The Marvel Cinematic Universe is full of poignant death quotes, leaving lasting impressions on audiences with their emotional weight. Relative to the length of the franchise, The MCU has seen a number of noteworthy character deaths, both hero and villain. In most cases, Marvel's saddest death scenes are punctuated by some incredible writing, with the series' beloved heroes and villains leaving the series with some powerful final words.
The various last lines of Marvel Cinematic Universe characters can be haunting in several different ways. In the rare instances that heroic characters die, typically through some noble sacrifice, they often fail Guttingly sad statements behind that reflect on their journey. In other cases, the best villains of the MCU can leave chilling warnings or cut observations, get one last stab at their enemies with their last curse breath.
"I am Iron Man" - Iron Man
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
The most obvious and noteworthy of all the MCU's deaths is easily that of Tony Stark. The series' flagship character for many years, Robert Downey Jr's Iron Man has some amazing lines, from quick-witted quips to iconic statements. His most impressive line is also his last, proclaiming himself to be Iron Man in response to Thanos' early celebration. Snapping his fingers to destroy Thanos' army with the Infinity Stones, Tony Stark dies a hero after living so selfishly for so long, forever proving himself as the ultimate MCU protagonist.
By repeating the words once more before his death, Tony Stark cements his legacy in placeLeaving behind big shoes that the Marvel Cinematic Universe seems to still not be able to fit.
The first time Tony says those words, it's just as powerful, admitting to being Iron Man in a press conference at the end of the MCU's very first movie. By repeating the words once more before his death, Tony Stark cements his legacy in placeLeaving behind big shoes that the Marvel Cinematic Universe seems to still not be able to fit. Tony Stark claiming to be Iron Man almost breaks the fourth wall, also indicating Robert Downey Jr.'s own pop culture dominance in the role.
"I'm damn lucky you're my boy" - Yondu
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
If there's one subset of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that's never been afraid to pull its punches, it's the Guardians of the Galaxy Trilogy. Every film in the series has featured some tragic death or another, and even if they aren't always permanent, they always pack a heavy emotional toll. The most haunting last words of any Guardians of the Galaxy Cast member may very well go to Yondu, who Sacrifice yourself to save Peter Quill.
Star-Lord and Yondu's found family relationship is one of the emotional anchors around that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 operates. Although neither of the two will openly admit their father-son relationship while they are both alive, Yondu at least makes the effort to reconcile their bond in his final moments. In reference to Peter's biological father, Ego, Yondu assures him that he will always be his "daddy", no matter who his "father" is, and that he is proud of him.
"Sky" - purple
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023)
The other tragic death which is one of the deepest needs of the Guardians of the Galaxy series, Lila's last words are just as heartbreaking as her actual murder. Admittedly, which is only in a flashback, it's not surprising when the tall evolutionary coldly guns down Rocket Raccoon's friends right in front of him. But Lila's final words are the twist of the knife that make this moment so viscerally haunting.
Leading up to their escape attempt, Rocket's childhood friends, Lylla, Teefs and Floor, fantasize about the outside world that awaits them, eager to see concepts like heaven in person. lying on her back, Lila could only smile and see what the sky might look like once upon a timeBefore growing cold in Rocket's arms. Somehow, the MCU has managed to make the death of a talking otter one of the most emotionally wrenching scenes of its entire cumulative runtime.
"They knew death was better than slavery" - Killmonger
Black Panther (2018)
Of all the villains of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, few can claim to be as morally vindicated as Erik Killmonger. Although his cruel means may not be justified by his ends, Killmonger's desire to see Wakanda use its technology to help the suffering of marginalized groups around the world. Even if he ultimately falls in combat to Black Panther, Killmonger's point of few is clearly appreciated by T'ChallaEspecially after his last wishes, which are finally being honored.
Watching the sun rise on Wakanda one last time while bleeding in his cousin's arms, Killmonger asks to be buried at sea. He explains that he makes this request as a tribute to those who jumped from slave ships on the trans-Atlantic slave trade, "Because they knew death was better than slavery.” Killmonger's last words were so compelling that T'Challa essentially adopts a version of his own philosophy, finally bringing Wakanda public with a dedicated outreach program.
"You will never be a god" - Loki
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Loki has had the most "deaths" of any Marvel Cinematic Universe character. Faking his own death twice before returning in the form of a rogue variant split off from the sacred timeline, Loki has had many "last words" throughout the seriesAlways find a way to come back. That being said, the original Loki's true death in Avengers: Infinity War Serves as a haunting warning to his killer, none other than the mad titan Thanos.
As Thanos watches the life drain from Loki's eyes, the trickster god manages to choke out one final warning - "You will never be a god."Not only This gives Loki a last minute victory of ego over his killerAt least hold some title above him, but it acts as an ominous foreshadowing of Thanos' own failure and narcissism. As proven by his younger self, Thanos wants to re-make the universe in his image, something Loki can see as someone who once wanted the same thing.
"With great power, there must also come great responsibility" - Aunt May
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
One of the most famous quotes in Marvel Comics took a surprisingly long time to manifest in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Typically, Spider-Man's sentiment that "With great power comes great responsibility"Comes from Uncle Ben, typically depicted as one of the last things he says to Peter before he's killed. In previous MCU films, Spider-Man only made vague allusions to this phrase, never fully committing to the full thing.
That is, until Aunt May's horrible death Spider-Man: No Way Home. After he was seriously wounded in the terrible battle of the apartment, Aunt May leaves Peter with a much more comically-accurate re-phrasing of the iconic words of wisdom. Compared to the disaster of madam webbz"When you take on the responsibility, great power will come.”, this version of the line is the thin silver lining to Aunt May's heartbreaking exit from the series.
"You are unbearably naive" - Ultron
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
It's not always anti-heroes like Loki who get the last word in despite being the one to meet their demise at the hands of an adversary. Unable to convince his younger sibling to join him on his crusade against humanity, Ultron humors Vision with one last conversation after he's whittled down to just a single drone. While Vision offers a cheerful sentiment on the temporary beauty of humanity, Ultron can only whine and call him "Insufferably naive".
As Ultron's last words are, it's hard not to say they didn't have a grain of truth. Vision ends up being shocked by the lengths his lover will go to in resurrecting him windovision, Proof of Ultron's point about the ugly potential for wrong humans. Considering Ultron will return in Vision's upcoming series, these words could also refer to the futility of Vision's attempt on his life, with Ultron's true consciousness still existing somewhere as a backup.
"You didn't see that coming" - Quicksilver
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Ultron's final words aren't the only poignant bits of dying dialogue Avengers: Age of Ultron. Quicksilver's death, though rather unceremonious, managed to be surprisingly eloquent with his choices for Aaron Taylor-Johnson's final line delivery as Pietro Maximoff. Quicksilver repeats his catchphrase from the film one last time to save the life of a stray Sokovian child (not to mention Hawkeye after being riddled with bullets in his final minutes - "You didn't see this coming."
Previously, Quicksilver used the same words to taunt his Avenger opponents, boasting his super speed as imperceptible to the human eye. But in this context, Quicksilver correctly calls Hawkeye out for being surprised that he would be willing to make such a sacrifice. With his delivery of the line, It seems that Pietro also surprised himself with his actionsNever before has this brave type found himself before he has seen a child in the same dangerous situation that he and his sister are in. L stood.
"Don't waste your life" - Eisen
Iron Man (2008)
One of the most underrated influences in all of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is none other than Ho Yinsen, Tony Stark's fellow prisoner at the hands of the Ten Rings terrorist organization. Helping Tony build the very first Iron Man armor, Yinsen is mortally wounded in the chaos of their escape attempt, Resigned to death as Tony marches out as Iron Man for the first time. His dying words still left a massive impact on the series, begging Tony not to waste the second chance at life the armor had given him.
His dying words still left a massive impact on the series, begging Tony not to waste the second chance at life the armor had given him.
Indeed, Someone deserves more credit For being responsible for Tony Stark's heel, turning from hard capitalism into altruistic heroism, not wanting to waste his good friend's sacrifice. The Dr. Erskine to Tony Stark's Steve Rogers, Einsen's inspiration of Tony to do good deserves more influence. It's a shame that Einsen didn't make an appearance in Soul World during Tony's brief post-Snap trip there in Avengers: Endgame, Which would have served as a nice guy to Tony's arc.
"Perhaps I treat you too harshly" - Thanos
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
While Thanos dies twice in Avengers: Endgame, The demise of his second incarnation is a silent resignation to the same fate that he has brought upon trillions of animals. These are the original Thanos' last words before being decapitated by Thor which leaves a much bigger emotional craterEspecially for one MCU character. Thanos looks up at Nebula one last time, and muses that he might be too cruel of a father figure to her, only to be quickly killed by Thor before he can exaggerate.
Like most of Thanos' lines, "Maybe I treated you too harshly" has taken on a second life as a popular meme. But Nebula's reaction to THanos' shocking admission of guiltLittle by little, the way she was treated turns her world upside down. Gently touching her cybernetic implants, which had been installed as punishment for failure, Nebula was clearly shaken to the core by the final words of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's all-time greatest villain.