10 Best Attack on Titan Characters That Deserve Their Own Spinoff

10 Best Attack on Titan Characters That Deserve Their Own Spinoff

Attack on Titan is rich in history Anime and manga series centered around Eren Yeager. While other characters play massive roles in the plot, none are quite as pivotal as the Attack Titan himself. Eren is a complex character who feels compelled to bear every burden by himself, not letting any of his friends share the blame.

His friends, however, are smart, caring and loyal. Each of them brings something unique to the story through their distinct personalities, fears and goals.

Eren Jaeger bites his hand in anger, drawing blood, in Attack on Titan.

While Attack on Titan is surely Eren's work, Many of his friends may have their own spinoffs. Characters like Armin and Mikasa have incredible backgrounds and promising futures, making for a decent tale inside or outside the walls. Even some of Eren's enemies have interesting backstories that could be explored further, Give further insight into the world that is Attack on Titan.


Ymir Fritz

The Story of the Original Titan

Ymir Fritz is one of the least talked about figures in attack on titan Especially when you consider how important she is to the story. It makes sense though, because she lived about 2,000 years before Eren and his friends. Ymir was a slave to an Eldian king for most of her life. She was hunted for sport when she found the source of all living matter, which gave her the power to transform into the first ever Titan. Unfortunately, the Eldian king Fritz continued to enslave Ymir and used her titanic powers to build his kingdom and destroy his enemies.


While Ymir's story is mostly told in attack on titan A spin-off detailing her life as the first ever Titan would be very interesting. It would be even more interesting because she lived 2,000 years before the main story takes place, giving people a glimpse of the world of Attack on Titan For the Titans.


Bag hunter

Eren's brother lived a twisted life


Zeke Jaeger, like his brother Eren, lived a very complicated life. He fought for both sides, has a tumultuous relationship with his father and brother, and doesn't know what he really wants. He was raised strongly by his father, Grisha Jaeger, before becoming a Titan himself. Like the Beast Titan, Zeke was cold, calculating and cunning. He was everything the Marlian military needed him to be when he attacked Paradis. As a friend to his brother, Zeke almost ended the world.

A spin-off about Zeke Yeager could have a lot of different angles it could tackle. It might cover his time as a kid, growing up with one of the worst dads in anime. It also covers his time as the Beast Titan, even showing his perspective of the fight against Erwin Smith and Louis Ackerman. No matter what time of Zeke's life his story takes place, it would be full of seductive twists and turns at every corner.


Falco Grice and Gabi Braun

Two young children who have seen both sides of a war

Attack on Titan Best Episodes Falco and Gabi confronted by Nicolo in episode #72

Falco Grice and Gabi Braun had it tough as kids, but almost everyone in the world did Attack on Titan. Like Eren, they watched as their homeland was invaded brutally by Titans. While they are supposed to be enemies of the Eldians, they share a lot in common with them. A spin-off series about Falco and Gabi would be interesting to see even more from the Marlian perspective. IIt would also be nice to see Gabi and Falco grow up and live in their new

Titan-free world. As warrior candidates and soldiers, they know exactly what the battlefield is like, but a spin-off where they are not fighting can also be great. Watching Gabi vent her hatred towards the 'demons' on Paradis was an incredibly cathartic moment. It showed that Gabi is a lot smarter than she lets on, making her worthy of an exciting spin-off.


Rainer Brown

One of the most internally tortured characters in Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan Eren Berhold and Reiner after Reiner admits he is the Armored Titan

Rainer Braun was tasked with one of the worst jobs anyone could have. He was sent to Paradise Island as a small boy to retrieve the Founding Titan for his home country of Marley. to do this, He broke down the walls protecting innocent people from Titans. His story is one of the most conflicting in Attack on Titan. Reiner did horrible things, but when he did it he was a brainwashed child. He grew up with guilt and eventually begged Eren to kill him for what he had done.


A spin-off about Reiner would be bleak, brutal and very interesting. It could show him either training to become a Warrior in Marley as a child, even more than the series already, or it could show his early days on Paradis. Even as an adult, Reiner fought hard to protect those he is here with. He could be good, he could be evil, but a spin-off about Rainer Braun would definitely be interesting.


Annie Leonhart

The female titan is a strong fighter and an interesting character

Attack on Titan Best Episodes #25 Eren Vs. Annie

Annie Leonhart is a character shrouded in mystery for most of Attack on Titan. She is hard-headed, loyal to her cause, and one of the best hand-to-hand fighters the Survey Corps has ever seen. She's so good at fighting, she accidentally taught Eren how to judo throw. Although she is an antagonist for most of the beginning of the series, her change of heart is one of the best subplots in the series. A spin-off about Annie could further explore her doubts about being a warrior.


It could also go into her four years of hibernation while she was in a coma in her crystal. Armin came to visit her many times during the four years, and A spin-off about the meetings could be cute and weird all at the same time. After the war is over, Annie's story may also have a lot to tell.


Armin Arlert

Eren's best friend is also a tactical genius

Armin is Eren's best friend throughout Attack on Titan. He is a soft boy who doesn't want to fight unless he has to. He's had a lot of pressure on him since the walls came down, and he's done pretty well, all things considered. As the colossal titan, Armin is capable of nuclear explosions every time he transforms. As the 15th leader of the Survey Corps, he commands the remaining troops against none other than his best friend Eren.

No matter what era of Armin's life the story takes place in, it would be interesting. A spin-off could cover Armin's first days after Eren's death, rebuilding Paradise and the world his friend destroyed. It could also go into Armin's romance with Annie More and see if the former cadets could have a good life together.


Kenny Ackerman

He makes the story exciting every time he is in it

Kenny Ackerman grimacing in Attack on Titan

Kenny Ackerman is a wild card. He is the uncle of Levi Ackerman and even taught the young captain everything he knows. He's also a serial killer who went after Kenny as soon as someone told him to. He leads a squad against Levi and the Survey Corps during the second half of the series and is a general pain for everyone thanks to his skill. Kenny wants power more than anything else. He befriended the King of the Walls, Uri Reiss, and really just wanted the power of the founding titan all along.

A spin-off about Kenny Ackerman could shine light on Louis' time as a youth in the underground of the Walls. It could also show the underground as an area more, since the main story didn't really touch on the undercity where a lot of characters come from. Whatever spin-off Kenny finds himself in would be funny, violent, and probably a little crazy.


Mikasa Ackerman

A story about Mikasa's relationship to the Azumabito family would be great

Mikasa Ackerman is one of the strongest characters in Attack on Titan. Not only is she a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, but off it, she is a great friend to Eren and the rest of the Survey Corps. She is also one of the quietest characters around who speaks with her weapons more than her words. A spin-off story about Mikasa would be very interesting and could cover one of the many areas of interest in her life. Mikasa is a descendant of the Azumabito family, a powerful political family of the country of Hizuru.

Hizuru is the only country in the world that recognizes and also connects with Paradis, So it might be interesting to see Mikasa interacting with her distant family. Mikasa is one of the few characters that survived attack on titan So a story about her life after the war would be interesting. While she was in love with Eren for most of her life, Mikasa's future endeavor is her to explore.


Erwin Smith

The man with one of the best speeches in anime

Erwin Smith may be the most respected figure in Attack on Titan. As the 13th leader of the Survey Corps, Erwin led his men through the worst battles on many occasions. He is no stranger to danger and will do anything he can to protect his troops and the people of Paradis. When the Beast Titan comes to Paradise, Erwin Smith leads the defense. Unfortunately, it's not much of a defense against an enemy that can sling rocks from miles away.

The commander of the survey corps realizes that his troops have one option: charge into certain death. He gives one of the greatest speeches in anime to his soldiers, reinvigorating them with the courage to die. A spin-off about Ervin Smith would probably cause the Beast Titan to tremble in his boots once again.


Levi Ackerman

Mankind's strongest soldier

Levi Ackerman leaves the screen and page every time he enters Attack on Titan. He is the strongest fighter of mankind and he is constantly proving it. As the leader of the Special Operations Squad in the Survey Corps, he is more than familiar with the toughest battles against the strongest opponents. Even when he's not fighting, Levi shows a coolness that draws people to him. He is a good leader, a great fighter, and a person who will always have a grudge.

His fight against Kenny Ackerman is one of the best one-man-soldier moments in anime. With dozens of people shooting at him, Louis glides through the city like Spider-Man. Facing the Titans, he is deadly. Even the Beast Titan was no match against the Captain. Although he's gotten something of a spin-off in the past, seeing more of Louis in his prime would be the perfect way to bring back Attack on Titan.