is one of the most intriguing characters in the X-Men franchise, and with his recent induction into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)
It's worth looking back at some of his best lines from movies and TV shows. Gambit was originally created for the Invisible X-Men comics, where the character debuted in issue #266 in 1990. It didn't take long after that for the character to make it to the small screen, appearing on X-Men: The Animated Series Cartoon that ran from 1992 to 1997.
However, since then, the character has made countless appearances in film and television, despite promises of a Gambit movie from Fox. The character was an essential part of the heroic team of mutants, and at times he struck out on his own to lead other super teams, but his time on the big and small screen was much less expansive. That being said, his last appearance in the MCU with Deadpool & Wolverine saw the character get a shot in the spotlight once again, and in typical Gambit fashion, they became a standout part of the events.
- Do you know how long I've been waiting for that? Wow, I'll make a name for myself here.
Deadpool & Wolverine
This line is beautiful for a couple of reasons. First, the actor playing Gambit in Deadpool & WolverineChanning Tatum was initially announced to play the character in a standalone movie all the way back in 2014. At the time, Fox was hoping to build out their X-Men universe with multiple spin-off projects, but due to delays and development issues, the Gambit movie was pushed back. After a long time without updates, Fox was finally sold to Disney in 2019, and it looked like the dream of seeing Tatum play Gambit was forever over.
however, Deadpool & Wolverine Had a lot to send the heroes of the first Marvel projects through the years, and they managed to get Tatum in the full costume, playing the iconic hero that he was supposed to play since 10 years before. With that in mind, the line becomes both a meta reference, and potentially somewhat prophetic if Channing Tatum is now given the chance to play Gambit again in the MCU. And considering the outcry of support, there's a good chance it could happen.
"Of course not, Gambit is a natural athlete."
X-Men: The Animated Series
Remy LeBeau, aka Gambit, is a naturally quirky character. They tend to talk about themselves in the third person, they often appear very confident, to the point it can be considered cocky, and they tend to see only the things they want to see in life. In X-Men: The Animated Series, all these attributes shine through as Chris Potter voices the character, delivering an outstanding performance as Gambit. Even when the character falls flat on their face, literally, they are bright, cheerful and full of self-confidence.
The above line is delivered just after the character is seen skiing down a slope, and falls with absolutely no grace whatsoever, into the snow. However, despite his blunder, Gambit is more than happy to look at his friends and acknowledge his natural abilities. This is part of the charm of the characters, and it makes them more interesting and entertaining despite the clearly delusional view they may have of themselves.
"If I've learned anything about life, it's this: Always play the hand you're dealt. My name is Gambit... and I play for keeps."
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Trailer)
In 2009, Gambit got his first official live-action adaptation. While it is not in one of the main line X-Men Kino, it was in a notable position, X-Men Origins: WolverineWhere he appeared opposite Hugh Jackman's Logan, aka Wolverine. Taylor Kitsch has the distinct honor of being the first actor to play the character in live action, and until 2024, when Tatum appears in the MCU, he remains the only person to do so. Even so, some of the character's best lines never actually made it into the movie, with this particular piece of dialogue only appearing in the promotional trailers.
Despite this, the line remains one of the most powerful and best lines for defining the character to date. Considering his powers, which allow Gambit to manipulate kinetic energy, his favorite tool to siphon his powers is the average, unassuming, playing cards. With that in mind, the line delivery, and the reference to playing cards makes it a clear and distinct line that hits harder because of who he is as a character.
"You can drain my energy every time, Chere. Gambit has plenty."
X-Men: The Animated Series
Highlighting a very different side to the character than his more confrontational and aggressive lines above, Gambit is also a hopeless romantic. For many X-Men: The Animated Series Running, he pursues Rogue, professing his deep love and desire for the Southern master. Hailing from New Orleans, Gambit may feel a connection to Rogue because of the similarities in their cultures, but he is also much more flirtatious and forward in his approach. Aside from his trademark sentimental nickname for Rogue, Chère, he makes it clear that he would like more of their partnership.
However, Rogue's mutant powers present a unique challenge, as the slightest touch from her anywhere can drain the other person's powers and life force. While it's sweet that Gambit wants to devote his energy to Rogue, the reality is that it would be impossible for the pair to truly pursue a romantic relationship. Gambit might have a lot of energy, but Rogue's powers would quickly change that, leaving Gambit much less able to flirt.
"Gambit can't help but notice that you saved him Cher and not Wolverine, must be my way with women."
X-Men: The Animated Series
Despite the hopelessness of the relationship between Gambit and Rogue, there is still some love there on both sides. While the above line plays on Gambit's flirtatious nature, it also offers more sentimentality and sincerity than some of his other lines. After being saved by his beloved Rogue, Gambit makes a point of highlighting her choice to save him, over their teammate, Wolverine. Then, he playfully suggests it's down to how alluring he is.
This is a great line that shows multiple sides to Gambit. While he puts on a front of confidence, flirtatiousness, and an unwavering nature, it still means a lot to him when someone else shows him kindness, or affection. The line has his trademark cockiness, but it's also deeper, as it can be seen as a way for him to thank and connect with the person who means the most to him. And
"The name is Gambit, Mon Amy. Remember it."
X-Men '97
In 2024, the animated show was revived under the leadership of Marvel Studios, with the show picking up just as the events of the earlier 1990s series ended. X-Men '97 Quickly became a hit, praised for the animation, the story and the way to adapt the characters that meant so much to young audiences of the 1990s, and would now be mature fans of the MCU and the characters. Throughout the series, things get darker than anything the original series did, and the stakes get higher.
The line is an iconic part of the show, in X-Men '97 Season 1, Episode 5, "Remember It." The episode sees Gambit, now played by AJ LoCascio, bravely step up to fight a powerful threat and put his life on the line for his friends. As he clearly explains who he is, he barks at the command to remember his name, which is then referenced in the episode's title. And considering how events play out in the episode, it's for good reason that the heroic gambit has his line immortalized in the show's title.
"With style, petite. With style."
X-Men: The Animated Series
Back to the original animated series, Gambit is shown to be one of the more powerful mutants in the show. In the comics, his powers are shown to be even more significant, as his ability to manipulate energy extends to anything, not just cards, which helps highlight what the hero is capable of. Much more than simple card tricks, he is able to push his powers to do almost anything he can imagine.
In the series, the same power is gaze, and when Gambit performs an action so impressive that it has Rogue questioning how it is even possible, the always cool character responds with his simple characteristic wit. Gambit is happy to leave his beloved impressed without any details, rather than diving into explanations, or getting bogged down in the details. Like many great magicians, he is unwilling to reveal his secrets, and honestly, it only makes him more impressive.
"Look, the only difference between a winner and a loser is character. Every man has a price to blame, and a price to pay. Yes, I've paid mine in spades."
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Once again, Taylor Kitsch steals the show X-Men Origins: WolverineBut this time the line made it into the final cut. The way the character is presented in the film is much less playful and flirtatious compared to his animated counterpart, but he remains strong and smart. Remy Lavo sometimes writes down these lines, which are full of rich lessons, packaged in a poetic way, which connects again with the forces and chosen weapons.
Writing for Kitsch's lines makes it all the more impressive, with dialogues that could be seen almost as a play on words, but thanks to Kitsch's delivery of the same lines, it becomes much more important. He refers to his gambling hobby and his cards, but the deeper message is important to Logan and others who appear in the movie. As the story explores redemption, the search for identity and what it means to be a hero or a winner in this case, Remy delivers incredible and insightful dialogue.
"I guess peace do not come to the bad views."
X-Men: The Animated Series
However, it is important to note that Gambit's comedy and mischievous nature is a pivotal part of the character. For this reason, the line he delivers to Nightcrawler, a mutant whose mutation means they are born with blue skin, three fingers and toes, and a long horn-tipped tail, is another worthy entry. After Nightcrawler goes into the heartbreaking story of his life, and how he's been mistreated everywhere he's been, Gambit tries to ease the tension, and speaks his mind with the above line.
It may be seen as cruel, or mean, but Gambit is neither of those things. He is a joker, and someone who likes to boil things down to their simplest form. Rather than beating around the bush, or telling long stories, he keeps the sentence straight and chooses to simplify wherever possible. With that in mind, he applies an old adage, and adapts it to create some humor, but also acknowledges what Nightcrawler said.
"The name is Remy LeBeau. "Le Diable Blanc." But you can call me The Gambit."
Deadpool & Wolverine
Finally, one of the best and brightest lines for the character comes in Deadpool & WolverineAs the character makes his on-screen debut. Although this line can be seen as unassuming, and largely a simple introduction, it is more valuable than that when considered in context with everything else stated above, especially the first entry, where Tatum's gambit states that he is going to "make a name In this simple scene, Tatum has the opportunity to introduce the character, with his birth name, with the title that is often associated with the character in comics, and with his superhero name.
By saying these three points at once, he establishes that he is this character. Again, this is great for the meta context, as Tatum has been waiting a long time to embrace the role, but it's also the perfect way to bring the character into the MCU for the first time. Technically, the line comes at an earlier point in the movie, Deadpool & WolverineBut this is definitely the moment Tatum became Gambit Officially, and made a name for himself.