Clerics have lots of equipment to choose from Baldur's Gate 3whether it's a good play or a bad play. No matter which subclass you choose, Clerics will always have radiant damage as part of your kit, which is the most vital damage type to incorporate. The amount of interactions radiant damage has with armor and jewelry should not be underestimated.
The best Cleric items typically feature interactions with applying conditions to set up the rest of the party's damage. Happily, most of these armor pieces can be acquired before Act 3meaning players will be able to utilize the full Cleric build for much longer than many other builds, which typically require powerful late-game items. These items are also phenomenal for BG3from Act 2, as most enemies are undead and have vulnerability to radiant damage.
Stranglethorn Amulet
Apply Reverberation to Magic Attack Rolls
The Spineshudder Amulet can be found in Act 2 at Moonrise Towers, looted from a Mimic in Isobel's room on the upper floors. Players must pass a DC 30 lockpicking check to enter, which can be bypassed with great sleight of hand or with spells like Knock. This amulet has the Crackling Resonance ability, which applies two turns of reverberation when dealing damage with ranged magic attacks.
Scorching Ray is the best spell to pair with this Amulet for maximum Reverberations stacks.
It is important to note that although this amulet works well, it does not interact with all of the Cleric's spells. Spells must have attack rolls to make use of this amuletas Guide screw
. As such, this amulet is not as critical as some other items on this list and can be exchanged for something like the Amulet of the Misty Step
if you wish.
Coruscation Ring
Apply Radiant Orb While Illuminated
THE Coruscation Ring
can be found in Act 2, in the basement of the Last Light Inn inside a trapped chest. The Ring of Coruscation has the special ability Arcane Radiance, which inflicts two rounds of Radiating Orb on targets that take magical damage while a light source illuminates the wearer. With each stack of Radiant Orb, the affected entity takes -1 to attack rolls.
Since Radiant Orbs count as a light source, spreading Radiant Orbs to as many enemies as possible will allow all illuminated buffs to be active and debuff their attack rolls. The perfect weapon to use with this combination is The Blood of Lathander
Legendary Mace, as it lights up an area around you. This means that the Cleric will always be illuminatedgranting all magical damage the ability to inflict Radiant Orbs.
Insensitive Glow Ring
can be found in Act 2 inside the Gauntlet of Shar, located in the vault room near BG3The necromancer Balthazar. This ring pairs very well with the Ring of Coruscation, as the Ring of Insensitive Brilliance allows the wearer to deal additional damage against illuminated targets. As the Radiant Orb is a source of light, all targets affected by the condition will take extra damage.
This extra damage from the Callous Glow skill will always occur because all magic damage inflicts Radiating Orb. And while the Cleric is wielding the Blood of Lathander, enemies that are close enough will also take extra damage, even if they don't have stacks of Radiant Orbs. This effect can be activated even when it is not the Cleric's turn due to the nature of items such as the Helm of the Holy Spear.
Helm of the Holy Spear
Deal damage on missed enemy attacks
can be found in Act 1 by taking the Mountain Pass to BG3Githyanki Daycare. Can be looted from a chest behind the Eagles in Rosymorn Monastery after jumping some platforms. This helmet is a phenomenal piece of equipment that can be used for most, if not all, of the game as it has so many amazing interactions with these pieces of equipment.
This helmet can also be removed if the Cleric incorporates control spells like Hold Person.
This helmet has the special ability Smite the Graceless, which forces creatures that miss their attack rolls against the wearer to make a Dexterity saving throw or take 1 to 4 radiant damage. It also provides +1 on Constitution saving throws. As enemies take radiant damage on miss, they will also be affected by Radiant Orb and Reverberation. Applying conditions to enemies is extremely important for Clerics due to the Boots of Stormy Clamor's special ability.
Adamantine Shield
Apply somersault on each dodge
can be created in Act 1 in Grymforge by combining Shield Mold and Mithral Ore, as seen in rAAZvideo on YouTube. Players must defeat Grym, an Adamantine Golem, to access the forge. This shield prevents its user from being critically hit and applies the Staggered condition when enemy attacks miss.
Enemies will often miss the Cleric with all these pieces of gear equipped, so applying another condition in response to missed attacks is quite strong. The Staggering condition applies -1 to attack rolls to the inflicted enemy, which has the same effect as the Radiant Orb, but without the light source. Therefore, accumulating these conditions on a single enemy works as a much greater debuff than using these conditions individually.
Shield of Searing Reprisal
Extra AC boost and resistance
THE Shield of Searing Reprisal
can be acquired in Act 2, just outside the Last Light Inn to the north. It is hidden deep in the cemetery, where a Perception check must be successful to unearth the shield. This shield grants the user Resistance to Fire damageas well as the exclusive bonus action Blazing Retaliation.
Blazing Retaliation increases the user's Armor Class by 1, as well as dealing 1-6 Fire damage to enemies that miss the user. Clerics no longer use their bonus action muchso adding another defensive action per short rest is extremely useful. This Fire damage also stacks with the Sacred Spear Helmet's Radiant damage, which can result in insane amounts of damage to enemies just for dodging an attack.
Cloak of Displacement
Get Blur active for free
The Cloak of Displacement can be purchased in Act 3 from Danthelon's Dancing Ax at BG3it is the Crossing of the Wyrm. The Cloak of Displacement grants enemies disadvantage on attack rolls against the user, effectively acting as a Blur
spell. This effect will end if the target takes damage but will be reactivated at the start of the user's next turn.
Due to the number of interactions the Cleric has when an enemy misses their attack, this cape becomes invaluable in increasing that probability as much as possible. Not to mention that the higher the Cleric's Armor Class, the stronger this cape becomes due to how the debuff works. Although this skin is ideal for almost all characters, I highly recommend using it for the group's Cleric.
Gloves of the Belligerent Heavens
Apply reverb with radiant damage
THE Gloves of the Belligerent Heavens
can be found in Act 1 inside the Githyanki Daycare, in the boss room with Inquisitor W'wargaz, as seen in Roll for the lootvideo on YouTube. These gloves have the special ability Thunderous Conversion, which inflicts two turns of Reverberation against enemies that receive Thunder damage, lightning damage, or radiant damage. Because they can be activated with three different types of magic damage, these gloves are incredibly flexible.
Gloves of the Warring Heavens are an excellent way to spread Reverberation across the battlefield with spells like Spiritual Guardians
as any enemy within its radius will be affected by the condition. The Helm of the Holy Spear's radiant damage on enemy misses will also apply Reverberation, allowing stacks to accumulate even when it's not the Cleric's turn. By stacking Reverberation as high as possible, many enemies will fall before they even end their turn.
Boots of Stormcry
Apply reverb with conditions
The Boots of Stormcry can be purchased from the Mind Flayer Omeluum in the Myconid Colony after completing your side quest to investigate the parasite. This special vendor item is one of the best pairs of boots in the world. Baldur's Gate 3 because it's easy to activate his special ability, Arcane Echomalefaction. This ability will inflict two turns of Reverberation on targets affected by a condition.
Conditions |
Radiant Orb |
The affected entity takes -1 to attack rolls per remaining turn. It also emits bright light into the area around it. |
Reverb |
The affected entity has -1 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws. When the entity has 5 or more turns of Reverberation, it takes 1d4 Thunder damage and must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or fall prone. The condition is later removed. Creatures immune to Thunder damage cannot receive Reverberation. |
Staggering |
The affected entity takes -1 to attack rolls per remaining turn. |
These equipment are already applying Radiating Orb and Reeling, which means that Reverberation will be affected with each occurrence of damage. Other conditions, such as Melody: Scream skill of Speak Aluve
the longsword will also apply the condition as well as deal Thunder damage to activate Gloves of the Warring Heavens. These boots should be worn throughout the rest of the game, as there are no better boots for a Cleric.
Luminous Armor
Radiant shockwave on all radiant damage
Luminous Armor is the best chest armor for Clerics, even with many seemingly better options like the Black Justiciar's Half-Plate or the Robe of Moon Devotion. Its special ability, Radiating Shockwave, releases a Radiant Shockwave whenever the wearer deals Radiant damage, as seen in PURGE EVILvideo. This shockwave interacts with almost every other piece of equipment on this list, spreading Radiant Orb and Reverberation across entire groups of enemies for one instance of Radiant damage.
Radiant shock wave interactions |
Helm of the Holy Spear |
Activates shockwave on enemy misses, spreading Radiant Orb and Reverberation. |
Gloves of the Belligerent Heavens |
Shockwave applies reverb to enemies in the radius. |
Boots of Stormcry |
Reverberation when inflicting the Radiant Orb condition with the shockwave. |
Coruscation Ring |
Radiant Orb applied to all enemies within the shockwave radius. |
While Luminous Armor doesn't have as high an Armor Class as other late-game items, the utility it provides with its Radiant Shockwave is too strong to ignore. The strongest Cleric subclass to use alongside these gear is the Cleric of Light, but all subclasses perform incredibly well. Using all of the items on this list together allows Clerics to solo entire groups of enemies with little to no difficulty in Baldur's Gate 3.
Video credit: rAAZ1312/YouTube, Scroll to Booty/YouTube, PurgeEvilTV/YouTube