10 Best Episodes of Doctor Who Written by Russell T Davies

10 Best Episodes of Doctor Who Written by Russell T Davies

Russell T Davis' Doctor Who Episodes are like no other in his past and in his current era as showrunner. The main writer is responsible for some of the biggest ones Doctor Who stories of all time, and without his efforts, the show would never have been rebooted after its 1989 cancellation. The incredibly talented Davies is behind some of the show's most impactful episodes, as well as the creation of many top-notch storylines and excellent Companions.

Despite writing so many great plays in the past and then allowing Steven Moffatt and Chris Chibnall to take the reins, Davies still continued to Doctor Who and recently returned as showrunner. Doctor Who Season 15 will begin on Christmas Day 2024, the second holiday special for Ncuti Gatwa's Fifteenth Doctor. While it is expected to be another spectacular Doctor Who This story, there is significant pressure to be as good as Davies' best episodes.


Boom Town

Season 1, Episode 11

Jack Harkness watching the Ninth Doctor looking at the Bad Wolf banner in the Doctor Who episode Boom Town.

Season 1 "Boom Town" is a fantastic standalone episode of doctor who Which sets up the overall tone for the finale of Davies' first installment of the show. There are many great qualities about this episode. For example, the cheesy yet iconic Slithen, Rose Taylor's staple 2000-esque costume, Captain Jack Harkness and Mickey Smith's interactions, and the first appearance of the pit stop Cardiff water tower.

Many episodes of the Ninth Doctor in Doctor Who Present him as a dark and troubled man, but "Boom Town" is one of the few that shows him in a more relaxed light. This is the first story featuring Team TARDIS returning to the present day since their initial encounter with the Slitheen, Which is quite fitting, considering that it's also the last time the Ninth Doctor visits this season in this incarnation. With solid performances from the entire cast, plus Annette Badland as Margaret Blaine, "Boom Town" is a brilliant and enjoyable singular episode.


Wild Blue Yonder

Special 60th Anniversary

Catherine Tate as Donna Noble and David Tennant as the Doctor with a salt shaker in the Doctor Who episode Wild Blue Yonder.

"Wild Blue Yonder" contains one of the best quotes of the Doctor Who Special 60th Anniversary - The Beginning of the "Mavity" Joke. This episode is a classic Doctor and Donna adventure, And this is also their first after years and regenerations apart.

What's so powerful about "Wild Blue Yonder," however, is that it's mainly just the legendary duo throughout. The story allows the couple to properly catch up and reflect on the time they missed together, while trying to avoid a mysterious threat they cannot initially locate.


"Wild Blue Yonder" is a risky episode for Davies, especially as the specials set up a whole new era of Doctor Who And viewers look to the show for action and adventure. However, the episode is definitely tense and fast-paced, even though it is dialogue-heavy. The dramatic talents of David Tennant and Catherine Tate are beautifully highlighted in "Wild Blue Yonder." And these two prove that tension is more important in an episode of Doctor Who Like anything else.


The Runaway Bride

Christmas 2006

The Tenth Doctor and Donna sit on the roof of a building in Doctor Who The Tenth Doctor and Donna in the Doctor Who episode The Runaway Bride.

"The Runaway Bride" introduces the Tenth Doctor's best companion Doctor Who For the very first time, Donna Noble. Dana's iconic first scene at the end of the season 2 episode "Doomsday" is a shock to both the Doctor and the audience, and her sudden arrival in the TARDIS on her wedding day sets up the events of the incredible Doctor Who Christmas special. "The Runaway Bride" also familiar to the viewers with the Racnoss, a large spider-like creature with a bloodthirsty desire to convert the earth for her children.

Unfortunately, the Racnoss are yet to return to Doctor Who. Despite this, the creepy alien is still an amazing villain. "The Runaway Bride" is a feel-good and comical watch, especially because of Donna. Dana is a breath of fresh air after the Doctor heartbreakingly loses Rose To a parallel world. She's hilarious and offers a new point of view in the Doctor's world, and from her first moments, Donna proves to be one of the best Davies characters of any TV show.


Bad Wolf and the Parting of the Ways

Season 1, Episode 12 and 13

Christopher Eccleston as Ninth Doctor looks cocky and confronts the Daleks while Billie Piper as Rose and John Barrowman as Jack hide in the TARDIS doorway in the Doctor Who episode The Parting of the Ways.

The Doctor Who Season 1 two-parter "Bad Wolf" and "The Parting of the Ways" is Davies' first finale and Christopher Eccleston's last story as the Ninth Doctor. It's clear that a lot of thought goes into these episodes, especially as they wrap up the show's first installment after the 2005 reboot, and the story is brilliantly reflective of the times.

The sudden arrival of the Doctor, Rose and Jack at the game station throws them into reality shows like big brother, The weakest linkAnd What not to wearAll with a sci-fi twist. These two episodes see the Ninth Doctor at his best. He is dark and brooding, constantly battling to find and keep Rose safe, but he also continues to prove why he is the smartest man in the universe.

Davies also proves that his strengths lie in the overall season arcs By excellently bringing back two crucial factors of the season: the Daleks and Satellite 5 from "The Long Game." The descent of Satellite 5 from a hard-hitting journalism organization to a cheap and cringe-worthy TV network shows how easily timelines can be altered, which is an important story in Doctor Who.


The Stolen Earth & Journey's End

Season 4, Episodes 12 and 13

The Doctor, The Metacrisis, Jack, Martha, Donna, Mickey, Jackie and Sarah Jane flying the TARDIS in the Doctor Who episode Journey's End.

Davies' extraordinary writing abilities are evident in the season 4 finale episodes "The Stolen Earth" and "Journey's End." The two-parter is a perfect example of A TV show providing fan service while still ensuring that the story at hand is still the main focus. Audiences are reminded of the Doctor's many incarnations in Doctor Who When he reunites with some of his closest confidants past and present, including Martha Jones and Sarah Jane Smith. Davies also ups his game by bringing Davros back to try and destroy the universe.

One common criticism of Davies' previous seasons is that he uses the Daleks as the main villain too often. however, Season 4's finale raises the stakes, with Doctor Whos biggest antagonists and their creator activate a plan that is more dangerous than ever before.


Doctor Who Season 4 is building suspense for the eventual return of Rose Tyler, but her appearance isn't the best part of the episodes. In fact, it is the creation of Doctor Whos metacrisis Doctor, which opens up all possibilities for the future, although it results in the Doctor losing Donna.


The waters of Mars

2008-2010 Special

David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor wearing a spacesuit on Bowie Base One in the Doctor Who episode The Waters of Mars.

Doctor WhoThe scariest episode of Tennant's era is easily "The Waters of Mars," a one-off special set after season 4. The episode is one of the few stories Davies co-wrote, and the writer was joined by Phil Ford for this . "The Waters of Mars" is a crucial episode for the development of the Tenth Doctor and their contributions to the Time Lord Victorious character arc. His rapid decline after breaking up with Donna is profound and makes the Doctor flawed and more emotional than normal, and he feels all the losses since the Time War at once.

The flood creatures in "The Waters of Mars" are also a great demonstration of that Doctor WhoSpecial effects and makeup are so good. Their restlessness is even more disturbing because they are the first crew of Bowie Base One, a group of important people in human history. The Doctor's struggles with Adelaide Brooke, a fabulous temporary companion who disagrees with him changing timelines, are also an amazing way for Davies and Ford to realize how vulnerable he is. Davies is a wonderful writer on his own, but The Waters of Mars proves he's just as powerful with others.


Army of Ghosts & Doomsday

Season 2, Episodes 12 and 13

David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor and Billie Piper as Rose say goodbye to Bad Wolf Bay in the Doomsday episode of Doctor Who.

Tenant's first Doctor Who Finale, the two-part "Army of Ghosts" and "Doomsday," is a heartbreaking installment of the show. Rose Tyler's departure from the show is difficult for audiences and the Time Lord, especially as it happens because of one of the biggest battles Earth has ever faced. Davies once again revisits certain storylines and villains from the season with the return of the Cybermen, As well as appearances by Mickey and Pete Taylor from the parallel universe. However, the levels of danger scare when the Daleks are thrown in, too.

The interactions between the Daleks and Cybermen are ridiculously sassy, And they are sometimes so hilarious that it sometimes offsets the seriousness of the situations. Rose's exit is one of the most emotional moments in the show, especially as in the opening of "Army of Ghost"s," she tells the doctor she plans to stay with him forever.

The farewell of the Tenth Doctor and Rose on Bad Wolf Bay is soul-destroyingAnd Murray Gold's legendary soundtrack tugs at the heartstrings, but it shows that Davies knows how to wrap up a character's story in a memorable way.


73 yards

Season 14, Episode 4

Millie Gibson as Ruby Sunday points off a cliff in Doctor Who.

There are still many unanswered questions about Doctor Whos "73 yards," but that's not a bad thing. Davies is known for creating multi-season mysteries, and even though Ruby Sunday hasn't met her mother, viewers know there's so much more to learn. About the Fifteenth Doctor's first companion. In the span of one episode, an entire life passes for Ruby after the Doctor disappears.

Her separation from the Time Lord throws Ruby back into a normal life. However, "73 Yards" is different compared to the previous episodes that play with the same concept. Ruby tries to find the Doctor, but eventually she has to give up and move on.

Davies' villain for the episode, who is actually a future Ruby, is a fantastic idea.

The Doctor's influence on her is still very apparent, but unlike other companions, Ruby doesn't live her life just to bond with him. Davies' villain for the episode, who is actually a future Ruby, is a fantastic idea. Ruby saves the day, but she does it for her, not for the doctor. "73 Yards" is eerie and suspenseful, And while it's hard to predict what will happen next, that's why the episode works so well.


Turn left

Season 4, Episode 11

Billie Piper as Rose and Catherine Tate as Donna talking on a park bench in the Doctor Who episode Kern Left.

"Turn Left" is another amazing Doctor-lite episode in Doctor WhoAnd one that also delves into an alternate timeline for one story. After an alien suitor manipulates Donna, her entire past changes and sends her off on a path where she never meets the Doctor in "The Runaway Bride." Because of this, not only Donna's life changes, but also the whole universe. "Turn Left" continues to push the narrative that Donna Noble is the most important woman in the universe By showing how her influence on the Time Lord triggered certain events in Seasons 3 and 4.

Without Donna, the Doctor dies under the Thames at Christmas 2006, and so do the deaths of Martha, Sarah Jane and the Torchwood Three. It's a fascinating idea from Davies, and it's also a shocking but excellent way for the writers to bring back Rose Taylor. "Three Links" also does wonders for Rose's character development, allowing her to show viewers that she has been productive since being forcibly separated from the Doctor. "Three Links" highlights the importance of the Doctor's companions and that without them, the Time Lord is not half the hero he usually is.


The End of Time (Parts 1 and 2)

2008-2010 Special

David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor in the TARDIS before he regenerated David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor in the Doctor Who episode The End of Time.

The Tenth Doctor's final story is the two-parter "The End of Time," the final episodes of the post-Season 4 special. Tennant's final bow is a fantastic adventure that reunites him with John Simm's Saxon Lord, One of the most unhinged and erratic incarnations of the famous Doctor Who Villain. "The End of Time" kicks off the fallout from the events of "The Waters of Mars" and the Doctor's realization that he needs to move on from all the chaos and Heartbreak of his tenth regeneration.

The return of Wilfred Mott is fabulous, and his role as the Doctor's last companion is fitting. Of course, the most amazing moment of the episodes is the dramatic appearance of the Time Lords. The arrival of members of the Doctor's and Lord's species is a shock, especially as they died during the Time War.

"The End of Time" kicks off the fallout from the events of "The Waters of Mars" and the Doctor's realization that he needs to move on from all the chaos and heartbreak

These episodes were also Russell T Davies' last from his original era, And the writer constantly proves to them that he is the perfectionist Doctor Who Showrunner by wrapping up multiple storylines, such as the fate of Donna after "Journey's End" and the Lord's Drums, and he even gives the Tenth Doctor a beautiful farewell tour to his most beloved companions.