10 best types of contracts to accept in Farming Simulator

10 best types of contracts to accept in Farming Simulator

Agricultural Simulator 25 is a game with a multitude of things for players to do, such as focusing on the variety of tasks on your own farm or accepting some contracts from community NPCs to earn extra money. Some contracts in the game require a lot of time and money invested by the player character to complete, so this should always be paid attention to when claiming. Meanwhile, others may not pay as well but can be done quickly and easily, making them more valuable.

Working on contracts can be an ideal way to earn quick money in the gamebut also helps beginners to Agricultural Simulator learn what machines and skills are needed for a wide variety of jobs. If a player does not have the necessary equipment, or is not sure what is needed, they can easily rent the machines at the same time as purchasing the contract. These contracts are easily found in the menu, with a specific tab for contracts, and each listing provides information about payment, required machines and location.

Contracts have time limits to complete, so be careful when trying to take on more than is possible.


Deadwood Contracts allow players to cut down trees

A fun break from standard farming chores

Deadwood contracts involve the player being assigned to go to an area and cut down dead trees that have been marked with red paint. Although this seems quite easy and straightforward, these contracts have a bit of love or hate in the community, especially with some difficulties in completing. If everything goes well, These can be wonderful contracts to have a little fun while making easy money.

Although some machines are often recommended for the job, some players have found it much easier to simply use a chainsaw instead of trying to handle larger equipment. However, the biggest problem is that many players have struggled to fulfill their contract due to not being able to find all the marked trees that need to be cut down. In many cases, a single marked red tree may be located outside the designated area.


Transporting wood can be a little tricky at first

It seems simple, but loading records requires finesse

Lumber transportation contracts can be complicated, but they generally pay very well. Although your name it seems like all anyone is doing is driving from point A to point B, there is so much more involved in these jobs. Using the logging truck, players must drive to a location where a pile of large logs from previously felled trees is located. Next comes loading the logs onto the truck, often involving a complicated claw machine-type game where any damage to the logs will result in reduced payment.

After that, players drive the truck full of wood to the sales area, which can also be tricky to protect the precious cargo if there is traffic. Finally, there is a confusing issue about how to sell the logs, which the game doesn't make very clear. Generally, players must drive the truck to the area marked with yellow and black stripes, exit the vehicle, and walk to the exclamation mark to unload the logs.


The harvest is great, in certain situations

Pay close attention to the product being harvested and the machinery required

Harvesting can be one of the most fun and rewarding things to do in Agricultural Simulator 25but it requires some forethought. When accepting a harvesting contract, especially if a player wants to use their own equipment, careful consideration should be given to the type of crops being harvested. Different crops require different methods and machines for harvesting, which can become expensive or confusing.

Furthermore, similar to the previous Agricultural Simulator games, it is generally easier to hire an AI worker to help with these jobsespecially if it is a large field. Harvesting needs someone capable of doing the actual harvesting, while someone else manages the trailer to collect the harvested resource and transport it.


Rock removal is easy and a lot of fun

Breaking rocks is simple, but it doesn't cost much

Rock removal contracts usually don't pay much, but they can be completed very quickly and also offer a lot of fun. The biggest disadvantage of these contracts comes from the distance from the locationas hydraulic hammers do not work at very fast speeds and areas may be located on high, winding slopes.

There is a big difference between rock removal contracts and stone collection contracts. One of them uses a jackhammer to break large rocks and the other collects rocks in the field.

Once in the area with the correct machinery, players just need to find the large rocks marked with red flags and break them with the jackhammer. This happens relatively quickly and can be a very enjoyable job to do.


Bale wrapping requires some alignment, but pays well

Renting the equipment usually doesn’t cost much.

When accepting a contract for a bale wrapping job, players must pay close attention to the size and shape of the bales that need to be wrapped if they expect to use their own equipment. Small square bales use a completely different wrapping machine than large round bales, and having to backtrack to get the right equipment or rent a machine after the job has already been claimed can be frustrating.

Once on the field, all this contract needs is for the player to line up the machine with the bales and step up until the machine automatically grabs them. Sometimes this can be a little tricky depending on the location of the bales, but it's usually a quick way to make some money.


Spraying can be simple but expensive

The purchase of the herbicide removes part of the payment

Spraying contracts can often go quickly due to the wide spray range. Its width when unfolded allows even large fields to be covered in relatively few passes, and there are often good visual indicators of what has already been sprayed.

However, payment for these spraying contracts may be lower than expected. Even if players have their own machines to use, they will still have to purchase chemicals for spraying, which comes out of their own budget and is not reflected in the agreed contract value. Like many contracts, the Payments can also vary greatly based on the size of the field being sprayedand if someone buys a large amount of chemicals for a small area, they may end up not earning much later.


Mowing lawns on a large scale

Easy and no chemicals required

Cutting a field is perhaps one of the easiest jobs there is. Agricultural Simulator 25and with the right equipment, even larger fields can be completed relatively quickly. No additional chemicals are needed hereplayers just need to grab a mower and drive it up and down the field. This is even easier when the player is using the AI ​​Steering Assist option, which provides guidance on where to drive for the quickest and most effective routes around the field.

These contracts can be one of the best for simply relaxing, putting on some music or a podcast and enjoying the peaceful side of the game.


Weeding is similar to mowing grass, with great scope

The right machinery makes this job a breeze

Just like mowing the lawn, weeding can be a simple contract that doesn't contain any hidden extras when purchasing chemicals. Machines are often quite wide when unfolded, making large fields advance quicklyand the resulting visual representation can be incredibly rewarding, as players can watch the vivid results of their work happening right before their eyes. Being able to claim jobs on large fields that can be completed quickly can lead to larger payouts, and if a player wants to scout them frequently, they may want to consider purchasing their own equipment to save on rental fees.


Fertilization is an easy and quick contract to make quick money

Fertilizers cover a large area, but fertilizer must be purchased

Keeping nature realistic Agricultural Simulator 25Fields perform best when they are fertilized at the right time with the right type of fertilizer. Similar to spraying, players need to note the cost of the fertilizer they will need to purchase or provide for the job, as this is not reflected in the quoted payment. Fortunately, any leftover fertilizer can be saved and used on the player's farm or in future contracts.

Fertilization can be quick due to the range the fertilizer is sprayed outside the machine. So while they may not pay as much as some other jobs, it's easy to do several of them in the same time it would take to fulfill a Deadwood contract.


Farming is perfect for beginners who need to make some money

Good contractual rewards, easy work and may not need to rent equipment

There's a reason why Grandpa Walter teaches players how to farm before doing anything else in the game's opening tutorial, and that's it. Cultivating can be a very simple task with clear visual representation of what has been done. If players are patient, they can even use the small cultivator that Walter provides to begin any cultivation contracts, although its tiny size can make work slow.

When purchasing or renting a large cultivator, these jobs are easy, quick and can provide very good pay for completion, especially on larger fields. Therefore, contract farming is often the best jobs to take on in Agricultural Simulator 25 for some extra money to spend on the farm.

Source: Trophy/YouTube Players