchasing a DLC, and you don't have to commit to improving your science! Level up to use the weapon to its maximum potential. Just point and shoot.
Atom's judgment
From the children of Atom to you
Atom's judgment is an almost comical looking sledgehammer focused on pounding rods straight into your enemies' skulls. Along with the basic melee damage of Super Sledges and other melee weapons, Atom's Judgment deals An extra 100 radiation damageAllowing you to hit your enemies from two angles. Just be aware of its slow speed, or you may find yourself in a corner.
Damage |
40 (+100 radiation) |
Fire rate |
Slow down |
Kate |
Miley |
Are you interested in weakening it with radioactive melee attacks? ESO on YouTube Explains exactly what you'll need to do in the Far Harbor DLC to get Atom's Judgment. You will need to Work with the children of Atom And progress to "The Heretic" quest. In this quest, you will have to deal with Gwyneth, a former member of the Children of Atom. After dealing with her and completing the quest, you will receive Atom's Judgment.
Kiloton Radium Rifle
More gifts from Atom
The Kiloton Radium Rifle is a special variety of radium gun, which does a mixture of regular and radiation damage. On top of the mixed damage, the gun's special effect makes the Bullets explode on impact With 15 points of area effect damage. If you're interested in dealing a mixture of different damage, the Kiloton Radium Rifle might be the gun for you.
Damage |
42 (+50 radiation damage) |
Ammo |
.45 round |
Magazine size |
20 |
Fire rate |
40 |
Kate |
119 |
Accuracy |
69 |
This is another Fallout 4 Far Harbor DLC exclusive weapon unlocked by a positive relationship with the Sons of Atom. The Kiloton Radium Rifle is a gift from Brother Kane, Granted after joining the Sons of Atom. This faction is a good choice for fans of radiation weapons, as it also rewards the Atmos Judgment discussed earlier.
Shower and pray
Explosive ammo without the DLC
Shower and pray It's not the blastest or most stunning gun out there, but it packs a shockingly good punch. It is very similar to the kiloton radium rifle, Sharing the same explosive ammo ability. Spray N' Pray is a submachine gun variant with a better magazine size and rate of fire than Kiloton Radium Rifle, and you don't need a DLC to get it.
Damage |
31 |
Ammo |
.45 round |
Magazine size |
100 |
Fire rate |
127 |
Kate |
77 |
Accuracy |
69 |
In order to get the submachine gun, You will have to find cricketOne of many merchants who occupy the wastelands. It takes a little chance to meet her, but she often appears through Bunker Hill, Vault 81, Diamond City and Warwick Homestead. She can also appear in your settlement if you have a trade caravan post.
The last minute
Purchase from the Minutemen
The last minute is an excellent gauss rifle that comes equipped with a wide range of mods straight from purchase. You start with a shielded barrel, capacitor boosting coil, long night vision scope and a compensator, which makes it outshine every other rifle in its class. It deals 50% extra damage to limbs For a greater chance to incapacitate your enemies.
Damage |
192 |
Ammo |
2mm tail |
Magazine size |
7 |
Fire rate |
66 |
Kate |
203 |
Accuracy |
112 |
You will have to grow closer to the Minutemen in Fallout 4 If you want to use the last minute. The gun will not be available until you work through some of their quest lines, specifically the quests "Taking Independence" and "Old Guns". Once you complete the quests and unlock the castle, You can buy the last minute of Ronnie Shaw. It is the best weapon in the base game.
The problem solver
Spray paint rifle
The problem solver Brings a splash of violent color to the wasteland. This handmade gun Increases the damage of each consecutive hit On the same target, truly solving your problems once and for all. If you have the right perks to wield a weapon like this, you should have a lot of fun with your colorful gun.
Damage |
57 |
Ammo |
7.62 round |
Magazine size |
75 |
Fire rate |
59 |
Kate |
185 |
Accuracy |
92 |
The Problem Solver is another Nuka-World special that requires a lot of specific steps to unlock. While working on the search "An Ambitious Plan"You need to Pass a Charisma check with Mason. Meanwhile, during the conversation, you also have to choose aggressive responses found on the right side of your dialogue options. Only if you fulfill both requirements will Mason give you the problem solver.
Infinite Death
If there is any reason for you to get the Nuka-World DLC Fallout 4It is for this weapon alone. Eternus Wipe the floor with other weapons thanks to it Unlimited ammo capacity. However, this is not entirely accurate. Because Aeternus is powered by a fusion core, the effect actually makes it so You have infinite ammoAllowing you to constantly fire down your enemies.
Damage |
24 |
Ammo |
Fusion core |
Magazine size |
500 |
Fire rate |
45 |
Kate |
251 |
Accuracy |
63 |
This Gatling laser is a special reward for the repeatable quest "Amoral Combat"In which you defend the gauntlet after completing "The Grand Tour". There are six named combatants in this quest, but you'll have to keep accepting it until you fight The Scarecrow Knight. The rogue knight will drop Aeternus on defeat, giving you the best unique weapon in Fallout 4.
Videos: Camelworks/YouTube, ESO/YouTube
- Released
November 10, 2015
B For adults: blood and gore, intense violence, strong language, use of drugs