10 Best Palworld Mods (And How to Install Them)

10 Best Palworld Mods (And How to Install Them)

Palworld is a popular monster-catching game that adds Exploration, base-building and survival to the mix. However, the game is not without its faults. Whether it's gameplay issues, quality-of-life mechanics, or just wanting to add more fun to the game, Palworld Players have several complaints.

Fortunately, mods aim to solve many of the common issues that Palworld Players face. Not only that, but mods can add new twists and turns to gameplay, making the game feel fresh and alive again for those who have grown bored. There are several mods to play with, but these 10 are some of the most popular.


Explore the world as a friend

Take on the form of your favorite pal

Lamball Pal from Palworld.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to experience Palworld Like your favorite pal? Now you don't have to. with Kaijuauthentics Play as Pals modYou can Switch between your character and any nearby pal. As a pal, players can complete normal everyday tasks while also experiencing being hunted. Players will also gain the pal's unique abilities and stats when taking the form of a pal.

To install this mod, Download and install UE4SS in the Palworld Win64 file. Download the game as Pals mod. Create a file called "LogicMods"In your pack folder location and set the game as Pals mod inside. When the game is launched, Instructions should appear On the screen to teach you how to use the mod.


Turn lucky pulses into shiny pulses

Make your lucky friends shiny with different textures

Many Pokemon fans have flocked to play Palworld. After all, the two games share a lot of similarities. If you are a Pokemon fan, you can bring a small piece of Pokemon Palworld with Zinkenite Shiny Pals mod. The Shiny Pals mod introduces Unique models and textures for Lucky PalsGive them different variations. 40 Pals have been overhauled so far, with more to come.

Installing the Shiny Pals mod will require the Good overhaul Or Alternative framework. With each framework installed, place the Shiny Pals .pak file you own Palworld\Pal\Content\Paks\~mods folder. For those using Altermatic, you need to run __Create_Load_List__.bat to get the mod to work.


Get your friends to become true ranchers

Harvest more item drops from your base buddies

Player with Lamball and a bunch of wool droppings

Looking to have your friends Farm more items on your base? TheSin0fPride's True Monster Rancher Mod Will do just that. with Better drop rates And new item drops from different pals, the True Monster Rancher mod is definitely worth having. Here are some examples of what you can expect:


number cap






Ice organs



Install the True Monster Rancher mod by adding the .7z file to your main Palworld File. The mod will Merge automaticallySo there is no need to add it to subfolders. Additionally, this mod has some reported issues and is not compatible with some other mods that merge, such as better chest items and gear progression.


Say goodbye to restrictive building

Take your creativity to new heights

Players build the foundation of their base on water in Palworld

One of the best parts about Palworld is the ability to Build a base. There have been some impressive builds circulating around the internet from players. The downside to building is that there are Some restrictions On where you can build and how you can build, limiting creativity. Fortunately, for those who love building, the No building restrictions mod From CactusPi3 makes building in Palworld That much easier. Build on water, in mid-air and overlapping other buildings and bases. Let your creativity run wild.

To install the No Building Restrictions .exe version, make sure to have .NET 6 Desktop Runtime installed. Launch Palworld And then start the mod. The mod can be placed anywhere and doesn't need to be copied to the game directory, but copying it can make things more organized. In the game, press any key between F6 and F11 to select the restrictions you want to disable.




No snapping


overlapping bases


Overlapping buildings


Water Building


mid-air building


Building close to Palbox


Increase the weight of your bag

Don't be weighed down by a heavy backpack

It can be annoying to be on an adventure, looting and collecting materials and items, only to have your backpack and realize that your Movement speed has greatly decreased. Instead of returning to your base to empty your backpack, just install Vuxacha Lead weight increase mod. The Mod Increases your lead weight While decreasing the weight of things, so you can carry much more without worry.

This mod requires UE4SS to work. Download the Carry Weight Increase mod and extract it to Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods. If you extract it to another folder, just cut and paste it into the mods folder. Launch the game, and it should work automatically.


Increased base amount and worker pulse

Enjoy more bases and worker pulses

Pals work in Palworld as a player watches

For builders and explorers alike, the limitation of only three bases in all Palworld Can be frustrating. Building bases around is much better. So you always have a place you can call home nearby while you explore different areas. Fortunately, you can Build as many bases as you want with Vucksacha Increased base amount and worker pulse. That's right - this mod not only increases the number of bases you can have but also how many worker pals, taking the total from 20 to 40 or more. Choose from the following variants:


Worker's pulse

100 bases

40 worker pulse, base level 1

100 bases

100 worker pulse, base level 1

1 base

1 Worker Pulse, base level 1 but increases with each level

1 base

2 worker pulse, base level 1 but increases with each level

1 base

5 worker pulse, base level 1 but increases with each level

1 base

10 worker pulse, base level 1 but increases with each level

Installing the Increased Base Amount and Worker Pulse mod is a bit trickier. You will need these Increased world settings limits Or a save editor like Palworld Save tools. Once you have one of these installed, simply extract the mod to Palworld\Pal\Content\Paks. If you use Increased World Settings Limit, you can only adjust the settings with this. If you use Palworld To save tools, you need to follow these steps according to Vucksacha:

  1. Find your save in AppData\Local\Pal\Saved\SaveGames\lots of numbers, your Steam ID probably\lots more numbers

  2. Copy the WorldOption.sav and run it through the save editor to convert it to JSON.

  3. Open the JSON file with a text editor, find 'BaseCampWorkerMaxNum' and set the value to something higher, like '100'.

  4. Save it, convert it back to a .sav file, and replace it in your save folder.

  5. Load your save, and it should work.


Travel easily and quickly with this mod

Fast travel anywhere around the Palpagos Islands

Palworld Glowing Fast Travel Statue

If you're like me and hate going from place to place, then the AlwaysFastTravel mod Through Yangffis is a true blessing. Of course, you will still need to Manually unlock the fast travel spotsBut traveling is a breeze after that. Plus, the mod too Increases movement speed.

Again, using this mod requires UE4SS, so make sure you have that installed. Next, extract the mod into your mods directory, which may look something like Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods. If you have crashes, try disabling bUseUObjectArrayCache in UE4SS-settings.ini.


Get a mini map to guide you

Follow a basic minimap for easier travel

Full Palworld Interactive Map, showing all Scale Fruit Tree markers.

When dealing with a game with an expansive map to explore, it's always nice to have a mini-map to guide you. unfortunately, Palworld Lacks a mini-map feature, but modder DekitaRPG has solved this by creating the Basic minimap mod. With this mod you can enjoy a Configurable mini-map in both local and online play.


Using this mod also requires UE4SS. Download and extract the Basic MiniMap mod. Head into the palword\pal\binaries\win64\mods\ directory and open mods.txt. Change the BPModLoaderMod variable to 1. Copy and paste the basic minimap's .json and .pac files into Palworld LogicMods directory, which should look something like \Palword\Pal\Content\Paks\LogicMods.


Make Palworld run smoothly on Steam Deck

Fix performance issues on your handheld PC

If you're like me and own a handheld PC like the Steam Deck, you probably enjoy lying on the couch or in bed while playing your favorite games. Or maybe you're going on a trip and can't bring your computer with you, so you take your Steam Deck instead. Some games work flawlessly on the steam deck and its competitors, while others Need some tweaking. If you're struggling to run Palworld on your handheld, and install Hybrid's Steam Deck Essentials Mod to Fix performance and stability issues.

You can use the button remapper on your Steam deck to customize your buttons to your liking.

To install the game, copy one present in Engine.ini in Palworld Engine.ini file. click "overwrite.” then move the ~mods folder to the packs folder in Palworld Directory. For SteamOS, install and open Protontricks, then:

  1. Navigate to and select Palworld

  2. Choose VinePrefix

  3. Run regedit

  4. Select registry

  5. Choose Import Registry File

  6. Select EnableSingatureOverride.reg


Keep your food from decaying

Put all your raw food ingredients

Palworld Baked Berries

If you are into survival games, you know these Frustration of food decay. Palworld Is no different, with raw ingredients within 10 minutes. So, in a simple way PalworldStocking up on berries and other raw food materials is not possible. That changes with the No Food Decay mod installed. This is a simple mod by Yakuzadeso that Eliminates all food spoilage So that you can store berries and meat as much as you want.

As with some other mods on this list, you need to download and install UE4SS. Next, download the No Food Decay mod and place the extracted file in \Palword\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods. From there, you can read the "Notes"To learn more about this mod and how it works.

The mods improve Gameplay, quality of life and add fun twists to Palworld. There are many other mods to explore, but these are some of the more popular picks and will certainly make your experience traveling around the Palpagos Islands more enjoyable. Although not necessary, they certainly make a difference in areas like building and traveling in Palworld.

Video Credit: White Mamba Palworld/YouTube ; From Gaming/YouTube ; Steam Deck Gaming / YouTube





January 19, 2024


Pocket Pair, Inc.


Pocket Pair, Inc.