letters in Borderlands Offer unique quests and moments of humor in the harsh world of Pandora.
From Mr. Torgu's hidden soft side to Tiny Tina's mix of humor and tragedy, each character adds depth and complexity to the universe.
Lilith, Maya and others show that power does not have to corrupt, while villains like Handsome Jack reveal the darker side of ambition and manipulation.
Borderlands is full of characters, and each one is bursting with creativity in a world that is harsh and unforgiving. Among the recently released movie and teaser for Borderlands 4, It's the perfect time to take a look back at the best characters that helped make the in-game universe so memorable. Whether it's the first game, the third game, or the entries in between, there's no shortage of characters to choose from. Borderlands.
The cast of letters in Borderlands Includes egocentric villains, super-powered women named sirens, psychos, and the average person just trying to live the best life they can. The harsh environment of Pandora makes it possible for characters to be reasonably unhinged. In addition, even The most entertaining characters often have a tragic pastWhich makes paying attention to dialogue, quests and scenery rewarding.
Face McShooty has the best side quest
Borderlands 2
Pandora is full of bandits and psychos, and many of them are hostile to the party. Face McShooty is not hostile, but he has a rather aggressive side quest for the party, and It may be the quickest quest to complete in the entire franchise. Face McShooty's desperate request is to shoot him in the face, which is an appropriate desire considering his name.
A character can stand in front of Face McShooty for hours without having his shots die down. Naturally, his quest is titled "Shoot the guy in the face,” and it's listed as normal difficulty, even though it's not hard at all Face McShooty will not fight back or try to avoid being shot. Besides the money and experience, the best reward might be hearing him shout his thanks after being shot in the face.
Scooter became an unexpected hero
First published in Borderlands
Scooter may be best known for its catch-a-ride systemA program he runs that allows characters to summon a vehicle that they can then drive, and the password that goes with it. In the first two games, he offers the party several quests, but mostly stays on the sidelines as a mechanic, helping to support the rebel city in Borderlands 2. However, he later gets his moment to be a hero when he appears in Tales from the Borderlands' Excellent cast.
Although he is unable to escape with the others after helping save them, he takes his death in stride.
in Tales from the Borderlands, Scooter heads into space to help the main characters on their journey to HeliosInsisting that they need a mechanic with them. He ends up right, having to solve issues during an emergency that happens during the flight. Although he is unable to escape with the others after helping save them, he takes his death in stride, saying his catchphrase as he rides the rocket to his death.
Mr. Turge has a soft side
First appeared in Borderlands 2
For a man who hosted the campaign of carnage, Mr. Torg can be described as a teddy bear on the insideDespite his tough exterior. He almost never appears in person, but his commentary and abilities as an announcer make his presence memorable every time he is involved in game events. Also his full name is Mister Torgue High-Five Flexington, which in itself is pretty awesome.
He created the campaign of Carnage over the new vault on Pandora to find the hunter who can open it.
It turns out that Mr. Torgue actually enjoys interacting with Vault Hunters, which possibly plays into why he created Carnage's campaign across the new vault on Pandora to find the hunter who can open it. He keeps the vault hunters To be his only true friendsAnd friendship seems to be in short supply Borderlands Universe. It seems he also spends a fair amount of time with Tiny Tina since he's in her DLC, and the in-universe game of Bunkers & Badasses is one of his favorite hobbies.
Angel had a lot of strength, but unfortunate circumstances
First appears in Borderlands
Angel was one of the few Sirens, and her ability was known as Phaseshift, which Gives you some measure of control over technology and the ability to drive yourself as an AI through technology. Her abilities were revealed when she was young, which led to her being kidnapped. During this event, she controlled the kidnapper's terror in her fear and killed him, but accidentally killed her own mother in the process.
When the vault hunters arrive under Angel's guidance, she accepts her death as a way to stop Jack's plans, even insulting her father with her last breath.
Unfortunately, Angel's father was handsome Jack, and he made the decision to basically Imprison her where she would be connected to Hyperion's network. This gave her a huge amount of control over the vast number of technological objects connected to the network, but it also left her with no option to do anything other than follow Jack's orders. When the vault hunters arrive under Angel's guidance, she accepts her death as a way to stop Jack's plans, even insulting her father with her last breath.
Mad Moxie loves violence, but has a compassionate side
First appears in Borderlands
Once a fighter, Mad Moxie maintains a violent side to her and loves fighting, but now she's more likely to be found tending her bar at Sanctuary, or working at another place she owns. She also has quite a history when it comes to dating and marriage, Having been involved with Jimbo Hodunk, Mordecai, and even Shane Jack. Jimbo is the father of Scooter, and possibly Ellie, making Moxxi their mother.
Despite her history and the choices she has made, Moxxi loves her children, and she helps the Vault Hunters in their missions in a supporting role. Moxxi left the Hodunks for her daughter Ali because she wasn't ready to let Ali become the clan wife. Considering Pandora's standards, Mad Moxie can be seen as a model mother and stalwart ally in her own ways.
Lilith is a major character for the entire franchise
First appears in Borderlands
As one of the playable characters in BorderlandsLilith acts as an introduction to the Sirens and their abilities in the in-game universe. Lilith's siren abilities are revealed in a way that Allows you to become invisible to your enemies, heal yourself and unleash a shockwave. Given how well known she is in the franchise, and that she often has a major role to play, even as an NPC, Lilith is an iconic figure in Borderlands.
Being a siren inevitably puts Lilith in danger at certain points in the series. She disregards Angel, telling her to stay away during the assault on the place Angel is being held in, which leads to her replacing Angel as a catalyst for charging the Vault Key. Although Angel leads Lilith and others into traps more than once, Lilith shows a measure of compassion and understanding when she says that Angel is not a bad person To Tina, knowing that Angel was a victim of circumstances.
Krieg offers a look into the psycho mindset
First appears in Borderlands 2
War is a playable psycho in Borderlands 2And he was just another bounty hunter before he was captured by Hyperion and experimented on. As a captive, Krieg was subjected to increasingly cruel experiments, which led to other captured subjects dying. As one of the survivors, Krieg became a psycho, but his spirituality remained somewhat intactAnd his psyche is broken to form what would be the inner voice in his head. Since he did not show the desired results, he was finally left with the rest of the questions that were experimented with.
Unfortunately, Krieg was unable to communicate in normal ways. He also couldn't find a place where he belonged because he didn't fit in with the other Psychos, and he didn't fit in with the Crimson Raiders either. however, He manages to communicate with Maya and form an alliance with her, feeling comforted by her promise to return to Pandora.
Tiny Tina mixes humor and tragedy
First appears in Borderlands 2
Tiny Tina is known for her spunky attitude, funny comments and expertise in demolitions. She is a member of the Crimson Raiders and helps the Vault Hunters against Jack, probably holding a grudge against him for the Experiments Hyperion conducted on her and her parents, who left her as the only survivor. This sadness is best seen when Tina reads a poem of encouragement to the hunters, where the line "Kill Jack” out repeatedly.
Despite being a test subject and losing her parents, tiny Tina remains surprisingly upbeat. It also seems like she's surrounded by multiple characters who care for her, which also acts as a reminder of how young she is, but how much she's already endured. finally, Tina is at the center of some of the most entertaining momentsAnd she runs a Bunkers & Badasses game for the hunters to play in DLC and the fantasy-leaning Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.
Handsome Jack takes center stage as an antagonist
First appears in Borderlands 2
Handsome Jack has become one of the most entertaining antagonists in video games, largely because of his personality that is both humorous and remorselessly evil. His daughter, Angel, is one of the few Sirens in existence, and she has the power to manipulate technology. This was a crucial part of his plans, and He uses her to lead vault hunters into traps And work towards his own goals with you trapped in Control Core Angel.
Through his conversations and information left behind, Jack seems convinced that what he's done to Angel is for her own goodAnd she didn't agree when she used her last breath to insult him. He blames her for her mother's death, and he likes Iridium in her to the point that she becomes dependent on him. No matter how much he tries to show otherwise, he seems to lack the ability to take responsibility, pinning the blame on others, such as Angel, when bad things happen.
Maya shows that power does not corrupt
First appears in Borderlands 2
Maya, like Lilith and Angel, is one of the few sirens in the universe. However, she was raised in a temple with monks, and she grew to be highly responsible with the use of her powers. She even turned against the monks who raised her When she found out that they used the threat of her abilities to extort money from the people of her home world, at the same time forcing them to obey the order.
When she thought that Ava could become a siren in 2019 Borderlands 3She took her in as an apprentice. Which may also be for the purpose of preventing her from being used by others like Maya was. Maya was also the first person to understand Krieg to some extent after he saved her from a bunch of rats, and she was open to befriending him by promising to return to Pandora. In the harsh universe of BorderlandsMaya holds fast to her beliefs, not letting the power corrupt her.
Although Borderlands is mostly known for its shooter gameplay (except in its Tales from the Borderlands spin-offs) and unique art style, it also has a cast of characters that make Pandora worth exploring. From the power sirens to psychos used by Hyperion, the story of the in-game universe is much richer than it seems on the surface. With another game is teased, It is possible that some of the best characters in Borderlands May return again, if they are still alive.