Few classes are as synonymous with the fantasy genre as the wizard, and in Baldur's Gate 3They are one of the most fun classes to play. And, thanks to Gale of Waterdeep, almost every party will have a wizard as they set out to defeat the Absolute and save all of Faerûn. As these wizards differ in key ways from others BG3 Spellcasters, there are certain feats that will help make the most of any arcane spellslinger.
Baldur's Gate 3 has plenty of feats to choose from, and wizards can select three at levels four, eight, and 12. Wizards differ in several ways from other spellcasters, which changes which features will benefit them compared to choosing feats for a sorcerer in BG3. The fits here will help Increase the survival of a wizard, enhance their magic and provide more options for many different images.
Agile - Boost Initiative
Don't let the wizard get caught by surprise
The last thing an adventuring party needs when they're trying to save the world is one of the squishiest members of the group missing their turn. While wizards can deal incredible damage, they can be vulnerable to melee attackers, especially if they can't play. Agile is wonderful for this and a fantastic all-around feat, as one of its main features Prevents the character from being surprised.
This stops enemies from getting free shots on characters with the feat, as the surprised condition also prevents reactions from being used. Alert also gives a jewel plus five to start rollsHelping push the party wizard up the start to take control of the battlefield. with spells at their disposal as Stop man
, rush
And Slow downMaking sure powerful spellcasters never miss a hit can change a fight in the party's favor.
Ritual Caster - Two new spells
Learn two vital spells that won't require spell slots
Wizards are able to learn new spells at any time by using spell scrolls the party finds on their travels. However, a good spellcaster can never have too many spells, and ones that don't require spell slots are even better. Ritual caster allows the wizard to Learn two new ritual spells From a list of six great utility choices.
There are no wrong choices when picking the ritual spells to learn, however Talking to animals And spoke with dead Both are brilliant. Both are spells the wizard wouldn't usually gain access to when leveling up, and both are extremely useful in all three acts of BG3. There are some quests that are made significantly easier with a character who knows these spellsAnd even some that are unlocked purely by Talk to animals.
Dual again - boost to AC and more damage
Use two staffs at once for maximum fun
Choosing a weapon-based feat might seem a bit odd for a class that primarily uses magic, but dual wielder allows wizards to do some really fun things. In addition to providing a wizard with a nice Plus one to their AC while using a melee weapon in each handDual Wielder allows them to use two quarterstaffs. While it's doubtful that any self-respecting wizard will be bonking enemies left and right with their staffs, this can open up some fun options with spells.
Many staffs come with spells and great bonus features, and Being able to use two at once means the wizard won't have to choose between two awesome options. There are a few in Acts 1 and 2 that are worth keeping an eye out for, such as Melf's first staff
And these Incandescent stick
. However, once the party enters Act 3, there are some brilliant stuff for any wizard to fight Gale for, like the Staff of Spellpower
and Markoheshkir.
Lightly Armored - Increase armor options
Make wizards less squishy with better AC
While there are some cool clothes for wizards to wear BG3They are often lacking in the defense department as the class limits them to non-armor options. Because of this, wizards often have the lowest AC in the party, making them the perfect example of glass cannons. But, with lightly armored, A whole new category of armor is opened for the wizard Without compromising spellcasting.
With the Lightly Armored, the wizard can increase their Strength or Dexterity score by one. But more importantly, They will gain proficiency in light armor for more protection from higher axes. in BG3Any character can wear any armor, but if they are not proficient, they will not be able to cast spells and will be at a disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.
Resilient - Boost vital stats and gain proficiency
Constitution boost will help with instant concentration
There are tons of spells in it BG3 which require concentration, and some of the best are available for wizards to learn, such as Tasha's hideous laugh
And Cloud of Daggers
. To maintain concentration when attacked, a spellcaster will have to succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or the spell will fail. Because of this, Any wizard will benefit greatly from any boost to their constitution, And the Resilient Fit is perfect for that.
The Resilient Feat covers each of the six ability scores and increases the chosen ability score by one. However, what makes Resilient: Constitution so valuable to wizards is that it will also Give them proficiency in Constitution saving throws. This allows the wizard to add their proficiency bonus to any concentration checks, greatly increasing their chances of success.
Mobile - increased movement speed
Get wizards out of danger when needed
While it can be tempting to have a wizard stand in place and cast spells during combat, keeping any spellcaster mobile is vital. The Mobile Fit has three great features that will help any wizard avoid trouble if melee enemies start getting too close. The first is the feat's awesome boost to movement speed, which Increases how much a wizard can move each turn by three meters/10 feet.
With the avoid difficult terrain feature, when using the dash action, the wizard will not be slowed down by difficult terrain, making repositioning or escape much easier. However, the best aspect for a wizard is the Evade Opportunity Attack feature, which helps to get away from melee enemies. with this, If the wizard moves after making a melee attack, they do not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Durable - Constitution boost and better short rests
Keep the wizards in good shape between long rests
Anything that helps a wizard stay on their feet during a hard day of adventuring is a good thing. With their power coming from their spells, their Intelligence stat must take priority, so feats that help boost a wizard's Constitution score are good to watch. Durability is excellent for this as it first Increases a character's Constitution by oneWhich in some cases can even take away a minus modifier.
However, the best part of the durable feat is the change it makes to short rests. With this feat, the wizard will Regain their full hit points during a short rest Instead of half their maximum. While this won't restore any spell slots, Wizards have their Arcane Recovery feature and things like the Spillcrux Amulet
And these Pearl of Power Amulet
Can also help with this issue.
Instant Sniper - Increased chance of critical hits
Spell Sniper is a perfect fit for any spellcasting class, as it increases the possibility of them dealing massive amounts of damage with spells. With this story, The wizard will gain the ability to learn a new cantrip from a choice of sixAll of which require instant attack rolls. This new cantrip will use the wizard's intelligence as the spellcasting ability, even if it isn't usually a wizard spell, such as Eldritch Blast.
However, the feature that makes Spell Sniper so valuable to a wizard is how it increases the chance of landing a critical hit. with instant sniper, The number needed to get a crit is reduced by one When attacking with a spell that requires an attack roll. This effect stacks with other items that also reduce the threshold, such as these Elixir of viciousness
Elemental Adept - Ignore elemental resistances
Essential for elemental wizard builds
There are a number of wizard builds for BG3 which focus on mastery of one particular element to maximize damage output. Elemental Adept is perfect for any wizard or spellcaster looking to specialize in one type of elemental damage. With this story, The wizard will be able to choose from the five elemental damage types Found in Baldur's Gate 3.
Fit |
Damage types |
Elemental Adept |
Acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder |
after that, All spells that deal this type of damage will ignore the enemy's resistance to him; For example, enemies are typically resistant to fire damage. But even better is that with Elemental Adept, when wizards use spells of the chosen damage type, they won't be able to roll a single for damage. This feat makes it so that any rolls are treated as a two, making using them even more worthwhile.
War Caster - Help with concentration spells
Essential help for all spellcasters
Finally, War Caster cannot be beaten as one of the best feats for wizards or any spellcaster who uses concentration spells. War Caster has two brilliant features for spellcasters to help them with concentration and attacks of opportunity. First, War Caster will allow the wizard to Use Shocking Grasp As a reaction against enemies that move out of melee range. While deliberately going into melee range is unlikely unless playing as a Battlemage build, it's always good to have extra tricks up a mage's sleeve.
However, War Caster's most important feature is its help with concentration checks to keep key spells in the wizard's arsenal. With this story, Wizards will have advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration Should they take damage during combat in Baldur's Gate 3. As I have found that concentration can sometimes be the difference between winning and losing a tough fight, War Caster is always a great choice.
- Released
August 3, 2023
- developer(s)
Larian Studios
B For Adults: Blood and gore, partial nudity, sexual content, strong language, violence
- platforms
PC, macOS, PS5, Xbox Series X