Bad Boys: Ride or Die is finally here and here are the 10 best scenes from the fourth Bad boys movie. After several decades Will Smith and Martin Lawrence will make hit buddy cop movies togetherthe franchise still offers fantastic action and hilarious comedy, as the 2024 film proves. Bad Boys: Ride or Die. Fourth Bad boys the film manages to connect the stories of each past Bad boys film and also creates even more epic action. There are a lot of great scenes though. Bad Boys: Ride or Diethese are the top 10.
Bad Boys: Ride or Die sees the franchise go through a lot of changes: Mike Lowrey finally gets married, Marcus Burnett has a heart attack, and Captain Howard becomes involved with a massive criminal conspiracy shortly after his death. Bad Boys: Ride or Die bridges the gap between original films and modern films returning the composition of new and old Bad boys stars. The film draws on action and comedy from previous films and is directed by Adil and Bilal to create 10 epic scenes.
Armando's fight in the prison yard
Re-introducing him after Bad Boys for Life
One of the best scenes in Bad Boys: Ride or Die doesn't include the titular "Bad Boys" at all, but instead focuses on Mike's son Armando. At the beginning of the film, Armando is still in prison after the events Bad boys for lifealthough Mike and Marcus want to recruit him for their new mission. However, while in the prison yard, several other prisoners attack Armando and he has to fight them off.
Compared to some of the other fight scenes in Bad Boys: Ride or DieArmando's prison fight seems much more grounded and brutal. Armando uses training equipment such as weights to fight back against his attackers, resulting in some truly painful blows. This scene is a great way to reintroduce Armando after Bad boys for lifemaking him the more aggressive member of the Bad Boys.
Mike and Marcus meet with racists
and great joke with Reba
One of the funniest scenes in Bad Boys: Ride or Die The action takes place shortly after Mike, Marcus and Armando are forced to flee from the law. In an attempt to change their appearance, the trio steals clothes. However, they soon discover that the clothes they stole contain racist messages, and the owners of the clothes come out and confront them. This leads to hilarious scene where Mike and Marcus have to pretend to be the true owners of the clothesplaying on stereotypes of rural racists.
This scene has been widely used in marketing Bad Boys: Ride or Dieand it's incredibly funny in context. The scene is also reminiscent of one of the best fight scenes in Bad boys history when it was the defeat of the Mike and Marcus Clan. Bad Boys 2.
Van Chase from The Bad Boys
The windshield wiper bat makes this scene hilarious.
After Mike and Marcus quickly formed a connection with another character played by Tiffany Haddish in Bad Boys: Ride or Die in a cameo they are confronted by armed militants. This results in the Bad Guys having to get into the van and out of the Dodge while various criminals try to shoot them.
The van chase has some great action sequences as well as some hilarious gags, the most memorable being when Marcus tries to put out a fire with windshield wiper fluid, which causes the fire to get even bigger. This is a fantastic fight scene that takes place about halfway through the film. emphasizing this Bad Boys: Ride or Die able to maintain a fast pace and it also features some great returning characters.
Marcus's "It's Not My Time" scene in the hospital
Great start to a joke
Marcus's heart attack at the beginning Bad Boys: Ride or Die This is truly one of the scariest scenes in the film: the audience believes that one of the main characters of "Bad Boys" may actually die. However, the revelation that he has survived leads to one of the funniest moments in the film. Waking up in the hospital, Marcus apparently believes that he is invincible, and he leaves his hospital bed, repeatedly repeating: "now is not my time"
Marcus makes his way to the roof of the hospital.standing fearlessly on the ledge. Mike appears and tries to reason with his partner, but Marcus is clearly not himself. The exchange between Mike and Marcus reminds viewers that the soul Bad boys it's the dynamic between Smith and Lawrence, with the fact that Marcus is only wearing a hospital gown topping it all off.
Shootout at Fletcher's Gallery
And the subsequent car chase
Bad Boys: Ride or Die also sees Fletcher's return, a character who started out as a criminal, but in the original worked as a police officer Bad boys movies. Mike and Marcus find Fletcher at the new art gallery he has opened. The neon lights and techno vibe immediately make this one of the most visually interesting locations in the film.
However, Bad Boys: Ride or Die shockingly kills Fletcher, leading to a tense shootout in the gallery. Great action is combined with hilarious jokes, such as Marcus trying to eat and drink soft drinks that explode throughout the room. A shootout leads to the outside of the building, with the shootout turning into an epic car chase with Mike pursuing Fletcher's killers on foot.
Opening race at Mike's wedding
A perfect reintroduction of Mike and Marcus
Bad Boys: Ride or Die first reintroduces the viewer to Mike and Marcus through a hilarious opening scene. The film begins with Mike and Marcus racing through the streets of Miami, trying to make it to Mike's wedding. However, Marcus has to stop at a gas station. Mike orders him to be quick, but once inside, Marcus can't help but want some of the food the store has.
However, a robber accidentally appears while Marcus is inside. Mike intercedes and manages to stop the robber, cursing Marcus.making the criminal seem like an afterthought. This hilarious opening scene is one of the funniest moments in the film as it perfectly sets the tone and personalities of the characters. Bad Boys: Ride or Die.
Marcus' Heart Attack at Mike's Wedding (and Conversation with Captain Howard)
It's incredibly stylized.
Although most of the best scenes in Bad Boys: Ride or Die Either revolve around a fantastic joke or an epic fight scene, this scene is actually one of the most dramatic in the film. During the fun at Mike's wedding, Marcus suffers a heart attack. Marcus' auditory attack is represented by fantastic visuals: Martin Lawrence's character falls through the floor and ends up in a watery void.
Marcus then sees the late Captain Howard and they talk. Although it doesn't literally happen in the universe Bad boysThis is the first time Howard and Marcus have interacted since the former's death in Bad boys for life. Howard is also the one who tells Marcus that it's not time for him to die yet, setting up a hilarious prank that continues throughout the film. Bad Boys: Ride or Die.
AMMO Alligator Theme Park Hack
The fantastic climax of Ride or Die
Climax Bad Boys: Ride or Die Oddly enough, the action takes place in an abandoned theme park with alligators, and the entire scene is one of the best fight scenes in the film. The bad guys and their AMMO partners appear in the swampy location to break in and save Christina and Callie from the film's antagonists. The action on the outside is already incredible enough, but once you get inside, things get even more fun.
Long takes and drone shots do it Bad Boys: Ride or Die The scene is one of the most visually memorable in the entire film. Every character is present and each has a moment that shows why they are unique. In addition to the fun action-packed moments, the looming threat of the remaining alligator further ups the stakes, leading to even more memorable moments.
Mike and Marcus' helicopter hijacking
One of the most intense bad guy scenes ever.
At the beginning of the film, Mike and Marcus are on board a helicopter with Mike's son Armando. However, the film's villains hijack the helicopter, killing the pilots and causing the helicopter to crash. With the car high in the air, Mike and Marcus must find a way to survive the crash while fighting off their attackers. What's worse is Armando is locked in a giant cageThis means that it is incredibly difficult to rescue him while the helicopter is hurtling towards the ground below.
This helicopter scene is incredibly dynamic and looks like one of the most expensive scenes in the film. And chases, shootouts and fist fights can be found in every Bad boys movie, this helicopter crash is unique to Bad Boys: Ride or Diethat's why it's one of the best scenes in the movie.
Protecting Reggie from intruders
Payback for the best joke in the franchise
The best scene in Bad Boys: Ride or Die Mike and Marcus are barely touched upon, instead focusing on a minor supporting character: Reggie. Reggie is always making fun of me Bad boyswhen he dated and then married Marcus' daughter, even though Marcus and Mike never truly respected him. Although Reggie's military history has been previously mentioned, Bad Boys: Ride or Die finally paid off handsomely.
After kidnapping Christina and Callie, Mike and Marcus realize that the villains are probably heading for Marcus' family next. They manage to warn Reggie and he springs into action. Mike and Marcus watch Reggie defend the house on security camera, and it's the best, funniest, most creatively directed scene ever. Bad Boys: Ride or Die.