Baldur's Gate 3 has caught the attention of the console community for its recent patch that added mod compatibility. This is a breath of fresh air for console gamers which typically don't get many games that support mod. Baldur's Gate 3 will continue to have updated mods in the future, which will sustain the game's lifespan for a long time.
With the mods currently available on console platforms, players may be confused at first and unsure which mods to prioritize. Some mods work more seamlessly with the game, while others are still buggy and need more development. Here are the 10 most valuable and bug-free mods currently offered on consoles for BG3 that every player should try.
Weightless Gold should be one of the first mods you download
Manage stock weight
One of the first mods I personally downloaded was the Weightless Gold mod created by curious George26. The fact that each gold piece had weight bothered me when I played the vanilla game, because Too much gold can decrease inventory space to transport other more important items. The trick of the vanilla game was to distribute gold among party members, but it could be tiring to constantly divide and send gold between characters' inventories.
As a result, this mod was created to ease the burden on players. Gold Being lightweight means players can carry more gearscrolls and elixirs without fear of being overwhelmed. This mod is a wonderful quality of life change that I recommend for all players.
Wings Unlocked allows you to equip wings on each character
For fashion and function
The Wings Unlocked mod created by Chuloco allows players to equip wings on any character. This allows any character to have the ability to fly as a passivewhich can help players move around the arena more flexibly. It also allows players to cross many different gaps that would otherwise be inaccessible without the use of spells like Enhance Leap.
This mod adds additional customization to many different races, most notably for Tieflings and Dragonborn. Cambion Wings will change color and texture to reflect the rest of the body of Tieflings and Dragonborn. However, wings tend to be buggy when using them on races like Halfing or Gnome, so proceed with caution.
FaerunColors offers players more customization options
More dyes!
The FaerunColors mod, created by technological rootadds a multitude of new dyes to Baldur's Gate 3 which work exceptionally well with simple game items and modded items. The vanilla game has a fairly limited amount of dyes, so this mod expands character customization options. Many of these dyes are customized to suit certain gods and deities in the world of Baldur's Gate 3which gives the player more freedom to interpret.
Be creative and experiment! Not every character needs to use the same paint for every piece of armor they wear.
This mod also accepts commissionsmeaning players can contact the creator to request certain color palettes to be added in the future. Not all mods interact as closely with the community as this, so it's a pleasure to see. The mod already comes with a chest full of pre-ordered paints, many of which use the colors of deities from other mythologies.
Get more talents than the base game for Tasha
More 5E talents
Tasha's Feats mod, created by thelucidfrog and Tdakhadds 10 talents from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything that are not part of the base game. This gives players more freedom to choose talents in BG3 that align more with the class and background of their characters. Many players were disappointed with talents like Metamagic Adept and Fey Touched were not in the base game, but this was fixed with the Tasha's Feats mod.
There are no talents in the base game that increase Wisdom outside of the classic Ability Score Increase, then talents like Fey Touched, Telekinetic, and Telepathic are much-needed additions. Many players felt pressured to pick talent they otherwise wouldn't have picked if there were more applicable options. For example, some players may have preferred the Crushing talent as it is more in line with their character's background, as not every Strength-based character can be considered a veteran 'Tavern Brawler'.
Expand your spell arsenal
Expand 5E Spell Lists
The Mystra's Spells mod, created by randomkilla, adds over 130 new spells to Baldur's Gate 3, as seen in Jay Dunnavideo on YouTube. This drastically increases the spell list for all spellcasters and gives the player more freedom of choice. In a game that's all about making your choices and actions count, having more spells to choose from adds more depth to character development.
Mystra's spells are unique from spell mods, as this mod implements these new spells to fit more into how Baldur's Gate 3 imagined 5E spells. This means that many of these spells have adjusted their range, duration, and other aspects to more accurately fit a video game. Many spell mods can break the base game, but Mystra's spells feel more balanced than most.
More group members, more fun
Travel with more companions
The adjustable Party Limit mod, created by PixelBytesadds spells that allow the player set the maximum number of group members to any value between 1-16. This mod also fully works in multiplayer mode, featured in xpertgamervideo on YouTube. Players can now enjoy the game with friends while bringing NPC companions. Teammates are a big part of what you do Baldur's Gate 3 so good, so it was a shame that players who only play with friends never got to experience their character development.
This mod is more useful in good plays than bad, considering the difference in the number of companions traveling with the player.
The ability to expand your party also works perfectly in solo play and can lead to More frequent interactions with companions that would otherwise be missed. It doesn't make sense why the companions spend the entire adventure sitting at camp while the rest of the gang gets all the glory, especially given the context of Baldur's Gate 3. However, be aware that for a Long Rest in BG3 without errors, players will need to dismiss extra members until there are 4 or fewer in the group.
Level up twice as fast when you need it
Level up more consistently
The Double XP mod, created by ReshiArdus, helps players level up twice as fast. This mod is necessary for players using the UnlockLevel Curve mod, as it will be very difficult to reach level 20 without utilizing bonus XP gains. The base game's XP progression is balanced around level 12 being the maximum, so players should use this mod if they want to get past level 12 before Act 3.
There are other mods similar to this, such as the XP x 0.5 mod, which will halve the XP requirements needed to level up. However, I prefer to use the Double XP mod simply because it's more satisfying to see large XP numbers after most combat encounters. I would also recommend not using the 10x XP modwhich makes level progression a little too fast.
Generate all game items
Get items you missed
The Cheaters Spell Scroll mod, formerly known as Cheaters Ring, was created by Xelves and is a great quality of life item for all players. Maybe you lost an item and can't go back to get it? This mod allows players to spawn chests that contain all items in the gameso say goodbye to the possibility of losing essential items.
This mod is also wonderful for players who want to start the game with some gear for RPG purposes, as many players have detailed stories and backgrounds for their characters. Starting an adventure with nothing but common items can detract from the RPG experience, which is the most important aspect of the game. Baldur's Gate 3. The tricksters spell scroll too allows players to appear in the Nautiloid Tutorial Chestwhich is often used in other equipment mods.
Add more levels and spell slots
Reach level 20!
The Unlock LevelCurve mod, created by Dust bagadded levels 13-20 to Baldur's Gate 3 and spell out the spaces 7-9. This mod also expands existing class features adding new 5E skills and passives during levels 13-20. For example, Bards receive two additional uses of Magical Secrets, one at level 14 and one at level 18, which drastically expands their spellcasting capabilities, as shown by xpertgamervideo.
This mod makes the player incredibly powerful, so I wouldn't recommend it if you want a challenge.
If players decide to use this mod without any bonus XP mod, there will be enough XP in the game to reach level 17. As such, if players want to reach level 20, they must start the game using this mod in conjunction with a mod like Double XP. This mod is still in development to bring even more 5E features to Baldur's Gate 3the representation of classes.
The bread and butter of mods
The ImprovedUI (ImpUI) mod, created by Therealdjmris an essential mod for players to download if they plan to use what Mod Manager offers. Many other mods, especially mods that add new classes to the gamerequire the ImprovedUI mod to work correctly. Given this fact, this mod is reminiscent of SkyrimThe Unofficial Patch mod, which is required for many mods in SkyrimMod Manager.
ImpUI also adds new interfaces to interact with during character creation and should greatly speed up the process for players who want to quickly create a new character. It also makes the spell and class ability slots less cluttered at the bottom of the screen, which can get absurd late in the game. I recommend this mod as one of the first to be installed when players want to start a modified play in Baldur's Gate 3.
Source: curiousgeorge26/mod.io, Chuloco/mod.io, techroot/mod.io, thelucidfrog and Tdakh/mod.i, randomkilla/mod.i, PixelBytes/mod.i, ReshiArdus/mod.i, Xelphos/mod.i, Dust bag/mod.i, therealdjmr/mod.i
Video credit: Jay Dunna/YouTube, xpertgamer/YouTube