Long before Marvel built its cinematic empire with the MCU, CC was building several successful film franchises based on its iconic heroes, but it also had many terrible films that featured just a few hidden gems in their dialogue. It's fair to say that the DCU arrives at a time when DC Comics films haven't had much luck. For every spectacular success like Batman and Clownthere were films like The Flash and Joker: Folie à Deux this left the public frustrated and fed up.
However, The history of DC films actually goes back decades, with the first adaptations of Superman and Batman dating back to the 1940s and 1960s. Then DC started to hit its stride with blockbusters in the 1980s and 1990s. However, that's not to say every new film was a success. But despite some incredibly shocking or weak DC film releases, there's usually some redeeming element, like an expertly crafted one-liner, that makes them a little more worthwhile.
“You don’t kill as many people as I did and still sleep like a kitten if you feel like love.”
Deadshot - In the Suicide Squad (2016)
Starting with one of the DCEU's most recent flops, Suicide Squaddirected by David Ayer, it surpassed James Gunn's sequel/remake that was released in 2021 by almost five times the total box office. However, the previous film broke many fans' trust in the DCEU by delivering an incredibly subpar film that was criticized by many fans for a wide variety of reasons. From Jared Leto's Joker to the lack of narrative, the film dragged from start to finish.
Film |
Box office total (via Box Office Mojo) |
Rotten Tomatoes Critics Score |
Rotten Tomatoes audience score |
Suicide Squad (2016) |
US$749,200,054 |
26% |
58% |
The Suicide Squad (2021) |
US$168,717,425 |
90% |
82% |
However, the chemistry explored between Deadshot, played by Will Smith, and Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), was a highlight of the film. Both characters opened up to each other and had a heart to heart conversation that actually felt meaningful. At one point, Harley asks Deadshot about his romantic history, and Deadshot drops that line, which is a clear look at the types of sociopaths who have been recruited to this team.
"Well, Jonah Hex doesn't know how to die. He'll have to be polite."
Quentin Turnbull - Jonah Hex (2010)
Despite all its defects, which are many, Jonas Hex had some decent dialogue from the film's main antagonist. The film received a huge amount of negative attention soon after, but time has made it easier to identify some of the positives in an otherwise dark film. With the first important note being how much talent appeared in this film. Josh Brolin, Michael Fassbender, Michael Shannon, John Malkovich, Will Arnett and Lance Reddick.
With so much talent at play, there were bound to be some redeeming moments, and one of those lines is delivered by arguably the film's biggest star, Malkovich. Malkovich plays the cowardly villain who brutally murders Jonah's family and sets in motion the events that unfold throughout the film. While hunting down Jonah and trying to finish what he started by killing his family, Turnbull's sinister line listed above shows just how evil and twisted this villain is.
"I am Kara from Argo City, daughter of Alura and Zor-El, and I don't scare easily."
Supergirl - Supergirl (1984)
It is true that when it comes to the failure of 1984 that was SupergirlIt was a challenge to find strong dialogue in the film. At the time, female superheroes were just beginning to gain attention, and their stories were still filled with references to their more popular male counterparts, and Supergirl it was no different. Releasing between Superman III and Superman IV, Supergirl it was loaded with references to the Man of Steel, despite the character never appearing in the film.
The line above shows Kara pushing herself and finding her confidence, confronting her rival, Selena, and proving why she deserves the title of hero.
However, despite the film's divided focus and the underdevelopment of the heroine who should lead events, there is one moment that feels like a great victory for Kara. The line above shows Kara pushing herself and finding her confidence, confronting her rival, Selena, and proving why she deserves the title of hero. This line is empowering and feels like a real statement in a film that otherwise struggles to maintain focus on its protagonist.
"Freedom is power. Living an indomitable and fearless life is the gift I have been given, and so my journey begins."
Catwoman - Catwoman (2004)
In the final moments of Catwoman, the film succinctly summarizes everything Halle Berry's Catwoman has learned in simple, satisfying dialogue. It's a shame that the rest of the film feels like a fever dream, but at least the conclusion is able to boil it down to something that feels intentional and clever. Patience Phillips suffers an accident that almost kills her. However, when a magical cat revives her, she is given feline abilities and a new lease on life.
After the events of the film, as Patience learns to deal with her new powers and adjust to a very different life, she finds herself embracing the gift she has been given of another chance at life. She explains that this freedom, freedom to live and experience each new day is a gift and a power. It looks inspiring, but in the context of the film it seems a little cheesier, which takes away from the value a bit.
"There is no defeat in death, Master Bruce. Victory comes when we stand for what we know is right while we still live."
Alfred - Batman and Robin (1997)
A very different kind of film, Batman and Robin it was cheesy for very different reasons. With exaggerated villains, costumes and a bizarre plot that brought together two antagonists aiming to dominate the world in drastically different ways. However, guiding Master Bruce Wayne through this madness, Alfred, his faithful butler and friend, imparted the above wisdom when Batman was about to give up.
Batman feels overwhelmed by the challenge ahead and worries about the possibility of losing lives, including those of his companion Robin and innocent civilians. However, Alfred inspires Batman, helping him shift his perspective from the potential for defeat to what he is capable of here and now. It's a heartfelt, emotional moment that raises the stakes and sets the stage for the film's finale.
"Everything has changed..."
Alfred Pennyworth - Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
"Everything has changed. Men fall from the sky, the gods throw lightning, innocents die. That's how it all begins, sir. The fever, the anger, the feeling of helplessness that makes good men...cruel."
Almost two decades later, Alfred appears again as the voice of reason and wisdom when the character is played by Jeremy Irons for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Once again, Batman finds himself in a pit of despair. With powerful aliens like Superman roaming the Earth, Bats feels the threat to Earth and the entire human race is too great, but with his status as a criminal vigilante, he feels he has hit a roadblock in what he can achieve.
Batman tells his dear friend Alfred about his concerns, and to reinforce his resolve and highlight the new stakes at play, Alfred delivers this powerful line. However, the words he speaks are also a foreshadowing of what will happen between Batman and Superman throughout the film. Either way, Alfred's vision is priceless and one of the shining moments in a film that lacked refinement in the script.
"This world was a beautiful place just the way it was, and you can't have it all..."
Diana Prince - Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)
"This world was a beautiful place the way it was, and you can't have everything. You can only have the truth. And the truth is enough. The truth is beautiful. So look at this world and see what your desire is. costing it. You must be the hero.
Wonder Woman was a smash hit when it was released in 2017, but the sequel was much less well-received as it came at the end of the moribund DCEU and felt like it was lost in the movie landscape. However, Gal Gadot's Diana Prince remains a powerful force to be reckoned with, even if the stakes are lowered and the story feels less consequential. In the final moments of the film, when Wonder Woman faces antagonist Maxwell Lord, she gives this inspiring speech.
Ultimately, Wonder Woman 1984 the greatest power was empowering other people, and despite the film's flaws, that message lingers long after the credits have rolled.
Wonder Woman is known for her ability to inspire and lift people out of challenging circumstances and to stand up against corrupt powers. Although this dialogue appears to be a reprimand directed at Maxwell Lord, Wonder Woman clarifies that the speech was never directed at him, as she directs her attention to the people ready to rise up against him after hearing his wise words. Ultimately, Wonder Woman 1984 the greatest power was empowering other people, and despite the film's flaws, that message lingers long after the credits have rolled.
"What a bright future we could have..."
Superman - Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987)
"What a bright future we could have. And there will be peace. There will be peace when the people of the world want it so much that their governments will have no choice but to give it to them. I just wish you all could see the Earth the way I do." I see, because when you really look at it, it's just a world."
In the same vein, albeit many years earlier, Christopher Reeve proved again why he was Superman. Although the actor was increasingly tired and frustrated at being typecast in this role, there was no denying that he was the perfect man to play the hero who inspired hope, truth, and the American way in everyone who watched him speak and act as Superman. . . Superman IV: The Quest for Peace sees Superman take control of his own narrative as he speaks to the world on several occasions.
At the beginning, he speaks at the United Nations meeting and declares his mission to rid the world of nuclear weapons and, at the end, he addresses the world again through a news broadcast. This final speech in particular is powerful and inspiring, as Superman proves his loyalty to Earth as a whole and calls on the world to come together, looking toward a better future. As an alien who has been embraced by humanity, he is perfectly positioned to give this speech and invite the world to grow and take a step into the future alongside him.
"You know, we have a saying on earth. We say, "I'm only human...""
Hal Jordan - Green Lantern (2011)
"You know, we have a saying on earth. We say, 'I'm only human.' to fear.
Obviously, Ryan Reynolds found his perfect superhero casting when he took on the role of Deadpool at Fox. X-Men universe, but he also had a brief stint as a DC star. As Hal Jordan, Reynolds plays an ordinary human deemed worthy of joining the Lanterns, but it takes time to understand what it is about him that makes him worthy of the role. And it wasn't just Hal wondering, while the rest of the Lanterns struggled to see how he fit in or what he could truly contribute.
However, Hal eventually sees his humanity as a strength and understands that this ability to accept vulnerabilities and overcome them is a strength. For the rest of the Lanterns, their fears have been suppressed in an effort to appear strong, but this does not reflect true bravery.. Instead, Hal's example proves that weaknesses only remain weaknesses when they have control over a person. Embracing these things and moving forward is where true growth lies.
"The world needs Superman... the team needs Clark..."
Bruce Wayne - Justice League (2017)
"The world needs Superman... the team needs Clark. He's more human than me. He lived in this world, he fell in love, he had a job. Despite all this power."
And finally, ending with one of the most contested and disjointed DC films of all time, Justice LeagueBruce Wayne delivers a line that again shifts the focus from heroes to those who embrace what it means to be human. DC may be a brand that explores larger-than-life heroes who are often compared to gods, but in reality, these stories are designed to elevate and highlight the strength and beauty of what it means to be human. Bruce Wayne expresses this beautifully in the line above.
Although Superman has incredible power, what he best represents and adds to the team is his humanity. Despite being an alien, he embraced what it means to be a flawed human being and experienced life as anyone else would. Bruce eschewed the opportunity to lead a normal life in favor of dressing up as a hero and facing the world's problems, but Superman recognized and fulfilled his duties as a hero so he could live as a human. What a powerful lesson, from a film that didn't live up to its own potential.
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