10 Best Predator Comic Crossovers of All Time, Ranked

10 Best Predator Comic Crossovers of All Time, Ranked

Since he first appeared in the movie of the same name, Predator was one of the most iconic sci-fi franchises in pop culture. The original film follows a team of special forces search and rescue operatives in a Central American jungle, where they realize they are being hunted by an alien warrior, the Predator. After the success of the original movie, the franchise joined a long list of 80s icons in the comic book industry, with non-stop adaptations in all the years since.

The adventures and feats of various Yautja "predators" have since become a staple of the comic book industry, with the creatures being a source of good crossover fights. Ranging from Marvel and DC heroes to weird encounters with kid-friendly characters, The Predator continues to be one of the most versatile properties in print. For people who want to enjoy a great action story in the style of 80s movies, The Predator crossover comics are the best ever created.


Archie vs. Predator

Alex De Campi, Fernando Ruiz, Rich Koslowski and Jason Millett

When it comes to weird crossover ideas, it's hard to find a more mismatched concept than Archie vs. Predator. The story follows the Riverdale kids in Costa Rica, where they discover an ancient temple and mistakenly trigger a beacon to a Yautja ship. In response, a Predator makes its way to Earth, where it targets Archie and the gang, pursuing them all the way home.

Archie vs. Predator Makes for a delightfully wild crossover story that shows that not every Predator tale needs to include an even match. Despite being primarily a comic book made for kids, seeing the Archie gang being demolished by the Predator makes for a strangely hilarious story.


Predator vs. Magnus Robot Fighter

Jim Shooter, John Ostrander and Lee Weeks

Predator vs. Magnus Robot Fighter Follows the arrival of a predator to North America, where it seeks the perfect hunt - leading it to Magnus. Looking to claim the XO Manowar helmet as his next trophy, the hunter takes the fight to Magnus, leading to one of the most epic fights of '90s comics as the pair duke it out across town.

Predator vs. Magnus Robot Fighter is written by two true comic book legends, Jim Shooter and John Ostrander, who, along with artist Lee Weeks, deliver a brilliant grudge match. As one of the handful of Valiant/Dark Horse crossovers, the two-parter builds Magnus' strength, raising the stakes for both characters as the Goph keeps the peace.



Superman vs. Predator

David Michelinie and Alex Maleev

Superman vs. Predator A scientific expedition goes to Central America, where the explorers find a lost Yotja ship. After coming into contact with him, they not only put a target on their backs for the predator, but they also come down with a mysterious virus. In response, Superman makes his way down to the jungle, where he is weakened by the virus - and must fight the creature that stalks him through the trees.

Superman vs. Predator Does a great job of bringing the Man of Steel down to the Yautja's level, allowing for a beautiful fight between the two that mirrors that of Dutch's own battle. The story actually gives the hero two threats to contend with, from a genocidal scientist to his alien rival.


JLA vs Predator

John Ostrander and Graham Nolan

JLA vs. Predator Follows the league when they are confronted by a team of predators, each of them artificially bred to take a particular member of the team. From a hunter with Kryptonian DNA to match Superman to a stealthy one to take on Batman, the aliens put up a good fight - though the heroes ultimately triumph.

JLA vs. Predator Shows just how resourceful the Yautja can be, and adds a fun new twist in revealing the effects of DNA editing. For readers who loved the '90s-era Justice League roster or those who enjoy a good globe-trotting action-adventure romp, this prestige graphic novel is one of DC's best stories of its era.


Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens

John Layman and Chris Mooneyman

Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens Takes two of the best Judge Dredd crossovers and merges them into one. The story follows the capture of a predator at the hands of an evil scientist in Mega-City One, whose Dr. Moe-style animal people do his bidding. When he finds a xenomorph trophy on the hunter's ship, he reverse engineers the creature's DNA, allowing him to breed his own aliens. At the same time, a team of predators arrive on a rescue mission, clashing with and reluctantly teaming up with Dredd and Anderson.

Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens Honors all three franchises, bringing readers a tale of sci-fi horror and experiments gone wrong. Arguably the best part of the story is seeing Dredd and Anderson form an alliance with the Predators, pitting them all against the Xenomorphs and Hybrids.



Alien vs. Predator

Randy Stradley, Phil Norwood and Carl Storey

Before the 2004 movie, Alien vs. Predator Actually played under Dark Horse during the 1990s. After their first crossover story was told in the pages of Dark Horse Presents, a prequel was delivered in a 1990 miniseries. The story takes place on the colony planet of Ryushi, where a team of predators unleashes a horde of xenomorphs so they can prove themselves worthy in a ritual of coming of age. Naturally, this proves disastrous for the human settlers caught in the middle.

Alien and Predator have a rich history together, and this 1990 crossover remains one of their most iconic, and is a story that strikes an impressive balance between the tones of the respective franchises. Culminating in a final stand involving humans allied with a predator, it makes for a great action story - and its influences on the 2004 movie are clear.


Tarzan vs. Predator in the Earth's Heart

Walter Simonson and Lee Weeks

Tarzan vs. Predator in the Earth's Core pits Edgar Rice Burroughs' iconic jungle hero against a Yautja in one of the alien's wildest battles to date. The story follows Lord Graystroke as he embarks on an expedition to Pellucidar, a land that rests in the heart of the Earth. However, after entering the sacred land, the explorers are captured by the Yautja who hunt there, turning Tarzan into their final prey.

Tarzan vs. Predator Proved to be a particularly powerful and brilliant combination of​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ emotional~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... For lovers of adventure and the puppy side of comics, seeing Tarzan fight predators in the heart of the earth is almost without equal.


Predator vs Wolverine

Benjamin Percy, Greg Land, Andrea Di Vito, Ken Lashley, Marco Checcheto, Kei Zama and Gavin Guidry

Predator vs Wolverine Takes readers into the heart of a century-long rivalry between Wolverine and a Yautja hunter, who pursues him from the jungles of Vietnam to Xavier's mansion. Seamlessly working the creature into X-Men history, the story delivers a long line of fights between the savage mutant and his alien enemy. When the Yautja threatens Logan's friends, they settle for one last showdown.

Predator vs Wolverine is told through a combination of​​​​a present battle and flashbacks of the character's decade-long fight, delivering a truly epic series of fights. With a number of artists attached to the project, the miniseries showcases a variety of styles and eras in X-Men history, showing just how deep their history together is.



Batman vs. Predator

Dave Gibbons, Andy Kubert and Adam Kubert

Batman vs. Predator Follows a Yotja's arrival in Gotham, where she finds a purpose-rich environment in the city's hardened population. From boxers to gangsters, the hunter tears his way through the city, eventually facing off with Batman. However, with the creature proving to be tougher than the bat, Bruce Wayne is left exhausted and injured, turning to a mechanical exo-suit to battle his foe.

Batman vs. Predator is a closer match for Predator 2 Like the first film, following the Yautja through the grime of the streets of Gotham, culminating in a battle with an armored Dark Knight. The story highlights Bruce Wayne's unending devotion to his city, risking his own life to bring down the invader. As the first entry in a trilogy of crossovers, readers have many Caped Crusader matches with predators.


Predator vs. Judge Dredd

John Wagner and Enrique Alcatena

Predator vs. Judge Dredd Follows the arrival of a dying Yautja to Mega-City One, where it seeks out the ultimate adversary to ensure a humane death. After fighting criminals and judges, the hunter finally meets his match in Judge Dredd, who pursues him across the city, leading to a series of fights. With some help from Judge Schaefer, a descendant of Schwarzenegger's character in the first film, Dredd realizes what his enemy wants, and meets him in one final epic fight.

Predator vs. Judge Dredd Is everything a comic book fan could want from a Predator crossover, finding the perfect match of characters and brilliant setting in Mega-City One. Packed full of non-stop action, the story builds up its respective contenders for the greatest grudge match of the '90s, delivering an oddly bittersweet ending for its antagonist.