Warning: This article contains spoilers for Season 3, Episodes 1 and 2.While of's horrifying and mysterious premise is what initially makes the show intriguing, it's the characters that keep the series compelling and grounded. A small town that can't be escaped - where monsters emerge every night, no less - is a fascinating concept. however, It works just because of Makes the audience care about the characters and how the town affects them. Led by LostHarold Perrineau as Sheriff Boyd Stevens, of Has a strong cast that continues to grow each season.
The series is careful to never lose sight of the original characters introduced in season 1, including Boyd and the Matthews family. Meanwhile, the cast continues to expand with the bus full of characters arriving in the Town, along with the introduction of Victor's father after Tabitha arrives in the outside world at the end of of Season 2. The best characters in the series are those that are well-developed, have captivating internal and external conflictsAnd are brought to life through powerful performances.
Elgin Williams
Played by Nathan D. Simmons
Elgin continues to be the most interesting of all the characters who arrive in town on the bus. He is a mild-mannered and soft-spoken individual who offers a refreshing energy that sets him apart from many of the show's other characters. As a newcomer to the city, The connection he forms with Sara when first meeting her in season 2 is endearing. Elgin is able to see her for who she is instead of defining her based on what she has done in her past.
Many of the characters on the bus have faded into the background since they first appeared, but Elgin remains a relatively well-known character. His visions of a skeletal woman are in between ofs most haunting images, and they are a recurring mystery that needs to be solved. There are also indications that he has a deep connection with the town. Elgin's scenes are always intriguing, but he needs his next meat in ofs future episodes to be as great as some of the show's original characters.
Fatima Hassan
Played by Pegah Ghafoori
Fatima's free spirit and compassion immediately make her a likable character When she was introduced in season 1. She has yet to let the town crush her spirit and is determined to find ways to enjoy life, including swimming in the lake, creating artwork, and falling in love with Ellis. She is essential in helping Julie adjust to life in the Town and ensures that she feels like part of the community, especially at Colony House. She even helps mend the relationship between Ellis and Boyd, encouraging Ellis to go see his father and reconcile before it's too late.
This makes it all the more chilling to see her secretly gorging on rotten food in season 3, suggesting that the baby growing inside her may not be entirely human.
In a city where mystical forces torment the denizens and seek to extinguish all light, Fatima remains a shining beacon of hope. It makes it all the more chilling to see Fatima secretly gorge on rotten food in season 3, which suggests that the baby growing inside her may not be fully human — and that the Town may finally have sunk its claws into her. Unfortunately, this development threatens to undermine the traits that make her outstanding in previous seasons, preventing her from ranking higher.
Kenny Liu
Played by Ricky Err
Except for the motley kids, Kenny is one of the few characters in the town who is there with his mother and father. He has close relations with both of them. He shows considerable patience while spending enough time with his father, Bing-qian, who has dementia. And he always looks out for his mother, Tian-chen, who runs the town's diner. While many characters die, the deaths of Kenny's parents are particularly devastating because the series takes time to showcase his sweet relationships with them.
Life is hard for everyone in the city, however Few characters suffer as badly as Kenny. Nevertheless, he remains a deeply loyal and courageous individual willing to take risks if it means helping Boyd, Christy, or anyone else in town. He also demonstrates his admirable character by remaining a supportive friend to Christy, although their budding romantic relationship does not work out. Kenny's more endearing qualities put him on the list of of's best characters, but he needs to be explored beyond his relationships to others to be even higher.
Tabitha Matthews
Played by Catalina Sandino Moreno
Season 2 is when Tabitha becomes one of ofs best letterslike She must navigate the dangerous tunnels beneath the town alongside Victor (which is how she begins to see the children say, "Anghkoi"). While other characters are dismissive and even cruel to Victor, Tabitha instead treats him with the kindness he desperately needs. This allows Tabitha to learn pivotal secrets about the Town while also helping Victor.
of The ending of season 2 and the beginning of season 3 only make Tabitha more compelling, as she becomes the first character to escape the Town and return to the outside world. It is through Tabitha's eyes that many long-running mysteries are answeredAlong with new questions. This makes her the most interesting member of the Matthews family, but that's only since she's become more integral to the outside storyline. She will need more time to break up ofs top-five letters.
Sarah Meyers
Played by Avery Conrad
Sara initially seems like a nefarious character When she kills Tobey, who arrives in town with Jade and gives the monsters access to kill Kenny's father. As the show progresses, Sara is revealed to be a more tragic character. It turns out she was convinced to do these terrible deeds in exchange for escaping the town. Despite the horrific acts she commits - along with accidentally killing her own brother, Nathan - Sara is just desperate to find a way home. The town's dark powers use this against her.
Sara is an example of how anyone in the city can be manipulated, but her ability to come back from it also proves that anyone can rise above such darkness.
After her journey with Boyd and returning to the city, Sara has consistently proven to be a humble, thoughtful and sensitive individual who deeply regrets the pain and suffering she has caused. Sara is an example of how anyone in the city can be manipulated, but her ability to come back from it also proves that anyone can rise above such darkness. Her arc is one of the best so far, with her redemption teasing more rewarding developments in the future. Her complexity would make her rank higher, but she is not quite as important to the Town as other characters.
Christy Miller
Played by Chloe Van Landschoot
Christy's medical skills make her invaluable to the city. She faces tremendous pressure as the primary individual tasked with solving various illnesses and injuries with limited resources. However, she is able to stay calm and save many lives. Christy rises to the occasion when there is an emergencyHelps look after Kenny's father every single day, and is always willing to answer questions the others have or take a look at a potential medical problem.
She is a wonderful friend to Kenny and does more than anyone else to help him after both of his parents are murdered, including honoring her promise that she will make Tian-chen's body look presentable for the funeral. Christy continues to be a supportive friend to Kenny Even when her partner, Marile, comes back into her life. She is a pillar in the community, which makes her the kind of character that neither the characters nor the audience feel like they can afford to lose. It is therefore no surprise that she ranks so high among them.
Tian-chen Liu
Played by Elizabeth Moy
Tian-chen still has only one son She looks at all the townspeople as if they were her own children of Seasons 1 and 2. She treats Sara like a daughter when she works at the diner and welcomes Jade into her home. The diner flourishes under her supervision, as she ensures that the townspeople are well fed despite the limited ingredients at her disposal. She remains an example of positive strength and leadership, even after losing her husband and knowing that Sara contributed to his death.
This makes it all the more horrifying and shocking to see Tian-Chen savagely killed by the monsters while Boyd watches during ofSeason 3 premiere. Everyone in the town loves Tian-chen, which is why the monsters target her specifically. There are few deaths that could be more powerful, and she leaves behind a gaping void that can never be filled by another character. She is one of ofs strongest and most loving charactersBut there are a handful that are even more important to the rest of the story.
Donna Raines
Played by Elizabeth Saunders
Donna's pragmatism and her ability to be a voice of reason is much needed ofEspecially when the towns are occupied by paranoia and hysteria. Under her leadership, a truly collaborative community was able to thrive in Colony House, providing a sense of stability and normality that would not exist without her efforts. Donna's direct way of speaking and her penchant for tough love help others from spiraling too far into self-pity and hopelessness.
With many characters focused on finding a way out of the city and unraveling the deepest mysteries, it's important to have a character like Dana whose primary focus is figuring out how to survive the reality of their situation. She keeps Colony House and the whole town running and is understandably wary of false hope and its consequences. Dana helps balance out many of the other characters and has a strong presence In every scene featuring you. She is among the top-three largest of Letters, however of Other features are just as important and a little more complicated.
Victor Kavanaugh
Played by Scott McCord
Victor initially comes off as a somewhat troubled character. As someone who has been trapped in the city since he was a child, Victor is actually a sweet person, as seen in his relationships with Tabitha and Ethan. He can come off as strange because he's been trapped in the town for almost his entire life, lost his family, and is essentially a stunted kid with years of unresolved trauma. All these things force Victor to become the last survivor.
Many other characters avoid Victor or don't listen to him, but he knows more than anyone about the history of the Town. Ethan, Tabitha, Julie and Jade all benefit from Victor's knowledge at some point during ofWith some of them even saved by him. Victor's scenes are consistently among the best in the series, with the fascinating, game-changing information he possesses. Victor's story perfectly balances his individual arc and also advances the plot with his invaluable knowledge, making him one of ofVery best letters.
Boyd Stevens
Played by Harold Perrineau
As important as Christy, Tian-chen, Dana, and other characters are in keeping the townspeople going, no one is as important as Boyd. He is who the townspeople look to for hope and answers, he is the one who created order out of chaos with his discovery of the talisman. Boyd is an undeniably strong leader And saves countless lives by finding the talismans, enforcing rules in the Town and taking courageous risks to find a way home.
He is often filled with self-loathing and doubt, which makes him feel more nuanced than a normal heroic protagonist.
at the same time, Boyd is still struggling with the trauma of killing his wife, Abby. When she was convinced they were in a dream and had to shoot everyone, including their son, Ellis, to wake up. He is often filled with self-loathing and doubt, which makes him feel more nuanced than a normal heroic protagonist. There is a paternal side to him, not only with Ellis, but in his interactions with Kenny, Ethan and many of the townspeople. Boyd is the face of of And is the most complex and captivating character to watch.