Although The Conners is primarily a comedy, Roseannes spinoff has some moments of truly moving character development. Despite Roseannes final season, the family comedy was one of the most fondly remembered sitcoms of the '90s. RoseanneThe story of a relatable working-class family struggling to resonate with viewers throughout the late '80s and into the '90s was the show's combination of warm drama and sharp wit. Roseanne A huge hit. As such, it was no surprise when Roseanne Got a revival in 2017. What was surprising was what happened next Roseanne Season 10 aired.
Series star Roseanne Barr was fired due to racist tweets and the show was retooled, with the title character being killed off between seasons. Roseanne became The Conners And The Conners' cast of characters spent the first season mourning their loss. Fortunately, the show's large ensemble cast meant that The Conners Has many other characters to follow after the show lost its first heroine. The Conners Season 7 will be the spinoff's last outing, but the abundant character development viewers have seen since Roseanne Season 10 proves that the series was a worthy follow-up to its famous predecessor.
Harris Takes Over the Lunchbox - Season 6, Episode 1
Harris showed her ambition and vision in the Conners Season 6 premiere
When Harris was first introduced in Roseanne Season 10, Darlene's daughter was little more than a negative, tired stereotype Generation Z. She was brutal and entitled, but there was little else to Emma Kenny's character. Harris seemingly existed so that the series could prove that Roseanne was a better mother than Darlene, and many of her subplots felt like a result. Fortunately, Roseanne's death resulted in the character receiving more focus and screen time. Without her grandmother around to blame Harris for being unpredictable, Darlene's daughter proved to be a rebellious free spirit who valued independence despite her tight-knit family.
This put Harris at odds with her mother and resulted in many failed attempts to branch out on her own. In season 6, episode 1, "The Publisher Cops Show Pilot," Harris finally graduates from thwarted attempts at independence to real maturity and career progress. The Conners Season 6's Harris storyline saw her take over her aunt Jackie's failing restaurant, The Lunchbox, after Jackie admitted her heart was no longer in the business. Harris' drive to improve the lunchbox highlighted how much she has grown From the spiteful, one-dimensional bratty teenager she was portrayed as in Roseanne Season 10.
Jackie Stands Up to Darlene - Season 5, Episode 1
Jackie was the family punching bag in Roseanne's original run
throughoutH. Rosen's original run and the show's short-lived revival, Jackie was always the butt of the family joke. Laurie Metcalf's supporting character was tenacious, but she was also naive, and her high-strung attitude made her an easy target for the laconic Darlene and the loan shark. As such, it was refreshing to see her stand up for herself in season 5, episode 1, "Double Honeymoon and See Double." After one too many jabs at her romantic failings, Jackie stood up to Darlene and pointed out that her jibes had descended into singular bullying, something RoseanneS Jackie would never have done.
Mark Loses the Contrabassoon Scholarship - Season 5, Episode 17
Mark accepted a huge return with grace and dignity
Seasons 4 and 5 are some of The Conners' Best seasons and this is due in large part to Mark's story. Mark's desperation to get out of Lanford took him to some dark placesWith Darlene's son abusing ADHD medication to study and write admissions essays for other students to save college tuition. As such, it was a massive moment of growth when Mark accepted the fact that he wasn't going to get a scholarship to college for playing the contrabassoon after over a year of practice in season 5, episode 17, "The Contra Hearings and the Midnight Gambler ."
Dan Visits Chuckie Mitchell - Season 4, Episode 15
Dan cared for his friend in Roseanne's absence
Dan's friend Chuck Mitchell is only occasionally seen in The ConnersBut he was the best friend of Roseanne's widower during the show's original run. Dan has never been good at keeping his friendships And, despite caring for his family, he tends to see any conversations about emotions as sappy, unnecessary, and inherently girly. As such, it was impressive when Dan prioritized visiting Chuckie in season 4, episode 15, "Messy Situation, Miscommunication and Academic Probation." His best friend was going through a tough time and, rather than repressing or ignoring it, Dan helped Chuck acknowledge his struggles and accept help.
Darlene takes the cafeteria job for Mark - Season 5, Episode 20
Darlene put her career plans on hold for her son
Early in The Conners In season 5, the ever-principled Darlene left her job due to ethical concerns. She soon worried about how Mark was going to afford college, and it got worse when he didn't get the scholarship he had hoped for. Considering how much she cares about her job, It was a considerable sacrifice when Darlene took a cafeteria job to guarantee Mark reduced college tuition. Darlene may have been unhappy with her new role, but she can rest assured that she put her son's needs ahead of her own career and secured his future.
Becky Takes Rehab Seriously - Season 3 Episode 18
Becky finally accepted that she had a problem in season 3
Of all the heroes on the show, Becky has the saddest character arc The Conners History. She wasn't the only one Roseanne Love interest died before the revival began, but the father of her child was threatened with deportation, and she struggled with alcoholism in the first four seasons of the show. It's no surprise that Becky had a difficult time committing to her recovery, with the character avoiding rehab throughout much of season 3. However, season 3, episode 18, "Cheating, Revelations and a Box of Doll Heads," saw Becky finally take Responsibility for your life during a moving family therapy session.
Becky was a caring, conscientious mother, a successful student and a diligent worker.
Becky admitted she resented her late partner Mark for holding her back, but she also owned up to her responsibility for abandoning her ambitions. Becky took a long sober look at herself in season 3 And started on the uneven road to self-improvement, proving that she is not ready to blame her problems on her circumstances forever. In the years that followed, she developed into a caring, conscientious mother, a successful student and a diligent worker. In season 6, she even entered into a happy romantic relationship, proving just how much she's grown since the revelations of season 3.
Dan Stands Up to Jackie for Louise - Season 2, Episode 9
Dan prioritizes his love interest and sets a boundary with Jackie
Some of the best episodes of The Conners Focus on the bond between Jackie and Dan, so it's somewhat surprising that Dan's best moment of character development came from him standing up to Roseanne's sister. Normally, the brave Dan would have no problem standing up to Jackie. However, in season 2, episode 9, "Smoking Penguins and Santa on Santa Fight," the family's Christmas without Roseanne forces Dan to tell Jackie that she can't leave his new partner Louise out of the family photo. Jackie let herself down and in the process, Dan proved that he could eventually move on.
Harris breaks off her engagement to Aldo - Season 4, Episode 10
Darlene's daughter realized that her relationship was not serving her
throughout The Conners In season 4, Harris dated the comically immature Aldo and even moved in with him, much to her mother's chagrin. Aldo was a perfect way to assert her independence, since Darlene didn't approve of him, and it caused Harris to ignore some major red flags. After insisting that she is ready to marry him, Harris had to swallow her pride to break up with Aldo When he made it clear that he wanted children right after the wedding. Darlene's daughter did the grown-up thing, ending her engagement despite fearing her mother would smugly say she told her so.
Becky Opens Up To Taylor - Season 6, Episode 11
Becky shared her new love interest in season 6
While The ConnersBen and Darlene have a messy relationship, even their struggles aren't quite as intense as Becky's first few weeks with the mild-mannered pilot, Taylor. Sean Astin's sweet supporting character tried to support Becky through her job placement, but volunteering with at-risk addicts proved too much for her emotionally. Becky opened up to Taylor about her struggles with addiction And the challenges of working with addicts, looking for support where she had previously tried to go it alone. Taylor provided a shoulder to cry on, and the pair improved their relationship in the process, becoming stronger than ever.
Jackie Forgives Bev - Season 5, Episode 8
Jackie's relationship with Bev has Conners best scene
throughout Roseannes original run, its revival, and The Conners, Roseanne and Jackie's mother, Bev, always had a terrible relationship with her daughters. Bev was verbally abusive, cold, dismissive of her daughters and their dreams, and downright dishonest about important matters like money and inheritance. Eventually, Jackie decided she had done enough growing, soul-searching, and personal work and was ready to confront her mother. In season 5, episode 8, "Of Missing Minds and Prizes," Jackie verbally annihilated Bev by taking her to task for decades of emotional abuse, and her ailing mother responded with soft-spoken confusion and fear.
Jackie's emotional growth meant that she was able to let go of her resentment towards her mother.
Bev developed severe dementia while living in her nursing home and, unbeknownst to Jackie, had largely forgotten the years of abuse her daughter had finally endured. Confronting you about. In Metcalf's best moment in the role, Jackie gradually grows more sympathetic to her mother until, eventually, she ends up comforting Bev. Jackie's emotional growth meant that she was able to let go of her resentment towards her mother and treat her better than she had over the decades, ending A toxic cycle of abuse in the process. It was the most uplifting scene in The Conners' story, and the best character development that Roseannes spinoff ever included.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter
- Figure
John Goodman, Sara Gilbert, Macaulay Callard, Laurie Metcalf, Lecy Goranson, Michael Fishman, Emma Kenney, Ames McNamara, Jayden Rey, Maya Lynne Robinson, Jay R. Ferguson.
- Release date
October 16, 2018
- Seasons
- streaming service(s)