10 best feats for clerics in Baldur's Gate 3

10 best feats for clerics in Baldur's Gate 3

Clerics are one of the classic Dungeons & Dragons Classes alongside wizards, paladins and fighters and are wonderfully adapted from the page to the screen in Baldur's Gate 3. From repairing wounds to buffing allies, keeping the cleric at their best gives the entire party a much better chance of survival. So, choosing the right fits when leveling up is crucial to building a strong BG3 Cleric.

Despite being the least played class in Baldur's Gate 3 For custom characters, Clerics are an important part of any adventuring party, with Shadowheart filling that role for many. Seen by many as just healers, Clerics bring a lot to the table and are a fun, versatile class, with the Cleric subclass in BG3 Offer very different experiences. Gaining feats at levels four, eight, and 12, great choices are those that help with instant concentration and survivability.


Tough - increased hit points

It is important to keep the party healer alive

Shadow in the Ulber Cave in Act One of Baldur's Gate 3.

Tough is a fantastic all-around feat for any class BG3Increase the chances of success of the party in a very simple way. With this ability is the priest Maximum hit points will be increased by two each time for each level They have. This is very useful for clerics who may have to focus on the health of party members before themselves, and if the healer goes down, the whole team can follow.


Tough can sometimes be overlooked when choosing feats, as two hit points doesn't sound like a lot. But the best part of the tough feat is that the bonus hit points apply retroactively. This means that regardless of when one takes the feat, the priest will receive it 24 extra hit points by level 12Easily helping them stay standing for a few more rounds.

Give the cleric better options to control battle

Although Cleric is primarily a support class, that doesn't mean they can't deal some damage as well, and giving any character extra combat options is always a good thing. The Martial Adept feat is great as it allows the cleric Learn two maneuvers from the Fighter Battle Master subclass and gain a Superiority D to fuel them. This will give the cleric more options if they end up in melee combat with enemies without having to rely on other party members.

Martial Adept

Learn two maneuvers from the Battle Master subclass and gain a Superiority D to fuel them. Regain spent superiority dice after a short or long rest.

There are some great choices for maneuvers, and they manage to cover a few different play styles. For my clerics, I like to choose Evasive Footwork to impose a disadvantage on melee attacks for a round or a disarming attack to make enemies drop their weapons. however, With 14 to choose from, it really comes down to personal play style and priorities.


Skilled - Gain new skills

An elf storm cleric stands proudly next to Karlach in Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 is not just a game about combat, and the player characters will often find themselves using different skills in all three acts. At character creation, priests Can gain proficiency in two skills: History, Insight, Medicine, Conviction and Religion. However, this will still leave them lacking in certain areas, and this is where the Skilled Feat can really help.


Gain proficiency in three skills.

Skilled lets the cleric gain proficiency in three new skillsWith skills that rely on wisdom being the best choice. Skills like perception and survival are the main choices because they are often used in BG3 And also use the cleric's high wisdom score. Finally, if not chosen at level one, the third choice would be a great way to pick up a key cleric skill, like medicine, religion, or history.


Ritual Caster - Learn two new spells

Cast useful spells without a spell slot

Clerics have access to some great spells in BG3But there is no such thing as too many spells. Ritual caster is one of my favorite feats, as it allows the cleric Learn two ritual spells from a choice of six. This can add some awesome utility spells to the Cleric's repertoire, further improving the versatility of the class and opening up new options in and out of combat.

Ritual caster

Learn two ritual spells from a choice of six.

Ritual spells are fantastic at BG3 Because they allow powerful and useful spells to be cast without using up vital spell slots. A great choice for a cleric is Longstrider

Which can be used to command the party after each long rest to increase their movement and does not require concentration. Otherwise, Talk to animals

, Disguise yourself

Or find familiar

There are excellent options depending on the field of the cleric.


Shield Master - Bonus to Dexterity saving throws

Clerics are one of the classes that are capable with shields, and it's always a good idea to use it. Shields are great ways to boost a character's AC, and with clerics that boost is the perfect way to keep them safe while they focus on the rest of the party. Shield Lord improves the bonus of using a shield by giving the cleric A flat plus two bonus to their Dexterity saving throws while holding a shield.

shield lord

plus two bonus to Dexterity saving throws. Block: Use a reaction if a spell forces a Dexterity saving throw. Take half damage on a failure, none on a success.

Shield Master also has a toggleable passive feature that allows the cleric to Use their reaction to protect yourself from spells. If a spell forces a Dexterity saving throw, a reaction can be used to mitigate the damage. On a failed save, the cleric would take half damage, while on a success, they would take none.


Heavy Armor Master - Reduced incoming damage

Great early game choice to mitigate non-magical damage

While not all cleric subclasses can wear heavy armor, the majority can, and the difference it can make during battle is fantastic. Heavy Armor Master is perfect, as it allows any character with heavy armor to make the most of it. The feat Increases the cleric's Strength score by oneWhich also helps with weapon attacks for strength-based weapons like maces and spears.

Heavy Armor Lord

Increase Strength score by one, to a maximum of 20. Incoming damage from non-magical attacks decreases by three.

However, the best aspect of Heavy Armor Master is that it Reduces all incoming damage from non-magical attacks by three While wearing heavy armor. Three points of damage may not sound like much, but when multiple enemies are attacking, it can quickly add up and save the cleric from going down. This makes Heavy Armor Lord a great early and mid game feat, especially when paired with Adamantine Splint Armor

Which is one of many great things for clerics in BG3.


Mobile - increased movement speed

Don't let difficult terrain get in the way of healing

Elf Cleric, Shadowheart, and Lae'zel run onto the bridge of the Nautiloid in Baldur's Gate 3.

Mobile is a fantastic feat for any character, but it's especially useful for clerics who may need extra movement speed to get to a downed party member. With Mobile, the minister Movement speed will be increased by three meters / 10 feetGive the average character 12 meters / 40 feet of movement each round. This is perfect for repositioning and quick casting Heal wounds

Or even Revify

During tough battles.


Increases movement speed by three meters / 10 feet. Avoid Difficult Terrain: Difficult terrain does not cause half-speed after taking dash action. Avoid Attack of Opportunity: After making a melee attack on a target, movement will not provoke attacks of opportunity from that target.

Mobile too Prevents difficult terrain from slowing down the cleric if they use the dash actionAllowing them to use their full range of motion rather than half. Finally, Mobile: Evade Opportunity Attack prevents enemies from making attacks of opportunity after the cleric moves after making a melee attack on the target. The best part is that the passive feature will still trigger, even if the attack misses.


Durable - better short rests

Regain full hit points between long rests

Screenshot showing how many short rests a party has in Baldur's Gate 3.

The cleric is the quintessential support character, providing much-needed healing and buffs for the rest of the party. As such, it's best to try to keep the cleric in peak condition at full hit points. Durable is one of my favorite feats because it allows a character Regain their full hit points on a short rest Instead only half their hit point maximum.


Increase Constitution score by one, to a maximum of 20. Regain full hit points during short rests.

This very simple change makes a huge difference, especially at higher levels when the fights get significantly tougher. There are also several areas in BG3 Where the party can not leave to return to camp for a long rest, which is denied by the mini-map glowing red. Durable too Increases the cleric's Constitution ability score by oneWhich is most beneficial if the score is left on an odd number at character creation.


Resilient: Constitution - Gain proficiency in saving throws

Protect the cleric from harmful spells and keep concentration on their own

Shadowheart in front of the planar ally spell in Balaldur's Gate 3.
Custom image by Ben Brosofsky

Resilient is a great feat that covers the main six abilities in BG3Allowing a fantastic level of flexibility when building a character. The feat increases the chosen ability score by one and Grants proficiency in that ability's saving throws. For a cleric, the best choice by far is Resilient: Constitution, as this will not only affect their hit points, but also affect saves made to stop spells.

Resilient: Constitution

Increase Constitution score by one, to a maximum of 20. Gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws.

in BG3Just as in DNDWhen a spellcaster needs to To stop concentrating on a spell, they need to make a Constitution saving throw. However, there are also many spells and effects in it BG3 That require constitution saving he throws such as Hurt

, sheet

And Stink cloud

. Resilient: Constitution Healthy pairs with Durable to increase a character's Constitution score by two, increasing the modifier.


War Caster - Advantage to maintain concentration

Keep vital spells up and get a new reaction cantrip

Storm Cleric casting call lightning in Baldur's Gate 3.

Finally, one of the best fits for any spellcaster is Warcaster, , just like Resilient: Constitution, helps to keep concentration on spells. Unlike Resilient, War Caster specifically focuses on saving throws to stop spells, by Give the cleric advantage on Constitution saving throws. This works well with Resilient, as the cleric would be able to add their proficiency bonus but also take the higher roll.

War caster

Gain advantage on saving throws to maintain instant concentration. Win Shocking seizure To use as an attack of opportunity reaction.

War caster also allows the cleric to cast Shocking catch

As a reaction when a target moves out of melee range. Shocking catch is a big one Baldur's Gate 3 Cantrip because it not only deals lightning damage but also Prevents the target from using their reaction for one turn. But unless the minister already has a Shocking seizure From another source, they can only use it as an attack of opportunity.


August 3, 2023


Larian Studios


B For Adults: Blood and gore, partial nudity, sexual content, strong language, violence


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