10 Best Silenced Weapons in Cyberpunk 2077

10 Best Silenced Weapons in Cyberpunk 2077

If you plan to do a stealth build Cyberpunk 2077you'll need to pair it with one of the quietest weapons in the game. However, the weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 do not come prepared to remain silent. Instead of, adding silencers to weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 requires a bit of Eddie and, in some cases, component creation. Moreover, you can only add silencers to power weapons, not to technological or smart weapons such as Skippy. The last thing to consider is that as of update 2.0 you can't attach suppressors to revolvers, which takes some of the fun out of it.

Despite all this, there are still plenty of powerful new weapons in the world. Cyberpunk 2077. In fact, there is a variety of pistols, assault rifles and even a sniper it's perfect for putting cyberpsychopaths and mercenaries to sleep silently. At the same time, you want to acknowledge some of the unique melee weapon when you strive for a stealth build Cyberpunk 2077as they can help complement your silent gear.



Sniper Panama

These are the six best silent weapons for a stealth build in Cyberpunk 2077.

If you choose romantic Panama in Cyberpunk 2077 and finish her storyline, you will get single sniper in the game with a silencer. Mitch Anderson of Nomads originally owned Overwatch, which he gave to Panama during "ghost town" mission. Panam then gives you this weapon as a sign of gratitude for your help in rescuing Saul during the "Riders of the Storm"Side mission.


Because there is no other sniper rifle Cyberpunk 2077 comes to shut up or it can be modded to silence it, it's well worth playing with Panam just to get this sniper.

Basic Overwatch Stats

Attack Speed


Damage per hit


Recharge speed


Effective range


Weapon handling


Ammo capacity

40 rounds

Headshot multiplier


Overwatch can be upgraded to level 5, has an increased reload speed and is equipped with Militech HPO Mk.77 Kanone MAX sight for accuracy at long distances.



Sabastian's pistol

These are the six best silent weapons for a stealth build in Cyberpunk 2077.

If you stand next to Sabastián Ibarra and complete his side missionshe will remember your efforts. During the character's final appearance entitled "God bless this mess", you arrive and find Seraphim in your hiding place as a reward for all your hard work. simply an iconic version of constitutional freedom of armsSeraphim is one of the quietest weapons in the world. Cyberpunk 2077.

Seraph Base Stats

Attack Speed


Damage per hit


Recharge speed


Effective range


Weapon handling


Ammo capacity

14 rounds

Headshot multiplier


What distinguishes the Seraphim from other versions of this pistol is its unique modifier that deals thermal damageand any enemy hit by this weapon has a chance of setting it on fire. Moreover, this modifier still works even with a muffler connected.


La Chingona Dorada

Pistol Jackie

Jackie's gun is also a Tsunami Nue gun, but they equipped with a muzzle brake and has the iconic modifier As a result, headshots grant 10% increased critical damage and 10% increased burn. This also gives the gun the ability to get additional ammo the next time you equip it, equal to the number of headshots completed – up to 10 in total. It also has the FORCE trait, which allows bullets to ricochet off surfaces, making it a fearsome weapon.

Basic Statistics of La Chingona Dorada

Attack Speed


Damage per hit


Recharge speed


Effective range


Weapon handling


Ammo capacity

10 rounds

Headshot multiplier


Armor penetration


It can be obtained in two main ways. First, after Heroes quest completed in El Coyote Cojo. Or if you haven't found it at the moment, you can buy it from Herald Lowe at the EBM Petrochem station, but it should be available to mine for free.

If you would like more information on this pistol or find out exactly where to find it, visit Video YouTuber Camelworks.


Lexington x-MOD2

Rapid fire pistol

These are the six best silent weapons for a stealth build in Cyberpunk 2077.

Players who prefer a rapid-fire pistol in Cyberpunk 2077 must consider purchasing Lexington x-MOD2. Lexington x-MOD2 has an attack speed of 8, damage of 47, reload speed of 0.9 and an ammo capacity of 20 rounds.

Basic statistics Lexington x-MOD2

Attack Speed


Damage per hit


Recharge speed


Effective range


Weapon handling


Ammo capacity

20 rounds

Headshot multiplier


However, the pistol's most attractive feature is its iconic modifier, which increases headshot damage by 50%. Of course, it can be equipped with a muffler, but this also has two slots for mods at the same time.

You can get Lexington x-MOD2 by finishing first in the tournament"Shoot for thrills"Shooting competition with the 6th Street Gang.

This is again the iconic version of the regular pistol found in the game. In this case it is based on Militek M-10AFbut it has the best characteristics and is the only one of its kind that can be found without DLC. He also has ClearVue Mk.8 Long Scope, which cannot be removed.


Death and taxes

Explosive pistol

These are the six best silent weapons for a stealth build in Cyberpunk 2077.

Death and Taxes is one of the most unusual silent pistols in the world. Cyberpunk 2077, firing in two-shot bursts.


The best part is that you can add a suppressor, turning it into a small suppressed shotgun. As a result, you can Effectively destroy enemies with one touch with this weaponmaking it ideal for stealth gameplay.

Basic statistics on death and taxes

Attack Speed


Damage per hit


Recharge speed


Effective range


Weapon handling


Ammo capacity

10 rounds

Headshot multiplier


This pistol can be found in Maiko Maeda's office at Cloudswhich can be accessed during Ex-Factor part time job in Cyberpunk 2077. You should see him sitting on a table that will be facing you as you walk through the door. If you don't find him, you can find him later in Judy Alvarez's apartment. This iconic version of the Nue pistol created by Tsunami.



Rogue Pistol

Another option Pistol "Constitutional weapon of Liberty"this one is in many ways as powerful as the Seraphim. This is the weapon of the Amendiares Rogue, and the main advantage of this weapon that makes it unique is the modifier that allows it to be used in tandem with the Prejudice assault rifle. If yes, Pride will not consume ammo for a short time.

Base Pride Stats

Attack Speed


Damage per hit


Recharge speed


Effective range


Weapon handling


Ammo capacity

10 rounds

Headshot multiplier


Also, which is more useful in stealth, your the first shot from a new magazine is always guaranteed to be a critical hit. Headshot damage increases exponentially along with your health. While your health is around 75%, you will hand over an additional 250%making it a sniper pistol if you can't find Overwatch. If that's not enough, you'll also get extra critical damage against elite enemies with this weapon. If you need more tips on how to find this weapon, see: Video by YouTuber Big Dan Gaming.


Dying Night

Early stealth option

V uses the Dying Night pistol for the first time in Cyberpunk 2077.

This is probably the first weapon you'll get; You you may already have it in your inventory. It may not have the highest stats, but it is a great all-around weapon that can be pre-suppressed. This is a great option for any beginner and you can add better aim or even hit enemies with this the same as Steam user jidaeng notes:.

Dying Night Basic Stats

Attack Speed


Damage per hit


Recharge speed


Effective range


Weapon handling


Ammo capacity

20 rounds

Headshot multiplier


Armor penetration


As you can see, it also has armor penetration and if you use it while moving you can deal extra damage. It may not be the quietest weapon out there, but it's a great start and one that a newbie who wants to be stealthy should stick with.


PSALM 11:6

Silenced assault rifle

These are the six best silent weapons for a stealth build in Cyberpunk 2077.

PSALM 11:6 says no to silenced pistols and yes, silenced assault rifles. This iconic variant of the Nokota D5 Copperhead has a unique modifier that allows each bullet to deal thermal damage.

PSALM 11:6 Basic Statistics

Attack Speed


Damage per hit


Recharge speed


Effective range


Weapon handling


Ammo capacity

50 rounds

Headshot multiplier


Armor penetration


This increases the likelihood that enemies will burn alive rather than spending another round to make sure they finished. It also comes with a very appropriate flame decal, adding to the appeal of a working, suppressed assault rifle.

Additionally, this version of the assault rifle has a modifier increased magazine size, up to 50 roundsall of which cause thermal damage. At level 5 you will have increased 30% chance of burning.


M221 Saratoga


These are the six best silent weapons for a stealth build in Cyberpunk 2077.

At level 5, the M221 Saratoga is one of the few cool guns in Cyberpunk 2077 which can support insanely high damage for now they are silent. Apart from Psalm 11:6, there is little argument for choosing any other weapon as your primary suppressed weapon when taking into account the rate of fire and reload speed.

M221 Saratoga Basic Stats

Attack Speed


Damage per hit


Recharge speed


Effective range


Weapon handling


Ammo capacity

40 rounds

Headshot multiplier


On the other hand, the M221 Saratoga may be modified with scope and other accessories. As a result, the M221 Saratoga can be modified in a variety of ways, all of which support suppressors. If you're looking for it, you can find it at several vendors throughout the game. Most likely you will need the BARGHEST variant, which has increased characteristics and can be found in Herold Lowe at EBM Petrochem Stadium in Dogtown V Phantom Freedom DLC.


Her Majesty

Unique muffler

Not many weapons come with their own suppressors, as you will have to equip most of them. However, this is a highly modified Pistol "Constitutional weapon". This is an iconic option; in this case it comes with a mod and Unique muffler already installed. The mod for this weapon gives you perfect accuracy and guaranteed headshots (as well as increased damage) while your optical camouflage is active.

Basic characteristics of Her Majesty

Attack Speed


Damage per hit


Recharge speed


Effective range


Weapon handling


Ammo capacity

10 rounds

Headshot multiplier


While its base stats may be lower than others on the list, This weapon is designed for stealth by design and has a modifier that makes it incredibly useful.. You can only get it as part of the DLC, and it will be given to you at the end. Get together quest You can see this quest in Little Danny B video on YouTube. Although it will come late, it is still the best suppressed weapon in the world. Cyberpunk 2077.

Video Credit: YouTube/Camel work; YouTube/Big Dan Gaming; YouTube/Little Danny B

Source: Steam Community