A recently completed Star Wars Fan project has edited the Ahsoka series in one film, fixing a lot of issues audiences have with the landmark Disney+ adventure. The subject of a lot of construction over many years, Ahsoka Finally brought Grand Admiral Thrawn into live-action, and answered the burning question of Ezra Bridger's fate after Star Wars Rebels. in Star Wars Fan Kai Patterson's edit, however, things go a little smoother.
The overall reception to Ahsoka was lukewarm, with many appreciating its story, score and cast, while others criticized its visuals, pacing and character development. This, together with previous experience re-editing Obi-Wan Kenobi In a feature-length film, has resulted in Ahsoka: The Patterson CatA fan edit of the series that changes a lot about the intergalactic story. Here are the top 10 ways this excellent fan edit actually improves the series.
A cleaner start, focused on the villains
No map quests or E-Wings
The beginning of Patterson's cut of Ahsoka is one of the biggest changes from the original series. Because of its significantly shorter runtime, the edit removes Ahsoka's original discovery of the map to Peridea, the E-wing chase, and every bit of action that happens on Lothal from the story. This makes the pacing work significantly better, with Baylan and Morgan reaching Seatos within the first 10 minutes of the runtime.
This causes a bit of a shift in Sabine's characterization, but her overall story definitely still works. It also removes Sabine and Ahsoka's previous interactions, shifting their initial meeting to the point at which they leave Lothal, removing a lot of development time for Sabine from the beginning of the story. While reducing Sabine's impact on the map to the Peridea side of the story, this improves the pacing drastically.
Minor VFX changes
Lightsabers & Helmets
Some changes are much more subtle, requiring a keen eye to notice, and these are the small VFX changes that Patterson implemented. For example, Sabine no longer trains with Huyang with a wooden saber, but actually uses her lightsaber. In another change, Shin Hoti's eyes turn yellow like a Sith during her duel on Siatos.
Along with these, almost every lightsaber has been redone to more accurately reflect the movies, and this even includes Talzin's blade wielded by Morgan Elsbeth. most important, A common fan criticism dealt with the removal of Ezra's Night Trooper helmet upon his arrival in Home one. in The Patterson CatEzra doesn't cheat on Hera and the other New Republic soldiers, and simply goes without the helmet.
Much better color grading
More colorful, less gray
A common criticism of Ahsoka was his visuals, tied into his creative choices that affected them. Many have called the series' grayness overall, with a distinct difference from its predecessor, Star Wars RebelsWhich was often very cinematic and visually warm. luckily, The Patterson Cat Improved the color grading, overall saturation, and contrast of Ahsoka In some sequences.
There was an increased saturation in all the Peridea scenes, making the waste world feel a little more alive and otherworldly. The events on Seatos are upped in contrast, sometimes resulting in lovelorn-looking shadows, but mostly enhancing the sequences and making them feel more appropriately Gothic. Corellia is where the biggest changes seemingly happened, however, with a much more saturated sky and a fuller range of white and black values across the sequence there.
Lightsaber choreography improvements
Faster and more intense
Ahsoka featured a seriously high number of lightsaber duels, and The Patterson Cat Takes a cue from George Lucas to improve them: "Faster - more intense“The choreography behind lightsaber fights is difficult to master. Ahsoka Brought in some good technique, but it sometimes fell short of the sheer speed associated with duels in the prequel trilogy.
Patterson improves on this by seemingly speeding up clips in all of the series' duels, and eliminating standstill moments between strikes. This definitely helps with speed and pacing, while each fight feels much more dangerous for the combatants. The incremental changes all add up at runtime as well, making the entire film flow better.
An opening crawl has been added
More context, more Star Wars
Once again, at the beginning of The Patterson CatAn opening crawl was added to the film. This is a huge contribution that makes the whole series so much more than the rest of the series Star Wars Episodic saga. Perfectly matched in execution, and increasing in cinematic appeal, this is a fantastic change.
Ahsoka Already had a separate, red opening crawl as a series, and the edit also changes that a little. Beyond the obvious visual differences, Patterson's crawl contains information about the star mapExplains off Ahsoka Tano's original first scene in a poignant and effective, but very star wars, Way.
Ahsoka & Sabine are reunited later
The Rebels end is preserved
One of the most interesting things that Ahsoka Has been almost completely recontextualizing the epilogue to Star Wars Rebels. As practically a sequel to the animated series, it makes sense that this scene would have an impact on AhsokaBut no one expected it to be changed as much as it was in the wider narrative, especially considering inaccuracies involving Sabine's haircut. The Patterson Cat Fixes all of this, and then some.
In the fan edit, the departure from Lothal is the first time Ahsoka and Sabine see each other, and the continuity-defying shots of Sabine as the Jedi shuttle flies overhead are gone. Instead, Sabine receives a transmission from Ahsoka announcing that she thinks she's found a way to Ezra, and then Sabine cuts her hair to meet Ahsoka again. A small shift, but one that preserves connections to RebelsAnd makes this departure the beginning of Sabine's journey, like just a step.
A better paced edit
Show don't tell
generally, The Patterson Cat Power Ahsoka In a much quicker story in all the best ways. The series as it was originally released was often bogged down by slow dialogue - and not the good kind. Slow conversations absolutely have their place Star WarsAs seen in almost every movie in the series. however, Star Wars Also has an energy to it that Ahsoka is notably missing.
Many repetitive conversations with Ahsoka, Hera and Huyang were removed, along with discussions between Baylan and Morgan, and more. This altogether made the entire storyline feel more dynamic, allowing for actions to speak for themselves. Things are not explained, they happen and are reacted to with more actions - much more than in the original series.
Less night troopers?
Fast pacing, more action
One of the biggest shifts involved in streamlining the events on Peridea is the almost complete removal of focus on the Night Troopers. This may not seem like a positive change at first, as the zombie storm was a highlight for many viewers. In terms of pacing, however, this is a heavy-lifting change.
The Night Troopers are, of course, still present in the story. They still provide quite a threat to our heroes, especially on raiding the Great Mother's fortress, but they are never directly focused on as they are in the series. instead, The audience simply understands that they are zombies visuallyAnd they still prove to be formidable foes, while not taking up nearly as much screen time.
Everything on Peridea is streamlined
The story feels more cinematic
The last three episodes of Ahsoka Take place almost entirely on the extra-galactic world of Peridea. That means around two hours of story takes place there, bringing the pacing of the series to a major shifting point. Patterson fixes this too, streamlining Peridea's story into what feels like much more of a single string of events.
Morgan and her crew arrive at Peridea about 80 minutes into the 157-minute film, about halfway through, and the lack of meandering on Peridea is felt. Everything that happens there has been boiled down to the absolute necessary, making the story flow better and the stakes feel more real. It feels less like a week on Peridea, and more like an action-packed day or two. Everything there serves character or story development, which makes it much more exciting than in the series.
Anakin vs. Ahsoka on Malakur
Another setting in the world between worlds
During AhsokaIn the world between worlds vision quest, Tano goes through various battles of her past - from Teth to Ryloth and eventually Mandalore, where Anakin never was. in The Patterson CatHowever, there is one more place that is completely enhanced by clever VFX. It's a key location that they've had before.
At the end of their duel, where Ahsoka usually falls back on the light bridge in the world between worlds, she falls into the superweapon on Malachor. Malachor is the place where she last saw Anakin, making it an obvious choice for reliving her past and relationship with him. - Not to mention how relevant this place is in Rebels. This subtle but impressive change is one of the best in the whole Ahsoka Fan edit.
Source: Ahsoka: The Patterson Cat