10 Best Baldur's Gate 3 Mod Manager Mods

10 Best Baldur's Gate 3 Mod Manager Mods

Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 7 introduces the Mod Manager, Allowing approved mods to be installed With ease from the games main menu. This inclusion of easily obtainable mods opened up a whole new world to Baldur's Gate 3 Players who have only played the vanilla game since release and have not used websites such as Nexus.

With such a huge gallery of mod options, It is important that the player knows where to start. There are some mods that subtly improve the game play or add small features for enjoyment value, while others make the game easier to complete. A mixture of cosmetic and game fixes usually hit the top of the most popular mods, as they allow for a generally regular gaming experience but add a little enjoyment or improvement.


Mod Manager fixes by Caites

The place to start

Before sifting through the pages of mods, the Mod Manager fixes from Chains is one of the first installments that will make life significantly smoother when navigating the mod home screen. The patch 7 update introduced a huge number of new features and the newly implemented mod manager may already need some tweaks. This mode addresses these issues right off the bat and ensures that no new player is Not overwhelmed by the abundance of options.

The patch 7 update introduced a huge number of new features and the newly implemented mod manager may already need some tweaks.

Some of the fixes it includes are upping the number of mod cards on the page to 24 to limit how many times the player has to go to a new page, increasing the size of the filter button to make it more obvious Where it is, and improving the cropping of the mod images to include the whole image and not cut off on the sides. All in all, this mod Improves the experience of browsing the mod manager page And makes it much more enjoyable.


New loading screens by Caites

For a new artistic flair

Not all mods are for cosmetic options, bug fixes or game enhancers, some are just for the visuals in the game menus. New Loading Screens is a mod that actually offers the player a variety of different loading screens instead of the standard 13 that the game already has.. The mod of Chains Has a collection of 60 different loading screens for the player to enjoy. Considering the length of the game is loading, a varied ensemble of images is certainly welcome.

This mod has a collection of 60 different loading screens for the player to enjoy. Considering the length of the game is loading, a varied ensemble of images is certainly welcome.

The painted style of visuals lets the player examine and enjoy not only landscapes and scenic views of the game in artistic style, but also crisp artwork of the game's original character cast, such as Astarion, Gale and Wyll. It may be a subtle change to the game, but the increased visuals for each loading screen really adds flavor And keeps the player busy when waiting for the next place to load in.


Weightless consumables by Belinn

The player can never wear enough

One of the most frustrating aspects of Baldur's Gate 3 Is lead-level management. With the abundance of loot found throughout the game, it can be difficult trying to move items around characters or in the warehouse to be stored for later. Some consumables are left in the stock chest and forgotten until the end of the gameWaste valuable resources that could have been used against the absolute army. The weightless consumables mod by Masters Help with this particular problem.


Almost every type of consumer is weightless with this modFrom trunks to gold. Even more recently, the Mind Flyer Parasite Specimens and Soul Coins have been weightless. This relatively small change in the game can make a major difference in resource management and storage, allowing players to focus on the weight of their heavy armor and weapons, while not paying any attention to their consumable items that fill the inventory.


Better Hotbar 2 by Caites

Make it easier to perform abilities

Another frustrating mechanic in the vanilla game is the hotbar at the bottom of the screen. It was large enough to encompass the early game abilities, But as the player reached the latter part of Act 2 and into Act 3, it became much more difficult to manage to see all their actions and spells.. This was even more difficult for those who accepted the emperor's order and were bound by a completely different power. It is a slightly more agitating feature than the inventory balance issue.

The best hotbar 2 mod from Chains Essentially the hotbar stretches across the bottom of the screen, giving the player a much wider view of all the ability options. It's a simple fix that offers a lot of value when managing the number of actions a character can use In the late game but without feeling like the game has somehow been altered to make it easier for the player, unlike the previous mod that directly removes a game mechanic for the benefit of the player. For a regular game, this mod is a nice addition and doesn't affect much else.


UnlockLevelCurve - Level 13-20 via Dustbag

12 levels is never enough

The highest level in Baldur's Gate 3 The player can reach is 12. In A DND Campaign, this is quite the respectable level to reach, as it allows for some vulnerability but also a good sizeable wheelhouse of powers and skills for the player to use. in Baldur's Gate 2, The player can climb to the level of 25-30 if they really push the grinding experience. There was no real upper limit to the leveling possibility, only the ability to farm the XP to achieve it. In Baldur's Gate 3The player is captain.


With the UnlockLevelCurse mod by Dustbag, Players can now experience what it would be like to have even more powerful abilities. The mod supports both 5e spells and multi-classing, giving players a wide range of opportunities when building their character strengths. The leveling-up feature increases how quickly the player levels, so it may not be entirely balanced, but it certainly creates an interesting new direction for a replay of the game.


Faeruncolors by TechRoot

For the modern Baldur's Gate 3 player

A fiddle aspect of designing the most stylish or personalized armor set is the color. Throughout the game there are traders who offer a small variety of paint colors or they can be found stuffed inside chests and barrels. Each bottle bought or found has a limited number of uses; Once it's used up, it's gone. This led to many scenarios of armor being half-dyed to the perfect color, only for the boots or coat to be grossly mismatched.

This led to many scenarios of armor being half-dyed to the perfect color, only for the boots or coat to be grossly mismatched.

Carm's Garms or the Facemakers Boutique are not the only option for a wide variety of dyes. FaerunColour's mod of TechRoot offers the player Over 80 different paint bottles based on deities and famous entities of Pharaoh. From the Goddess of Darkness and Los Shar to the Ruiner Gruumsh to the Dragon Queen Tiamat, there is a bottle of paint to represent any deity the player can think of. Each paint bottle has an infinite use, avoiding the constant issue of using the bottle before the armor set can be completed.


Kay's hair extensions by Perseidipity

A collection of eccentric extensions

Baldur's Gate 3 Gives the player quite a long list of hair options in the character creation. Each unique hairstyle is a way for the player to express the personality of their character through the manner they groom themselves. Just like all cosmetics in character creation games, there are never enough options for the player to really build the hairstyle that perfectly represents their character, and it's even rarer that the player can combine aspects of different hairstyles.

Kay's Hair Extensions by Perseidipathy Offer the player the option of ​​using the standard vanilla game hairstyle with another completely full set of hair or only small parts of a haircut together on the front page of the character editor. These extensions allow for some hacky and fun combinations To bring a unique style for each character. The player can add dangling sideburns to a balding scalp or a topknot on top of another topknot. The possibilities are endless.


Adjustable Party Limit by Pixellbytes

To bring the whole gang along for the ride

If a team of 4 isn't enough, the adjustable Party Limit mod by Pixelbytes Allows the player to invite the whole Baldur's Gate 3 Companions and hires with them throughout the game. It is easy to manage in-game and there is seamless use of the bonus action to increase the party size. It works as a passive ability that the player can use to adjust the party limit, and increase or decrease to the number they want.


It comes with several issues to watch out for. This mod does not work well together with the Better Hotbar 2 mod due to the accessibility of the passive action and the player also only has to rest long with 4 party members. This mod will actually stop the player from clicking their bed and long resting before dismissing their party members back down to 4. This avoids the bug of where the character models sleep during the short long rest cutscene. Apart from this small caveat, the mod really makes the traveling experience with the whole team a broad and easy experience.


Faces of Faerun by Aloija

A wide selection of new faces

It's no surprise that a cosmetic mod is so sought after. Baldur's Gate 3 is fairly generous with their character creation menu, with everything but the choice of facial appearance. There are a solid 5 to 9 options depending on the race, with some having a little more than others. There can be slim pickings for the perfect face the player wants when you compare how unique the faces of the origin characters are in comparison.

Faces of Faerun by Aloyja Has a wide selection of new and improved faces for Tav's unique look. There are a number of mods in the Mod Manager that focus on new faces, but Faces of Faerun is by far the most popular on the download page. One of the most important aspects of a RPG journey is designing the characterSo the biggest selection possible for this creation can be very important for a player.


ImpUI (ImprovedUI) by Therealdjmr

The must-have mod of all mods

A vital mod for any player who wants to delve into the world of mods is this Impoy Mod. Its intention is to make the interface much more user-friendly and to support other mods. This mod includes small tweaks for players, like adding slider values ​​for options with numeric values ​​such as age and removing the pop-up to reset tutorial on every new game. It also offers fixes for mods and the toolkit that help integrate their own mods into the game's coding.

Now that players can enter Baldur's Gate 3s mod manager through the main menu and easily install any approved mod that takes their fancy, the Impoy is a must. With all the exciting mod options, players should ensure they find the ImpUI first and then begin their journey of mod exploration. Due to the importance of ImpUI to the modding community, it can be found easily by filtering the mod options and selecting the most downloaded or most liked. It should be at the top of the list for both.

Source: NexusMods 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10