Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Has the opportunity to truly bring to life the characters of the original Final Fantasy 7 Game. With so much more content and exploration into the deeper relationships between the characters, there are many more scenes with outstanding dialogue and memorable quotes, and Tifa Lockhart is especially important.
Tifa is a character with many notable scenes Where her words stick with the player due to her kind nature and connection with the rest of the party. Sometimes they are goofy and fun, sometimes they are compelling. Tifa's insight into the story behind the curtain of Cloud's altered perspective gives more meaning to some of her quotes, where on the surface they may be unremarkable, but when paired with her emotion and expression, a whole new meaning opens up. .
"You promised you'd save me... if I ever got caught... or in trouble..."
When Cloud Strife and Tipha were children in Nibelheim, Cloud opened up about his dream of becoming a great member of Soldier. It was a heartwarming moment of bonding between the two future heroes of FF7 and cemented their friendship, as well as Cloud's fear of returning to Nibelheim without achieving his ambition. Even if he hadn't yet reached Soldier First Class, his promise to Tifa still held weight.
After Sephiroth beat Tifa down and continued through the reactor to meet his mother, Jenova, Cloud finds Tifa and carries her to safety. The reminder of their promise shows that even if they went their separate ways to chase their own dreams, the bond they created at the well all those years ago was something to cherish. Her reiteration of the promise spurred Cloud to challenge his former mentor.
"Ribbit Ribbit"
Under Junon
While Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is full of dramatic and tragic moments, there's still plenty of time for the party to enjoy missions with less world-ending stakes. In the side-search "calling all frogs," Cloud is tasked with removing all the enemies in the areaSo the children can continue to play under Junon. A simple search on the surface, but with the magic turning him into a frog, the search becomes much more entertaining.
Tifa's mockery of Cloud's transformation reminds the player of their bond, not only about saving the world, but also a comfortable friendship. Cloud is not embarrassed by Tifa repeating the word "Ribbit"Over and over. It's a moment of lightness in a tumultuous time. With all the masquerading of many verses, the march to reunion and saving the world from Shinra, A moment of true jovial friendship speaks to the connection the party has.
"No! Don't take him either!"
Inside a weapon
A big change from the original Final Fantasy 7 was Tifa's Journey through the Lifestream. It showed the player moments from Tifa's past with Cloud, the promise between them and her ideal of what a hero should be. In the stomach of a weapon, Spirot strikes and almost stabs Tifa. She survives, visualizing people from her past and Cloud walking away from her, following Sephiroth. These scenes are full of subtle hints to the future and homage to Tifa's journey into Cloud's mind in the original game.
Tifa's call for Cloud to stay is the fear of his fragile mind breaking even more than it already has. What Tifa doesn't realize, due to her focus on Cloud, is the importance she plays in the story just as much as he does. Doctor Sheeran points out that many depend on typhaSomething she struggled with in the past. Sephiroth views Tifa and the connection she shares with Cloud as a threat, and this quote shows the lengths Sephiroth is willing to go to drive a wedge between them.
"And look... local people. But they're not quite the same, are they?"
The destruction of Nibelheim is seared into the minds of Tifa and Cloud. Upon their return, Shinra seemingly rebuilt it with no indication of Sephiroth's rampage. The locals didn't know anything about the terrible event, they thought it was unworthy luck. This didn't escape Tipa's notice, knowing what a complete devastation it was the night Spirit ignited the town. Everything may have been rebuilt exactly as it was, but the unusual feeling does not escape Tipa.
Her mention of the locales are not quite the same feels to have a double meaning. She is well aware of how many people died in the attack, but is also aware of Cloud's misremembering of the past. Unlike the perplexed Cloud, Tifa displays an expression of sadness. The spiral of lies and confusion that surrounds Cloud, Tifa and Nibelheim only heightens. through the fabricated reconstruction. A subtle hint that she knows more than she lets on and is weighing up Cloud's reaction, wanting to protect his opinion of love.
"Cloud! You a** hole!"
Cloud takes a moment of respite in the Village of Calm to tell the party how he worked alongside Sephiroth as a member of Soldier. Tifa and the rest listen to how he viewed Saphira as a war hero, how Spirot turned because of his investigation into Hojo's experimentation and finally how the fire of Nibelheim broke out. The story is full of questions and interruptions from the party, but one of Tefa, and Aerth, stands out in particular.
For a person or a few words, Cloud offers precise insight into his actions during his snooping in every house in Nibelheim. Seeing as Cloud is under a player's control, it's only natural for the player to want to explore every nook and cranny that can be explored in Nibelheim. Cloud felt it necessary to tell the party of his blatant disregard for Tifa's privacy when looking in her bedroom and goes through her clothes. It was something he could have kept to himself, but players would have missed out on Tifa calling him out.
"When the rest ran, you were there for me. You stayed when I needed you the most. If that's not a hero...then I don't know what is."
There are two main love interests in Cloud's life - Aerith and Tifa. While Cloud has an instant connection with Aerith, Tifa was a relatively stable rock throughout his lifeEven if he can't remember everything clearly. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Delves more into Tifa and Cloud's romantic connection than the story of the original, and even gives the player more freedom to pursue their undeniable attraction. With the improved graphics, Tifa's longing stares and Cloud's awkward gaze are much more apparent.
In Gongaga, Tifa and Cloud reminisce about Tifa's brush with death while fooling around on Mount Nibel. In the conversation about how she looked at Cloud as a hero, even as a child, she really shows how long her feelings for him have grown and strengthened over the years. It doesn't matter how negative the cloud is, how many times he puts down his innate bravery, Tipha is there to remind him that when everyone else ran away, he stayed with her. deep down, No matter how much Sephiroth manipulates Cloud, he started out as the young hero.
"Though at least with a steel sky you know your limits. Hereā¦ it's endless."
Leaving Midgar
For anyone who lives beneath the plate of Midgar, the metal sky is all they know. The dreams of Sector 7, where Tifa made herself after leaving Nibelheim, are always surrounded by darkness. While Tipha once lived under the true sky, others under Shinra's shoes only know the false lights that pretend to be the sun or the sad, black metal of the upper floors. Leaving Midger, Deep let herself know what she had forgotten.
What makes this moment more meaningful is the current direction of Tifa's life. Along with Barret and Avalanche, Tifa wants to destroy and bring down the Shinra Corporation for its abuse of the planet. It was a great goal, but it was arranged for the streets of Midger. Everything within its borders was the battlefield and bringing down the Shinra Hook was a way to end the war. Outside the city limits, the world and the game itself become much larger. Everything seems smaller when you can't see the stars.
"For the longest time, I wanted to do...everything. I wanted to fight for the planet, convince people to stand up - take action with us...but it's like...I always come up short."
Gold saucer
As Tifa and Cloud search for the gold saucer for Dio, Tifa is struck by a moment of self-reflection. The people of Gold Saucer are oblivious to the horrors of war about to start around them. As Cloud rightly puts it, People believe war is always someone else's problem. This obscures Tipa from looking inwardly at herself and the choices she has made. Seeing how others don't act until they're forced to, reminded her how she wanted to be different.
Tifa's moment of honesty showed her desire to be active rather than reactive. She saw what Shiner did in Nibelheim And wanted to fight against such a powerful, tyrannical corporation. The life of the planet was what happened, but she found herself lacking the drive to take on the mantle of leader. Characters like Barret Wallace have an innate drive to fight, and it took Tifa time to discover it herself, which Cloud reminds her. She has what it takes to save the planet.
"You offer no more people than prizes, they'll have to scrape you off my shoe. Got it?"
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Includes much more content than its original counterpart, and offers further insight into the minor world areas and side characters. Gus is a recreation of a character originally named Coates and is given a much more antagonistic role for the protagonists to interact with. So much so that Tipha takes it upon herself to punch him in the stomach and show him exactly who's boss.
Tifa is a multidimensional character with complex but meaningful relationships with the whole of the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Party. She may act as a voice of reason for the more brash Barrett or a supportive shoulder for the brooding Cloud at times throughout the game's runtime, but when it comes down to it, Tifa's anger is enough to make one shiver. The no nonsense, kick first, ask questions later moment Tifa doesn't pop up all the time but, when it does, it's always a reminder of just how strong she is.
- Sephiroth... soldier... Mako... Shinra... I'm sick of it! I'm sick of it all!
One of the most memorable moments in both the original Final Fantasy 7 And Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is Saphira's attack on Nibelheim. It sets the stage for the conflict between Cloud and Sephiroth, explores the friendship and tension between Tifa and Cloud, and also spins a tale for the player to spend the rest of the game unraveling. Among the moments of realization, few came close The moment Tifa found her father's body and announced her true feelings.
Tipha was never blind to the reality of the world, just a little naive, as all young people are at one point in their lives. Once she saw the collateral damage caused by Shinra's disregard for human life, she could no longer sit back and watch people and the planet suffer around her. Moments before Tipha took Spirit's discarded sword and sought to challenge him, She cried out how sick she was of the way of the world. From then on, she was determined to be a force for good to change the world for the better Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth And the original game.