10 Best Memetic Specializations Ever Human

10 Best Memetic Specializations Ever Human

In each new period in Once manPlayers can choose between different Memetic specializations To change how they build, craft, collect or manage their territory. Four specializations are Randomly rolled Every five levels, and Only one specialization Any time can be chosen. Players can reroll specializations A limited number of times per season, but different options will be provided the following season.

Depending on which memetic specializations are rolled, the player's options for production will change, such as using Energy links and sulfur to produce acid Rather than using polluted water. Some memetic specializations may not be very useful for some players, some may always be convenient and others are extremely valuable. Here are those Top 10 memetic specializations in Once man.


Deluxe storage crate

More storage for late game materials

Storage crates at once man.

Storage crates are extremely important for storing excess materials you need for crafting and building. Especially later in the season, facility spots become limited, with Storage crates take up one space per box. Instead, consider picking up these Deluxe storage crate Memetic specialization, which allows players to build a larger storage crate with double the number of slots. This way, you can reduce the total number of crates in your territory and keep more materials in one small storage area.





Available levels

Deluxe storage crate at once man.

Deluxe storage crate

Unlock New Facility: Deluxe Storage Crate

A large storage crate with 64 slots.


Not only are these useful for the player with the specialization, but they can also Be built for other playersSuch as Hive members, if they give building permissions to other territories. Some players may even charge a small fee to do this, or offer a trade. Deluxe storage crates only take these Same amount of materials Like a regular large storage box, which makes them very cheap to build.


Super Refinery

Produce fuel faster

Super refineries Are very achieved by players with territories located in oil fields, or dark areas of the map where oil can be gathered with water pumps. Unlike regular refineries, super refineries need much less portable blended fuel to make barreled premium fuel. They are also able to convert acid into portable mixed fuel for further use.





Available levels

Super refinery at once man.

Super Refinery

Unlock New Facility: Super Refinery

Convert acid into portable mixed fuel more efficiently


The super refineries Work twice as fast To produce portable mixed fuel and have Two processing slots eachWhereas regular refineries can Convert only one material at a time. This means that players can convert both Crude Oil and Acid into Portable Mixed Fuel at the same time, or can produce Portable Mixed Fuel and Barreled Premium Fuel.

Barreled Crude Oil > Portable Mixed Fuel

  • 10 barrels of crude oil

  • 30 minutes

  • Yields 5 portable mixed fuel

Acid > portable mixed fuel

  • 10 acid

  • 30 minutes

  • Yields 5 portable mixed fuel

Portable Mixed Fuel > Barreled Premium Fuel

  • 25 portable mixed fuel

  • 60 minutes

  • Yields 1 barrel of premium fuel

Similar to the deluxe storage crates, players can too Sell ​​or trade services to build Super refineries For other players.


Backpack Expansion

More carryweight for more goodies

A character at once human

Backpack Expansions are simple but valuable items that can increase your maximum load between 40-80 lbs. These items can be crafted and have a Base durability of 10 days Before they expire.





Available levels

Backpack expansion icon at once man.

Backpack Expansion

Unlock New Formula: Backpack Expansion

In your backpack, increase the maximum load by 40-80. Effect cannot be stacked.


Although their effects cannot stack to give you more max loads, you can, however, sell backpack expansions in your vending machines to other players. Crafting and selling extras is a decent way to make Extra energy links depending on your server's population.


Sulfur chemist

Sulfur chemist memetic specialization in once man.

Sulfur chemist Is an alternative way to produce acid for those who do not have their territory in a polluted area. Instead of using the classic method of collecting polluted water with water pumps, players can instead use the synthesis bank in their territory Convert sulfur and energy bonds into acid. If you have methods to get additional energy links, such as these Precious metal refining Memetic specialization, this could be a viable way to produce acid.





Available levels

Sulfur chemist at once man.

Sulfur chemist

Unlock New Formula: Sulfur Chemist

Slowly turn acid into sulfur using the Synthesis Bank.


While producing acid the regular way has many steps, this method only requires an open synthesis bank. Players have even Built after banks To be able to produce more acid at once.


Electric Drill: Treasure Hunter

Double your precious ore harvests

The treasure hunter Formula improvement applies to both tiers of electric drills and solar drills crafted by the Solar drill memetic specialization.





Available levels

Electric drill treasure hunter once man.

Electric Drill: Treasure Hunter

Improved formula: electric drill

Enjoy +100% yield when mining for gold ore, silver ore and stardust ore with an electric drill.


Using these drills gives players an additional 100% yield when harvesting gold, silver and stardust ore, which can be refined into precious ingots with the Precious metal refining memetic specialization. like Brusterisaliv As shown in the video above, gold and silver can easily be found in the Red Sands area to farm.

World hopping makes the process even faster, as you can follow the farming route back to the teleporter and then change the world to refresh the route.

Get these Precious metal refining Specialization now lets players smelt the precious ore they have harvested into gold and silver bars. Each bar can be sold for a high price to vendors in strongholds, with silver ingots selling for 6,000 al and gold ingots selling for 12,000 al. This is one of the most viable ways to generate energy links for crafting, buying and trading.





Available levels

Precious metal refining at once man.

Precious metal refining

Unlock the new formula: Precious Metal Refining

Melt gold and silver ores into ingots using the electric furnace. These ingots can be sold for a large number of energy links.


Vendors in strongholds can only buy Up to 50,000 al worth of materials per week. This means you may still have gold or silver ingots left at the end of the week. If you have extra, Try selling them in your vending machine At a reduced price. Many players without the specialization will gladly buy them to resell and generate a small profit.


Solar drill

Infinite arms in sunny spots

Once human character striking a pose in front of a monolith.

Solar drills Automatically refill energy in sunny weather, which can be seen in the upper right side of the screen.





Available levels

Sun driller at once human.

Solar drill

Unlock New Formula: Solar Drill

The solar drill charges itself on sunny days. Enjoy +15%-40% yields of copper ore, tin ore, iron ore, aluminum ore and tungsten ore.


When the Weather icon is a sunSolar drills will regain charge and not lose charge while drilling. This is a huge improvement over regular drills, That will run out of charge and vomit. Be very careful to monitor the "charge" of your solar drill though, viz It can break If you use it too much in cloudy weather without recharging!


Generator: Electrical Expert

More power = more output

Polluted area platform at once man.

The Generator: Electrical Expert Memetic specialization is extremely useful for almost any player. It allows them to set One more generator per territory and increases the output of each generator by an After +2v. Similar to other specializations, players can use this ability In the territory of other players To build them an additional generator.





Available levels

Generator electrical expert at once man.

Generator: Electrical Expert

Facility Boost: Generator

Maximum number of generators +1, and +2V power output.


Depending on where your base is located, you may benefit more from Specific generator memetic specializations. Examples would be Hydraulic generator: one with the tides For players whose territory is on a river, or Deviant Power Generator: Stardust Unleashed For those in a polluted area.


Biomass Missile: Sufficient Shinis

Triple the missiles for triple the fun

Crafting biomass missiles at once man.

For players participating in Prime Wars, Biomass Missile: Sufficient Shinis is irreplaceable. Biomass missiles, which are ammunition required for Gatling turrets, are needed to destroy the shields of Prime War bosses. With this specialization, players can create Three times as many missiles For the same amount of materials.





Available levels

Biomass missile sufficient ammunition at once man.

Biomass Missile: Sufficient Shinis

Improved Formula: Biomass Missile

Plasma missiles -80% weight, and +2 crafting yield.


This specialization is in High demandAnd players will often ask those with it to Make biomass missiles for them Before prime wars.


Electric Furnace: Electrolysis

Double your aluminum & tungsten ingots

Electrical furnace electrolysis in once man.

Electric Furnace: Electrolysis Is the most valuable memetic specialization only due to the high requirements for aluminum and tungsten ingots at the end of the season.





Available levels

Electrical furnace electrolysis in once man.

Electric Furnace: Electrolysis

Facility boost: Electric oven

Double wear when smelting aluminum and tungsten ingots using the electric furnace.


Not only are they needed for building, but players will use hundreds if not thousands of ingots in order To make weapons, armor and ammunition. Doubling the yield will provide a much-needed boost to supplies to limit the amount of grinding for materials.

Facility boost Specializations will only be applied After building the facility Again. Make sure to Break down and rebuild Any facility, such as the electric oven, after you unlock the specialization.

Memetic specializations reset every season in Once manAllowing players multiple chances to choose the ones they need for success. With cooperation between friends and Hive members, players can selectively choose specializations so that everyone benefits from their choices. Don't stress if you don't get what you need! Even more underrated ones can still be useful depending on the player.





PC, Android, iOS


July 9, 2024


Starry Studio


Online multiplayer, online co-op