10 Best Fighter Feats in Baldur's Gate 3

10 Best Fighter Feats in Baldur's Gate 3

Fighters are perhaps the most versatile class in the world. Baldur's Gate 3. The combat class is more than capable of filling many different roles within the party; it offers the ability to create many unique fighter builds. BG3. While this versatility in playstyle can make choosing the right skills a headache, some pair naturally with these archetypal warriors.

Although most activities in Baldur's Gate 3 increase three skills over three acts of the game, fighters gain an additional skill at level sixfurther expanding the customization options for each character. This really helps make each fighter unique and adaptable, something I've found myself as my Eldtrich Knight character is completely different from my Battle Master or playing as Lae'zel. So, while each fighter will have different priorities, there are some great options on this list that will suit most builds.


Charger - Unlock new attack options

Running at full speed towards an enemy has never been so much fun.

Lae'zel from Baldur's Gate 3 grins as he prepares to attack.

The Charger is a great choice for any fighter, and it does exactly what it sounds like, allowing the character to run at full speed towards enemies. Feat unlocks two new ways to interact with opponents in battlethe first of which is Charger: Weapon Attack. This ability uses the fighter's action and bonus action to rush forward and attack the first enemy in its path without provoking any attacks of opportunity.


Weapon attack: Charge forward to make a weapon attack without causing opportunity attacks. Seam: Rush forward and push the enemy.

The second option is Charger: Shove, which again uses both an action and a bonus action. This time the fighter rushes forward and pushes away the first enemy in his path. It also does not lead to attacks of opportunity; The push distance depends on the fighter's Strength and the weight of the target. The Charger's feat is A great the way fighters act in battle not provoking attacks of opportunity and continuing to attack the enemy.


Martial Arts Adept - Gain Combat Maneuvers

More combat options regardless of subclass chosen

The Battle Master subclass is considered by many to be the best fighter subclass in the world. BG3. It gives the fighter a superiority die, which can strengthen his attacks or perform new ones. The Martial Arts Adept skill is fantastic as it gives the fighter chance to learn two maneuvers from the Battle Master list.

Battle Adept

Learn two maneuvers from the Battle Master list. Gain 1 superiority die, which is restored on short and long rests.

This works great for those looking for more versatility when playing a Champion or Dread Knight, but is also a great choice for a Battle Master. Battler Master fighters learn three maneuvers at level three, two more at level seven, and the final two at level 10 at seven. It would push a number that a Battle Master fighter can learn up to nine out of a possible 14, ensuring they are spoiled for choice in combat.


Durability: Make the most of short breaks

Lae'zel is in the camp during a conversation in BG3.

Durable is a fantastic achievement and one of my favorites to use on the front lines. Firstly, durable increases the fighter's Constitution score by one.to a maximum of 20. This will immediately increase your hit point total, especially if your Constitution score is left odd during character creation. While this may not seem like a huge improvement, the change can make the difference between having plus two or plus three modifiers, which affects hit points.


Plus one to the Constitution score. Regain full hit points on a short rest.

However, Durable's best feature is that it allows the fighter regain their full hit points during a short rest. Typically a short rest will only restore half of a character's health points, rounding down, so Durable can keep fighters going longer between long rests. This also pairs nicely with fighters who regain their Action Surge and Second Wind class actions during a short rest.


Heavy Armor Master - Get even more protection

Damage taken on the front lines has been reduced.

Some skills are deceptively simple but can be of great benefit, and Heavy Armor Master is definitely one of them. Since all fighters have heavy armor in BG3it makes sense to help them get the most out of it beyond the usual higher AC. This is where the Heavy Armor Master skill comes in handy, because increasing the fighter's Strength by one reduces the damage they take.

Heavy Armor Master

Increase your Strength by one. Incoming damage from non-magical attacks is reduced by three.

Wearing heavy armor, All incoming damage from non-magical attacks is reduced by three. with this feat. And while three damage may not seem like much, it soon adds up, especially with groups of enemies. This is a fantastic feat in the lower levels of Act 1, where enemies will be more likely to use more conventional weapons such as swords or bows.


Sentinel - Superiority in Battlefield Control

More possibilities with reactions and attacks on opportunities

Sentinel is a great option for a frontline character looking to better control enemies in combat. This skill provides three different ways to offer support to other party members, allowing the fighter to use their response to an attack in new ways when given the opportunity. With Sentinel: Vengeance the fighter can use your response to strike with your weapon at a melee enemy who has just attacked an ally.


Revenge: use a reaction to strike a target with a weapon that just attacked an ally. trap: Targets hit by opportunity attacks cannot move. Opportunity advantage: advantage in attacks of opportunity.

Sentinel: Snare adds to this preventing the movement of enemies hit by the fighter's attacks. This is great for keeping more formidable enemies away from more fragile party members if they try to change position. Finally, Sentinel: Opportunity Advantage gives the fighter advantage on all attack rolls for opportunity attacks, further increasing the chances of landing a hit and holding the enemy in place.


Grand Weapon Master – more attacks and damage

Destroy more enemies with the toggle function

Lae'zel from Baldur's Gate 3 with Balduran's Giant Slayer at her side.

Fighters benefit greatly from the ability to use all types of weapons in combat. BG3opening up a lot of possibilities for creating the perfect fighter. And with an abundance of magnificent two-handed weapons in BG3choosing this fighting style at level one is a fantastic choice. This can be further enhanced by the Great Weapon Master skill, which Unlocks an extra attack and a chance to deal even more damage.

Grand Weapon Master

Bonus Attack: After killing a target or scoring a critical hit, make another melee weapon attack as a bonus action. All inclusive take a minus five penalty to attack rolls to gain 10 additional points of damage.

With Grand Weapon Master, whenever a fighter scores a critical hit with a two-handed melee weapon or kills a creature, he can make another weapon attack as a bonus action that turn. Thanks to a toggleable passive ability, combat can suffer a minus five penalty to attack rolls with two-handed or all-purpose melee weapons in exchange for a plus 10 to damage dealt..


Wild Attacker - Gain advantage on damage rolls

Never take minimal damage again

Text for Savage Attacker for the rogue in Baldur's Gate 3

A fantastic feat for any combat class, Savage Attacker has a simple but effective passive feature. In the case of Savage Attacker, the damage dice are rolled twice. whenever a fighter makes a melee attack with a weapon, the highest result is used. This can soon lead to massive amounts of damage at higher levels, especially if fighters get three attacks per turn at level 11, and ensures that no attack ever does the disappointing minimum damage.

Wild attacker

When making a melee weapon attack, the damage dice are rolled twice and the highest result is used.

The Savage Attacker skill pairs perfectly with any fighter items or equipment that can lower the critical strike threshold or cause critical hits. The Killer's Beloved

It’s worth paying attention to this, because Damage dice will be doubled and then rolled with advantage. With the right equipment and power-ups, you can easily take out some enemies with one hit.


Alert - a bonus to initiative and preventing surprises

Stop the enemy at the party

Alert Feat text appears in Baldur's Gate 3 level up area

Alert is another favorite move of mine, as almost all classes benefit from being as early in the initiative order as possible. With Alert the fighter will gain a plus five bonus to the initiation roll. It can be further improved with items such as Sentry Shield

which gives a plus three to initiative, and Flame Enameled Armor, which gives a bonus of plus two.


Get plus five initiative bonuses and don't be surprised.

But Alert has a second feature that is ideal for characters like fighters: it prevents them from being caught off guard. IN BG3, surprise prevents affected characters from taking actions or reactions on their turn.actually skipping them. If a fighter can attack an enemy for at least one round while the rest of the party is surprised, it can make a huge difference and prevent more fragile characters from taking too much damage.

Elixir of Vigilance

provides the same effect as Vigilance, preventing the drinker from being caught off guard plus five to initiative. Keeping one of these in reserve is a good plan for tough fights, as the initiative bonus stacks to give a plus 10 to initiative rolls.


Mage Killer - Best Attacks Against Spellcasters

Better chances of saving throws and breaking their concentration

Shadowheart, Will and Lae'zel on a nautiloid in Baldur's Gate 3.

Sending fighting classes against spellcasters can sometimes put the fighter at a disadvantage. Luckily, the Mage Slayer skill levels the playing field a bit, giving the fighter some amazing options for dealing with those pesky enemy wizards, sorcerers, or clerics. First, Mage Killer grants about the fighter's advantage on saving throws against spells cast on him in melee combat, and I found it a lifesaver when fighting Bane's cultists in the third act.

Mage Killer

Saving Throw Advantage: advantage on saving throws against spells cast on the character in melee combat. Attack Caster: Use your reaction to attack spellcasters if they use melee attacks. Break in concentration: Enemies hit have disadvantage on concentration checks.

The second feature allows the fighter use your reaction to melee attack enemy spellcasters if they cast any spell. Finally, any enemies hit by the fighter's attack have disadvantage on concentration saving throws to maintain their spells. This is ideal for situations where one or more party members are incapacitated due to a spell such as Hold a man

or Hypnotic pattern



Shield Master - even better defense with shields

Improved dexterity saving throw to reduce damage.

Shield of Devotion in Baldur's Gate 3.

The iconic image of a fighter is an armored warrior with a weapon in one hand and a shield in the other. The final fighter skill is Shield Master, and it's perfect for those who prefer the classic sword and board fighter archetypes. First, Shield Master gives the fighter a flat plus two bonus to Dexterity saving throws when using a shieldwhich is very useful against spells such as fireball.

Shield Master

Plus two bonuses to Dexterity saving throws when using a shield. Block: If the spell causes a Dexterity saving throw, use your reaction to reduce or negate the damage.

However, it is the Shield Master: Block feature that makes it so useful for fighters in Baldur's Gate 3. Thanks to this, the fighter can use their reaction whenever a spell forces them to make a Dexterity saving throw. This behaves the same as Dodge and allows them to take half damage on a failed save and no damage at all on a successful save.