With each new set added to the TCG, Disney Lorcana evolves as players discover ways to utilize cards from each set and mix them with their current decks. In the new Disney Lorcana: Mar Azurite defined, many cards present opportunities for players to create a new meta deck or even improve their current favorite deck with the use of one of these additions. Azurite Sea features a heavy pirate theme in many of its offerings, which can result in some wonderful themed decks that offer unique approaches to gameplay while also making it fun and cute.
As long as no more than two types of ink are combined, players can mix and match cards from any set to form their decks, and many of them Azurite SeaCards can create some incredible strategies. People should always consider how they normally play. For example, ideal card choices can vary depending on whether someone is more aggressive about gaining knowledge as quickly as possible or enjoys challenging their opponent's cards in battle more. Of course, while There will always be the perfect meta deck list, sometimes the best decks can use the most unassuming cards.
Heffalumps and Woozles
95/204 EN.6, Emerald Paint
This Heffalumps and Woozles musical action card for Disney Lorcana It's a pretty modest little card. It is a low cost of two paints, or a character of cost two or higher can be exercised to sing for free. Its strength comes from its ability to simultaneously prevents an opposing character from doing a quest, while also giving the Heffalumps and Woozles player a chance to draw another card.
While it only works for one round, it can effectively prevent players who have a card in play that gives them a substantial amount of knowledge, or perhaps even come into play in the final turns of the game. And players are often always looking for ways to add more cards to their hands.
You came back
97/204 EN.6, Emerald Paint
The emerald ink action card, You Came Back, is a simple card overall. The card costs three inks and allows players to prepare a character. This general ability has been seen many times in other cards, but always with stipulations that You Came Back does not have.
You Came Back does not have any rules that prohibit a character from doing quests or challenges after being preparedmeaning that if someone is able to play more than one copy of You Came Back on a character who can fetch four, they can gain a huge amount of knowledge in just one turn. Alternatively, this ability to prepare a card can be used to help protect those that players do not want to be challenged.
Yokai – Enigmatic Inventor
143/204 EN.6, Sapphire Paint
Sapphire ink is commonly known to weigh heavily on Inventor item and character cards. Yokai - Enigmatic Inventor makes the most of the strength of ink, allowing players to return an item to their hand and pay two less inks to play another item whenever Yokai completes a quest. Depending on the item, being able to return cards this way can be a strong strategy, and Yokai's ability to gain two knowledge for quests is a strong bonus.
Unfortunately, Yokai - Enigmatic Inventor is a rather weak card, with a Willpower of just three. This could make him a target to be eliminated quickly unless protected by a local or bodyguard.
Maleficent's Staff
65/204 EN.6, Amethyst Paint
Item cards in Disney Lorcana it can be thrown onto the table and remain there until it is banned in some way. With Maleficent's Staff on the table, whenever an opponent has a character, item, or location returned to their hand, the player who has Maleficent's Staff can gain a knowledge.
Now, often times cards are banished rather than returned to the hand, but if Maleficent's Staff is included in a deck with other cards that have the ability to send cards back to a player's hand, this can quickly result in in a lot of tradition, and it only cost two paints to put on the table. This can also be a very useful tactic against players who like to use the Madame Mim and Merlin jumping strategy.
Maui - Half Shark
124/204 EN.6, Ruby Paint
It seems that Maui tends to have powerful cards in Lorcanawhich is a perfect fit for his character. In Azurite Sea he has a legendary card, Maui - Half-Shark. The art on this card is amazing, if a little scary, but on the table it can be even more so.
Not only is it Maui - Half-Shark, an evasive card, protecting him from challenges from many opponentsbut he also has phenomenal rotational ability. Whenever Maui is used to challenge another character, the player can add an action card from their discard pile to their hand, which offsets the ongoing problem of running out of cards. The fun doesn't stop there, though, with the Maui shark also having the ability to gain knowledge every time an action is played.
This means a player can use Maui to attack, take an action from their discard, play the action card, and then gain knowledge to play an action and return that card to the discard, where it can be picked up again the next time Maui challenges.
Calhoun – Marine Sergeant
191/204 EN.6, Steel Paint
Sergeant Calhoun of Wreck-It Ralph make one Lorcana appearance with strong offensive power at the start of the game. Calhoun - Marine Sergeant costs two inks to play and seems pretty standard at first, with one knowledge, three attacks, and two defenses. However, Calhoun also has the Resist +1 ability to protect against damage and can gain two knowledge every time he banishes another character. in a challenge on the player's turn.
Even though Calhoun appears late in the game, this card can still offer a bit more attack power to challenging opponents and may be ignored by some people who are not familiar with the true power of this card.
Jim Hawkins - honorable pirate
25/204 EN.6, Amber Paint
Jim Hawkins - Honorable Pirate is a card that many players will have access to as it is included in one of the Azurite Sea starting decks. That doesn't make it any less impressive when included in a deck full of pirates.
Jim Hawkins not only has the Bodyguard skill and a strong willpower of sevenalready making it a useful addition, but if one has a lot of pirate characters, this card can also help with card draw when played. When Jim Hawkins is thrown onto the table, the the player can look at the top four cards of the deck and if there are any Pirate cards, they can be immediately added to the player's hand.
Oswald - The Lucky Rabbit
142/204 EN.6, Sapphire Paint
Another legendary card, Oswald – The Lucky Rabbit, is one that many players will want to put in their Sapphire Ink decks. As said before with Yokai, Sapphire Ink has a lot of item cards in its catalog. While Oswald is in play, whenever players place a card in their inkwell, they can reveal the top card of their deck. If it is an item card, that item is free to play.
With Oswald coming up with the low-cost two-ink ink, This gives players a chance to drop more items early in the game for free. Additionally, it is one of the few low-cost cards that can fetch two inks. Unfortunately, with just a willpower, he will quickly be banished unless he is well protected.
Sail the Azurite Sea
163/204 EN.6, Sapphire Paint
Using this action card, Sail the Azurite Sea, players get a good ramp card with low ink cost. Spending just two ink, Sail the Azurite Sea is a single-use action card that gives players the chance to add an extra card to their inkwell, as well as draw another card for their hand.. Frankly, it's surprising that it's an inkable card, as it seems like it would be a waste to simply ink it.
In the early game, these features of adding an extra card to the inkwell and adding a card to the hand are crucial. This can be particularly useful for those who like to try running at first. Even if the card appears later in the game when someone doesn't necessarily need more ink, playing Sail the Azurite Sea is still a cheap way to draw a new card.
Lilo - Escape Artist
2/204 EN.6, Amber Paint
At the top of the list is a rather unassuming Lilo card, Lilo - Escape Artist. This little two-ink card in the Amber deck can seek two knowledge, but only has two willpowers to protect it. Happily, It's not that serious if she gets bannedbecause of her "No Place I'd Rather Be" ability.
With this ability, if Lilo - Escape Artist is in the discard pile at the start of the player's turn, they can pull her back and immediately throw her onto the table, exhausted. While she may not be able to do a quest again immediately without another card to untap it, her continued return to the table will frustrate others. Disney Lorcana players at the very least, as she will keep respawning throughout the game.