10 Best Star Wars Outlaws Side Quests Worth Doing

10 Best Star Wars Outlaws Side Quests Worth Doing

Side quests in Star Wars Outlaws Can be a mixed bag. Some of them are excellent, well-crafted side stories, with unique characters, once-in-a-lifetime locations and worthwhile rewards. Others are simply bringing quests that only result in a fistful of credits.

Most players probably prefer to avoid the runaround, focusing only on quests that are worth their time. however, It's hard to say what's at the end of most Star Wars Outlaws side quests when start them - They provide only vague, incomplete information by nature. So, to cut through some of the ambiguity, here are ten of the best side quests in Star Wars Outlaws To be completed immediately.


"The Mechanic" unlocks a Spider Speed ​​Boost

Toshara Expert Quest

Once players first gain control of Kay Vess' Spider Star Wars OutlawsThey will probably notice that the one thing it lacks is speed. The Spyder has only one gear, and it's not a particularly fast one; It will be enough for outrunning early-game Imperial patrols, and maybe for winning the occasional race, but not much more. luckily, It is possible to get a speed boost upgrade for Kay's Spider. To do this, players must complete "The mechanic", an expert quest on Toshara.


Expert quests unlock new upgrades for Kay By introducing you to seasoned scandals that can mentor you. In this case, it's the mechanic Selo, who gives a number of Spiders upgrades. Players will have to contact a bartender in Mirogana to start the quest, and then track down an atmospheric accelerator to gain Selo's favor. After performing a long jump with the spider, they gain access to a handy little nitro boost.


"Mysterious Charm" grants an equippable health boost

Intel chain on Toshara

A map showing the location of the mysterious charm on Toshara in Star Wars Outlaws.

For those struggling with Kay Vess's relatively small HP bar at the start of Star Wars Outlawsand her love to lose two-thirds of it after falling more than two feet, There is an easy way to upgrade it hidden at the end of the "Mysterious charm"Page search. Once the relevant intel is found, players can simply collect the titular charm by going to the location shown on the map above. They will need the Spider upgrade to get there though, so this is best tackled after meeting the mechanic.

Charms are Accessories Kay can equip over Star Wars OutlawsGive you various bonuses to different stats and abilities. Especially the reward for "Mysterious charm" is an overgrown amber rock that gives Kay an additional slot on her HP bar. This is one of the best charms to equip in the early game, but can make a difference throughout the campaign.


"Rejected" unlocks a valuable merchant

Intel chain on Toshara

Most early-game merchants in Star Wars Outlaws Sell ​​little utility, with inventories almost always filled with obscure upgrade materials whose purposes aren't immediately clear and whose prices are hard to justify. There is, however, one very useful merchant on Toshara, and he is located in the heart of Mirogana - but players will need to learn a secret password during the side quest.Rejected“To access his shop.

Lalini Ledeno is a smuggler in the Mirogana Market, but when players first approach him, he will explain that he only sells to friends. They will have to go to the bar upstairs and listen to a couple of patrons to learn Lalini's password, which is simply to introduce herself as "A friend of Arlo's." This is a simple side quest that unlocks a variety of different items available for purchase: The Agamar Gunslinger Belt, for example, which provides healing on successful adrenaline rushes. Players can also purchase additional intel for more profitable side quests from Lalini's shop.


"The Smuggler's Hideout" grants a key blaster part

Intel chain on Toshara

The Smuggler's Hideout map location in Star Wars Outlaws

Since there is technically only one permanent weapon in it Star Wars OutlawsIt's important to upgrade your signature blaster early and often to keep up, as increasingly powerful enemies are introduced throughout the game. These more minor distinctions aside, there are effectively two types of materials required for each blaster upgrade: regular materials, which can be found scattered throughout the various maps, and Key parts, which are usually unique, and can only be found by completing specific tasks. One of the key parts, the HD005-G circuit, is only achieved by chasing"The smuggler's hideout" Intel chain.


"The smugglers' hideoutBegins in Crimson Dawn's section of Mirogana, when Kay reads a datapad that tells of a treasure hidden in the mountains. Make a spider jump in the location shown on the map aboveThen navigating a short cave passage with a handful of fan traps before climbing the loot.


"Jet Kordo's Legacy" is a long quest with a stealth-boosting reward

Bandit Legend quest on Toshara, Kijimi, Tatooine and Ekiwa

Most of the side quests on this list are fairly short, requiring only one or two steps before players can claim their rewards. "Jet Kordo's LegacyHowever, is one of the longest side quests in the gameTaking place across four different planets, and potentially the entirety of the main campaign. It involves chasing the treasure of an outlaw legend, Jet Kordo, across the galaxy, picking up scraps of his treasure along the way. The final reward is the Scoundrel Set, a collection of gear with a variety of different buffs.

In order to claim the entire Scoundrel Set, players will have to find a series of holodiscs, Each leading to a vault with a piece of the set. There is one vault each on Toshara and Kijimi, plus two each on Tatooine and Ekiwa.


"Stolen Imperial Goods" provides a hearty stash of blaster parts

Intel chain on Toshara

Kay Vess shoots an Imperial probe while Nyx attacks a Stormtrooper

Key parts are all well and good, but players will also need to collect a lot of regular old crafting materials to keep Kay's blaster upgraded. Searching random crates can help, however Complete quests like "Stolen Imperial goods" Rewards tons of blaster parts at once. This can give players a great start to building a solid collection of materials, or give them a final push toward a long-awaited upgrade.

Kay can upgrade her blaster from the workbench aboard the Trailblazer.

"Stolen Imperial goods" Eventually takes players to the Southern Falls area, where they find A treasure called Smuggler's Cache 86 near a stunning waterfall - Although they may also find other treasures along the way. The chest contains three different types of items: 500 credits, ten Ray Accelerators and five Ion Cells. The former can be used to buy whatever the player wants, while the latter two are used to apply a wide variety of blaster upgrades.


"Tosharan Treasure" adds to Kay's material collection

Intel chain on Toshara

Toshara Star Wars Outlaw II
Toshara Star Wars Outlaw II

Once players have gained access to Renpalli Station Star Wars OutlawsThey can claim Another set of upgrade materials Near Jaunta's Hope in the Intel Chain"Tosharan treasure." Renpalli Station is located in Toshara's orbit; players will have to unlock Kay's ship before they can go off-world free, and read a datapad there to start the intel chain. , and use a tracker to find the buried cache .

in the "Tosharan treasureIn the chest, there are another 500 credits, five actuating modules and five cryo coils. These are used to upgrade a different set of blaster settingsSo it is best to use them in conjunction with the "Stolen Imperial goodsMaterials to improve Kay's weapon across the board. The actuating modules are used to create a variety of different upgrades, while cryo coils tend to improve the blaster's heat capacity and reloading functions.


"The Mercenary" unlocks a new set of weapons for Kay

Expert Quest on Kijimi and Tatooine

If Kay ever gets sick of her blaster, another expert can help with that. Kay technically only has one permanently equippable weapon throughout the entire game, but can upgrade it by unlocking new blaster modules with different effects. However, while sneaking into enemy territory, she can occasionally pick up additional, extra-powerful weapons, which can give her a major advantage against large groups of enemies. However, these have limited ammo, and once depleted, will have to be put down. Additionally, there is a set of even more exclusive Imperial weapons that can only be unlocked after meeting the Mercenary, one of Star Wars Outlaws' Experts, and unlocking the can I try this? Skill.

In order to meet the mercenary (Hon Trace), Kay will have to learn about her existence in Kijimi's orbit, and proceed to Tatooine. Next, she will have to find an experimental blaster, and use it to destroy an Imperial convoy, before returning to Hoon and learning her new abilities.


"The Hotfixer" unlocks a new weapon for the Trailblazer

Expert Quest on Tatooine

Star Wars Outlaws - Teeka

And speaking of experts, another one, the Jawa Hotfixer Teeka, Unlocks an entirely new feature for Kay's ship. This is unlocked during the Tatooine main quest when ND-5 suggests Kay look into installing a turret on the TrailblazerOpening the intel chain"Buy a turret."Kay will need to track down the Jawas in the desert valley, and bring back a sarlacc tooth in order to strike a deal with them. Finally, Tika will be on her side, and will immediately gift Kay the TU-b4 laser turret, Which can be installed on the Trailblazer As an additional offensive option.

Teeka is a combat- and trade-focused expertWhich means that by completing their expert missions, Kay can unlock a variety of different combat abilities, as well as new ways to make tons of money. For example, she can give Nix the ability to trigger enemy grenades, or reduce merchant prices by 10% across the board, regardless of factional reputation.


"The High Roller" unlocks Lando as an expert

Expert Quest on Akiba

Star Wars Outlaws - Lando

The best expert in Star Wars OutlawsOr at least the coolest, is Lando Calrissian himself. Players will need to complete "The high-stakes showdown"In order to meet him, by sneaking into Kaslo's parlor and defeating a group of Card Sharps in a game of Sabback. After an encounter with Lando, Kay helps him fight an invading Imperial force, which unlocks his expert Abilities - as well as the opportunity to play a friendly game of Sabback against him.

Lando's expert abilities mainly focus on blaster combat and gambling: The Plan A ability allows Kay to draw a second card during each of her Subback turns, and the Plan B ability allows her to create an extra-powerful Heavy Blaster module. Her first shot in combat will deal more damage with Shoot First, and she'll get a quick burst of adrenaline while firing with Ask Later. These abilities bring Kay to her full combat potential, making Lando's Expert Quest one of the most important side quests in Star Wars Outlaws.