10 best changes to Diablo 4 that came with a ship of hate

10 best changes to Diablo 4 that came with a ship of hate

The beginning of Diablo 4: Ship of Hate Brought many updates to the base game along with the expansion content which is the DLC itself. With all these additions and improvements, the game overall is made even better for all wanderers looking to explore the wilds of Sanctuary and do some good along the way. While some of the new things are exclusive to people who purchased the expansion, many others are free additions to the entire game.

The expansion, the history Diablo 4: Ship of Hatewas released on October 8, 2024, and features great additions such as the Spiritborn playable class, the Nahantu region to the map, and a massive story that picks up at the end of the main game campaign. The big updates overshadowed many of the smaller changes that are free for all players, such as Adding the much-requested party finder system, increasing the max level to 60, reworking item quality, and more.


Players can mark a specific Teleport Circle as a favorite

No more guessing where a teleport will lead

Even small changes can sometimes be a big deal for players Diablo 4Such as the seemingly subtle detail of marking a waypoint as a favorite. by By clicking on a waypoint on the map and selecting it as a favorite, when a player uses their Town Gate they will be brought to that point Rather than just being sent to whatever major city is in the area they are currently in.

A favorite waypoint also doesn't have to be in a city, but can be anywhere a waypoint is located, including the Tree of Whispers. This allows players to make their experience a little more streamlined when they are frequently traveling to a certain location. Of course, one can also simply open the map and choose a waypoint to travel to, but for quick access, the favorite feature comes in handy.


New Party Finder system is finally available

Search for players to help with specific focuses

One of the most requested features since the launch of Diablo 4 Is the idea of ​​a party finder for situations where large groups are necessary, or at least recommended. Along with the release of instrument of hatred, Party Finder has been added to the base game for everyone who plays Diablo 4Regardless of if they have the expansion.

Party Finder can be accessed by pressing Shift + P on a keyboard or on a controller by pressing the right D-pad button after opening the map.

In the Party Finder, players can select what type of activity they are looking for, including dungeons, open-world content, the pit, etc. instrument of hatred Expansion, the Undercity will also have its own tab. Players can either search for a group to join, or start a group. Starting a group will limit players to only the content they have already unlocked.

There are also labels that can be applied: Playstyle, Social and Gameplay. These allow players to narrow in on the type of group they are looking for, including "carry requests," "farming," and more.


Runewords are back, better than ever

Many combinations can be crafted

Runewords aren't exactly new either DiabloHaving originally been a part of Diablo 2 Game. Similar to Gems, Runewords can be powerful socket boosts when added to an item or armor. There are two types of runes available, Rune of Ritual and Rune of Invocation, which must be combined into an item with two open sockets. once together, The runes will become a runeword and offer powerful buffs For the player.

Runes can be used to strengthen certain builds, and players will want to ensure that they think about what types of buffs would work for their character. Runewords require certain actions to trigger them, a set of offerings in most cases, and then will provide a benefit based on which runes are used.


Kurast Undercity offers a race against time for the best loot

Incredible bosses make it a rich experience

in the instrument of hatred expansion, players can unlock a timed-running activity known as the Kurast Undercity. In this small dungeon under Kurast, Players have a ticking clock counting down as they run through the ruins. Defeating certain bosses or hitting certain points can add time to the clock, with end rewards based on how far a player can get in the three floors available for each Undercity run.

Players enter the Undercity by placing tributes in the brazier at the entrance to the Undercity, which will provide a choice of bargains to customize rewards in the hope of obtaining specific outcomes. Although this fast run can be a little stressful as you watch the clock tick down, the rewards that can be earned can be worth it.


Season of Hate Rising launched alongside The Ship of Hate

Players do not need the expansion to access the seasonal experience

Did someone buy these instrument of hatred expansion or is playing the base game of Diablo 4The latest seasonal content with Battle Pass has started. During this limited time event, Realmwalkers will occasionally rise up from the ground. Defeating the behemoths can open a portal to the seeding realms, where hordes of enemies guard powerful rewards.

This season is not the most involved when compared to the previous seasonal content in Diablo 4Probably due to its release along instrument of hatred. Its unique currency type, Seething Opals, provides improvements to loot drops and XP gains, as well as seasonal vendor XP for the Zakarum Remnants.


The Dark Citadel Raid provides new endgame content

Co-op raid against the first Khazra

The Dark Citadel provides new multiplayer endgame content for Diablo 4, Offer a challenging raid-like experience. Although it can be completed by two players, it is designed for groups of four to attempt together, which also provides a good reason for some to try the Party Finder system. Players can only unlock this new end-game challenge after completing the Artificer's Pit at rank 20, which can only be attempted after hitting the maximum level, level 60.

Several bosses and hordes of enemies cover three wings of the citadel, where, finally, the Khazra are trying to challenge a very powerful boss. The rewards of successfully completing the Dark Citadel depend on what torment level the run was completed, but can be some of the strongest rewards in the game. Completing the Dark Citadel on Torment IV gives the best, most premier, loot drops.


Mercenaries provide assistance in combat

Primary and reinforcement mercenaries can save the day

Similar to the followers players may have in Diablo 3with instrument of hatred There are now four mercenaries in Diablo 4 That players can hire to fight by their side. The term hire is a bit of a misnomer, because there is no exchange of currency for them to join the party. Players must have access to these instrument of hatred expansion to gain access to the Pale Hand mercenaries, and complete several short introductory storylines for each that will bring them to their new home in the Den.


While completing quests and saving Sanctuary with a mercenary companion, players can increase their reputation with this NPC. For the first few levels, players can select what skills the mercenary will have. As they reach higher levels, rewards can be acquired from the new friends, as well as achievements.


Nahantu brings a lush jungle full of lore

First visited in Diablo 2

The jungle of Nahantu holds a special place in history for longtime fans of DiabloWith players first visiting the previously-unnamed location of the jungle in Diablo 2. For the outside of the jungle area south of Kehistan, the area is known as Torajan, and Has a very distinct culture and feel from the rest of the continent. Deckard Cain also referred to the region when he spoke of the Umbaru tribes of the Teganze region.

Nahantu is not only home to the expansion content of instrument of hatredBut provides a nice change of scenery for players. Despite the influence of Mephisto, which brings darkness and evil to the land, there is still plenty of greenery and beauty to be found here.


Ship of Hate continues the story of Diablo 4

A rich and emotional journey

The end of Diablo 4 Left things on a bit of a cliff, with many anxious to know the fate of Nirelle and the Soul Stone. this extension, instrument of hatredPick up the thread and give more of the story. Players enter the jungles of Nahantu while following Neyrelle's trail, and It is a race against the lord of hate to save the whole world of Mephisto's goals.


Diablo 4 Devs have previously stated that there will be more expansions in the future. Therefore, this new ending of the game with instrument of hatred Is not likely to be the real end. Seasonal content is not part of the main story campaign of Diablo 4So the overarching story will only be continued in expansion DLCs.


Spiritborn class is a fun addition

Versatile class with four spirit guardians

Diablo 4s new class, the Spiritborn, which was added with instrument of hatred is an incredibly fun character to play. At the time of writing, it is currently expected that developers will make significant changes to the class to make it more balanced with others, although many players would rather the developers take a different approach to solve this problem.

The four spirit guardians that the Spiritborn can call on offer a fun new way to customize playstyles for the game, with many unique abilities to use. This is the best way to mix things up and offers a new experience to play Diablo 4.

Source: Diablo/YouTube